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Recommended Items
Runes: Best
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standart all the time
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
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This champ is just broken, early game play safe he destroys you , wait for at least level 3 get your passive ready and then try to fight him, use your q to dodge his q
Meow thats all i can say
Meow thats all i can say
Irelia got her new mini rework, and a lot of things have changed, when i say a lot, i mean a lotttttttttttttttttttt. Thats why i have to update my guide to the changes, i just started so it will take some time, so if you see something on the guide thats from before her rework just ask me about it in the comments and i will answer your question.
I am an Irelia player before her rework, which i am happy about new irelia is wayy better than the old one. |
+ When to pick Irelia is a an ad bruiser/ diver, at least most of the times, you can pick Irelia in any team composition actually, Irelia can easily splitpush and reliably team fight,adapt to each scenario, with the right build and playstyle. The perfect team compostion is a team which can easily defend turrets while you are splitpushing, and teams that they can also teamfight and have a reliable engage. |
+ When to not pick Now when you should not pick Irelia, first of all if you are against, Darius, Renekton, Jax, these champions are Irelia cryptonite, they will make your life miserable, you also shouldnt pick Irelia when you are full attack damage in your team, in case you picked Irelia in a attack damage team composition, i suggest you build Wit's End, it will make you deal mixed damage with your passive Ionian Fervor and its own passive damage. You shouldn't pick Irelia if your team doesnt have an engager because if Irelia goes in first she will most likely die. |
✦ Corrupting Potion This is the most standart and safe option. Corrupting Potion works best when you want to scale, it elliminates pretty much Irelia mana issues early game, and it can allow her to sustain back after trades, best option for new Irelia players. |
✦ Doran's Blade Doran's Blade on the other hand, is a much more aggresive option. With its extra attack damage, hp and omnivamp is a great starting item for Irelia, the only issue is the lack of mana, which if you take Presence of Mind is elliminated. |
✦ Doran's Shield Doran's Shield is viable on one and only situation. When you are against poke match ups like Quinn, Teemo and so on. I suggest you get this item only if you are not experienced with the match up, and when you are switch to Corrupting Potion. |
✦ Plated Steelcaps So Plated Steelcaps work best when you are against autoattack reliant champs, that deal ad damage of course. Or it can also work if you need bonus armor. |
✦ Mercury's Treads Work really good when you are against cc heavy team comps, or ap heavy, it can fill both roles really well! Irelia gets countered by cc so Mercury's Treads are extremely usefull in certain scenarios! |
✦ Sorcerer's Shoes I cant lie besides Plated Steelcaps and Mercury's Treads every other boot option is pretty much troll. But after all these years of trolling with building other boots on Irelia sorcerer's have stand out, if you just want extra damage they really work out. You should also build Wit's End for even more value. |
✦ Trinity Force Is an item that you can pretty much build every game and it will work, it gives the best value when you want to duel people and when you want to splitpush more in the game, you can use the passive in order to take down turrets. |
✦ Eclipse Ecplise is best used against squishes, even if they have a tank or two, due to its passives %hp damage and armor pen. The omnivamp is great to have, and the shield will be extremely usefull. |
✦ Stridebreaker This item is extremely situational, and maybe even worthless due to Irelia having mobility anyway, but it can work when you are against a lot of ranged champs, or champions that can kite you, like Vayne for example, but i dont recommend it. |
✦ Divine Sunderer This is a tank buster item, against a lot of tanks, at least 2, it has great value, but i would recommend to not build when you are against one only tank. |
✦ Goredrinker Is worth the most when you want to focus on teamfighting, it can make you more like a drain tank, with its active, but it doesnt give as much value as Trinity Force if you want to duel people or splitpush. |
✦ Immortal Shieldbow This item is the new addition to Irelia mythic pool. You should buy it when you are afraid you will be cced and bursted down. It works best when vs assasins, heavy cc comps, or when you are playing vs high damage champs like Renekton or Darius. |
✦ Blade of the Ruined King Is probably the best item on Irelia it gives INSANE value, and i would recommend rushing it every game, for every build, for every situation no joke, its damage and sustain is too good to pass on. |
✦ Black Cleaver So Irelia stole dariu's axe, thats cool! You want to build Black Cleaver only with the Divine Sunderer build in order to destroy tanks, i dont recommend it in any other situation. |
✦ Death's Dance After its rework Death's Dance is now viable only when you want more armor, the bleed passive now works only vs ad and you get healing only from takedowns, if you are against ap, do not take it. |
✦ Chempunk Chainsword I would recommend if you need grevious wounds to buy Executioner's Calling and dont upgrade it untill later in the game, or if you need the extra healing reduction Chempunk Chainsword provides. |
✦ Wit's End I love this item so much! It gives the best value when you are against ap, if you need the extra movespeed or when you see people are building armor and you want to annoy them by making it hard for them to build against you! |
✦ Guardian Angel Works best when you are looking to teamfight with the Goredrinker build. You should build it later in the game as a 4-5 item, and if you want the extra armor. |
✦ Ravenous Hydra Is a really good item on Irelia this season, the extra damage and spell haste is really nice, but the reall reason you want to take it is for the extra healing, which is a lot. |
✦ Maw of Malmortius Is an excellent item for countering ap damage, but especially ap burst damage. When you are against ap mages or assasins that deal burst damage, this item will save your life. |
✦ Serpent's Fang Is a really situational item, and i mean it. You should build it if only against champions that have a lot of shields and they dont let you kill them, usually you want to build it against at least 2 champions with heavy shields otherwise dont build it. |
✦ Serylda's Grudge It got its name after Lissandra sister! You should build it when your enemies are building armor to counter you or against tanks that are building armor, the slow on ability hit is also really good. |
✦ Silvermere Dawn The only situation you would want to build it is when you need the cleanse passive.Build Quicksilver Sash first and upgrade it later in the game. It also gives tenacity and slow resistance so its really good for teamfights. |
✦ Spirit Visage Works best when you need bonus magic resistance or when you want the extra healing, or both! It could also work when you have a Yuumi or Lulu for example shielding and healing you due to its passive working on heals and shields! |
✦ Randuin's Omen Can be even more viable than building raw armor when you are against crit based champions. If the enemy team has at least 2 crit based champions this item is for you! The active is also really nice to have. |
✦ Thornmail This is a relatively situational option. It works best when you are against a lot of champions that are aa based and they heal also. So instead of bulding Executioner's Calling and armor,you build Thornmail and you kill 2 birds with one stone! |
✦ Sterak's Gage Is a really good item for teamfight durability! It can greatly help you surviving in teamfights with its healing and its shield. Remember that the bloodlust passive can stack up to 5 times once per champion so the more champions that attack you the greater the shield is. |
✦ Titanic Hydra Is a good mix of damage and tankiness, if you are focusing on a tankier build then Titanic Hydra is your best option. Because if you are building tanky items you will most likely lack damage, Titanic Hydra is here to fill that void and also make you more tanky! |
✦ Elixir of Wrath You should buy Elixir of Wrath when you are building a more damage focus build, and when you want more healing, it fits Irelia really well with its bonus ad and the physical vamp is just awesome! |
✦ Elixir of Iron This is gonna be your elixir of choice, if you are against a cc heavy comp. You usually buy elixirs in the later stages of the game which teamfights are the main event. If you are being cced heavily in teamfights you should buy Elixir of Iron. Or when you are going for a tank build. |
Here is the item set if you want to copy it!
For the ability sequence you should start with your Q Bladesurge if you are in a more easy match up which you can stack your passive without any issue, or start E Flawless Duet to farm from distance against a harder match up, level 2 you can get W Defiant Dance if you are against an aggresive ad champion. The skill order is:
IONIAN FERVOR Ionian fervor is basicly Irelia main damage source, in the early game, you cant do anything without it, and later in the game it does a lot of damage. You should learn how to stack it as fast as possible and in a way that your enemy wont expect, also you should learn how to keep it up! |
Tip #1 While you are channeling your W Defiant Dance your stacks are being preserved, meaning that you can hold on your passive stacks, for example you are in lane and your stacks are running out, you use W Defiant Dance to keep your stacks and when the enemy or minions get close you release your W Defiant Dance and keep your stacks! |
Tip #2 Your abilities W Defiant Dance, E Flawless Duet and R Vanguard's Edge can insantly stack your passive. If you hit with any of these 3 abilities 5 people you insantly get your passive, same thing for any situation, say for example that you are 1v2 with no stacks. Just by hitting both your E Flawless Duet and your R Vanguard's Edge you instantly get your passive! |
Tip #3 You can get even more stacks by using your abilities on enemy champions and everything else, minions,monsters you name it! For example use your W Defiant Dance in lane and hit both the enemy and the wave for 2 stacks. Same goes for E Flawless Duet. |
BLADESURGE Bladesurge is the ability that makes Irelia who she is! This is her mobility spell that makes her so fun, and its usage seperates good Irelia players from amazing ones! You should learn how to use it efficiently, use it to dodge abilities,, cc and damage, and learn how to always have it up, because if you have Q Bladesurge on cooldown, you will most likely die in a fight, one more cool tip is that level 9 with bork Blade of the Ruined King your Q Bladesurge can one shot the caster creeps! |
Tip #1 You should use your Q Bladesurge to stack your passive Ionian Fervor on the wave or monsters, before you go in on a fight. This might sound dumb and too easy to understand but i see a lot of Irelia players just jump in without first stacking their passive. An even better 200iq play is to get around 2-3 stacks then jump in your enemies. They wont expect that you will get your passive after hitting them with a Q Bladesurge and a W Defiant Dance or E Flawless Duet. |
Tip #2 You can buffer your Q Bladesurge with Flash which can make you instanlty jump on your target. You should press your Q Bladesurge on the target first, then press flash, thats how buffer works. This can work in a defensive or aggresive way. For example use Q Bladesurge+ Flash to finish off a low health target that is away, or if you are being ganked and use it on a minion to go back to safety. |
Tip #3 You can use your E Flawless Duet then Q Bladesurge on your target, then E Flawless Duet again to get a guaranteed land! This is a really aggresive thing to do and i suggest you dont go for it unless you are sure you will kill the target, if not then you have your Q Bladesurge on cooldown and you will most likely die or the target will run away. |
DEFIANT DANCE Defiant Dance is Irelia defensive ability, now it blocks both ad and ap damage and does a lot of damage! It is a really powerfull ability with the right usage and can easily win you a fight. Learning how to block key abilities with it is essential, also you should use it when you are about to get cced so you will block damage while you are being cced. |
Tip #1 You can use your W Defiant Dance in order to hide your E Flawless Duet. You can do that by using your E Flawless Duet first then use W Defiant Dance and while you release your W use E Flawless Duet again together with it, this will hide the second E Flawless Duet and you will suprise your enemy by stunning and marking them! |
Tip #2 You can use your W Defiant Dance damage as an execute, if you enemy for example has run away. Your W Defiant Dance damage depends on how long you have charged it. So charge your W Defiant Dance for as long as your enemy is in range and then release, if your enemy is really low you can just tap it! |
Tip #3 You can use your W Defiant Dance to create low enought minions for you to get your reset with your Q Bladesurge. You should calculate how much you need to charge your W Defiant Dance in order for you to make them enought low. The earlier in the game you are the more time you will need and as the game goes on you will need less time. |
FLAWLESS DUET This my favourite ability in the game! It has so many potential uses and you have to spend a lot of time even learning the basics of E Flawless Duet! Being the standart way to get your mark on someone you will need to learn how to never miss it! From then you will have to learn angles and a lot more to master it. |
Tip #1 You can use your E Flawless Duet on jungle monsters even if you dont have vision for escape routes. With this you can use it just to save time and farm the jungle monster camp, you can use it as an escape route, or use it to suprise your opponent! |
Tip #2 Sometimes the threat of your E Flawless Duet has more impact that you actually landing it! What i mean is that you should use your E Flawless Duet for example next to the enemy champion, and let them waste their flash, abilities, or let them trying to dodge it while you aa them down. And when the duration is over just use it on them! This will greatly help you and its a true 200iq play that you can make. |
Tip #3 Irelia's E Flawless Duet sadly no longer can be used while being cced. But in order to compensate for that, it now has a standart missile travel speed of 0.25 sec. With that it doesnt matter how far the blades are from each other, it will always take 0.25 for the stun to occur, use that to your advantage and abuse hiding your first E blade in order to suprise the enemy, you can place it in a bush or just far away! |
VANGUARD'S EDGE Vanguard's Edge is Irelia's ultimate, and her best engage and dive ability. Landing your R Vanguard's Edge in a teamfight on more than 2 people is just perfect and will most likely win you the fight! You should practise on how to land it first of all, you have to learn the range, and especially its damage and slow potential. |
Tip #1 You can use your R Vanguard's Edge and then immediatly use your Q Bladesurge on the champion your R Vanguard's Edge will land. Your R Vanguard's Edge is faster than your Q Bladesurge, so when you arive at your target with your Q Bladesurge your R has already hit and you have consumed the mark, and you have got your reset. |
Tip #2 You can buffer your R Vanguard's Edge with flash for even better engages, or just helping you hit it. Start by using your R Vanguard's Edge and then Flash to the direction you want it to go. You can usually Flash forward but you can also use it left, right or even behind you. |
Tip #3 Your R Vanguard's Edge packs a punch actually! You can use it even if you dont have your Q Bladesurge available for its damage for example to execute an enemy champion, you can use it on an enemy in order to hit an enemy thats behind him but you are not in range to hit your R Vanguard's Edge or you can use it as a "wall" which can stop your enemy escape path! Quoted:
We need to build a wall!
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Small Tip, if you are not sure what your lane opponent will be, you obviously dont want to take wrong runes or shards. So you can see what champions they have banned. For example if they have a Lucian and a Vladimir, Lucian bans Darius and Vladimir bans Fizz, in that case Lucian is more likely to play toplane because he banned a toplane champion, just check their bans so you can understand where they will play!
Darius is an overall unbalanced champ, you will be jumping around, doing a lot of highlight plays hitting everyskill shot, while he just aa you 5 times then R and boop, you dead! This is an excellent ban choice for new Irelia players! In case you did not ban him and you are against him, i suggest you play passive for early levels, start E Flawless Duet level 1 and farm from distance, use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his Q, or you can use your Q Bladesurge on minions in order to dodge it, and then jump on him. One last tip is to have ignite, or grevious in the early game which can greatly help!
Jax I fear no man, but this thing scares me, he is a HUGE counter to Irelia you can be 10/0 and lose to a 0/10 jax easily, my tip is ban him most of the times like i do, if not then start E Flawless Duet and farm safely if he started E Counter Strike , if not you can win, use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his E Counter Strike or you can E Flawless Duet on him to get away, as the game goes on you will start to lose vs him, eventually being destroyed by just a simple Q-W-E so i suggest you ban him if you are an experienced irelia player.
Renekton i have such harsh feeligs for this croc, that i am wearing crocks in order to feel like i am stepping on him ;D, in game our beloved croc is actually weak levels 1 and 2! Meaning that you have an opening,your only one, to win the early game, play smart and stack your passie Ionian Fervor level 1 with your Q Bladesurge ,check below on how to do that correctly, then jump on him when you have 4 stacks, level 2 you can still win vs him if you have your passive, level 3 STOP, just stop being aggresive and play like a cat, i was gonna say something else but you all get what i mean, and farm, i mean it dont even attemp to fight him just farm, UNLESS you had him low from levels 1 and 2 if yes then you have the advantage, as the game progresses you will start to beat him, around when you have bork Blade of the Ruined King, until then you want to farm only.
Fiora is a hard match up, level 1 you lose, level 2 you lose unless you have your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 3 and beyond you can win with you outplaying her W Riposte, my personal suggestion is to stack your passive with Q Bladesurge on the wave, then when you see that opening Q Bladesurge to a minion close to her use your E Flawless Duet next to her, if she instantly W Riposte then use it on her when its done, if not continue to aa her down, you will that trade almost every time, just take care of the minions dont fight in a huge wave, grevious wounds and ignite are perfect against her! Level 6 you should try to waste her W Riposte before trying to R Vanguard's Edge before you all in her, if you havent got a big enought lead against her before level 11, you will lose the 1v1 every time, she outscales you hard and you will never win the 1v1 for the rest of the game.
Shen is an other hard match up for Irelia. Level 1 you hard lose so you should start E Flawless Duet and farm for distance, level 2 Shen with try to taunt you so take care, the best way to beat this match up is waiting until you get bork Blade of the Ruined King, after this item you will destroy him, remember Shen is strong early game, but you as Irelia outscale him easily, you just need to take care early game, after 6 ALWAYS but always ping that he has his ultimate, if you see him use it and you are close just use E Flawless Duet to stop it, if you arent close you can either Teleport too to help your team, or just push the wave to the turret and get yourself ahead in exp and gold so you will outscale him even harder, later in the game Shen will be spliting and then using his R to join a teamfight, if you have Teleport match him and dont let him push, if not you can either go to the teamfight before him, or try to stop him fron using R and let your team 4v4.
Malphite is THE attack damage counter, but Irelia has a lot of mixed ap damage with her kit, and she can build tank buster items.Level 1 he will most likely poke you with Q, but his Q level 1 is really weak and cost a lot of mana so you can easily stack your passive Ionian Fervor and then jump on him, level 2 it becomes harder because of his E attack speed slow but you can still win the trade, after level 3 he will start to win the trades until you have bork Blade of the Ruined King, i suggest you let him push and freeze infront of your turret, you can play for the highlight and dodge his R Unstoppable Force with your Q Bladesurge or with Flash. You can easily win this match up later in the game but the early game is the hard part if he gets a lead then he will oneshot you with full tank items like a balanced champ! I suggest you always build Wit's End in this match up because Malphite does ap damage and second because the mixed ap damage will make it hard for Malphite to build against you.
Vayne help.... help me.... pleaseeee, ranged top, the ultimate mental destroyer for toplane mains, but Irelia isnt any toplaner she is able to bring justice to toplane by DESTROYING those abusers with no soul,(disclaimer: we are gonna destroy Teemo abusers too!) Level 1 you lose, even if you have your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, you will win the 1v1 fight but when you retreat she will murder your hp bar because she is ranged so dont even try, i suggest you let her push and farm safely from distance, level 2 she can easily dodge your E Flawless Duet so play like its Fiora use your E on the ground and let her waste her Q Tumble then hit her, rush Plated Steelcaps in this match up it will make your life better,same for lucian, the extra movespeed will make it easier for you to go on her and the armor is insanely good.From level 6 and beyond if you are even at least you win it easily, you just have to care early game not to get poked.
Susan, our little doggy right here is weak early game, but dont let that fool you, Nasus will destroy you with his insane skillfull Q ability while he is a tank, you beat him at all levels until 6, what i suggest early game is top let HIM push to you, yes exactly, if you push into him you will give him exactly what he wants, by allowing him push to you, you will make the lane longer and that will make it easier for you to run him down, level 6 he can easily kill you so take care, susan while he is in his R form is really strong i suggest you run away with Q Bladesurge and fight him again when his R is down, rushing bork Blade of the Ruined King can be really helpfull and also Wit's End can make it hard for him to build against you.
Devil, this soul less creature brings nightmares all across the toplane mains, but we are here to make a stand, we are here to bring down TEEMO,starting Doran's Shield if you are a new Irelia player is a good idea, if you are a better Irelia player i suggest Corrupting Potion. Level 1 do not even try start E Flawless Duet and farm from distance, level 2 with your passive stacked you can EASILY kill him if you are 90% hp, if you are not just farm, you want to rush Mercury's Treads this item will make the game easier for you. when Teemo uses Q on you just stop aa him and use E Flawless Duet on him, when his Q expires go all in, this match up is really easy if you play it right, BUT if you mess up early game it will be a nightmare.
Quinn is annoying, her bird has actually a really nice personality, so level 1 you lose because of her E so play safe and farm from distance, level 2 you can win if you landed your E Flawless Duet, level 3 you can either use your W Defiant Dance while you are blinded or just run away, if you landed your E Flawless Duet it becomes really easy, you just have to care her E which can cancell your Q Bladesurge and put it on a cooldown, take care the early levels and dont let her poke you, after level 6 you need to ping EVERYTIME she is missing from lane, if you see her roaming either push the wave get plates and get a huge lead on her, or Teleport to help your team, it becomes easy if you just hit your E Flawless Duet and you dont let her poke you.
Volibear, i never understood his name, he is a bear and his name has bear in it, why not just call him bear anyway? Ahh besides my 200 iq thoughs about voli's name, that bear is just STRONK, level 1 you win with full stacked passive Ionian Fervor depending on his ability start, if he started W Frenzied Maul you lose, if he started his E Sky Splitter and you managed to dodge it you can win easily, level 2 you can beat him with full passive Ionian Fervor and if you landed your E Flawless Duet, level 3 you need to use your W Defiant Dance when he Q Thundering Smash on you, then use your E Flawless Duet and fight him, he wins extended trades because of his W healing, rush bork Blade of the Ruined King, also getting grevious early is a good option, level 6 you can beat him if you are even hp, later in the game you beat him, the laning phase is the hard part.
Jayce is an annoying champion, i want to say that people who play him are ranged top abusers, but he is also mellee so i cant decide, level 1 you beat him with full stacked passive, level 2 you beat him with your passive up Ionian Fervor and if you landed your E Flawless Duet, if not you lose, level 3 you lose the trade so i suggest you play safely,rush Plated Steelcaps it will help you a lot, level 6 if you are even in gold and hp you beat this guy,and later in the game even harder, you need to play the laning phase correclty and dont let him poke you or you will have a hard time.
Lucian, SOS help pleaseeeee. Another ranged top abuser, we are gonna teach him a lesson. Level 1 with full stacked passive Ionian Fervor you beat him if he started q or w, BUT, he can easily just aa you down while you retreat so i dont really recommend it, play safe and let him push for level 1, level 2 and level 3, then get your passive Ionian Fervor stacked and Q Bladesurge to a low hp minion close to him,start to aa him and use your E Flawless Duet next to him so he will waste his E, then land it and go for a kill, like all ranged toplane abusers, you lose early game if you dont play it right, but if you do it becomes an easy match up for Irelia, after level 6 you can easily kill him if you are even.
Rumble, i really have no idea what is he lol, is he a squirl or something? Please let me now in the comments i need help. So level 1 you beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also win if you landed your E Flawless Duet, level 3 you lose the trade so dont try, let him push , dont let him poke you, and all in him when he is heated it will be easy for you, level 6 you beat him if you are even in hp and you can even get out his R with your Q Bladesurge, this is an easy match up if you survived the early game without being poked out,later in the game it becomes even easier for you to kill him.
Frog ok i am 100% sure this thing is a frog, i think, anyway step one) to destroy this frog stack your passive Ionian Fervor level 1 and fight him, step two) level 2 you want to also stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him, step three) level 3 you want to play safe because he is stronger, step four) level 6 if you are about even in hp and gold you beat him easily,for the rest of the game you easily beat him if you rush bork Blade of the Ruined King and you permanetly outscale him. Step five) and the most important one is to go to grump and murder her, i think its her, that will make his mental go boom, in the early game be mindfull about his stacks.
Tryndamere, i really really hate Tryndamere abusers, they make my day worse, and i like to just step on them with Irelia, time you do the same. Level 1 you want to play passive farm with your E Flawless Duet from distance and let him push into you. Level 2 you also want to play passive, level 3 its the time you will start to be aggresive, fight him ONLY when his fury is low or he has none, that will make his damage potential lower. Level 6 if you are even in hp and gold you can beat him by outplaying him with your E Flawless Duet and Q Bladesurge, use your E Flawless Duet to cc him while he is in his R, and use your Q Bladesurge to have a little dance with him while his R is up, when its over you can easily go for the kill.
Poppy, is more on the annoying side of things. This annoying little yordle can be a nightmare for Irelia due to her W blocking our Q Bladesurge. Level 1 you beat her with Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also destroy her, after level 3 you still win vs Poppy but it becomes hard because of her W. I suggest that you push the wave the first levels and when the wave bounces just freeze. Play safer after level 3 and try to farm, after Blade of the Ruined King you destroy her, in teamfights be carefull because if Poppy's blocks your Q Bladesurge you are pretty much useless. But be on the look out, she can deal a great amount of damage too! Dont underestimate her, #season11 #rito #balance.
Aatrox, damn no jokes for this one, he is just a sword,indeed he is just the sword check his lore, so EVERYONE believes Irelia is the counter to Aatrox sadly its not that true, the only advantage Irelia has over him is the mobility and the outplay potential. So level 1 you want to stack your passive Ionian Fervor and aa him, yes aa NOT use Q Bladesurge when he tries to Q you then you want to use your own Q Bladesurge to dodge it.Level 2 you also want to stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him ,but, you want to play like everychamp that has an ability to dodge your E Flawless Duet, use it next to him, wait for him to waste his E and then use it. Level 3 same thing, you can use your W Defiant Dance in order to block his Q, and use your own Q Bladesurge to dodge his W or Q. Having grevious wounds early game is ESSENTIAL so always do so. Level 6 you beat him by just doing the same thing, dodging his abilities. You beat this guy until he is like 6 items but even then you still have a chance.
Gangplank i cant remember a pirate joke right now oh well.... you escaped that lucky you. Level 1 you want to stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him ONLY if he wasted his passive on a minion.Level 2 you also beat him if his passive is down and you can use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his E. Level 3 you can also beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor and his passive down. This is an quite easy match up if you apply these things, level 6 you beat him if you are even hp. Later in the game he becomes stronger so take care, the only thing you need to take care is his passive early game which is really strong and his E barrels.
Dr. Mundo, he thinks he is doctor but he isnt.... no joke coming to my mind. So level 1 stack your passive Ionian Fervor and beat the **** out of him, level 2 also stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him, level 3 you can beat him also.This is a relatively easy match up and you wont have much trouble, you need to get grevious wounds early game, and rush bork Blade of the Ruined King. Thats the way to beat this doctor.
Sett awwww he love his mama<3. So level 1 you beat him, level 2 also but you need to use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his W, level 3 its equal and you can win it only by outplaying him with your Q Bladesurge, stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him, use your E Flawless Duet, your E does not cancell his W so dont try,but you can use it for a free land while he W. Use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his W damage and you will be good to go, level 6 you beat him if you do the same things,after that you permanetly outscale him, if you are having trouble in the laning phase you can get Plated Steelcaps to reduce a lot of his damage.
Camille ah yes the scissor lady, who never skips leg day!Also one of my mains, so level 1 you play depending the ability she started, if he started Q Precision Protocol you want to play passive, if she started W Tactical Sweep you want to stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight her, if she started E Hookshot you will also stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight her. Level 2 you beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 3 you also beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, you can try to dodge her W Tactical Sweep with your Q Bladesurge or even her E Hookshot. Try to fight her when you know her passive shield is down, if you saw her using it its around a 16 second cooldown, after level 6 she has easily dodge your R Vanguard's Edge with her R Hextech Ultimatum so be carefull, if you get snowballing early game it becomes a really easy match up, if not you will have a hard time, she outscales you really hard as the game goes on.
Yasuo, if you see the enemy Yasuo is a mastery level 7 then dont worry he will int and feed and you get fed easily. So level 1 you beat him so stack your passive Ionian Fervor and jump on him. Level 2 you also beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked BUT you need to take care of his E because he can dodge your E Flawless Duet easily, level 3 you also beat him but he has now two abilities to dodge your E Flawless Duet his W and his E, level 6 you also destroy him but he can dodge your R Vanguard's Edge with his E and his W so take care, this is an easy match up if Yasuo doesnt get ahead early game.
Akali, so level 1 you beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked but you need to take care because he can dodge your E Flawless Duet with her W or E, level 3 same thing you beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, take care with your E Flawless Duet and dont miss it and you can use your W Defiant Dance to block some of her passive damage. Level 6 its all about if you will be smart with your R Vanguard's Edge and you wont miss it, if you did not miss it then you will win if you are even.
Garen, IONIAAAAAAAAAAAA, haha you see? He says demacia so Irelia says ionia funny right? No? :(, level 1 you beat him with you passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked BUT you need to fight him inside your minion wave so his E fidget spinner will do less damage. Level 3 same thing fight when your passive Ionian Fervor is fully stacked, try to fight in your minion wave so you take less damage, there is nothing really that you can do to outplay him he just wants to run at you with Q and then E thats all, you beat him easily, getting Plated Steelcaps will reduce a lot of his damage potential.
Gnar what is that angry little..thing?Also not sure if its in the ranged top abuser list. I am not sure please tell me in the comments, so level 1 you beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 same thing but you need to take care with your E Flawless Duet because he can dodge it easily, level 3 you also beat him IF he is in his mini form, you never but NEVER want to fight him in his mega form, like please dont do it, its not that you will lose but he is stronger so you are doing exaclty what he wants, level 6 it becomes even easier with your R Vanguard's Edge. Getting Plated Steelcaps will greatly help if you are having trouble, also rush bork Blade of the Ruined King will also help, easy match up overall just care his early game poke and dont fight in his mega form.
Illaoi, and gangplank were lovers , useless information but i am just letting you know! So level 1 you beat her with your passive Ionian Fervor fully stacked, level 2 you also beat her if you land your E Flawless Duet, level 3 and beyond you need to dodge her E before fighting her everytime, level 6 you can fight her after dodging her E or doing a 500iq play and bait her R then use your Q Bladesurge to run away, you can beat her easily if you are even and dodged her E.
Kennen, annoying ranged top abuser, so level 1 you lose dont try, level 2 if you landed your E flawless due and have your passive Ionian Fervor stacked you win easily, level 3 you will lose if the Kennen abuser has at least 0,0001 iq, which most have so you lose ;D, level 6 you can beat him easily, you outscale him the only hard part about this match up is the early game poke he will do to you, rush Mercury's Treads if you are having trouble.
Kled and scaarl, never forget scaarl he is litteraly carrying Kled. So level 1 you want to stack your passive Ionian Fervor and fight him, you can use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his Q, level 2 same thing but you want to be carefull with your E Flawless Duet because he can dodge it with his E, level 3 you beat him easily with full stacked passive Ionian Fervor BUT you have to fight him only when his W is down, if not dont go all in, level 6 it becomes even easier to run him down with your Vanguard's Edge, as the game goes on you will hard outscale him, just DONT fight him when his W is up and you win!
Tree, Irelia is friends with nature, she would never hurt anything not even a fly! So you question yourself why Irelia is about to cut down that tree, and the answer is that he is a tank abuser! Level 1 you can win if you stacked your passive Ionian Fervor, level 2 also if you land your E Flawless Duet of course!Level 3 same, you straight up beat this tree, rush bork Blade of the Ruined King and you will melt him, really easy match up, just take care of his saplings and his Q because it can cancell your Q Bladesurge.
Mordekaiser, nah no jokes this time, he is just a metal knight that wants to kill everyone take their souls and build his empire in the after life, you know simple things! So level 1 you beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor fully stacked, level 2 same thing, you can use your Q Bladesurge to dodge his Q or E, level 3 you will lose the trade if you are equal hp unless you dodge at least one Q or his E, use your E Flawless Duet while he Q for a free land, level 6 if he is smart he can dodge your E Flawless Duet with his R,meaning that when you E Flawless Duet to a place he can use R and your E Flawless Duet will dissapear so be carefull, relatively easy match up if you focus on dodging his abilities, you also outscale him.
Olaf, vikings discovered america before colombus btw did you know that? Anyway level 1 with your passive Ionian Fervor fully stacked you can win vs him, level 2 if you landed your E Flawless Duet you also win,level 3 you lose if you are equal hp, level 6 you beat him again with your R Vanguard's Edge, getting grevious wounds early game is essential and mandatory, get it every time, either Ignite or Executioner's Calling.
Riven, meh no jokes, so level 1 you want to play passive and start E Flawless Duet and farm safely, level 2 you also want to play safely you can get W Defiant Dance if riven gets aggresive in order to block her damage, level 3 this is when you will start to fight her, stack your passive Ionian Fervor and use your E Flawless Duet on the ground and wait her to use her dashes then land it and go all in, level 6 its an outplay match up if you use your W Defiant Dance to block her damage which is all physical and land your E Flawless Duet you will kill her easily, if you want you can also try to dodge her R2 with your Q Bladesurge if Riven gets ahead and you are having trouble against her just build armor, all her damage is physical.
Singed so this madman going around toplane, inting while farming my wave behind my own turret lol. So level 1 if you have stacked your passive Ionian Fervor you destroy him, level 2 same thing stack your passive Ionian Fervor hit your E Flawless Duet and you have got yourself a kill! Level 3 singed has now a lot of ways to stop you, with his flip and ground, this is an easy match up for Irelia overall and Singed doesnt really have any skill shot or something to outplay him, if you hit your R Vanguard's Edge it should result in a kill after level 6, rush bork Blade of the Ruined King so you will melt him even faster, he likes building hp, the only thing that makes Singed a threat is his ground which can easily stop you and in a teamfight for example result in your death.
Sion, so level 1 stack your passive Ionian Fervor and jump on him, level 2 do it again stack your passive and go on him, you can easily stop his Q with your E Flawless Duet which is a reason why this match up is easy for Irelia, you get a free E Flawless Duet land while you stop his core damage ability! Level 3 you have now 3 ways to counter his damage, one with your Q Bladesurge mobility, two with your W Defiant Dance damage reduction, and your E Flawless Duet to stop his Q. Level 6 you straight up beat him but he can just R away every time which is the reason why its so annoying. I suggest that in order to counter that you just Q Bladesurge on him and being behind him so if he R he will stop at you, then you kill him. Rush bork Blade of the Ruined King.
Urgot, meh i dont like crabs, one crab snatched my finger once, so i have such hate for this one! So level 1 you beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also beat him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked but only if you dodged his E, level 3 until level 9 you want to try and fight him while his W is down, level 6 you can kill him with your R Vanguard's Edge and you can also try and dodge his R with your Q Bladesurge. Urgot will eventually outscale you actually, the fight will be close but it will be in Urgot favor, so try to end the game as soon as possible, getting Plated Steelcaps early will help you a lot also.
Monkey, monkey see, monkey die thats what you want to do. So level 1 with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked you easily win vs the moneky, level 2 you also dominate the moneky, level 3 monkey is now stronk, so you want to be carefull with your E Flawless Duet because he can dodge it with his E and W, an another tip i can give you is to use your W Defiant Dance everytime you see him E on you, OR you can do an even better 200iq play and use your E Flawless Duet and land it for free while he uses E on you. Level 6 you beat him if you are even hp with your R Vanguard's Edge BUT you need to be carefull with your Q Bladesurge monkey can use his R to cancell your Q Bladesurge as the game goes on you will beat this guy even harder.
Yorick just a guy who commands souls or something like that. Level 1 stack your passive Ionian Fervor and Q Bladesurge on him.Level 2 you also beat him if he has no ghouls, level 3 you destroy him too but you need to care about his ghouls they do a lot of damage, if he got you in his W you can easily get out of it with your Q Bladesurge if there is no minion nearby you can aa the wall to destroy it, or just Q Bladesurge on Yorick or his ghouls. Level 6 you beat him, Yorick will be splitpushing for the majority of the game so you should match him and dont let him take down your turrets for free.
Kayle, she is such an angelic person lol. This is a really easy match up for Irelia early game before 6 you destroy her no matter what, after 6 Kayle becomes ranged but she is still weak, while she uses her R dont sit there and attack her she doesnt take any damage, you can still use you on her if you want to gapclose. Level 11 she starts to be strong but if you are even in hp you will beat her, level 16 she is a monster you can still kill her if she has no R but if she does or you let her kite you then she will kill you very fast.
Cho'Gath, so level 1 you destroy him with your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, level 2 you also win vs him, and you can use Q Bladesurge to dodge his Q, level 3 he has his W which can be really annoying for Irelia, but you can easily dodge his Q with your Q Bladesurge and his W but its a bit tricky, in general you destroy Cho'Gath easily, rush bork Blade of the Ruined King and you will melt him easily, also get Wit's End as one of your core items in order to make it hard for him to itemize vs you.
Vladimir, this bloodsucker, will pay for abusing this champion. Level 1 stack your passive Ionian Fervor and smack him like really hard, level 2 same thing but be carefull with your E Flawless Duet because he can dodge it with his W, level 6 you also destroy him but you need to be extra carefull with your E Flawless Duet and R Vanguard's Edge , because he can dodge them both with his W, get Wit's End as one of your core items, having grevious wounds can also help against him, you will beat this guy for the majority of the game, late game he is super STRONK so try to end the game early.
Yone, like his brother if you see a mastery level 7 Yone remind yourself that he is gonna run it down. So level 1 with your passive Ionian Fervor you beat him, level 2 also,, level 3 you need to be carefull with your E Flawless Duet because he can dodge it with his E Soul Unbound. Level 6 you murder him with your R Vanguard's Edge just care because he can R Fate Sealed away so try to be on top of him so he wont escape, you win vs Yone for pretty much the whole game, but if he gets ahead it can be hard, get Plated Steelcaps if you are having trouble vs Yone and Wit's End can help also because he deals mixed damage.
So in general against an easier match up in early game you want to get your Q Bladesurge level 1 and stack your passive Ionian Fervor. If you are planning to do that , go and auto attack two times one caster creep, then when the melee minions get low use your Q Bladesurge on them, and then use your Q Bladesurge on the caster minion if its low enought and jump on your enemy, against easier match ups you will win 100% of the time!
Level 2 get your E Flawless Duet stack your passive Ionian Fervor, if you landed your E Flawless Duet it will most likely result in a kill or flash! Level 3 you want to do the same thing, but now with your W Defiant Dance you can win the trade even harder if you use it to block cc or key abilities. Around level 4-5 you should try to hard push the wave into the enemy tower and recall, Vampiric Scepter is a nice powerspike in the early game and it will allow you to stay in lane longer and win the trades even harder! This will allow you to be strong for your level 6 powerspike and kill your enemy. Continue like this for the rest of the laning phase, stack your passive Ionian Fervor land your E Flawless Duet block cc and key abilities with your W Defiant Dance and you win!
Now against a harder match up, like Jax, Fiora and against all the ranged top abusers, this is how you will play in general. Level 1 start with your E Flawless Duet and use it to farm the first 3 melee creeps, continue farming with your E Flawless Duet, level 2 get Q Bladesurge if the wave is close to the turret, if not get your W Defiant Dance and continue farming from distance.
Level 3 if you stack your passive you can win the trade against some match ups, if you dont win just continue farming. If you see your opponent recalling you should start hard pushing the wave to the enemy turret and then recall, you should buy Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads if you are against a ranged match up depending on his damage type, or if you are against a melee match up you should buy Vampiric Scepter so you can stay in lane for longer. You will start playing aggresive only when you have reached your powerspikes, your R Vanguard's Edge or bork Blade of the Ruined King for example, or when your jungler comes to gank your lane, which is really rare, lucky you!
Teleport is a really powerfull summoner spell, and in the right hands it can change the outcome of your lane , or the game itself! Here we are gonna talk about how to use it in the early game.
So your first Teleport should be used for your own advantage, and after the first Teleport you can use the others to help your team. So in laning phase you should use Teleport if you are low on mana and hp and your enemy has stacked a big minion wave and you fear he will dive you, then just recall and use Teleport to go back. If your enemy doesnt have Teleport you can trade with him heavily so he gets low, then recall Teleport back and freeze the wave, he will be low so he wont be able to stop you from freezing and you will get a huge lead over him. But you should never Teleport back to lane if your wave is on his tower, because it will just be a waste.
In the early game the only time you will use your Teleport to help your team is for the first drake if you see they cant do it without you, but if you see your opponent using Teleport to go botlane for example and you cant stop him with your E Flawless Duet then you should Teleport too to help them, or if you see they are ok, just push the wave and get plates, you will get a massive lead! After that the laning phase will most likely be over so for more information about Teleport check the mid game section , and the late game one!
So your first base should be around levels 4-5 after you have pushed the wave to the enemy turret, so you can buy items and be strong for the level 6 powerspike. One general rule is to always recall after pushing the wave to the enemy tower. But what if you dont have mana? You should never overstay, its better to just leave the wave and recall because if you overstay , your enemy will comeback and he will have more hp and mana and an item advantage over you, a good 200iq play you can make is, when you want to recall just go to the river, the enemy will think you are roaming so he will ping it and the enemy midlaner will back off, so you are creating pressure without even doing something and help your midlaner!
You can create a freeze,(more information in the wave management section!), and then recall so when you comeback the freeze will still be there, and because of your item advantage you can fight so your enemy wont break it.
Recalling before drake spawns is a good idea, because you will be full hp and mana, and have spent your gold so you can Teleport there and fight for it!
Irelia isnt and the best roamer but she can definetly do so! Especially when you play her midlane you have to roam.
In order to roam succesfully you will have to push the wave up to the enemy tower, so you will minimize the minions you will lose. If you are playing Irelia toplane then the only lane you can roam to is midlane. See the wave midlane, is it pushing to your midlaner or to the enemy? If its pushing to your midlaner then ask him if the enemy has his summoners, especially Flash. If he hasnt then just go and kill him ,if he has then you will have to be more carefull.
Roaming can also mean that you go and help your jungler do scutler or invade. Pushing the wave before you roam to help your jungler is also essentiall. Doing so your enemy has 2 options, one he stays to get the wave so he cant help his jungler, or two go to help his jungler but he will lose a lot of gold and experience, both situations are good for you!
Toplane is an island, rarely do you see junglers ganking here, but one gank can set you so far behind which can lose you the entire game.
So to prevent that you will have to track the enemy jungler. Someone might say that this is your jungler's job, which is true, but you can rely on your own jungler so you will have to do it yourself.
When the first wave arrives in lane, check your minimap, is your lane opponent late? Then most likely he has leashed for his jungler, so you know he will path the other way. If you see the enemy botlane arrive late to lane then they have leashed so you know he will path to your lane. Because fake leashing is a thing, an other thing you can do to prevent getting ganked is seeing the enemy jungler, is he a champion that will gank level 2? level 3? is he a power farmer? Knowing that will let you understand what his gameplan is an how to play around it.
If its an early ganker then ward around the 2:35-45 minute mark, if its a powerfarmer then you should ward around the 3 minute mark.
Lets say for example that you got camped the first levels, and you lost 3 waves of minions and you are super far behind, how do we comeback?
In order to comeback we need to play passive obviously. If you are so far behind there is no point even taking trades because you will lose them. Just play passive and farm from distance with your E Flawless Duet and W Defiant Dance. If you see your enemy recalling, then hard push the wave to the enemy tower and recall. Continue like this for the rest of the laning phase, unless your jungler comes to gank your lane, then play aggresive.
Always look for plays that you can make with Teleport, for example drake or botlane.
If you see your opponent using Teleport to join a teamfight, first look the situation. If you see that you are hard losing then dont Teleport just push the wave to the turret and get plates, this will allow you to comeback. If you see that your team can win, then Teleport and help them.
When a slow push is not contested by your enemy, the wave will grow very large and take down objectives, meaning towers!
Slow pushing is best when it’s set up a few minutes before a major objective is about to spawn. Depending on the starting point of the slow push, it will start pushing into the enemies side when the objective spawns giving your team time to take the objective or fight the enemy 4v5 or 5v5. If you fight the enemy and lose, they will only be able to take the objective and you will not lose any towers as the minion wave will not be in the enemies favor.
To start a fast push, you need to kill all the melee minions in the lane. Ranged caster minions are easy to kill, so the wave will push quickly as your minions will not have to kill tankier enemy melee minions.
If a big fast pushing wave is being pushed against an enemy objective, the enemy will have to answer it or they will lose an objective.
If the enemy has grouped and you’re split pushing, as soon as they are all shown on the map, fast push the minion wave in order for the enemy to answer you – then proceed to escape.
In order to freeze you will have to first push the wave into the enemy turret, then when it pushes back to you, you will have to stop it just outside your turret range, you will need at least 2-3 more enemy minions to freeze the wave.
In the early game, you may be unable to zone or tank the minion wave. If you cannot tank the enemy minion wave, you will need thin it down to make it more bearable. You may also be unable to zone the enemy champion from the minion wave in the early game as you lack damage and sustain. Keep these in mind when you try to freeze in the early game.
So now that you know, what is freezing, slow push, fast push, its time you learn how to manage the wave as Irelia in the early game!
Lets begin! Level 1 the ideal thing to do is pushing the wave, last hitting the minions with your Q Bladesurge and then engage on your enemy with your passive Ionian Fervor, this is match up depended so check the match up section! Your goal as Irelia is to make a slow push to the enemy tower. When the wave crashes, you can either do a cheater recall, which means just recall after you have crashed a big wave, or stick to your lane but be carefull of ganks because you are pushed up!
After the next wave arrives, it will start slow pushing to the enemy tower. Do not try to stop this slow push, this is exactly what Irelia wants. When the wave is close to your tower, you want to make a freeze and fight for it. Irelia loves freezes because they provide her safety, and it allows her to kill her enemy. Fight your enemy when you have your passive Ionian Fervor stacked, it will be easy to kill him because you can just run him down. If the trade went badly you can just Q Bladesurge to a minion behind you and go back to safety.
So the best wave state as Irelia is to have a freeze outside your turret, it gives a lot of benefits for Irelia, if you have killed your enemy, recall, Teleport or walk your way back and continue freezing, with your item advantage it will be easy.
So the midgame has arrived and you have successfully pasted the early game. You are either ahead of your enemy laner or even. Now Irelia is at her strongest point, and its your time to carry!
First of all AVOID aram, meaning dont go mid. You should be in either sidelanes farming and pushing waves, its called splitpush. More on that later. You should always be looking to be in a sidelane as Irelia. You will get massive gold and experience leads over your enemies.
If you see a teamfight happening then use your Teleport to join them. This is pretty much how you will play the midgame as Irelia. Splitpushing in the sidelanes and Teleport to teamfights. As Irelia you can splitpush and teamfight pretty well, but as a fed or even Irelia teamfighting will allow you to win the game faster.
So you have been camped, you have been ganked, you have been focused and you havent comebacked. Well now in the midgame its extremely easy to comeback as Irelia.
If you are behind or even/ahead no matter what you want to splitpush in either sidelanes. This will allow you to get gold and experience easily. If you are behind most likely your opponent is stronger than you, so dont fight him focus on farming waves, and getting jungle camps. If you are behind the enemy team most likely wont focus you anymore. But dont let your guard down.
If you see a teamfight happening, then you either choose to join it with Teleport if you see that you can win, or dont Teleport if you see your team is losing anyway, continue pushing, ignore your team pings and flame, just press the mute button, if you Teleport while your team is losing you will set yourself even more behind.
Split pushing is when you move to a weak or undefended lane to apply pressure by pushing the wave and try to attack the enemy towers. It’s usually occuring in the later stages of the mid-to-late game where it is easier to push effectively. There are a few reasons for this, such as death timers being longer and champions being able to push quickly.
The lanes that are usually pushed in this type of fashion are Bot lane and Top lane. This is because they are the outer lanes of the map and they are longer in comparison to the Mid lane.
This means split pushing can usually be more effective because the enemies will take longer to get to you, which will either give you time to apply more pressure or escape.
So now, when should we splitpush as Irelia? In general Irelia is really good at splitpushing and you should focus on it, but there are still some scenarios thats splitpushing can be bad.
So you should splitpush when you have your Teleport up, so you can easily join a teamfight if it happens, in late game you should split push ONLY when you have Teleport.
If you dont have Teleport splitpush only if you know your team can 4v5 or 4v4, in case they cant, you shouldnt splitpush, just hover around them, doing jungle camps or splitpush in the lane thats close to the next teamfight, drake or baron.
One more factor is that you should in general splitpush if your team has waveclear in order to defend your towers in case the enemy team is pushing. For example Anivia R and so on. If your team has no waveclear, then splitpushing can be bad in that scenario.
Finnaly XD lets talk about how to splitpush effectively as Irelia!
First you need to choose the lane you will splitpush. If drake is spawning soon and you have Teleport then go toplane, and hard push the wave, this will cause panic in the enemy team and they either dont defend their turrets and focus on drake, and you can join the teamfight easily with Teleport, or they send 1 or 2 people to stop you, which is the best case scenario because your team will have an easier time taking the drake, or you can [teleport making it from a 4v5 to a 5v4 in your favor.
Now for regular splitpush, you should always ward. Warding is key to splitpushing, you should buy Control Ward and place them either in the enemy jungle if you are pushing that far, or in your side jungle. Keep track of the enemy champions, if you see them on the map then you can continue splitpushing, if you have no vision of them, back off because they might coming to you. Thats also why you need to ward.
If you know where everyone is on the map, then you can attack the enemy turret, but in case an enemy is defending it, you can either dive him, if you are able to, or push the wave and go to the enemy jungle and take away their camps, this will give you insane exp and gold leads, and you will set the enemy jungler behind because you take away their camps.
So how you will play out in teamfights and what is your role is heavily determined by your build.
For the Trinity Force, Stridebreaker, Goredrinker, Eclipse builds , your role in teamfights is the one of the diver. Which means you go in AFTER the first engage, meaning that you wait for someone either from your team or the enemy to make the first move, then you go in. As Irelia you can definetly kill tanks and bruisers easily, but your role in teamfights is to take out their carries. Now you can engage by using your R Vanguard's Edge and hit as many people as possible in order to make chaos and apply damage and slows. I suggest you focus the enemy carry that deals ap damage, because your W Defiant Dance blocks only ad damage, so if you dont focus the ap threat, they will burst you down. After you killed the ap carry you can then focus on their adc. But if you find an opening to the enemy adc then go for him. In general you play like an assasin, trying to elliminate the enemy team carries.
For the Divine Sunderer build, or in general the tank build your role in teamfights is to be the first one to engage, usually start off with your R Vanguard's Edge and try to be a meatball taking as much damage as possible and letting your team to clear it up, but you still do a lot of damage by yourself anyway. Or you can be a peeler, trying to defend your carries from the enemy divers or assasins, this is a more supportive playstyle, and not the best, but its definetly an option.
Short answer, no , long answer, it depends. It depends on the game state and your team. And of course if you have Teleport up.
If baron nashor or drake are spawning and you have Teleport up, then yes you can definetly apply pressure in the sidelanes, so you will force someone to back. And then you can Teleport to the objective, but if you dont have Teleport then you should not splitpush, in the late game, who is gonna win and who is gonna lose is decided by teamfights, so always be close to your team if you dont have Teleport.
About your team now, if you can trust your team that they wont go in on a fight for no reason, then you can splitpush, but be carefull of the enemies, if you die, you might lose the game because of the long deathtimers.
99999999% of the times, games in the late game are decided by teamfights, due to the long death timers.
So in the late game your priority as Irelia is to be close to the teamfights and always there for your team. Now Irelia in the late game isnt the stronger champion, but she can still do stuff. In the late game the way you teamfight doesnt change pretty much at all. Check in the teamfight section for more information.
But be aware late game their carries will be at their strongest point. You will have to be more carefull with your engage because if you do one mistake then they will kill you instantly, thats the only thing that changes. Just focus on killing their strongest carries, usually the enemy adc and you will win the game just because of that. Keep in mind, that in the late game it is better to just go and end the game, instead of doing baron for example.
Coming soon!!!
Thank you all for reading so far, it was a big journey ;D I really hope my guide helped you learn the the blade dancer, our beloved balarina the one and only Irelia! But keep in mind, masterting Irelia is a different story, you will have to spend a lot of time learning her and mastering her, only do so if you are in love with her theme, her lore, her playstyle, her flashy outplays, her Q Bladesurge that is the secret of becoming a good Irelia!
Special thanks to, jhoijhoi without her i wouldnt be able to make the guide, the mobafire team also and community for answering my questions, responding to me and helping me, also special thanks to katasandra for reviewing my guide! you ofc reader for reading the guide hehe, and last i want to thank my mom <3
This is my channel link, currently is new but i will start uploading, not only for irelia!
Patch 11.14
Health decreased to 520 from 580
Magic Resistance decreased to 28 from 32
Health each level increased to 110 from 95
Ionian Fervor Passive
Max passive stacks decreased to four from five
Attack speed each stack decreased to 7.5/13.75/20% based on level from 8/12/16% based on level
Damage decreased to 10-61 (30% bonus AD) from 15-66 (+25% bonus AD)
Bladesurge Q
Dash sped changed significantly reduced, was from movement speed +1500
Minion damage changed to 55+12 per level from 55/75/95/115/135
Defiant Dance W
Damage reduction changed to 40-80% Physical and 20-40% Magic damage reduction levels 1-18 (+7% per 100 AP) from 50% (7% per 100 AP) physical
Maximum damage dealt increased to 30/75/120/165/210 (150% AD) (120% AP) from 20/50/80/110/140 (+100% AD)(+80%AP)
Flawless Duet E
Missile travel time changed from 0.25 seconds, whereas before it was based on distance
Cannot be cast or recast during Q
Cannot be recast while crowd controlled
Vanguard's Edge R
New! Decrease Q cooldown by 0.5/1.5/2.5 seconds before Haste
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