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[Community Spotlight] - FalseoGod

Creator: Wayne3100 September 4, 2015 4:17pm
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<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 4:17pm | Report

||| Hello all and welcome to MOBAFire's monthly Community Spotlight!*

This month's interview will feature FalseoGod, a Veteran who has been part of this site for roughly 3.5 years and has gained recognition by writing multiple guides ( Kayle, Rumble, Swain, Syndra), being active in site discussions, maintaining ranked threads in the Competitive Scene, regularly attending the EUW inhouses and more! In this interview, we asked him questions about his time on MOBAFire and League before taking a peek into his personal life. Enjoy!

* this one officially counts as the August one despite being a little late, my apologies

Let's start by talking about your time on MOBAFire. Why did you join the site initially? What is your favorite 'Mobafire moment' so far (things such as a particular thread, a hilarious or witty comment, an exciting event)?

I first heard of Mobafire in 2012 when it was mostly populated by silver scrubs. I remember clearly seeing the ad on Facebook for an official Mobafire **** and, despite my occasional passion for women like Angelina Jolie and Emma Stone, I decided to apply :^)

In all seriousness, I remember googling something like "league of legends help" and arriving on Mobafire. This happened shortly after joining the game (around the time Viktor was released), and at first I mostly used Mobafire to read more about champions so I could decide where I wanted my IP to go to. I officially joined - unranked, and mainly a Twisted Treeline player - to create a Kayle guide (because we all know unranked means "diamond and able to teach others to play").

We've had many good Mobafire moments. There's always some shady shota-loving troll hiding right around the corner of the Competitive Scene or, in the old days, writing a guide with tons of bad information and telling you to die with prostate cancer for correcting them. I'm a fan of drama, so obviously seeing the community gang bang the troll - not unlike antibodies - is always a fun sight.

Since joining in March 2012, you have released four guides, of which two are currently archived. Do you have any plans in regards to MOBAFire guides for the future? If not, which champion would you write a guide for if you absolutely had to?

Guidewriting is a huge task, but I think the hardest bit is actually keeping your guides up to date. It's like birthing your kid, watch them grow as other people throw stones and money at them and, just when you think they're going to leave your house and let you make up for 20 years of absolutely no sex, Riot releases a patch. This makes your kid's red mohawk suddenly out of fashion, and stones start flying again. Tiresome.

If I absolutely had to make a guide, it'd have to be something for the random stuff I occasionally pull off, like Machine Gun Jungle Lulu.

As you know from being one, many of the questions in this interview have been provided by the Veterans of this website. The following question, therefore, shouldn't be a big surprise: what are your thoughts on the current Veterans?

People asked for that? Do they think I'm going to be nice or something? :^)

jhoijhoi: She's like Mobafire's Elobooster if it applied to guide writing. Mobafire's guidebooster? I mean, her name is in the "Thanks" Section of like 99% of the guides that have a space for that. Plus her "Mother" icon is really nice, props to the graphic designer who made it.

Also she's 1 out of the ~5 Mobafire female members who are probably not a guy in disguise.

PsiGuard: He used to be a cool guy and I used to have an opinion of him, and then he disappeared. Now The People only sight him when there's no one else available to lock threads.

Nighthawk: Thinks everyone is his waifu. Lures new members to Mobafire by promising skins to mess up the site's statistics. I think he's Polyamorous and/or Muslim.

The_Nameless_Bard: Another woman on Mobafire I've confirmed is real. Which isn't actually hard because she mains support and doesn't know she can replace "I'm sorry" with a full stop "."

She also made me believe Veteranhood was originally created when people realized they can apply it to most Mobafire females so they can identify them with more ease.

MissMaw: Woman = support main. Her use of "I'm sorry" is actually sarcastic though, so I might like her more because it makes her manlier. It is rumored that underneath the sarcastic remarks and word jabs lies a heart of gold that gifts skins and says nice things.

Lugignaf: He's like reverse Psiguard, he only existed to shut people down and suddenly he's all cozy and ****. Like a grandmother. Makes me crave chocolate cookies (Lugi please don't ban me, it'd be so awkward for Mobafire if they featured me and banned me afterwards).

Mejiji: My sexually deviant student <3 Almost makes my heart melt, how I carried him out of the closet and into the brothel. That's how I was able to afford Heartseeker Varus .

Mowen: The first Mobafire female I ever met and she used to fall right into the stereotype <3 I remember the shock I felt when I heard her voice on TS around my first few Inhouse Games, I thought she was Wayne using a voice "mask" to make it look like League of Legends is gender diverse. Then they both spoke at once, and I thought she was GMD because everyone was sure GMD was a girl back then.

Now she's also gone into the unknown of the Mobafire workforce, located somewhere in the ghost town of the Chinese Paris replica.

Toshabi: I wish you could make a day every year where you'd be yourself rather than a character. By now, I'm 76.5% sure you're a bot.

GrandmasterD: I just wanna put his name here because I used to **** my pants whenever I was up against him in the inhouses. I mean, he was GOLD ELO and I was unranked. He also made the best remarks ever, but that void was amply filled by a virtual ***** named HiFromBuddha.

Janitsu: Mobafire's attempt at getting me into jail. Nice try, but I prefer redheads.

Wayne3100: I wish you could change your name so people stopped making jokes about the numbers. It's older than any of Latest Legend's jokes. I'm also half sure you can't stand me after 40 minutes of virtual coexistence. But it's ok, I've recorded your voice and by now I have my "80 minutes of Wayne saying stuff", where I can hear you say "of course he's ganking me again" every 2 minutes.

Luther3000: Another person whose feet I step on way more often than I should. All you need to do is take more risks buddy, the game isn't a 40 minute laning phase. But you're still a good player and you actually say funny stuff now and then.

Just stop stealing Vapora's passive-aggressive girls. I mean, Vapora always ends up choosing his hand over his girls, why go through the effort of stealing if you can just wait?

OTGBionicArm: Stop shooting new members on sight. They are not after your robot porn.

Vapora Dark: I don't know what's worse: random League players knowing him when I ask if they do or everyone who plays Talon on Mobafire saying "I'm better than Vapora".

Actually, I know what's the worst: S T O P H A M M E R I N G Y O U R K E Y B O A R D O N T S, W E A R E Y O U R F R I E N D S

Vynertje: He should be Mobafire's Dad, the way he caters to new members. Also, I'm 84% sure he's actually a woman pretending to be a guy, though he unfortunately doesn't apologize nearly enough times in game to confirm.

Embracing: One of the few people who hears me say "let's do this random ********" and answers "Yes!". Might've been just once actually, though that still makes it a 100% agreement ratio.

emoriam: I always think you're Emikadon. This makes my opinion of you very confusing D:

Joxuu: He and TheRedPenguin are walking baits. They bait their team into stupid stuff and come out on top while the rest of us dies. Or we all die.

If you could switch personas with one of our fellow members, who would you choose and why?

I'd switch with whoever's the richest and transfer all their money to me before transferring my 0,10€ to their bank account :^)

As for a reason, it's because I have mouths to feed and ferrets to get through college.

Finally, you've played in over 100 inhouse games by now. Who do you think is the best (and, if you're comfortable answering it, worst) player in the EUW inhouses? Also, is there anyone who used to participate that you miss seeing in the inhouse games?

Man, it's really hard to tell you who's the best.

(revel in this heartfelt moment:) Although I diss most Inhouse Players, I actually have a lot of respect for the skill of many of our EUW regulars:

- I think DisturbedFox and Vapora Dark are definitely among our top players when it comes to laning (although I think neither of them is amazing at transitioning out of it; they might keep stomping if they were already stomping, or feel really demotivated while playing if otherwise)

- I think Joxuu is a wildcard: he's probably one of the best players overall when it comes to his main roles (during all stages of the game), but he often goofs around with half-baked picks and telling you "it's ok" while you feel the "let's try some random ****" in his voice.

In terms of "worst player", suffice to say that elo generally shows the level of how they'll play the inhouse. Which means LevasK :^)

I miss GMD, he made the games funnier when you were on his team.

Let's move on from questions about MOBAFire, and learn a bit more about you as a League player. First off, when and how did you start playing the game? Which role was your favorite one when you started out, and how has that changed over the seasons?

I started playing League around November 2011. This is going to sound "so me", but I started playing it while on Erasmus in Madrid, after a (I didn't know it yet) boyfriend-to-be recommended the game as we were chatting up on a gay dating site (this is actually true).

There was no "favorite role" for the first month or two of playing. I was terrified of PVP, so I avoided Summoner's Rift altogether and played on Twisted Treeline because I had to deal with less people. All I knew is that I wanted to play mages, and so one of the first I picked up was Morgana.

True to my "Must play mages" thing, I started maining mid lane and stuck to it ever since, generally playing only ranged champions.

Speaking of favorites, which champion is currently your favorite and why? And what's your favorite skin? If you had the opportunity to create one new skin, which would it be?

My favorite champion of all time is Swain. I always like to deviate a bit from what's popular or expected, and I absolutely love his kit and his unique design: he's one of the few true frontline mages who isn't either a tank or an assassin (you can build AP tanks as full AP, but they will become more of a burst mage thing that doesn't have Swain's endurance).

My favorite skin is really hard to pick, but I think it's Dreadknight Nasus . I wish Poro Juggler Syndra became a reality.

In the past year, Riot has focused less on releasing new champions, opting instead to invest more time into reworking old champions such as Sion, Gangplank, Fiora and Mordekaiser. Are you a fan of this approach? If so, which champion do you think most needs a rework next?

I have mixed feelings about this rework spree. Like with many other things, it feels like Riot doesn't actually use PBE for anything except bug fixes, and they release champions with stupid numbers that are even more toxic than their original form (I mean, they even admitted they ignored PBE on the Skarner being too strong and Darius too weak).

Furthermore, I think people who main these champions might actually be disappointed by the major reworks. One example is Sion, who was either a melee AD carry or a melee mage (or for NicknameMy he was unkiteable). Suddenly he's reworked into a massive tank whose only hints of it having the identity of "old" Sion was the name and the W mechanics. I'd be pretty disappointed if suddenly my main champion was deemed "in need of a rework" and turned into something nearly unrecognizable.

I think Poppy is due for a rework.

Finally, do you (frequently) play any other games besides LoL, and are there any games you would recommend others to play?

I have a PS3 and a Nintendo 3DS, and I use both for mostly single player games and a few beat 'em ups. I play mostly RPGs (Dark Souls 1 and 2, Dragon Age Series, Skyrim, Bravely Default, Final Fantasy Series, Kingdom Hearts Series, Shin Megami Tensei Series, Deus Ex: Human Revolution) and I could recommend most of these games easily. I'm always up for beating people's faces in on SoulCalibur 3-5 too.

In this last section of questions, let's get a bit more personal. What do you do for a living, or what are you hoping to do for a living within the next 5 to 10 years?

"Let's get a bit more personal". Funny, I thought Vapora would go for that line first :/

I'm currently a Graphic Designer for a Jewelry Company. I do everything from their ads to preparing exhibitions or handling their Facebook. A thing about medium companies in Portugal is that you're underpaid and you do a lot of things that would not be expected from your post in other companies, such as cleaning the company's bathroom every X weeks (which I don't have to do because of ***** privilege. Not even kidding).

After this interview's release, however, I may actually have quit my ****ty job and either be working for a game selling company or preparing to take a Masters in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects, while investing quite a bit in Webdesign.

In 10 years I hope to be rich and have a photography lab in my own house.

Is there anything you'd really love to do but you haven't done yet? Is there any place you absolutely want to visit?

Travel. I have the little kid's dream of going to Egypt, but I just wanna see the world overall, as much as I can. If I could, I'd make a huge voyage every 3-4 months and just soak it all in.

I've played too much Tomb Raider in my youth not to want to visit huge *** temples all over the world.

What type of music do you listen to the most? Who is your favorite artist or band?

I listen to a bit of everything, really. I'm not saying this as "everything on the radio" or as "I'm such an erudit lal", I just...pretty much will listen to it if I like it. This goes from classical music to rock'n'roll.

My newest addiction are FKA Twiggs and Azaelia Banks, although my all time favorite band is probably Placebo with Goldfrapp as a close runner-up.

Finally, let's turn the spotlight to your pet for a second. Tell us more about your ferret! Not a question, its a demand!

One thing your ex-relationships are good for is knowing what you want (or not) in your life, and one of them showed me I want a ferret. They're loving, mischievous, clumsy and independent (and I guarantee every single straight guy that girls on the street will literally either run towards you to touch it or away from you scream "AAAH RAAAT"). They also make for a passable aphrodisiac :^)

I got Freya pretty much as soon as she was able to leave her mom (2.5 months old) and she's been with us for over a year now. When we got her, she used to be in all sorts of dumb accidents because they get excited over nothing and do this "Weasel War Dance", which is basically them doing funny noises and jumping around, hence falling out of our bed, banging her head against walls, etc.

She's currently pregnant with two kits (they should be born around 9/11, which is also my brother's birthday) because we wanted another ferret and we need the money to pay for her sterilization (oh the irony). Jils (female ferrets) have multiple heat cycles every year (we all know a few Mobafire members who are like that) and they need to have them calmed otherwise the risk of them getting anemia is extremely high.

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
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i deserve the spotlight for this pls
"Such fascinating evolution."
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 4:27pm | Report
FalseoGod wrote:
- I think DisturbedFox and Vapora Dark are definitely among our top players
Good joke, tell another!
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 4:33pm | Report
I am glad you answered our demands. Your ferret seems lovely <3
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo

Want to advertise your guide, but don't know where? Click here for an opportunity of a lifetime!
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 5:13pm | Report
Good joke, tell another!

I told so many I'm all sold out uu

@Jack: get in line with everyone else, starting with Thalia. Zzzzzzzz

@Mejiji: I had this photo here already but I think you were on vacations and missed it
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 5:26pm | Report
Good read, one of the top most anticipated ones imo because of unique opinions and views.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 5:34pm | Report
FalseoGod wrote:

@Jack: get in line with everyone else, starting with Thalia. Zzzzzzzz

at least i really spam him :(
"Some call it magic. I call it good graphic."
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 5:58pm | Report
FalseoGod wrote:
a virtual ***** named HiFromBuddha.

Hey, what the **** man? I'm not just a "*****", I'm an *******er3100 with three vibration settings, ranging from love-tap to domestic violence, as well as built-in hydraulics for self-pumping action, warm water tap to keep your balls warm and clean while I go ham in your ***, *********** simulator made from gourmet ham to simulate the taste of semen so I can actually go ham in your *** and a built in coffee and tea maker for the post-sex depression, not that I would know how that feels because I'm an *******er3100 with a battery life that's up to 30 light years long, and all of which done within 30 minutes of charging, which means I can keep going on and on to adjust to how long your endurance is. So next time you call me a "*****", I will bring my homeboys and I to come and **** you up the ***.

Thank you to MissMaw for the signatures!
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 7:34pm | Report
When have I ever shot a new member on sight Falseo? T.T It's only idiots. And it's not shooting. It's more like lightly punching them until they hate me and go away.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 4, 2015 9:39pm | Report
It is rumored that underneath the sarcastic remarks and word jabs lies a heart of gold that gifts skins and says nice things.

Cannot confirm.

Actually, I know what's the worst: S T O P H A M M E R I N G Y O U R K E Y B O A R D O N T S, W E A R E Y O U R F R I E N D S

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