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2. You're very blue dependant, so you shoud think about doing the following Jungle Route :
-Rock Golems (Smite 'n Pot)
-Chickens (Pot)
-River Crab
-Blue Golem (Pot)
-The other river crab
-Wolves (If there's enough health)
P.S.: I admit i've died a few times to discover that but you should leave your red buff to deal with only when you already have your Stalker's Blade.
3. Surprisingly enough, Talon's logic is much like Nidalee's logic, which is: You have been killed? Build more damage! You'll burst them next time. So always keep that in mind before doing some crazy offtank sh#$.
4. Ganking will be a little bit like that:
-You'll step on the brush on your early levels with (full/almost full life) and if the laner doesn't step back then it's not warded and you can come in;
-Try always to come in trying to trap him between your laner and yourself, preventing him to escape.
-Use your E, tiamat active (if you have it yet), basic attack, Q, basic attack, W and then you can use your stalkers blade and finish them if they don't escape.
-The laner's done/escaped? GET BACK TO FARMING[/color].
5. Much like any other jungler you'll get weak and consecutively, you'll get wrecked in the match if you don't farm really well, then always farm between ganks to regenerate your health and to level up.
I hope that will help you for now. \o See ya around buddy/garl.
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