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Thresh Build Guide by Spectralunicorn1

Thresh, the 975 RP hooker.

Thresh, the 975 RP hooker.

Updated on June 7, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spectralunicorn1 Build Guide By Spectralunicorn1 1,850 Views 0 Comments
1,850 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Spectralunicorn1 Thresh Build Guide By Spectralunicorn1 Updated on June 7, 2015
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Hello. I am spectralunicorn1. I main jungle and support, two "underplayed" roles. In this guide, i'll show you the way around the chain warden, and how to dominate your enemies.
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Pros / Cons

-Great engages!
-Godlike plays!
-Powerful wifesteal crits.

-Easily shut down by other tank supports.
-High-risk-reward-like support.
-Prone to being shut down by cc, and being a tank, he has to absorb the cc.
-Very weak early tank, without proper runes and masteries.
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Bot lane menace!

Thresh is one of the best supports out there. With his double sided utility and tankiness, he's a burden in the bot lane. Now, his early game is strong, but not too hot. You should NOT engage heavily before level 3. When you're Level 3, you're free to engage. (Depending on your status and which support you're vs.). His mid game (6-14) is monstrous. His engaging skills are whack, and his tankiness is reaching towards it's peak. Though with most threshs, mid game is a time which being a tank suffers. Thresh's end game, is amazing. He has the tank stats to live multiple blows to the lantern, and the engage power to one up a leona.
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Creeping / Jungling

Thresh, like any support. Should try to help with counterganking, and counterjungling.

At level one, thresh can easily help his teammates with getting first blood. Starting with E will make you take damage, while Q will be a risky start, but worth it if done right.

When thresh buys a sightstone, and/or a pink ward, he should try to set up at least one ward in the enemy jungler's jungle. His red buff is something to be noticed. Warding around this will allow a kill on their jungler, if your teammates decide to go onto the jungler. Warding around blue buff, will allow mid or your adc mana regen, which could be highly beneficial.

Towards late game, during teamfights, it won't be as important as early game.
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No, get outta here. You're thresh, you let adc farm for you. Stoooooooopid.
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Team Work

Teamwork is a need for thresh. This is a team game, and he is a team reliant champion.

You should try to tell your adc when you're warding, and try to ping on an enemy when you're planning on engaging on them. Telling them that you're backing is also important.

For better saves, and/or sick engages, ping at your lantern, (If you threw it.)
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Read it. Explains enough.
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This is the end. I loved writing this guide, and it's very very very fun writing these. I hope to become more popular, anyways, have fun on the rift hooking your enemies, and destroying their adc!

See you next guide!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spectralunicorn1
Spectralunicorn1 Thresh Guide
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Thresh, the 975 RP hooker.

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