League of Legends (LoL) Question: Hybrid Shyvana Viable?
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Hybrid Shyvana Viable?
There are two builds for Shyvana that are really viable at the moment: Ap and Ad. Both have their own pros and cons, but is it possible to build hybrid to eliminate some more cons? Or is it not as viable as just going for one full damage stat? I have tried a hybrid build a few times in the past and succeeded, but I don't know if it is viable for climbing since I believe my MMR is pretty low (High Bronze-Silver).
AP Shyvana is arguably stronger at the moment, but I prefer playing AD or "Bruiser" Shyvana with
I used the following build:
With hybrid
I used the following build:
With hybrid
Bro.. spear of shojin got removed tho xD
The Runes I used were
I thought of this build since in Korea there is something blowing up recently which was
Pretty sure you can climb with this build if it fits your playstyle. Good luck and have fun.