tehAsian wrote:
It actually gives decent AD :p
about 70 total fully charged, I think.
Yet you still lose AD in comparison to what you could have had with Bloodthirster not even taking into account the Lifesteal on it.
I like to think that AD carry builds has started to progress from the ancient trinity of Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer and Last Whisper which combination would still give you maximum damage on standard AD carries (against enemy teams with Taric). However, nowadays people have started to take into consideration utility as such may opt for a Wriggle's Lantern for lane dominance and instead of rushing Infinity Edge go for Phantom Dancer first as to gain more mobility. AD carry builds were a lot more static in the past to what state they're now.
In some cases with quirky AD carries like Ezreal the simple choice of which boots would vary depending on the circumstance of the situation and isn't a clear cut Berserker's Greaves. Also, little things like how many Doran's Blade do I need or shall I get? Imaqtpie of Dignitas for example always gets 3 Doran's Blade in tournament games. Corki is probably the one with the most variety in terms of overall chose: Do I go Infinity Edge route or Trinity Force? Do I get Last Whisper or should I pick up Black Cleaver instead? Am I confident enough to run without Flash? Lots of these questions you will ask yourself and the answer will vary depending on the factors of the game at hand (please no one be ignorant as to say "this way is right all the time in every single circumstance").
If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
PsiGuard wrote:
no. please tell me who you're building this on so i can laugh. in each case where trinity might be good, building just flat damage instead will be better 100%.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
+rep to the useful replies in this thread.
Your Tristana build was fine, I believe (like Psi said) Chaox or someone used to run something very similar. As Tristana you are forced sometimes to jump right into the enemy team to deal damage, so being a bit beefier is a great idea. However, due to her superior range late game generally you just want to stick with maximum damage to out dps the enemy AD.
And of course Last Whisper isn't necessarily core. If the entire enemy team has no armour and consist of LeBlanc (mid), Ashe (bot), Sona (support), Nidalee (not tanky, top) and Nocturne (built pure DPS, jungle), are you really still going to buy LW over BC?
tldr; mute all if they insult you about your item build. I was raged at for buying Merc Treads on WW once by someone who insisted Ionians or Zerk's were the way to go with jungle WW. /ignore.
Your Tristana build was fine, I believe (like Psi said) Chaox or someone used to run something very similar. As Tristana you are forced sometimes to jump right into the enemy team to deal damage, so being a bit beefier is a great idea. However, due to her superior range late game generally you just want to stick with maximum damage to out dps the enemy AD.
And of course Last Whisper isn't necessarily core. If the entire enemy team has no armour and consist of LeBlanc (mid), Ashe (bot), Sona (support), Nidalee (not tanky, top) and Nocturne (built pure DPS, jungle), are you really still going to buy LW over BC?
tldr; mute all if they insult you about your item build. I was raged at for buying Merc Treads on WW once by someone who insisted Ionians or Zerk's were the way to go with jungle WW. /ignore.
I think Manamune is for those who can't gauge their mana well.
I learned to get by with just Sheen most of the time.
@caucheka TF actually does more damage and, imo, more benefits to an ad carry that can fully utilize it, than items that give pure ad.
But then if you get it on someone like Yi, then...:p
I learned to get by with just Sheen most of the time.
@caucheka TF actually does more damage and, imo, more benefits to an ad carry that can fully utilize it, than items that give pure ad.
But then if you get it on someone like Yi, then...:p
caucheka wrote:
no. please tell me who you're building this on so i can laugh. in each case where trinity might be good, building just flat damage instead will be better 100%.
Corki and Ezreal. And I didn't say to rush it either. Most games I wouldn't build more than a Sheen on either champion.
Perhaps you'd like to laugh at WestRice while you're at it. He was building it in S1.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
This is why people go MANAMASTER. Because it actually works and is quite scary late game
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Thanks to jhoijhoi, albableat, Arcana3, GMD and I for the awesome sigs! im a zombie
caucheka wrote:
no. please tell me who you're building this on so i can laugh. in each case where trinity might be good, building just flat damage instead will be better 100%.
Dear god, please tell me you are trolling? Anyways I'll bite, note everything I say fourth is from the perspective of Corki as he seems to be the main topic of example.
Yes, Infinity Edge gives higher sustained damage but Trinity Force will give you superior damage against squishies (which so happen to be in generalized circumstances the most threat) so it really comes down to what team composition your facing.
PsiGuard, forget Westrice lets take probably hands down (in my opinion) the best Corki player as an example - that being Imaqtpie of Dignitas. At the Curse Invitation Tournament final against Curse after rushing his usual Black Cleaver he opted for rushing Trinity Force yet against Fnatic today at IEM Hanover he rushed Infinity Edge first after Black Cleaver. Hmm, what can we conclude from this piece of information? That certain items are better in different cases, and aren't necessarily better in "100% of the cases". This is once again not even taking into consideration the vast amount of utility contained from Trinity Force.
If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
Zell wrote:
Dear god, please tell me you are trolling? Anyways I'll bite, note everything I say fourth is from the perspective of Corki as he seems to be the main topic of example.
Yes, Infinity Edge gives higher sustained damage but Trinity Force will give you superior damage against squishies (which so happen to be in generalized circumstances the most threat) so it really comes down to what team composition your facing.
PsiGuard, forget Westrice lets take probably hands down (in my opinion) the best Corki player as an example - that being Imaqtpie of Dignitas. At the Curse Invitation Tournament final against Curse after rushing his usual Black Cleaver he opted for rushing Trinity Force yet against Fnatic today at IEM Hanover he rushed Infinity Edge first after Black Cleaver. Hmm, what can we conclude from this piece of information? That certain items are better in different cases, and aren't necessarily better in "100% of the cases". This is once again not even taking into consideration the vast amount of utility contained from Trinity Force.
Trinity force on Corki also gives a bigger DPS against tanks. If you chose to attack them however.
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