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Ability Order
Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability

Hello, i'm ROFLtanked, i'm fairly new to league of legends ranked play and have grown a liking to the jungle. At the moment I play most of them but zac has for sure shown me some wins. I am currently only silver and hoping to climb higher but for now it stays that way. I will constantly update this guide, thank you for viewing! Also I do suggest you make a item set for the build.






Lets start with the seals and why I chose them. Everyone takes armor seals, scaling or flat. One way or another its just the best choice.

Next glyphs, I used magic resist glyphs just like I did seals. You use magic resist glyphs one way or another, rather it be scaling or flat you use it.

The marks I chose because you are of course ap and since your early game is weak, you want anything to boost that damage. I have seen attack speed and that can work as well but I do not recommend it. Also flat ap is another choice that I have seen work, Use which ever you can.

I took the quints for the same reason I did the marks. The magic pen is really effective and makes your damage much higher.



So the reason you max
Elastic Slingshot is because the range goes up quite a bit making zac able to initiate from very far range and gank very well. Some say max
Stretching Strikes first but I say that slingshot is much more reliable. Also are w
Unstable Matter scales really well, so we max it second. Another thing I would like to talk about here is are passive
Cell Division we have great diving ability and can easily go in first in a team fight, eat all the ults then get back up without them noticing.

Each time Zac hits an enemy with an ability, he sheds a chunk of himself that can be reabsorbed to restore 4% of his maximum health.
Upon taking fatal damage, Zac splits into 4 chunks that attempt to recombine. If any of these chunks remain after 8 seconds, he will revive with 10-50% health depending on the health of the surviving chunks. Each chunk has 12% of Zac's maximum health, and 50% of his armor and magic resistance. This ability has a static cooldown and is unaffected by cooldown reduction.
- Pick up the blobs as late as you can because it will give you more hp

- If you are going to use your ultimate in the battle, use this before the ult to try to slow them so you can land your ult more times.

- Can be used during let's bounce!

Can be cancelled by moving; refunding 50% of the health cost.
- Use even at close range just for that slight knockup/stun and damage.

Let's Bounce
Let's bounce
Zac leaps into the air and begins to bounce on the ground, up to a maximum of 4 bounces. Each bounce deals 160 / 240 / 320 (+ 25% AP) magic damage to nearby enemies, knocks them up for 1 second, and slows them by 20% for 1 second. Enemies hit more than once take half damage and are not knocked up or slowed. Zac gains an accelerating movement speed buff (20-50%) while active.Zac can right-click and can activate Unstable Matter to move while in the air. While active, Zac is unable to activate Stretching Strike or Elastic Slingshot.
- Using this with
Stretching Strikes,
Elastic Slingshot and
Flash is very deadly in teamfights. And usually you can land atleast one bounce on each member of the enemy team.
- When Zac is using his ultimate, he has 75% reduced CC duration. For everything except knockbacks that is with the spirit of the golem.

This ability is a must in the jungle for anyone, it secures objectives such as blue, red, dragon and baron.

I took this once on accident and it actually worked out. If a lane gets a suprise down bot and your mid. Just pop ghost and run. Although I do not suggest it.

First route:
Your blue smiteless, your wolves, your red with smite, your wraiths, your wolves.This should get you lvl 4 and some gank power, after just do basic safe routes and get up.

Really just be creative and come up with your own route and works for you well. rather it be invade red or blue which I tend to not do. Just do what you like and it will work better for you.

This is where

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