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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Hybrid Shyvana Viable?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Shyvana 7,769

  • NjsaurusX

    Hybrid Shyvana Viable?

    There are two builds for Shyvana that are really viable at the moment: Ap and Ad. Both have their own pros and cons, but is it possible to build hybrid to eliminate some more cons? Or is it not as viable as just going for one full damage stat? I have tried a hybrid build a few times in the past and succeeded, but I don't know if it is viable for climbing since I believe my MMR is pretty low (High Bronze-Silver).
  • Answers (3)

    PsiGuard (1495) | April 15, 2020 4:21pm
    The problem with hybrid Shyvana (with items like Hextech Gunblade) is that it's REALLY expensive to try and build both stats + survivability. "AD" Shyvana needs some damage and tank stats to survive long enough to hit people, while AP Shyvana can poke from range. I'd recommend picking a direction and sticking to it personally.

    AP Shyvana is arguably stronger at the moment, but I prefer playing AD or "Bruiser" Shyvana with Stalker's Blade - Bloodrazor and Frozen Mallet. You don't need much damage beyond that to be effective, but Sterak's Gage is always nice if you can finish the full item.
    Silverman43 (85) | April 14, 2020 5:21am
    Hybrid Shyvana is definitely viable. I'm just not entirely sure what the build would be now. I used Hybrid Shyvana to climb from bronze I to Gold IV in season 9. Got 73% winrate with her.
    I used the following build: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Conditioning, Overgrowth with Stalker's Blade - Bloodrazor, Spear of Shojin and Rylai's Crystal Scepter.

    AD Shyvana can be kited easily, but she can play more of a frontline role and she offers more utility. AP Shyvana can't do much except for ult and then use Flame Breath. But she does a lot of burst damage. So what I tried is to create a hybrid build that still has some burst damage, but also isn't completely useless without Dragon's Descent available. So I need some AD, AP, attack speed and some resistances. Also important is the CDR for more Flame Breath. Stalker's Blade - Bloodrazor is IMO the best jungle item for her, as it gives enough attack speed to farm fast, reach items and regain fury. Spear of Shojin grants the needed HP, AD AND 20% CDR (this might be replaceable with Black Cleaver, while Rylai's Crystal Scepter provides the AP and some more HP, together with sticking power from its passive, which is great in combination with Burnout. Legend: Tenacity also helps against the weakness of being kiteable. Then finally, Conqueror is kinda in between Dark Harvest and Press the Attack. It's stronger early than Dark Harvest, but it can also be stacked with spellcasts unlike Press the Attack. Last but not least, it also gives a little healing, which Shyvana lacks.

    With hybrid Shyvana you can eliminate some cons, but there still are some, like not the best ganks, the weak early game and a lack of sustain. I'm still figuring out the best hybrid build for season 10, so can I ask what build did you use?
    RaizenKurogane | April 14, 2020 2:40pm
    Hybrid Shyvana is definitely viable. I'm just not entirely sure what the build would be now. I used Hybrid Shyvana to climb from bronze I to Gold IV in season 9. Got 73% winrate with her.
    I used the following build: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Conditioning, Overgrowth with Stalker's Blade - Bloodrazor, Spear of Shojin and Rylai's Crystal Scepter.

    AD Shyvana can be kited easily, but she can play more of a frontline role and she offers more utility. AP Shyvana can't do much except for ult and then use Flame Breath. But she does a lot of burst damage. So what I tried is to create a hybrid build that still has some burst damage, but also isn't completely useless without Dragon's Descent available. So I need some AD, AP, attack speed and some resistances. Also important is the CDR for more Flame Breath. Stalker's Blade - Bloodrazor is IMO the best jungle item for her, as it gives enough attack speed to farm fast, reach items and regain fury. Spear of Shojin grants the needed HP, AD AND 20% CDR (this might be replaceable with Black Cleaver, while Rylai's Crystal Scepter provides the AP and some more HP, together with sticking power from its passive, which is great in combination with Burnout. Legend: Tenacity also helps against the weakness of being kiteable. Then finally, Conqueror is kinda in between Dark Harvest and Press the Attack. It's stronger early than Dark Harvest, but it can also be stacked with spellcasts unlike Press the Attack. Last but not least, it also gives a little healing, which Shyvana lacks.

    With hybrid Shyvana you can eliminate some cons, but there still are some, like not the best ganks, the weak early game and a lack of sustain. I'm still figuring out the best hybrid build for season 10, so can I ask what build did you use?

    Bro.. spear of shojin got removed tho xD
    NjsaurusX | April 14, 2020 9:43am
    The build that I'm using for season 10 is Stalker's Blade - Bloodrazor, Hextech Gunblade, Titanic Hydra, and then whatever tank items are needed that game. Most of the time for MR I go Spirit Visage or Wit's End and for Armor I go Randuin's Omen or a Thornmail.
    The Runes I used were Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand, Conditioning, and Revitalize.
    I thought of this build since in Korea there is something blowing up recently which was Shyvana Top Lane "Full Heal" with Conqueror Death's Dance and Spirit Visage as signature items.
    PsiGuard (1495) | April 15, 2020 4:23pm
    Death's Dance seems better than Hextech Gunblade in that build to me. Death's Dance is basically the same price and has a similar effect to Gunblade, but it grants resistances and CDR instead of AP. The Gunblade AP doesn't seem like it'd make your poke strong enough to warrant sacrificing defense. The main thing you'd lose is the Gunblade active, but if you can get by on Chilling Smite, you're probably fine. You could also swap the secondary page to get Nimbus Cloak if you're having trouble sticking to enemies.
    Silverman43 (85) | April 14, 2020 12:11pm
    Thank you! Looks like an interesting build. I will try it soon. I know about the new Shyvana top build, but I hadn't considered Hextech Gunblade yet.
    Pretty sure you can climb with this build if it fits your playstyle. Good luck and have fun.
    Fruxo (333) | April 14, 2020 4:55am
    I'm pretty sure Hybrid Shyv is still viable to use. However, I believe going for AP or AD might be stronger, though it does heavily depend on the game. If your team has a lot of AD, then you should go AP and vice versa.
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