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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Caitlyn count, 1-0

Caitlyn count, 1-0, I really doubt it'll stay this way, but ya know. We started blue as a Nami/Cait vs a Maokai/Ezreal and from the get go it was pretty much decided. They wanted a kill on Nami quite badly because she didn't take flash, so I took advantage of that aggressiveness and bad target picking, and got a double kill as soon as they both flashed onto Nami. Mind you, I have no idea why Ez would flash onto her after wasting his blink to get towards her, but he did, and he got the kill for it... only to be melted by my Q, and two auto attacks to take out a baffled Maokai. By 15 minutes in I was 7/0/2, and the story was a sad tale. End of game, 14/0/11.

It wasn't really a great game overall, but I did do quite a few things that I was supposed to, such as go and steal blue from the enemy nocturn any time I saw him top, which was often. In fact, he never ganked. The teemo was top, and clearly, when he was ganking, something was wrong. Nami made up for quite a few of my shortcomings, …

First Weekend as a level 30!

Hello again people of the Internet!

Hey everyone, finally made it to level 30 on Saturday, and I appreciate all of your concerns about my rank, although I'm sorry to say I completely ignored all of you. I appreciate the concern, and I love the advice, but it seems like it's only difficult if you haven't been practicing one role for the last 20 levels. I may only have 100+ wins under my belt, but I've been called a fantastic support by numerous people, and my play seems to be able to keep up with the ranked play. Anyway, so far the record is 6 and 2, one of those losses because I was called into an emergency mid game! (Oh well!) The other losing game was a clean sweep against us, and all I can say is that I did my best.

Big shout out to prowelfare, our hero in my latest ranked game, who AP Kennen carried us from what looked like a losing game, having 2 inhibs and another exposed at one point! (Thank goodness for Lulu god mode, or else we might have been dead anyway...) He basically ma…

The "free week" tales. (4)

Alright so sorry for not having this one on Sunday, but i was a little busy that day with some things in life. So anyway lets continue shall we? So I've had a lot of free week players this weekend due to the double I.P. weekend. I can't tell you how frustrated I was with so many players these past few days especially yesterday. I still helped them out and got through the games with most of them being wins, but there did come a point where I started to look up peoples games to see if they really were a "free week" champion.

Most of them were "free week", but almost a good chunk of the time they were not and it was irritating to say non the less. I can understand someone doing bad in a game because hey they are a "free week" player, but not telling me that you've used that champion before and are just having a bad game is a sad excuse just to say you're free week. I think "free week" needs to be redefined in a sense of how it should work. I mean yea there's the whole thing of they shoul…

Combination of Community

Ladies and gentlemen,

People seem to like my community guides a lot, however, they also were very short.

So I am going to combine all the information in 1 guide!
This is, not a short process, since a lot of details need to be fixed.

There is work to be done, but I will finish it asap! :D

Thank you all for your support so far!

Low ELO blog, no holes barred part 1, Sivir mid?

Hi there folks,
I'm not really sure what to expect here, so I'm just going to rant for a bit.

Foremost, in the generally agreed upon meta, there are five unique positions--solo top, ap mid, bot adc and support, and jungler. Given how often that the mid is AP, counterpicking has become a common theme, circa de assassins such as Talon finding their way to mid lane. I'm curious how something like Sivir would do mid-lane, given that she has a very early edge on the ap's, especially given if she takes her shield at level 2 she can spam that Q like there's no tomorrow. I understand that this would invite early ganks due to her lane pushing harder than most lanes, but I feel like given what I've seen Sivir do lately, and how often her farm gets robbed on bot anyway, it might be a good idea to call for a lane swap here, as in for the meta.

No, she doesn't have any natural blinks/jumps/gap closers aside from her ultimate, and quite honestly, it's not enough to catch most targets in my experie…

More testing - The hard road of becoming level 20

After some time spent trying to masterize Ryze, I think I got the ropes of how a League of Legends player must behave when everyone is picking different sets of champions. Since Ryze is my first main, I stumbled against people calling me for because I autolock once I click on Ryze :(

One should not auto-lock before everyone else is finished picking their champions. Problem is, I can only do well with Ryze so, instead of hogging MID, I did Top Ryze, Bottom Ryze, Gank Ryze, Coffee Maker Ryze, Innibitor Disruption Ryze, Rage-Against-the-Tower Ryze, and sent foes direct to their demise (in 8 times out of 10). Another problem I found with Ryze is his lack of "legs". I'm forced to pick Flash instead of Ghost due to PEER PRESSURE, and when I fail a Flash due mostly because I get way too nervous when I'm in tight frays, the QQ from my team mates starts.

When I try to confront a champion I don't know because is the first time I see it, I don't have time to read about them and I get to slap th…

Janna and me....

Today I tried to play Janna for the first time. I really love to play support and I thought testing her would be kinda nice. ;)

Well, I need definitely more practicing... but I really like her. ;) I think it will be a lot of work to get the right timing for her abilities and to find out how to support which ADC best. But for me supporting someone is really important, so I will find out game by game. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to play the first real match with Lvl 30 summoners. Was quite heavy. *giggle* Next time I will try SR in my level range, let's see how this is will work for me.



Any good 1v4 champs?

When I play with my classmates we usually play 1v4 just for the fun. With me on the 1 side.

I was wondering which champs/summoner spells/items/strategies would you recommend for me to have a high chance of winning?

It is an only mid lane on summoner's rift and no going in jungle.

I almost won once with fiddlesticks but I lost 'coz I stalled the game just to get full items. :P

Any ideas? Help would be appreciated.


So recently i was asked, "Well what if someone asks how to play a champion and a team mate replied back with use Doran's Ring on say Vayne and took that as legitimate advice."
Well personally I would say I can't really answer that one, but i would say instead that knowing that they're at least level 30 with over 100 hundred wins maybe they would have some common sense and say "ha ha good one, but no really how do i build this champion." Not to mention yes you can look up builds on Mobafire*, but not many people will do so.

Truthfully I have asked people in the past if they have ever looked up a guide and usually the answer is no. So for that game I guide them as best I can with the knowledge that I have for that champion. Then after the game I lead them to Mobafire* in hopes that they take some time to look at guides. Also just telling them about guides sometimes is not enough. In my experience guides do help, but it helps to have a visual aid of some sorts or to see what your abil…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide