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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

A Challenge

I love writing, coming up with new ideas and I always like a challenge. I'm not the best at writing, and I'm sure I still have a long way to go but I think it's fun and I can improve If I keep at it. Now that you know a just a bit about my passion for writing, let's get started:

As I thought up two new champions and posted them on a thread, I also thought about what my next blog would be about. And just now I got an idea! How about you guys give me a challenge on how my next champion or Item idea should be?! What? What do you mean you don't understand what I'm saying?

Alright, so all you have to do is give me a specific set of details the champion or item must have, such as a rival, a birthplace, amount of skill shots, amount of passives, whether it is a ranged or a melee (I'm not sure about items though) etc. And then, I have to come up with a balanced and good champion with the given specifications. You'll rate me for how good the task was completed and how good the champion is ove…

League Thoughts

In my opinion, the new system is fairly nice.
Though a few things need tweaking.
First is the gain and loss ratio. I like how fast it is to rank up and all that jazz but the point loss is ridiculous. I played two games the other day and gained a total of 26 points. Today I play a game and lose 20 points. Someone please tell me that is nuts.
Second is who you play with. For example I am in a Silver Tier Division V and I get paired up with Bronze Tier Division V's. I think Riot need to change it to where you play with your own Tier. Just to prevent trolls. Cause we all know that some Bronzes love to troll.
Last is a friend comparison tool. Just to see where you stand with your friends. Example I am in Silver and most of my friends are in Bronze. (Which is hilarious cause my friends are all better players than I will ever be.)
Yeah, so these are just some of my ideas. Feel free to leave me your ideas below or let me know if any of my ideas are flawed.

Old guides out, T5V guides incoming!

Hello dear reader,

today I have the honor of bringing you good news! I'm currently working together with my ranked team mates from T5V to bring you some new guides! Of course, the guides will feature the champions we play most.

And we're already working on the first guide, which will be a guide to jungle Vi by Sjoemi!
The deal is simple; my teammates provide me with the cheat sheet stuff and the text, and I make it look pretty as I have decent knowledge about BBCoding.

Following this idea, I have archived all of my current guides, hopefully when I get some inspiration I will update them to reflect the all new template we'll be using. I'm still working on it, it's nowhere near perfect but well, we'll get to that.

Some more info about T5V, just to show you we're not a bunch of random derps: We're currently Gold IV in 3v3 and Gold III in 5v5, we haven't got to playing yet since the patch though we really want to. In S2 we reached Platinum ELO in 3v3, and Gold ELO in 5v5. During PreS3…

First Blog!

Hello, MOBAFire!

I'm wait dont killme in the NA server. I'm only around 1250 ELO (rough guess, after the new ladder system being released).
I'm currently up for promotion from Silver V, and I hope to further my rank. Anyway, I hope that let you know where i'm at in terms of skill level. I can go anywhere in the lanes, but top and jungle are where I shine.

My teams, UndeniableGG and UndeniableViaTwisted are hovering around 1200 ELO, with a fairly even win:loss ratio. Well, I'll try to be blogging relatively actively here, but i'm not going to be following a fixed schedule on when I would.

There's that, and thanks for reading.

-Wait dont killme

Need advice

So I just played a game as jungler for my fifth or sixth time, and well it is apparent that I suck. I cannot seem to grasp how to jungle well I only have 2 or 3 junglers and use Maokai since he was free( I was decent). Basically besides practice how can I get better, as in any hints and tips and where to look. As for champs I have Warwick, Zed, Kayle, Dr. Mundo and will soon get Udyr. Zed seems okay and I am good with him in lane but when I jungle, I feel as if I'm useless. I need to be able to at least jungle well so I can fill all roles. Besides ADC jungling is my worst role. I have gotten better as an adc though but not a jungler.

superbowl. omg ravens counter 49-ers harder than how...

oh my GOD! the ravens are doing so well! being a patriots fan myself, i would hold much resentment against the ravens, seeing that the ravens beat the patriots during the AFC.

however, looking at the performance of te ravens right now, i'n definitely cheeing for them. the ravens just made a 109 yard touch down, with that beig a new superbowl record. although i personally dislike Rice, i think his rushes play mind games with the 49-era, and really makes the plays the ravens do totally unpredictable.


New Way of Making a Guide?

Ok so I decided to create a guide on Vayne yesterday when it occured to me that it may be like the thousands of guides here on Mobafire. Not saying that it's bad or anything, but it's a bit....... rigid. So I'm thinking for my Vayne guide I'm going to try something new which is to write the guide in the Shoes of

random post

03/02/2013 (I have no idea why I'm writing the date)

Just woke up 30 minutes ago..atm I'm eating ..something..dunno what it is but it's not that good lol. So's Sunday and I'm bored right now. I'm on my parents' computer so I can't really play anything on it (it's ****py). I'm just listening to music atm (if you wanna listen to what I'm listening just say so in the comments and I'll give you some links) Mmm...what else should I write about..

Oh yeah! I re-installed TERA again cause I had a version that none of my friends played on. Was kind of a drag cause TERA takes a long time to download and install but meh..w/e.

I'll mostly be playing League today..either normals with friends from school or solo/duo queue in ranked. Either way it's gonna be fun cause if it's ranked it's worth it now thanks to the new ranked system. And if it's with friends it's always fun even in normals cause we can play the ****tiest champs/team comps ever and we'll still have fun even if we lose.


Updates! Returning to Top lane

I'm starting to learn and play top lane again (this time at higher elo) because I feel that my focus at top lane is much easier than it is at bot. This means that my Riven guide and Renekton guide will be updated with better quality when I have the chance.

As of now, I feel my

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide