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Fizz Build Guide by Vapora Dark

Middle Vapora Dark's Master Mid Fizz Guide Season 13

Middle Vapora Dark's Master Mid Fizz Guide Season 13

Updated on January 11, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vapora Dark Build Guide By Vapora Dark 689 52 1,916,332 Views 36 Comments
689 52 1,916,332 Views 36 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vapora Dark Fizz Build Guide By Vapora Dark Updated on January 11, 2023
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Vapora Dark's Master Mid Fizz Guide Season 13

By Vapora Dark

Hi, welcome to my Fizz guide. I'm Vapora Dark, a veteran player that's been playing since season 1. During that time I've hit Master tier as a mid lane main in season 5, as an ADC main in season 7, again as a jungle main in season 8, and once more in season 9 playing a mix of all those roles including mid and Fizz. I can play every role to a very high level and have a very good understanding of the general aspects of the game on top of that.

I've been writing guides on MOBAFire since 2011, among which my achievements include winning the MOBAFire guide contest multiple times, achieving the highest score on the site multiple times with multiple guides, achieving the most comments on a single guide of all time by a very large amount which hasn't come even close to being surpassed in the 3 years that it's been archived, and having the most collective guide views on the site by a very hefty amount. I've also written some champion guides for Riot Games on the Lolesports site.

I've racked up quite a few Fizz games just playing him every now and again since season 1 but I only started to really become interested him towards the end of season 8, and I've been maining him for the entirety of season 9. I'd like to think I've become pretty good at him during this time.

Fizz is my favourite mid laner if not champion right now, and that made me really inspired to write a guide on him so I can pass on all the nuances to the champion that truly separate the good Fizz players from the great.

I play Fizz in many roles but for now this guide will only be focused on mid lane, by far his best role.

To provide a brief introduction into the champion itself, Fizz is known as one of the most annoying assassins in League of Legends. The same factors that make him annoying also make him incredibly fun to play. Chum the Waters has a massive 1275 range, and being tagged by this spell basically marks the death of any squishy target unfortunate enough to get hit by it, and the range at which it can be cast is worsened by the fact that Fizz has 2 gap closers he can use to close the gap before casting it, on top of Flash. This allows you to make plays against even the most safely positioning players.

Additionally, fitting for a fish champion, he's very slippery and hard to lock down during teamfights given his mobility and untargetability during Playful / Trickster, allowing you to be in the thick of things and relying on your reflexes, quick thinking and mechanics to make the most out of your situation, taking down your target and wasting a lot of the enemy's time as you escape them and wait for your cooldowns to come back up in order to rejoin the fight.

If all this sounds enticing to you, then take the plunge and read on!


In this chapter I'm going to be gathering a compilation of Fizz footage ranging from full gameplays from myself and more skilled players, as well as short plays, to help you learn the champion even better if you're willing to put in the time to watch some extra content on top of the actual guide itself, as well as give you an idea of what the champion can achieve in the hands of a good player. Make sure to subscribe to keep up with all educational and other content that I put out.

Fizz wants a keystone that increases his burst and this is the best one for that. Fundamentally there's no reason why Dark Harvest shouldn't be just as good or better, but they're such similar runes that whichever one is strongest at any given point in time is simply up to which rune is balanced to be stronger, and right now that's Electrocute, which may change in the future.

Simply the most obvious choice in this branch given that Fizz is an assassin with many dashes to proc the extra magic pen that can help him take down his targets.

Since this is the rune on this branch that gives you the most damage, it's also the best rune for Fizz who welcomes any extra damage he can get.

This rune was quite underrated on release and is now taken on most champions that spec into Domination, and Fizz even from the start was always considered one of the best users who wanted to use it over Relentless Hunter given how much healing he gets from it since Urchin Strike, Seastone Trident and Lich Bane proc are all single-target and do a ton of damage.

This rune is invaluable for a champion like Fizz who wants to be in the thick of things, and will save your neck more times than you can count.

Triumph is your main reason to spec into Precision but once you're here Coup de Grace is the best rune in the tree for an assassin, making it your next obvious choice.

I tire of basically repeating this every single guide that I write but here we go again: This is the best summoner spell in the game, period. You can count on one hand how many champions out of the 143 in the game don't want to take Flash because it's the best offensive and defensive summoner in one, no other summoner allows you to make the same amount of plays that Flash does while keeping you as safe as it does. Taking Flash is a no brainer.

Like most assassins, Fizz opts for Ignite in order to secure kills and win fights. It contributes a large amount of damage to your burst making you a lot stronger when it's up compared to when it's down.

. . . .

Fizz's dexterity allows him to ignore unit collision and take 4 (+1% of ability power) less damage from all sources of damage, up to a maximum of 50% reduction.

This passive has two effects, one which is to ignore unit collision which is honestly a blessing given that minion block has to be one of the most frustrating things in the game on other champions, while the other effect is that you take less damage from every source of damage, which is pretty neat to give you a little more durability when being harassed by champions, but also makes you much stronger at trading within minion waves than other champions since every single minion attack has its damage reduced by the current value of Nimble Fighter. It has a tiny AP ratio to help it slightly scale into the rest of the game, but its main impact is in laning phase.

Fizz dashes a fixed distance in the direction of his target, dealing his total attack damage as physical damage plus additional 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 (+55% of ability power) magic damage to it. The ability will also apply on-hit effects.

This basically functions as both a magic damage dealing dash and a physical damage dealing auto-attack in one. I say it functions as an auto-attack because on top of dealing your AD as physical damage (like an auto-attack does) it also applies on-hit effects like Sheen and Lich Bane. Being one of two dashes in Fizz's kit it heavily contributes to making him the immensely mobile champion that he is, and you should look for creative ways to use it both aggressively and defensively.

Fizz's autoattacks rend their targets, dealing magic damage over 3 seconds. Activating this ability resets Fizz's basic attack timer and empowers his next attack, dealing 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+50% of ability power) bonus damage.

This ability is super helpful for last-hitting under tower since it resets on last-hits and does a small burst of damage on the first auto. After that, if it doesn't reset, it does extra on-hit damage per auto-attack for 5 seconds. Additionally, the passive has a tiny DoT effect on auto-attacks whether you have Seastone Trident activated or not, which can at certain points help you last-hit under tower without costing you 10 mana, and help you secure kills on champions surviving with very little HP. Remember while using this to last-hit that by employing the auto-attack reset you can last-hit minions you wouldn't otherwise be able to kill with just Seastone Trident alone.

Playful: Fizz hops onto his trident in a nearby location, becoming untargetable for 0.75 seconds and gaining the ability to use Trickster before the effect ends. Trickster: Fizz hops off from his trident to a nearby location, dealing 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+75% of ability power) magic damage nearby enemies in a smaller area than Playful. This ability will not slow enemies.

Casting this spell once makes you jump once, and casting it again makes you jump again, this time doing damage in a small area when you land. If you don't cast it again, Fizz slams the ground and does damage in a larger area while also providing a great slow. You can also right click somewhere to fall in that direction. This spell is your main form of waveclear and should always be single-casted when used for waveclear as this way you can hit an entire wave with it. Double-cast is mainly for when you want to use it for mobility but you can also land damage on enemy champions with it if you're precise enough and actually reach them.

It's also important to mention that while casting this spell Fizz is completely untargetable, but not invulnerable as he can still take damage from sources he's already been hit by like Ignite.

Fizz throws a fish in a line that will bind itself onto the first enemy champion it hits. After 2 seconds, a Shark will emerge from the earth to eat the champion, damaging, knocking back and slowing enemies in the area for 1.5 seconds.

This spell is what makes Fizz such a terror to face in the mid lane for immobile mages. It has a huge hitbox making it relatively easy to hit even from max range and does massive damage when cast from a long distance, but also does less damage if cast from a shorter distance. Once it tags an enemy it sticks onto them and massively slows them for 2 seconds before knocking them up and dealing damage. This nuke combined with the massive slow that easily lets Fizz dive onto his target frequently marks a very easy death for whoever gets tagged by Chum the Waters. You can also miss it and rather than wrapping itself around a champion it'll just sit in one spot acting as a massive slow and then knocking up anyone who finds themselves inside the ult, though most enemies will be smart enough to stay out of it to avoid taking massive damage and CC.

At level 1 you'll want to take Playful / Trickster since Fizz has an incredibly weak level 1 when starting with any other spell, while Playful / Trickster being good defensively as well as offensively makes level 1 a lot more bearable for him while he waits to have enough spells to combo together and start playing aggressively. At level 2 you'll take Seastone Trident to help you last-hit better, and also because it does more damage than Urchin Strike does while also not leaving you over-extended in case you want to trade. At level 3 you'll take Urchin Strike so you can start comboing all 3 spells together in ways that I'll explain in the next chapter.

The first spell you want to max is generally Playful / Trickster since it gives a lot of waveclear, mobility and is also your highest damage spell if you can land it onto your opponent, which while you won't always because you want to use it for mobility as much as you do for damage, should still be pretty frequent. Followed by maxing Seastone Trident second because it does the second most damage, then Urchin Strike last, while of course putting a point into Chum the Waters whenever possible.

However, in certain matchups you won't want to max Playful / Trickster because they have enough mobility that they can choose to never get hit by it if they don't want to, which is not great if you're going to be maxing that ability. Against these matchups, most top Fizz players max Seastone Trident whose damage is guaranteed to land against these mobile champions. You'll miss out on the other benefits of Playful / Trickster such as increased mobility and waveclear, but you'll still have okay waveclear maxing Seastone Trident by spamming the active on minions and resetting it every time to more quickly wipe out waves.

Here are examples of champions who you'll want to max Seastone Trident against.

Note that combos don't have to be followed 100% every single time since their ideal execution is fluid and not set in stone, so rather than combos you should see them as patterns that you'll frequently follow and also shake up depending on your needs in your games, which is why in the description for each combo I'll frequently list a set of options that you have with each one.

Also make sure you read all the descriptions or you risk misunderstanding the purpose or execution of each combo. Additionally, note that any combo which uses Urchin Strike > AA Seastone Trident is used to maximize damage whereas if you want to do your damage as quickly as possible instead, such as if you're really fed or your opponent is low, you should instead activate Seastone Trident before using Urchin Strike.

This is the basic Fizz combo for trading in lane. You use Urchin Strike to close the gap onto your opponent then take advantage of Seastone Trident being an auto-attack reset to sneak in an auto-attack before casting it.

At this point you have the option of choosing to auto-attack even more if you think you can out-trade or get a kill, but at this point since most of your damage is down you'll want to use Playful / Trickster to disengage.

You can either double cast it to dash straight away from your opponent, or you can single cast it to land a little more harass at the cost of also leaving yourself vulnerable to more retaliation from your opponent. Still, the slow from single casting it prevents them from being able to chase after you to land too many retaliatory auto-attacks on you, so it can be effective as long as your opponent doesn't have a spell you would desperately rather get away from than risk getting hit by.

Remember also that you don't have to use Playful / Trickster and can sometimes skip it, mainly if you need to hold Playful / Trickster for a particular spell or CC from the enemy laner but they're holding it until you waste Playful / Trickster so neither of you end up needing to use either spell. Also sometimes it just isn't worth the mana to cast it, especially if you're maxing Seastone Trident or if you'd be using it as a disengage in a situation where you're not going to take much damage anyway.

This is the combo you use when you use Playful / Trickster to a spell from your opponent and capitalize on their missed spell to all-in them. Ideally you'd land Playful / Trickster on them then use your auto-attack reset with Seastone Trident to land 2 auto-attacks. Then you have the option of either using Urchin Strike backwards onto minions as an escape, or you can cast it onto the opponent if you want to extend the trade, or if you can get behind your opponent (easier with melee champions or if you single casted Playful / Trickster to use the slow to get behind them) you can then use Urchin Strike onto them for both extra damage and as an escape to send you back into your minion wave, though this isn't something you always get the opportunity to do.

This is like the last combo in reverse, because rather than using Urchin Strike as an engage which is more its natural use, you're going to end up using it as an escape, and using Playful / Trickster as an engage when usually it's used to end trades. I've had people criticise me on stream for "misusing" my spells like this which just goes to show what I was saying about Fizz having more depth than what the average player sees. A lot of people can't look past "Q is engage, E is escape" to recognize that there are situations where you want to switch their roles around to make the most out of your champion's kit.

This is your main combo for engaging on people in lane post-6 with the intention of killing them straight up. You can either use the extended version with the auto-attack reset or you can just cast Seastone Trident before Urchin Strike to burst faster but weaker. It's also rather flexible in terms of how your use of Playful / Trickster and Urchin Strike should be executed within the combo, and I'll explain how.

Against a champion like Orianna for example, her only way to peel you off of her is Command: Shockwave. When you connect Chum the Waters on her and start walking to her she might try and use Command: Attack on you to cast Command: Shockwave, which you'd have to use Playful / Trickster to dodge and then use that as your main gap closer, then start your auto-attack reset combo with Seastone Trident and use Urchin Strike as a finisher if necessary.

Instead she might throw Command: Attack to you just to make you think she'll cast Command: Shockwave and bait you into wasting Playful / Trickster so you can't use it dodge Command: Shockwave later. You have to be patient and wait until you see the animation being cast before using Playful / Trickster to dodge it.

If she hasn't cast it by the time she gets knocked up by Chum the Waters, that means you're good to close the gap with Urchin Strike since she can't cast Command: Shockwave while being knocked up. At that point you would use your Seastone Trident auto-attack reset and keep auto-attacking her and only cast Playful / Trickster once she casts her ult, which should be an easy dodge and you can count on being rather early since she shouldn't survive the combo for very long. Here's an example of me being patient with Playful / Trickster and only casting it once my opponent uses their CC, in a situation similar to waiting for Orianna's Command: Shockwave.

A champion like Lux is similar to Orianna except her Light Binding is harder to react to, but you have the advantage of knowing she'll pretty much always cast it before Chum the Waters knocks her up, since it's only a root and once you're on top of her it won't do her much good, so it pretty much guarantees she'll try and cast it while you're running towards her which makes it easier to react to since you're predicting it as much as you're reacting to it.

A champion like Ryze on the other hand has a short range point-and-click CC rather than a long distance skillshot like Lux and Orianna, so against champions like him you're always going to cast Playful / Trickster right as you start to get in range of him. He'll almost always turn around before getting knocked up to CC you and prevent you from dashing on him while he's CC'd, so as soon as you see him turning around while you're in close range of him is your signal to Playful / Trickster to finish getting in range and land on him right about when Chum the Waters knocks him up. You also want to do this against any champion with Exhaust up since it'll make it impossible for them to Exhaust you before you cast most of your combo on them, which is part of why Exhaust is so bad against Fizz compared to Barrier.

Zed is a little similar to Ryze except rather than CC, he'll try to turn around to cast Death Mark on you right before getting knocked up because it makes him untargetable and would allow him to dodge your ult. Death Mark isn't CC, but it's still a spell that you want to avoid letting your opponent cast until after he's already been knocked up by Chum the Waters, so the moment he turns around is your signal to go into Playful / Trickster until he gets knocked up.

Against opponents with no CC or spells you vitally need to dodge before they get knocked up by Chum the Waters, you can just walk up to Urchin Strike, or use Playful / Trickster to close the gap onto only if you can't reach them otherwise, such as if they Flash away.

This combo makes use of the fact that you can start casting Chum the Waters in the middle of Urchin Strike's dash, allowing you to tag someone with Chum the Waters from unexpectedly far away. Since you'll lose the damage of Urchin Strike, this combo is to be used mainly against low HP enemies or if you're getting a gank from your jungler and you're initiating for them, since hitting Chum the Waters with your jungler around preparing to gank is pretty much a guaranteed death for your lane opponent.

You can also use this same mechanic to dash directly onto a champion and tag them with a basically undodgeable Chum the Waters unless they happen to Flash during your Urchin Strike. It'll be a melee range Chum the Waters which does the least damage, so for this to work your opponent has to be either missing HP to start with or you have to be really fed in order to have enough damage to one-shot someone with this combo.

If you single-cast Playful / Trickster, you can Flash before you land on the ground and it moves the impact point to wherever you Flash. This is great for catching out of range people off-guard and also if the enemy tries to Flash to dodge your Playful / Trickster damage, as so.

This is the same combo as the previous but you replace Flash with Hextech Rocketbelt. Same deal except it covers less distance while dealing more damage, and even if you don't really need it as a gap closer, you can still use it if you need Hextech Rocketbelt's damage since it's the most fluid way to fit Hextech Rocketbelt into your combo, given that its clunky animation is no factor when you're in the middle of Playful / Trickster anyway.

Surprise! You can do both in the same combo. This lets you cover an incredible amount of distance during Playful / Trickster which is sure to shock anyone you can catch with it. You have to use Flash first because Hextech Rocketbelt's clunky animation prevents you from Flashing before Playful / Trickster has already landed.

Here's how much your combo costs at each level if you use every spell in your kit. Additionally I recommend enabling Show Spell Costs in your settings so you can see how much mana each spell costs without hovering it so you can do some quick math when trying to figure out if you have enough mana for the combo you want to use.

3: 170
4: 175
5: 180
6: 280
7: 285
8: 295
9: 300
10: 310
11: 310
12: 320
13: 330
14: 330
15: 330
16: 330
17: 330
18: 330

This chapter is currently under reconstruction following the Season 11 items rework, apologies for the inconvenience.

The way you play out the first couple of levels really varies depending on whether you're in a ranged matchup or a melee matchup.

In ranged matchups, you can't trade without having all your spells or minimum 2 at the very least, and being melee you're easily abusable to their superior range. So rather than playing aggressively and contesting the lane, you're simply going to focus on using Playful / Trickster defensively and reactively and to farm.

For example, if the enemy mid laner knows anything about wave management, he won't be shoving against you since he doesn't want you to freeze the wave close to your tower and leave himself vulnerable to ganks. Meaning he won't touch your minions and if he's smart won't even touch you unless the wave is already pushing in his direction, he'd rather you stupidly start shoving the wave so he can freeze close to his tower, where instead you're the one vulnerable to ganks and also can't afford to play aggressively at all since you're melee and would have to walk into tower range to trade.

So if you're both playing optimally, the first 3 minions of the wave are basically going to die at almost the same time. A well timed Playful / Trickster will last-hit all 3 at the same time, while also leaving you less vulnerable to harass from either spells or auto-attacks compared to auto-attacking all 3 individually, where you're likely to miss at least 1 since they're all dying at almost the same time.

The caster minions you basically have to allow to die unless the enemy mid laner is a champion that can't punish you or the main cooldown is already down, since a lot of matchups can punish you too hard for walking that close up to their wave last-hit.

The bright side is that whether you let the minions die or last-hit them and get harassed, either way it'll make the wave push towards you. Even if it hits the tower it doesn't matter too much since you can last-hit easily with Seastone Trident, and most importantly leaves you in a position where junglers can easily gank the lane to help you out during your weak stage.

Once you have Seastone Trident you're a little more effective at playing aggressively but you'll still lose a lot of matchups and it's better to wait until you have level 3 before trying to go too aggressive. That being said, if you want to trade the best way to do it is engaging with Playful / Trickster, ideally while dodging an enemy spell at the same time, then using Seastone Trident as an auto-attack reset and then backing off. You don't want to auto-attack any more than that unless you're going for a kill because you'll take too much damage from minion aggro.

Even against melee matchups, Fizz's level 1 with Seastone Trident is very weak and its only utility at level 1 is to trade back rather than to proactively seek out trades. It's better to start Playful / Trickster and either reactively trade by using it to dodge spells and trade back with the spell's damage and an auto-attack, or to go for more aggressive trades with AA > Playful / Trickster > AA to proc Electrocute in trades.

Usually you wouldn't want to auto-attack more than once in a row except with an auto-attack reset before starting to back off to avoid taking too much minion damage, but since after the first auto-attack you'll instantly reset minion aggro with a single-cast Playful / Trickster you can afford to auto-attack again after landing before beginning to back off.

At level 2 your trading remains the same except you can reset your first auto-attack with Seastone Trident before using Playful / Trickster to lose minion aggro. At that point the damage of Playful / Trickster will be enough to proc Electrocute since you already auto-attacked them twice, so you don't need to auto-attack a third time after landing and can instead just hit them with the very edge of Playful / Trickster's hitbox and start to back off, but if you're confident in your ability to win the matchup and just want to maximize your damage without putting too much care into efficiency, you can go for the third auto-attack before you start backing off.

Alternatively in situations where either your lane opponent is too far away to quite land 2 auto-attacks before using Playful / Trickster, you can just use one auto-attack, hit them with Playful / Trickster and take advantage of the massive slow to fit in a Seastone Trident with an auto-attack reset before backing off.

Wave management doesn't play as big a part against melee matchups as it does in ranged matchups. Ideally you'd still like the wave to be closer to your tower than the enemy's, but unless you're playing against a high waveclear melee champion like Ekko who can't help but push when he trades, for the most part whoever's winning trades is the one who has greater access to last-hitting minions and will end up pushing the wave the most.

What you should do is try and avoid letting the wave get to a point where it freezes right in front of the enemy tower, so you need to pay close attention to how many minions the enemy wave has and what the position of their next wave on the map (same position as your next wave but on the opposite side).

It's basically impossible for me to describe and you'll have to figure it out with experience, but looking at how many minions they have left combined with how many minions your wave has built up, the next enemy wave will crash into yours either at the same spot the minions are currently fighting in, or a little further ahead, or almost under the enemy tower, or your melee minions will be under the enemy tower while your casters aren't, or your entire wave will be completely under the tower.

The first two scenarios are fine, the third is bad since it leaves you very vulnerable to ganks, the fourth is awful since it lets the enemy create a freeze that'll be very hard and dangerous for you to break, the fifth is fine since it means your entire wave will die and the wave will reset in your favour. Also depending on how big the wave is it can also be a good chance to recall and get some items while missing out on minimal CS.

The trick is to know how much your minions will push combined with how hard your champion can potentially push if you tried to to keep the wave in a mixture of the first, second, and fifth scenarios. You can let your wave get progressively bigger and closer to the enemy's side of the map but as soon as the waves become at risk of entering the third and fourth scenarios, you should hard shove the remaining enemy wave to force your wave under tower to reset and usually push back towards you, allowing you to freeze and deny the enemy CS if you're ahead and can easily kill them, or leave them more vulnerable to ganks.

Note that this info is pertinent vs ranged matchups as well, but it only becomes relevant around level 6 or so when you've actually become a threat to the enemy laner.

Once you have Urchin Strike the way you'd play out ranged or melee matchups becomes more similar, though you should still bear in mind the tips and advice I've already explained before.

Use the combos I've explained in the Combos chapter to trade depending on which one best suits your matchup and circumstances, and depending on how tough your matchup is at that stage in time, either try to kill your opponent or deny them CS if they play too passively to do that, or simply wait the matchup out until level 6 if your opponent is stronger than you.

Remember that it's okay to give up CS and fall a little behind to avoid dying if necessary, since Fizz doesn't really turn online until level 6 so you shouldn't expect to always be winning every lane at every stage of the game.

If you're ever stuck in a situation where you want to back after getting the next wave but the enemy lane opponent is freezing, go out of vision and start recalling. For the most part it's a fake recall, once they see you've started to back they need to start shoving in order to get the wave under tower before your next wave arrives in order to make you miss CS, and once they start shoving that's your cue to cancel your recall and pick up the wave they just kindly shoved into your tower for you. If they call your bluff and don't shove, then you can actually complete your recall and get back into lane before they have time to shove the next wave into the tower. Either way you're in a better position than if you get stuck in the cycle where you're constantly waiting for the frozen wave to finally hit your tower but the next wave has already arrived when you finally get that one, forcing you to never have a good time to back since you'd always miss a full wave for it.


When the opponent isn't freezing and is just constantly shoving waves into your tower, the best time to back is when the next wave coming up is a cannon wave. Cannon minions drastically slow down the time it takes someone to clear a wave since they're so tanky, giving you more time to recall and get back to lane, and even once the cannon wave is under your tower it still takes the tower ages to kill the cannon minion, buying time for you to catch the rest of the wave and possibly even the cannon minion.

At level 6 your kill potential become exponentially higher, but you should avoid using Chum the Waters until you know the enemy mid laner is actually low enough to kill, or that they're going to have to blow Flash or Barrier in order to survive and become ready for you to kill on the next go. Additionally if you can get your jungler to gank, it's amazing for setting up ganks and if you can connect it during a gank it should always mark death for your lane opponent.

To win games however it's not optimal to simply kill your enemy laner over and over again, and in some matchups you might have trouble killing your laner at all even when you find it easy to get control of the lane, so if you're not picking up kills or if you've already picked up a few kills on your opponent, you should start looking to roam. You'll lose out on a lot of CS and allow your lane opponent to catch up and the result might look like you're losing lane, but my winrate increased drastically once I started playing to set the enemy side lanes behind compared to setting my lane opponent behind, because in the process I also get my side lanes ahead as well as myself.

More on roaming later.

I'm not going to describe how to play each individual matchup because that's far too time consuming and I believe that the rest of my guide should already give you all the tools to figure out how to beat each matchup if you're smart enough, and at the end of the day you do need to be smart to be a good player.

I will however, categorize meta mid lane matchups into good or bad for Fizz so you can know what to pick him into and what to avoid picking him into.

These are the matchups where if you see them on the enemy team it's a great opportunity to pick Fizz since Fizz is considered a counterpick into these champions and can make their life hell in laning phase, generally because they're immobile mages who have the capability of beating you up in the early levels but after level 6 will find it extremely hard to survive against you without sitting under tower; however I'll be excluding picks like Zilean who Fizz is great against in lane but who completely counter him in teamfights.

If you don't consider yourself a Fizz main and just want to have him as a champion you have in your champion pool for when he's a good pick; this is when he's a good pick.

These are matchups where Fizz isn't directly a counterpick, but the matchups are more or less even enough to the point where the better player will win this matchup, so if you're an avid Fizz player and are confident in your abilities, you can comfortably pick Fizz into most of these matchups and win more often than you'll lose.

These are the matchups where you should probably never really pick Fizz into because they can make your life hell. Usually you'll only find yourself in these matchups either because you got counterpicked, because it's a matchup you find yourself winning more often than not despite it technically being a matchup, or you just can't play any champion other than Fizz so counterpicking yourself is better than playing something you suck at.

Most of these matchups are matchups where if I really want to climb and I find myself in them, I'd consider it smarter to dodge than to play the game out. Though bear in mind Zilean is actually an extremely easy matchup in lane but is still considered a counterpick to Fizz because of how hard he counters him in teamfights.

It's kind of hard to explain exactly where and when you want to ward through text without creating a huge cluster of images, so I've made a video to explain it. Obviously if you're red side it's the same thing but in reverse.


Again, roaming paths are hard to explain and visualize through text so I've put most of this chapter into a video so you can clearly see what I'm referring to when talking about gank paths and tactics.


Fizz is probably the most versatile assassin in how he can play out teamfights. Don't make the mistake of tunnel visioning on killing their carries when killing a frontliner who has a mix of tankiness and damage can be even more valuable. It's extremely easy to tag a frontline champion like Hecarim, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, Urgot or Riven with Chum the Waters and once they're tagged they're pretty much guaranteed to die to your combined burst damage especially when helped by the rest of your team, and often this will remove any threat from your own AD carry and allow them to free-hit the enemy team while the enemy still has to worry about the Fizz who still has half his cooldowns and a Zhonya's Hourglass to disrupt their damage.

You can still go on carries if you can reach them, especially if you think you can kill them with the "40 minute powerspike" combo, but going onto frontliners is often safer, a more guaranteed kill, and harder to counterplay on the enemy team, so long as your target is squishy enough to die. You can peel for someone who's diving onto your carries, but it's really hard to peel them from someone who's also trying to dive onto the enemy carries.

You should also always keep a looking for Stopwatch or Zhonya's Hourglass on the enemy team because anyone with these items can easily avoid your ult damage, so if you see them on an individual on the enemy team you should prioritize other targets.

I find dragon/baron teamfights to be a lot better for Fizz than regular teamfights, whether his team is the one starting or contesting the objective. When contesting the objective, if the enemy jungler is somewhat squishy like Lee Sin, you can tag them with Chum the Waters and easily one-shot them with the rest of your combo before they can finish off the objective, making it an easy steal for your team.

Otherwise, if the enemy jungler isn't burstable, it's still usually easy to either get onto or completely zone high priority targets since rather than peeling for their team the jungler has to stick onto the objective, so by moving towards their carries you force them to move off the objective and allow your team to more easily turn on their jungler and burst him down to steal the objective. If they don't move off the objective it's very easy to hit them with a Chum the Waters and burst them down.

Even if their support tries to block Chum the Waters, you can still turn on them and burst them down with just Seastone Trident combined with Urchin Strike, at least enough to take them out of the fight if your team doesn't finish them off or you don't kill them on your own, and still remain a threat to their carries by using Zhonya's Hourglass to get your cooldowns back up.

That's it for my Fizz guide! This was the most passionate I've been to write a guide in a while and I hope it shows and that your understanding of how to play Fizz improved.

Special thanks to Jovy for the banners and coding, and to Hopper for Social Media and Intro Edits.

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