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Jayce is strong against champions who require a lot of minion feed. You can easily push them out of CS by just switching into Cannon Stance.
On the other hand Jayce can be countered by champions that also have abilities that can push him out of lane. Try to stay in lane until you get tear, Jayce runs out of mana VERY quickly early game.
On the other hand Jayce can be countered by champions that also have abilities that can push him out of lane. Try to stay in lane until you get tear, Jayce runs out of mana VERY quickly early game.
The reason I get my q first is the pokes and the cs ability. The jump has a large range you can quickly catch a running opponent or just poke them.
I get E second for the fact of the Q/E combo in Cannon. This adds range and damage to the attack of the poke which will help you win the laning phase.
I get Lightning field last because it is the least powerful of his abilities and it only helps you really in team fights or taking towers. The roaming of top lane happens around mid game so there is no real reason for Jayce to have this ability early on.
Obviously I get Switch last because the buffs aren't worth getting earlier.
I get E second for the fact of the Q/E combo in Cannon. This adds range and damage to the attack of the poke which will help you win the laning phase.
I get Lightning field last because it is the least powerful of his abilities and it only helps you really in team fights or taking towers. The roaming of top lane happens around mid game so there is no real reason for Jayce to have this ability early on.
Obviously I get Switch last because the buffs aren't worth getting earlier.
I went 21/9 because the health in Defense will help in game because my item build doesn't have much health items. The ad is to keep the damage going. You want to keep damage constantly on your opponent. I chose feast because Jayce needs the health and sustain. Especially the mana early game.
You want a lot of AD. I prefer to play Jayce as ad. I stay mostly in cannon stance in the early game to push the other champion away so he can't get fed. Later game you want to stay mostly in hammer stance unless your picking up a Skill Shot, you should be doing mostly melee. This is import to have some AD.
Turn on quick cast! I find the repetitive clicking to just put down a gate is wasted time. If you can just hit Q then E why don't you? Also never be afraid to shoot straight into the fog of war when the enemy is low health. If someone is chasing you can drop down a gate to quickly get away from the enemy then shoot back a Q through to damage them and then you can jump on them. Combos like these will help you in the thick of things.
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