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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 3, 2015 9:24pm | Report

Runes: Atk Dmg + 1 Crit, Arm, MR, Atk Dmg
Masteries: 18-12-0


Well that pretty much sucked. We should have surrendered at 15 except you can’t. Jax screwed everyone up at the start of the match my having Smite. Teemo picked into Garen then Jax switched to Teleport and then back to Smite to jungle when he noticed that Teemo had opted for top lane summoners. Jarvan IV no Flash. No worries man. Uh, you kinda of want if for engage or to get out if you bite off more than you can chew, like you know being stuck in Cataclysm with an Enchantment: Devourer + Trinity Force Xin Zhao. Guess who Xin ganked first thing? Not that it would have mattered much. No one could get near LeBlanc and live for longer than 3 seconds. Had to go Quicksilver Sash 2nd item to cleanse her stupid mark and have some MR.

Laning. Sona did a good job of poking them, but she would basically blow her load each time and then we would be stuck in lane with her with no mana.

Eventually Jax just started running straight up Mid after he respawned. Surrender vote still failed twice. Smh.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 3, 2015 10:29pm | Report

Match Details

Runes: Atk Dmg + 1 Crit, Arm, MR, Atk Dmg
Masteries: 18-0-12


That went better. Garen is annoying until you get Bilgewater Cutlass. After that you can use Subjugate on him and kill him. Ghost could be decent in the match-up as he can otherwise run away when you try to all in him as he can dump the slow from the Cutlass active by activating Decisive Strike.

Oh, you can put Perseverance on cool down by bopping Garen with Pillar of Ice if you have the mana to spare.

I couldn't really get Shaco to gank for me despite pinging several times about how pushed up Garen was. I think Shaco was hunting him a Sion. Trundle isn’t a super tank so you so have to watch out when your ultimate is down and note when the duration ends as you get a lot squishier thereafter.

Yasuo came up and helped me once. We didn’t get a kill but I did get to push the lane in and go back which was needed at the time.

Given that everyone was doing work we were able to roll this one up after a couple of picks and sieges.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 4, 2015 11:05pm | Report

Match Details

Runes: Atk Dmg, Arm, sMR, Atk Spd
Masteries: 18-0-12


Trundle is a mean mofo. Of course it didn’t hurt that bot lane was stomping which left me free to focus on Twisted Fate and Poppy. Pretty much a pub stomp.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 5, 2015 2:44pm | Report

Match Details

Runes: Arm Pen, Arm, MR, Atk Dmg
Masteries: 18-0-12


Riding the Troll train to victory tell they nerf him into the ground. I played the Dr. Mundo match-up badly early. You are stronger at level 1 if you Chomp him and he started Infected Bonesaw. If he started Blunt Force Trauma you want to Chomp him after he activates Blunt Force Trauma. At levels 2-5 he has more damage abilities than you do, and if he gets you out in the open he can pelt you with cleavers for % health damage. Bad news. But about level 5 on you should be able to kill him especially once you have Bilgewater Cutlass if he is low. Ignite comes in quite handy as well. Rock him at level 6 once you have Subjugate if you aren’t running Ignite and you have a chance. With Blade of the Ruined King and Ignite you should be able to ruin his day whenever you run into him.

I farmed like ****. Likely going to switch out the Arm Pen marks to Atk Dmg marks to help with that.

Olaf did work. Vayne farmed while the rest of us won the game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 5, 2015 5:40pm | Report

Match Details

Runes: Atk Dmg, Arm, MR, Atk Spd
Masteries: 18-12-0


Silver 3 again. Yay! It was looking a little iffy at the start with all three lanes needing some help so I made the rounds to try and create some pressure as opposed to farming. Didn’t amount to much other than a bit of damage done. Hands held, Fizz started dumping on Yasuo with some more help from me and then he made some good roams to start snowballing.

My one death I caught Nocturne trying to take a scuttle crab and I killed him but Yasuo came to his aid and finished me off before Fizz could respond.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2015 8:53am | Report

Match Details

Runes: Atk Dmg, Arm, MR, Atk Spd
Masteries: 18-12-0


Our Bot lane > their Bot lane. Darius couldn’t figure out that he couldn’t really beat Volibear 1 v 1 early and also ignored pings to let him know Lee Sin was coming his way. Ekko seemed to be mopping the floor with LeBlanc. I did troll things. We won.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2015 11:38am | Report

Match Details

Runes: Atk Dmg + 1 Crit, Arm, 6 MR + 3 Atk Spd, 2 Atk Spd + 1 Atk Dmg
Masteries: 18-12-0


Didn’t get top or jg. Illaoi got counterpicked. My Leona got us killed by going on them when they had a full minion wave. We got back in the lane with some dual ganks from Volibear and Kennen picking up kills each time. They tried a counter gank after one of those, but I had a pink ward for Vayne so I was able to take her out.

Then someone called a baron after we picked ?two? of them. We didn’t have the damage to do it fast enough. They were able to get back and Vayne gets a pentakill, erasing the fact that we did get baron. Pretty much gg after that as we couldn’t coordinate well enough to setup a decent team fight, with people gettting picked across the map.

I screwed up once and went cross country though our jungle to protect out Top outer tower without any ward coverage. Vayne and someone else where waiting in a bush and she Condemned me into a wall. I almost killed her, which I think enticed our Kennen to try and make a play on her, but he just got deleted too. Argh!

Nope three major screw ups as I once lost track of Orianna’s ball in a skirmish around their Mid outer tower and she picked up a triple kill on us. The third was being too close to Braum when he ulted in that fight, which allowed Ori to get her ult off and put mine on cool down. So I suppose that was more of an outplay than a screw up, but I need to try and take those things into account.

Definitely room for improvement.

I miss being able to get a pink ward trinket as a form of counterplay for champions that have stealth.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2015 8:10pm | Report

Match Details

Runes: Atk Dmg, Arm, MR, Atk Spd
Masteries: 18-12-0


We tried to lose this one. We were crushing them and then everyone decided that they were going to siege them 2 v 5. More than once. Then we all got picked off going to Dragon and I am like WTF where are our wards? Turns out no one bought a Sightstone and I didn’t realize this until that point. smh. I run sweeper on jungle because I need to pop out of bushes and whack people. Need to make a mental note to check if our support bot a Sightstone and if not get one myself.

Fortunately we were ahead enough that as soon as we got a catch or two we were able to roll up their base.

Oh, Trundle's wave clear sans something like Tiamat is not great, at least when all you have to rely on is Frozen Domain for attack speed. He gets the job done, but it takes quite a while if you have a huge wave built up against you. So send someone else to wave clear a lane unless you really need the farm for an item spike.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2015 9:29pm | Report

Match History

Runes: Atk Dmg, Arm, MR, Atk Dmg
Masteries: 12-0-18


The damage graph pretty much tells the story. Bot lane got dumpstered. The enemy team translated that into good rotations to take out outer towers. I did okay against Akali. Bought an early Null-Magic Mantle and a Phage and then killed her every time Hecarim came to gank + once solo and would have gotten her a fourth time if Hec and I didn’t get four manned as I had a pink ward to fix the Twilight Shroud issue.

Felt like I played this one about as well as I could have since I couldn’t really split push without my team dying or losing a significant objective or both.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2015 11:02pm | Report

Match Details

Runes: Mpen, Arm, sMR, AP
Masteries: 0-12-18


This was one of those games were nothing went right other than my first gank, though I had to Flash to finish off Nasus. This turned around and bit me in the *** because when I returned to gank him again because he burned Ghost during my first gank, I got spotted by a pink ward. Sejuani showed up while I was killing the pink ward and between her CC and Wither from Nasus and no response from Kennen I was a very dead sad mummy. So plenty of work put into Top lane, Kennen gets ?fed? up with dealing with Nasus and DCs (at least that is my guess).

Later I caught Sejuani trying to kill dragon by herself. I pinged it and went in to try and kill her and steal the dragon, but failed at both. Would have been awfully nice if anyone from my team had responded but sadly they didn’t.

Vayne got herself deleted by a clearly pinged out Fizz that was coming to gank Bot lane. Later Vayne got herself killed taking the Top outer turret again even though there were clear pings that non-friends were on their way to try and kill her.

Eventually Vayne AFKs at a our outer base tower.

Never did actually have a team fight where my ultimate might have mattered. Should have DCd when I saw the first pick Varus mid. Then I would be sitting on 1 LP instead of -4, sigh. I don’t mind the pick per se, but not first pick.

Silver 3 why u do this to me?

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