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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability

Hi there! Its S***bag Skag here. This is my first proper guide, so send feedback. Please, vote AFTER (unless you vote up :D) you have tried this build/guide, and explain downvote, thanks. Check build, read below and GL & HF!
So I play

- Much CC
- Unique gank paths with
Elastic Slingshot
- Fast jungle clear
- Revive passive (
Cell Division)
- Can get health back fast without recall with
Cell Division
- Size means FEAR
- Great tank
- Great escape and catch with
Elastic Slingshot,
Stretching Strikes, let's bounce and
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Fun to play
- Deals damage based on enemy health
Unstable Matter

- Skills consumes healt
- Can be easily countered with
Black Cleaver
Last Whisper
Blade of the Ruined King
Cell Division has big cooldown
Elastic Slingshot can be easily disturbed with stuns, knocks, silences etc.
I'm going to tell you shortly why I picked these runes
Mark of Armor and
Seal of Armor runes makes your early game a lot easier. All neutral monsters deal physical damage, so these runes makes you save potions and health when clearing jungle.
I don't buy much magic resist, so I like to use
Glyph of Magic Resist to boost it. You can use
Glyph of Ability Powers if you want to do damage, but I prefer being full tank so I bought [[glyph of magic resist]
In my build, you stack a LOT of health, so
Quintessence of Percent Healths boost it by 263 at full build (which is more than
Quintessence of Scaling Healths(gives 145,8HP at 18))

I don't buy much magic resist, so I like to use

In my build, you stack a LOT of health, so

I prefer:

Alternative choice:

(If you take

I don'w know what to tell about champion abilities except the reason of upgrading order.
So, its obvious i max
Unstable Matter first, because it lets you clear jungles, farm and kill faster than other spells, not because of damage, its because of SUPER low COOLDOWN.
At level 2, there is two options, you gank early and upgrade
Elastic Slingshot, or you upgrade
Stretching Strikes and keep jungling untill level 3. Upgrade third skill at level 3.
I prefer maxing
Stretching Strikes second, because it's more useful in middle game than
Elastic Slingshot
So, its obvious i max

At level 2, there is two options, you gank early and upgrade

I prefer maxing

I tell you about my choices and some alternative items.
Starting items:I buy
Hunter's Machete for clearing jungle as fast as possible. 5
Health Potions increases time to stay in game without recall, you can buy less if you want to save money. You can replace
Hunter's Machete with
Cloth Armor if you want to be more durability, but this will make your jungle clearing slower
1st Recall:You shouldn't die or recall before you have 1350G for
Boots and
Giant's Belt. It should be easy. You don't lose much health in jungle, because you can collect your chunks and restore health and if you lose too much health in ganks, you can use
Health Potions.
2nd Recall: It should be easy again to collect 1700G for
Spirit of the Ancient Golem and
Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Some people prefer
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith to
Spirit of the Ancient Golem, because it gives spell vamp, ability power, and magic penetration, but this is FULL TANK build so I prefer
Spirit of the Ancient Golem. Some people also prefer
Ninja Tabi or
Mercury's Treads to
Ionian Boots of Lucidity, because they makes you more durability, BUT there are 3 things
Zac needs mostly: Ability power, Health and Cooldown reduction, in this build I focus on health and cooldown reduction. You can buy
Ninja Tabi or
Mercury's Treads if you REALLY need them, but otherwise I recommend
Ionian Boots of Lucidity.
Middle game: I really don't know what people think about duration of middle game and I really don't know, BUT next I buy
Warmog's Armor and
Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
Warmog's Armor is OP item at the moment, it gives a LOT of health and big health regen (because build focuses on big max health).
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is also great item for
Zac, because it gives you damge and health. Also
Rylai's Crystal Scepter makes you spells slow enemies for short duration, so now you'r all skills slow enemies, not only
Stretching Strikes. Slow stacks perfectly to let's bounce and
Unstable Matter, because when you use let's bounce enemies cant flee from your bounces so easily because they're slowed, and
Unstable Matter have SO low cooldown it slows every 2,6 secs.
Late game: Next you buy
Spirit Visage, this is just perfect item for
Zac it makes you get more health from your chunks, which makes you stay in game longer. Just after teamfight or some random fight when you have low heath, go to jungle or lane to farm bit and collect chunks = you're back in action.
Randuin's Omen is also great item for
Zac, it gives much health and armor, also slowing enemies attach speed when they're focusing you and
Randuin's Omen's active stacks nicely with your let's bounce, so enemies can flee so easily.
Full build: So, now we have
Spirit of the Ancient Golem,
Ionian Boots of Lucidity,
Warmog's Armor,
Rylai's Crystal Scepter,
Spirit Visage and
Randuin's Omen. This seems like full build, but its not. It's always good to enchant your boots, in this case
Enchantment: Alacrity is good choice making you move faster in map. If you're losing at the moment, it's also good to buy
Enchantment: Homeguard making you move to place where you are needed extremely fast, and you don't have to stay in spawn so long while recovering health. Now you think you have full build? NO,
Spirit of the Ancient Golem is great item in early and mid game while you're still jungling actively, but in late game its not so useful anymore.
Sunfire Aegis is more useful in late game, but i don't recommend selling
Spirit of the Ancient Golem right when you have
Randuin's Omen or gold to
Giant's Belt or
Chain Vest, because
Spirit of the Ancient Golem is more useful than
Giant's Belt or
Chain Vest. So, collect 1040G before you sell it, then you have enough gold for
Sunfire Aegis. If enemy team have lot of AP champions or really fed AP carry, you can replace
Sunfire Aegis with
Abyssal Mask.
Starting items:I buy

1st Recall:You shouldn't die or recall before you have 1350G for

2nd Recall: It should be easy again to collect 1700G for

Middle game: I really don't know what people think about duration of middle game and I really don't know, BUT next I buy

Late game: Next you buy

Full build: So, now we have

Full build stats:
Health: 5265
Health regen /5sec: 22,4(+1% of full health)
Mana: 0
Mana regen /5: 0
Attack Speed: 0,805/sec
Damage: 115
Ability power: 80
Armor pene: 0/0%
Magic pene: 0/0%
Crit chance: 0%
Crit damage: 100%
Armor: 228,7
Magic resist: 125,5
Lifesteal: 0%
Spell vamp: 0%
Tenacity: 0
Cooldown reduction: 35%
Movement speed: 395
Skill damages:

let's bounce: 320 + 20 = 340 Magic damage
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