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MOBAFire Season 14 Guide Contest!

Creator: Hades4u January 11, 2024 8:24am
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<Lead Community Manager>
Hades4u's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2024 8:24am | Report

Hello and welcome to the Season 14 Guide Contest! Check out the details below to learn how you can win up to $200 value in prizes! 🏆

Season 14 Guide Contest
To enter, simply create or update a quality Champion Guide and keep it updated throughout the next 6 weeks. Your guide(s) must fulfill the requirements of a Full Guide to be eligible (a complete build plus 3,000+ characters of body text, including BBCode).

There will be 6 categories with a total of 18 winners and 18 honorable mentions. Each winner will receive a prize of their choice of $200 value while each honorable mention will receive a $50 RP Code. Authors can participate with multiple guides, but may only win in one role category (top, jungle, mid, adc or support). In addition to winning a role category, authors can also win the Fabulous category to increase their total prize.

  • Best Top Guides - (1 winner for best Updated guide, 1 winner for best New guide, 1 winner from either category, 3 honorable mentions)
  • Best Jungle Guides - (1 winner for best Updated guide, 1 winner for best New guide, 1 winner from either category, 3 honorable mentions)
  • Best Mid Guides - (1 winner for best Updated guide, 1 winner for best New guide, 1 winner from either category, 3 honorable mentions)
  • Best ADC Guides - (1 winner for best Updated guide, 1 winner for best New guide, 1 winner from either category, 3 honorable mentions)
  • Best Support Guides - (1 winner for best Updated guide, 1 winner for best New guide, 1 winner from either category, 3 honorable mentions)
  • Most Fabulous Guides - (3 winners for best New or Updated guide, 3 honorable mentions)

Three winners will be chosen for each role category - one guide established before the start of the contest, one guide created after the contest begins and one guide from either of those categories. Whether you're making a new guide from scratch or updating your masterpiece for the current patch, there are lots of chances to win!

Honorable mentions will also be chosen for each category - authors that did an awesome job but didn't quite make it to the top will also be rewarded. We appreciate all great guides and the time and effort that has been invested into their creation!

Contest Prizes
The winners of any category will receive the same prize of $200 value! The prize can be claimed in the form of RP Codes, Amazon Gift Cards or cash paid by PayPal or bank. Honorable mentions will receive a $50 RP Code each.

We’ll send out emails to all the winners after the judging period is concluded asking for their prize of choice and other relevant information for receiving their prize.

In addition to the prizes above, each winner will also receive a special badge for their profile. There is a unique badge for each category of the contest. Each badge will be linked to the author's winning guide so other users can more easily appreciate their achievement!

Contest Categories
You can create or update multiple guides for any category below. The more guides, the more chances! 💪

Top! (3 Winners & 3 Honorable Mentions)
1 Winner for Best Updated Guide
1 Winner for Best NEW Guide
1 Winner for either a NEW or Updated Guide
3 Honorable Mentions
Judge: Sovereign Kitten
Teach your readers how to crush their opponents in top lane. How should your champion play out the early laning phase? Which early game items are most suitable for surviving tough matchups or dominating easy ones? How should your champion look to control the minion wave to maximize their success in the early game? Show your readers how to roam, use Teleport or split-push successfully. A detailed matchups section is always a great addition as well!

Jungle! (3 Winners & 3 Honorable Mentions)
1 Winner for Best Updated Guide
1 Winner for Best NEW Guide
1 Winner for either a NEW or Updated Guide
3 Honorable Mentions
Judge: Silverman43
A good jungle guide explains not only the build, but the playstyle as well. Does your champion shine early with aggressive invades and frequent ganks, or should your readers adopt a more conservative playstyle and farm efficiently? What’s the best way to gank with this champion, and which lane can they gank most effectively? When does your champion reach its strongest point in the game and how can a good jungler capitalize on that power spike?

Mid! (3 Winners & 3 Honorable Mentions)
1 Winner for Best Updated Guide
1 Winner for Best NEW Guide
1 Winner for either a NEW or Updated Guide
3 Honorable Mentions
Judge: Fruxo
The middle lane is the key to map control. Whether you’re a mage, assassin or marksman, timely pushes, roams and freezes are key to a successful laning phase. If your champion has a variety of ability combos available to them, teach your readers how to make the most of their kit. If your champion has a key skillshot, defensive ability or ultimate, tell readers when and how to use that ability to its fullest potential. Whether you’re a diver or a backline carry, team fighting is also an important aspect of mid lane, so be sure to prepare your readers for 5v5 brawls.

ADC! (3 Winners & 3 Honorable Mentions)
1 Winner for Best Updated Guide
1 Winner for Best NEW Guide
1 Winner for either a NEW or Updated Guide
3 Honorable Mentions
Judge: Jovy
Success in the bottom lane is a team effort, but you can always teach prospective bot lane carries how to succeed at every stage of the game. While this role is usually occupied by marksmen (or “AD carries”), judges will consider all champions for the bot lane role. Be sure to cover how to make best use of the key abilities of your champion, as well as teaching your readers how to position optimally in fights. After all, a dead carry is a useless carry!

Support! (3 Winners & 3 Honorable Mentions)
1 Winner for Best Updated Guide
1 Winner for Best NEW Guide
1 Winner for either a NEW or Updated Guide
3 Honorable Mentions
Judge: TheBlueImperial
Supports can fulfill a variety of purposes: sustain, peel, disruption, pick potential, roaming, or even pure damage! Whatever kind of support you are, explain what your champion excels at in the early game, as well as their key weaknesses. Vision control is also a key aspect of this role, so any information on ward placement is a welcome bonus. A great support guide gives players the tools to succeed individually as well as set their teammates up for success.
Fabulous! (3 Winners & 3 Honorable Mentions)
3 Winners for Best NEW or Updated Guide
3 Honorable Mentions
Judge: Katasandra
Artistic flair is an achievement in itself. Many guides are presentable, but only a select few really stand out from the crowd. This category is for the author (or coder) with the best-looking presentation, formatting and graphics. To claim this prize, you'll need to impress our judges with fantastic visuals and clean presentation. A cohesive visual theme is always a great plus, whether it's a simple color scheme or stylized graphics that match a champion or skin.

Note: This category is excluded from the only win in one category rule!

Remember, you do not have to rush your guide-writing. We want you guys to take your time and put in your best effort. You will have 6 weeks from the start of the contest. All eligible guides at the cutoff date will be reviewed by our panel of judges, and the winners selected. Remember, if parts of your guide are outdated your guide may be disqualified, so be sure to be thorough!

Pro Tips From The Judges
We always receive questions about what the judges are looking for and what else should authors focus on. We've decided to compile a list of pro tips from the judges that will hopefully help when creating and updating your guide. If you have any other questions for the judges or would like to discuss with other authors, feel free to join our Discord!

Pro Tips:
  • 📝 General - Make use of the Threats & Synergies tools or create your own section in the guide. Counters and matchups are very popular topics that readers are looking for and they're a vital part of any guide. Teaching your readers how to handle different matchups will make a significant difference!

  • 📝 General - Winning doesn't require impressive coding or graphics, simply keeping it reader friendly, clean and organized, with basic coding and design can be enough as long as your content is relevant, well written and easy to read.

  • 📝 General - Your guide should only contain optimal builds and possible substitutes in a nicely organized way. For instance, it's not very pleasing or intuitive to find a multitude of builds with only one different item between them. Most readers are looking for the most optimal build and finding it easily and quickly is important. Having too many builds can be confusing, it's best to think from the perspective of newer players! (example)

  • 🍄 Top - Focus more on explaining the main concepts revolving around the top side. It's more than just sitting in the "Island" for 20 minutes straight farming and catching each other out while avoiding ganks / spam pinging your allies. Explain in detail when and how you should control minion waves to rotate the enemies jungle, assist your mid lane or simply shove the lane all game. This is especially important if your champion has terrible wave management and suffers a tower shove level 1 - 3 compared to a champion that can easily deal with it. Explain the upsides and downsides.

    • Example - The average Jungler will be top side by 3:30 - 4:00 depending on their clear speed. Knowing this you can prepare for it with proper warding and minion control to flank them with your ally in the river preventing the aid from their Top for a good 15 seconds unless they would prefer to miss a full minion wave of gold and EXP which ultimately would set them behind in the early game giving you a slight lead.

    • Example - Backing to base at 6 minutes is very important. Staying longer is oftentimes a waste of resources, and potential roam. If you have a lead why not talk about the ability to rotate reset timers. If you and your allies stole the enemies (Red Side) at the start of the game, it will come back up at exactly 7 minutes. If you back to base at 6, you're stronger enough to shove the next wave for a quick roam at 7 to steal it / catch them out, setting them behind and you further ahead.

  • 🌳 Jungle - As jungle relies as much on macro as on mechanical skill, explaining jungle concepts beyond the specific champion is a huge plus. How to gain information and track the enemy jungler so you can always be one step ahead? How to identify your win conditions and pick which lanes to gank? How to play around enemy invades and recover from a bad start... All this info can be quite overwhelming for new players, so clean formatting and presentation is key to make the guide digestible.

  • 🚑 Support - Have a dedicated chapter devoted to warding, as it's one of the most important jobs supports undertake. Use the warding map tool or make your own to provide visual aid to your readers!

  • 🚑 Support - Synergies are a great addition to a support guide. Let your readers know which Marksmen in particular synergise super well with your support. It's not necessary to mention ALL possible Marksmen - they don't need to know how well Thresh pairs with Teemo or Quinn. However, include either super popular Marksmen or Marksmen that have especially good synergy with your support.

  • 🚑 Support - Match-ups are another great addition. Like synergies, it's important to list top 5/10/X champions that do well against your champion, and top 5/10/X champions that do poorly against your champion. This lets readers know when is the best time to pick this support, and when they should maybe pick a different champion.

  • 🏹 ADC - Focus more on teaching your readers how to properly survive and farm. The ADC is every team's main source of damage and not buying the right items on time and getting killed too often might decrease your odds of victory. Think through each stage of the game and dedicate a chapter to explaining proper survival and resource management, playing safely in lane, matchups and synergies, anything relevant to increase your chances of winning your lane and the match.

  • 🧙 Mid - Focus on explaining the key concepts that are not only necessary to excel on your champion, but also as a mid laner (game plan, power spikes, priority, wave management, trading pattern, roaming, vision control, jungle tracking, etc.). Teach the readers how to play the champion at the different stages of the game, and what the main goals are. Itemization is another important thing that can change depending on the team composition. Make sure to include a chapter about itemization that doesn't only explain what the item does, but also exactly when it's good to buy.

  • ✨ Fabulous - Pick a theme and stick with it (bonus if it’s champion related). Pick your color palette carefully and try to keep your graphics within the chosen palette. Find out if you want the palette to be something monochromatic, cool on warm, warm on cool and so on. However, beware: try to keep the number of colors limited. Using too many all at once will distract readers from the guide and result in the opposite of what the colors were intended to do.

  • ✨ Fabulous - Simple is sometimes better! Try to make text and graphics go hand in hand with each other. Brush away outdated graphics before adding modern graphics or fancier code. Experiment with code to find something new to help and change up your guide’s design and always keep everything interesting. Look up references! Everyone looks for inspiration or artwork to find ideas to go for when designing their guide and that’s perfectly find, just make sure not to copy someone else’s work. 😉

  • ✨ Fabulous - When formatting a guide an underrated element is space. Too little space makes a guide cramped, busy and overall hard too read. Focus on keeping it clean! However, too much space makes a guide boring, and makes it hard to view multiple elements at once. There is a sweet spot in-between, which allows your readers to have a break whenever they need it, while not making them fall asleep. This advice on space extends also to other imagery and icons: having too much of them at once or making them too big distracts readers from the guide itself.

We have a hand-picked team of judges this contest, including some of the best guide authors of our community. Since judges can't win any category of the contest, now's your best chance to secure a spot in the standings while these guide giants are out of the running! 😉

Sovereign Kitten






The Fine Print
  • Open to registered MOBAFire members only. Not a member? Register now and craft your guide!

  • Contest is worldwide. However, we can only gift RP PINs to players on servers which accept them. If your server does not accept RP PINs and you cannot accept bank payments, we may be unable to give you your RP reward.

  • Contest will be closed on February 22nd, 2022 at 11:59pm PST.

  • After contest is closed there will be a 2 week judging period.

  • Your guide must be updated throughout the contest and judging period to be eligible to win.

  • Attempting to bribe, harass or in any other way influence a judges' decision may lead to disqualification and a ban for future contests.

  • Participants can only win once (excluding the Fabulous category). However, depending on the number of quality guides, the number of winners or amount of times a participant can win might vary, at the discretion of the judges and MOBAFire admins.

  • Winners will be notified by email after the judging period and will have 7 days to claim their prize.

Useful Resources:
Shark of Void
Shark of Void's Forum Avatar
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May 28th, 2022
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2024 8:31am | Report
Hurray! My Wukong guide is waiting in the wings!
You can check out my best guide!
<Versatility Master>
Silverman43's Forum Avatar
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Nov 11th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2024 8:31am | Report
Good luck to everyone participating!
Thanks to @ Jovy for the signature!
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2024 9:55am | Report
Good luck to everyone for this contest! :)
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig!
Tauricus2017's Forum Avatar
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Apr 26th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2024 10:06am | Report
RIP the off-meta category :D But hey it's probably for the better, it wasn't very popular anyway, let's be real - and moving the focus to the Fabulous category seems like a very good call :D
It will be missed, however :)

With that said I wish the best of luck to all of you. And may the odds be ever in your favor! <3

Thanks to jhoi for the sig
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2024 1:32pm | Report
Looks like I have a deadline for my Aphelios guide.
xblademojo's Forum Avatar
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Dec 4th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2024 4:31pm | Report
I'm Back 👌
PykEugeo's Forum Avatar
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Aug 8th, 2022
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2024 2:30am | Report

after the changes to the map.. this site is for warding the map and is now obsolete.. I'm waiting for the one for warding the new map to be available
<Lead Community Manager>
Hades4u's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2024 2:33am | Report
Hey @ PykEugeo!

We'll update the ward map as soon as we can. 😁

Stay tuned!

Welcome back @ xblademojo!
Metallichydra's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 24, 2024 1:49am | Report
I just updated my guide today. Is it too late to enter this contest, or will it count as long as I keep it updated from now on?
Vel'Koz is a midlaner?! No, no way you aren't lying!
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