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Chirika's journey in Ranked

Creator: Chirika October 23, 2013 10:13am
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2014 8:57am | Report
The third game.
I really like to play Nami with Caitlyn due to her long range attack. We did not have much trouble in lane against Sivir and Blitzcrank because Sivir could not trade with Caitlyn and Blitzcrank land his Rocket Grab. Only once we both got killed when Gragas and Vi came to help bot lane so we were 2vs4. Because enemy team did not have proper tank they had a lot of trouble with Amumu and Volibear who were wandering around and caught enemies. So around 20 minute we started to push middle and enemy team could not group properly so we easily caught them one by one and only had some trouble at inhibitor’s tower where they could group all together. The final teamfight occurred here and we won it and pushed just right to nexus.

The fourth game.
To be honest it was really sad match. It was hard lane due to help from Shyvana and Riven. Elise was pretty weak jungler and most of times she could not land her Cocoon / Rappel properly and helped us at bot only once so we lost first bottom tower very stupidly. Zed was really bad – not only he could not group with the rest of the team, he just throw all the time and refuse to listen. My team just to start fed Riven who became unbelievable strong. Enemy team dominate all lanes and unfortunately my team could not fight back properly so we just gave enemy second top and bottom tower just for free. Teamfights went even worse when enemy easily focused Zed and Elise so we just lacked of damage and tank. In the end of the match we were just defending our base and could not step outside so enemy team freely took baron, buffs and dragon. So we lost our final fight and match. With such play we just did not deserve to win.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2014 9:03am | Report
The fifth game.
Still top and jungler position remain my weakest positions but I had to try it anyway. Rengar was real pain with his high damage but even so he could not kill me one on one so Kha'Zix always came to help him. It seems enemy team just could not focus or just did not know how to focus Yasuo so he was legendary around 15 minute. Middle and bottom were won so my team pushed it. After both middle and bottom towers were destroyed Thresh, Yasuo and Caitlyn came to help me to finish off second top tower. After regroup we pushed middle. Wither is great thing against assassins and ADC so we easily caught Vayne. Kha'Zix and Rengar tried to attack me but I was tanky enough to stand against them. After their deaths we push lane and were ready to destroy inhibitor’s tower when enemy surrendered.
Note: I still need to train my top, middle and jungler position so I won’t became a burden for my team.

The sixth game.
Well…I don’t really like Vayne due to her short attack range but even so she is pretty strong. Our start was bad. Vayne disconnected just right in front of Jinx and Thresh so we just gave enemy first blood just for nothing. Nocturne was very annoying and ganged middle and top frequently so in one pion of the match he was 6/1/2. Riven had a lot of trouble at top due to gangs and complain a lot (I can really understand her). After fight me and Vayne had to fall back to base so we lost our first bottom tower because Nocturne and Katarina came. So we went to middle and helped Lee Sin and Gragas to destroy tower, trade with Jinx and Katarina was very hard so we had to fall back and unfortunately Vayne was caught with Super Mega Death Rocket!. I wasted all mana to heal Gragas so he could stay in lane and even he managed to kill careless Jinx. When Lee Sin came back we engage with enemy team but really did not count our chances for win so enemy pushed us back and unfortunately I could not survive Nocturne attack this time. After regroup me, Gragas, Vayne and Lee Sin engaged with full enemy team what was really bad idea. Lee Sin was killed pretty fast, Vayne tried to fall back and even managed to kill Katarina but was killed by Jinx, Riven just came from top in the middle of the fight and killed Thresh but fast quickly focused by Warwick, Gragas was careless and Jinx caught him with her Flame Chompers! and kill him so in the end only I survived this fight. This teamfight did not undermine our morale so we clear all lanes, Riven caught careless Jinx and easily killed her. We started to wander around all lanes what was very annoying for enemy team. Me, Vayne Gragas and Lee Sin were wandering between middle and top tower but enemy team did not give us a chance to attack so we had to go to second bottom tower leaving Riven at top. Lee Sin charged at enemies and we just followed him so enemy team was caught by surprise and did not fight back properly so we won it (without any loss) and pushed the lane. Riven managed to destroy tower but could not win fight against Nocturne. After destruction of bottom inhibitor we proceed to top inhibitor and easily destroyed it. But had to fall back and used our chance to take down baron. After regroup all together we push middle and final teamfight occurred. Nocturne charged at us with his Paranoia as well as Katarina with her Death Lotus. It was hard fight so I used all my items, Aqua Prison and Tidal Wave worked well this time. We score ACE and proceed to nexus, were ready to destroy it and enemy team surrendered.
P.S.: in this match my score was 1-1-25.

In the end my score is 8 win – 2 loss, I was placed in Platinum I. it is really good because in the end of season 3 I was Platinum V and in pre-season Platinum II. Right now Diamond is closer than before. This weak I will try my second account to see my improvement in other roles.
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2014 12:00pm | Report
Unfortunately only one game today. It seems I will have time only on weekend.
Champion select was very chaotic and I did not even understand who take what role. I was going to go support Annie but the last pick was Leona so I had to go middle, anyway it was fine for me. I have not played Annie for very long time so it was risky pick. Gragas was not skilled much so I did not have much problems at lane except I lost some farm due to some lags and mistakes. Elise had really hard time against Renekton. Jarvan IV made some mistakes around like could not land his E-Q combo at enemy. But enemy team could not brag skilled players at all so around 10-12 minute we started to pushing all lanes. Due to good landing Cataclysm and Leona CC I could inflict all my skills at enemies don’t give a chance to get close to me. We had some problems with Renekton who was fed a little but he did not group with his team so most of time we took him down in 1vs2 or 1vs3 fights. The rest of the match continued the same way – we pushed middle, took down both dragons. Enemy could not get to me or Ezreal so we became legendary at the end. We won few teamfights and push all way to nexus and destroyed it. Poor Jarvan IV and Elise were killed by Super Mega Death Rocket! just before we finished off nexus.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2014 12:03pm | Report
Bad game from the start. Lucian disconnected at start and even did not try to reconnect so whole game we were 4vs5. Then Kayle disconnected and Fiora but they reconnected just 1-2 minutes later but it did not help at all. Nothing more I want to say about this match. I really hate when disconeters ruin game, sometime I really think people do it on purpose.

What the hell is wrong with me?! I forget how play middle and ADC…I must practice more so I can avoid stupid mistakes I made in this match. I was laning against LeBlanc and she was real pain for but the most annoying part I missed my stun countless times and it is unforgiveable for me with one of my favorite champions. Bot lane was doing fine as well as top. Unfortunately I did not receive a single gang so I did not have many chances to kill LeBlanc. After escaping gang from Rengar I teleport back and returned to my lane but quickly had to go to help bot lane because enemy started to push it. I successfully got double kill, we destroyed tower and got dragon. After it I went to middle and foolishly was caught by Leona and killed my LeBlanc. We did not have 5vs5 teamfight before the end of the match – mostly small skirmishes 2vs2 or 3vs3. We successfully pushed middle and top. Our first 5vs5 happened just when we destroyed inhibitor’s tower, enemy team charged at us and Volibear was killed first due to his low health (40%) but they could not properly focus Jinx and tried to kill me so I punished Vayne and LeBlanc for it. Leona and Rengar died first because they were too reckless when charged and did not wait the rest of the team to follow. After it we regroup and used our chance to take down baron, pushed middle all way to nexus.
Note for myself: I need to practice much more if I am going to reach diamond one day.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 3, 2014 9:44am | Report
This is really bad…even it was weekend I could not play many games. Anyway here are my reports.

The first game.
I was laning with Twitch this time, he had really hard time with keeping distance so Caitlyn zoned him. Annie and Caitlyn targeted my ADC first forgetting I am real pain too. Zed crashed Yasuo at middle and in the end he became legendary. Shaco ganged only top and bot so Trundle had to ask for help quite often. Few times Twitch pushed lane all by himself and did not want to wait for me so enemy punished him for it. After all first towers fell we pushed middle and easily won last teamfight because Zed was fed and crushed half of enemy team by himself.

The second game.
This match was a bit harder than previous one. I have not seen many supports except Thresh, Leona, [blitzcrank]] or Annie so Sona was a little surprise for me. When both sides hit 2 lvl Tristana and Sona attacked Ezreal, we managed to kill enemy ADC, Ezreal flashed away but Sona used Flash too and finished off poor Ezreal and was ready to kill me too but I outstripped her. After good gang from Kha'Zix we forced bot lane to fell back and used our chance to destroy enemy tower. After it we tried to kill dragon and asked Kayle for help unfortunately she went to top lane to help Nasus (with no result) and we were attacked by enemy and I could not escape. Nasus decided to go damage built from the start but could not stand against Dr. Mundo and only help from Kha'Zix let him survive and only after regular death and my request he started to buy tanky items. Due to our lack of tank we had really tough teamfights. At one point of the match we engaged with enemy team but had to fell back, I covered Kha'Zix with my Tidal Wave but could not escape from Dr. Mundo, Veigar and Tristana and at least my team could kill 4 out of 5 enemies, after this fight our survivors decided to attack baron and it was really bad idea because Dr. Mundo was still alive and baron was warded so he came and killed 3 of my team and only Ezreal managed to escape – it was really sad moment. We regrouped once again and tried to push mid and top. At top we managed to destroy second tower but we were too exhausted to proceed to inhibitor after heal we push middle while Nasus went to bot. Thanks to Talisman of Ascension we caught Dr. Mundo and Elise so without their main tank enemy team could not stand a chance against us. This match was really annoying.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 3, 2014 9:45am | Report
The third game.
And again Nami. Our lane was not hard at all thanks to Caitlyn long attack range. Good gang from Jarvan IV and we forced Thresh and Graves to fell back but they were too careless so Caitlyn got double kill. We continued to push lane and unfortunately Vi gang us just at right time so we could not escape. But it did not save bot tower so after it destruction we successfully killed dragon and help middle lane. Gragas was real pain with his barrels and only with good charges from Jarvan IV we managed to take him down. Akali had really hard time because enemy easily focus her. After enemy team forced us to fall back we had to defend first middle tower for a while before everyone return from base. So we tried to push middle again – Jarvan IV acted really strange this time and chased Gragas with just 25% health and of course it resulted his death, even so we managed to destroy tower, killed Vi, Thresh and Graves (who charged at Caitlyn and almost killed her). After it we went to top lane where Akali was fighting with Renekton even we could killed him here I made very stupid mistake – I did not heal Caitlyn instead I healed someone else so she died from Ignite. From this point we started to have countless teamfights with variable success and one teamfight went pretty bad for us when we were separated from each other so enemy team crushed us. After regroup we successfully pushed top and destroyed second tower but could not get to inhibitor’s tower so we fell back and used this timeout to kill baron, after heal we tried to push middle but met strong resistance from enemy team anyway managed to kill Thresh and Gragas but lost Jarvan IV and LeBlanc had to fall back. So me, Akali and Caitlyn pushed bot lane. It was really hard fight – Caitlyn showed all her strength this time – unfortunately due to her melee range Akali could not survive against Graves and Vi burst, Renekton tried to take Caitlyn all by himself but together we managed to take him down, then Graves and Vi attacked and only thanks to my items Caitlyn could survive this with Graves death Vi could not stand a chance against us and tried to flee but could not. Together we destroyed tower and inhibitor and just at this time LeBlanc and Jarvan IV joined us to finish off nexus.

The fourth game.
I was going to test Diana in middle lane but I had to pick ADC since nobody wants to take it. Lane was pretty easy. We managed to take down first dragon and after destruction of first bot tower we went to help middle . Our real trouble started in teamfights. I always knew Ziggs is pain and this time I feel it on my own skin. Teamfights went with variable success – sometime Leona charged at enemy even most of our team were too far away, sometime my team could not protect me or Malzahar and etc. Few times we were really close to defeat but somehow managed to pull through. In the end we caught enemy team by surprise when I used On The Hunt we killed Taric and Vayne, in 3vs5 fight they did not have chance but even so Ziggs made us some trouble with his damage. After scoring ACE we finished this annoying match.

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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2014 10:34pm | Report
My latest normal games went pretty bad…terrible…why whenever I want to test my skill with Lulu, Sona or Soraka I teamed up with absolute dumb players and we ended up with score like 5-20, 2-15, etc.
I understand it can be really boring to read my reports because my main peak remains Nami from the start of the season so I would like explain why:
1) Nami suit my playstyle perfectly;
2) She has slow, stun and heal;
3) In champion select I don’t know the skill of ADC with whom I am going to lane and Nami still remain the only one champion I can absolutely don’t have any problems with any ADC.
My latest experience with other support was pretty sad so I will try to improve it in normal games and don’t even ask me why I don’t play such supports like Leona and Thresh. Yesterday I won one more ranked game so my next matches will be promotional to Diamond, report will arrive a little later. I will delay those matches to Friday when I have more time so before it I will play ranked only with my second account.
<Altruistic Artist>
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Sep 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2014 12:33am | Report
Good luck :D Hope you get diamond!
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2014 12:35am | Report
Hi Chirika, interesting thread. I really like your deconstructions of your games. Good luck getting Diamond! Also, why not register your elo with MobaFire and get a shiny plat/diamond badge? :)
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Oct 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2014 2:26am | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:

Hi Chirika, interesting thread. I really like your deconstructions of your games. Good luck getting Diamond! Also, why not register your elo with MobaFire and get a shiny plat/diamond badge? :)

Thank you guys. I am going to get Diamond first so I will have diamond badge right away. Anyway my reports can be much better but the problem is that I write it only next day or even few days later so I could not remember all details.

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