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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Looking to join serious and positive ranked twam

TL;DR - Looking for serious, yet positive ranked team to join. I play support, adc, and top.

Hi there. I am looking for a ranked team that is willing to accept a person like me. I starting playing League near the end of season 3, and I mained support in season 4 and in this past season, I worked on maining both adc and top lane. Currently, I am Silver 4 in ranked, but my goal is to get to Plat by the end of this upcoming season. I want to try to get into the competitive part of league, but everyone that I play with doesn't take the game seriously or takes it too seriously. I want a team that will not only take rank seriously, but all be positive and supportive instead of toxic all while playing in ranked and participating in tournaments. If anyone knows a good team, my league ign is GnarlyToasterOvn. Friend me and let me know. Thanks :)

Keystone Masteries Part 2/3

Hello again!

This is part 2 of my keystone trilogy and I'm happy to see you again or if you are new that you want to read my post. For those who are new, read the first part Keystone Masteries Part 1/3 because there I go over the ferocity tree. You might notice that I have a rather positive attitude towards the cunning tree if you've read the first post. Without further ado, let's start with the next tree.


I would rate this as the best tree of all three because it offers every champion something useful. It resembles the old utility tree but there are also some offensive types of masteries.

Stormraider's surge

Dealing 30% of a champion's maximum Health within 2 seconds grants you 35% Movement Speed for 3 seconds (10 second cooldown).

In my opinion it's a pretty cool mastery. I would also say it's rather balanced as it only offers utility in form of movement speed if you deal damage to a champion within 2 second and has also a reasonable cooldown. I think riot did here …

being a god

So on the off chance that you are indeed a god like me you will understand the utter horror of being too good. When you put yourself at every disadvantage (such as ap zed (no liche bane)) and you still win it's very hard to keep wanting to play. It's scary man when you see children clinging onto your legs weeping and begging for mercy, but you can't give any mercy because the objective of the game is to win. I just wish I could be as good as everyone else so I wouldn't have to live this life.

Soraka Nerfs

Before I get serious I just want to vent for a second.

Soraka nerfs are ****ing ********
They reduced the cast range on her Q, which is okay I guess, I mean... it was pretty far. Then they made it to where her Ult doesn't remove Greivous Wounds anymore, which is extremly justifiable... because well that was kinda broken. But then.... BUT THEN these ***********ers increased the mana cost on her ****ing W by like ****ing double. ****ING DOUBLE! That **** already costs a **** ton of health, nigga. A **** ton. But now it actually costs mana? 40 ****ING MANA AT LEVEL 1!?!?!? DOES RAKA EVEN ****ING START WITH 40 MANA!!?!?!? So now not only am I out of ****ing health from healing these dumbasses all the time, but I'm also too ****ing out of mana to cast my Q on someone to heal myself, oh and even when I cast my q on someone to heal myself I have to be so close to them I end up taking more damage then I healed for anyway.
**** that ****.'
It's disgusting.

Alright, now that that's …

What does my blog have to offer readers?

Dear readers,

Thank you for joining me for my second blog post.

From the first blog you can see that I have been playing league since the end of season 4, and since that time I have achieve a best rank of Silver II

For many, if not most of you in the MOBAfire community, I am scrub who should uninstall now. BUT, despite my relatively low rank, I think I still have so much knowledge which can be valuable to those at any rank

For that reason, I am not going to write primarily about how to achieve higher ranks, rather, I am going to talk about aspects of the game that people of all level experience. To make this unique I am going to use my formal training in psychology as well as the analytical skills I am developing by studying history to discuss the parts of the game that any player could understand

I hope that by writing this blog, I hope to improve the state of the lol community

So uh yeah, That is my overview of what I hope to accomplish in writing this blog

If you have any tip…

First Blog Post; Jonesing for the Penta

"A true master in an eternal student" -Master Yi

Greeting Summoners!

Welcome to my blog, this is my first post!

This blog will be more of a getting-to-know-you post rather than a league chat but it will provide you with some context to my future posts

I am 21 year old college senior enrolled at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I am studying history and psychology

I have been playing league of legends for almost two years now, but my experience with online video games goes back to my childhood when I first installed Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. I was immediately hooked. For the next decade, Warcraft was my primary source of virtual entertainment. I switched to League not out of desire to change games, rather it was because League became the new meta, at least within my friend group, and the servers in Warcraft became infested with robots

When I switched over to League, I was amazed at how simple the game seemed... of there is only one map? oh you only control O…

Summoner Icons Re-Mastered

Hello Everybody,

I just got done taking the feedback survey riot just released and I thought sharing my thoughts with you all, might bring a change in the way we think about Summoner Icons.

I was asked if the 250 RP for a summoner Icon is fair and this is what i have to say.

There are skins worth 260 RP making 250 RP a waste on a Summoner Icon. A summoner Icon should not exceed the amount of 100-150 RP since it is only viewed briefly in the Loading Screen and It has no other interaction with the game unlike a skin that anyone can see it In the loading screen and In game. In a few words, it just sits there and you eventually forget about it. What would be amazing is, If RIOT allowed Summoners to create their own Icons with a "Design It Yourself" type of build in software for a price which would allow people to show off their creations and maybe implement them as an Emote like the Summoner Crest Logos we have now (cough* call of duty multiplayer logos* cough*). If any Rioters ever rea…

Leavers and AFK's

Hey, I'm writing about this because every time I play Solo Queue or even in some normal games, there are always someone Rage quitting or Leaving my games and we end up playing 4 vs 5.
If you know you are one of those people who rage quits every game or AFK's, you've gained yourself a report from me if i ever play with you! ;^)
You deserve the reports as you are not just losing yourself, but making the whole team lose and you know? if you know you will be eating, sleeping, going out with family or friends or anything like that, please.... please don't start a game. I'm really tired of losing my ranked games already, and this season is mostly a team game, it's where everyone on the team has to work together to gain a victory. If we lose a member of the team, it will be really hard for the other 4 people who is on your team, win the game just because your team is too bad, feeding or raging at you. There is an '/mute all' button ;^) (just type that in the chat box) that way no one will dis…

ristiuMMask does some coaching

Found this vid via the summoner school subreddit. Diamond IV player doing a game review on of a Gold player's game.

I picked up a number of good tips like

Picking up Farsight Alteration if you are behind and don't have control of you own jungle. I think at least one person on you team should keep a sweeper such as your support with a Sightstone, but the rest of the team can pepper the map with

"Stop Being Such a *****"

People who play League with me on a regular basis know that my play style is inherently passive. As a rule, I don't go in until I know that I can do something worthwhile. I spend a decent amount of time thinking about the pros and cons of a certain action, but I think, when it comes down to it, I'm not hesitant to the point where my performance suffers too hugely. I'm sure there are situations where I could go in, where I don't go in, for whatever reason, and I'm not saying I'm exempt from making horrible decisions, because of course I'm not. But, for what I feel is the majority of the time, my decisions aren't horrible. They're informed, at the very least. I might hesitate too often, but I know for a fact that I don't blindly go in too often. If I can help it I don't go in blindly at all.
Sometimes, in solo queue, when I'm not playing with my friends for whatever reason, people will accuse me of being too passive - or, specifically, of being afraid. Sometimes they go as far as to call…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide