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Recommended Items
Runes: Build 1 (Fleet)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Fleet of Foot (PASSIVE)
Sivir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ruff, similar to Draven you can only shield her E and is one of the harder abilities to predict. Depend on your support/jungle to help you snowball this lane but you likely won't be able to 1v1 her at any point.
With this being a crit guide lulu is super good at empowering you and protecting you. Really good mid-late game.
With this being a crit guide lulu is super good at empowering you and protecting you. Really good mid-late game.
Champion Build Guide
I personally love the champ and am excited to share my knowledge on her. She can be a tougher than most adc to learn but can be super rewarding and is one of the best late game AD carries in the game still.
I am a former Master ADC main on the NA server. I main Tristana, Kai'Sa , Miss Fortune and of course Sivir. My summoner name is V0idWitch and you can check out my porofessorhere I was near a Sivir OTP last season, I peaked at #86 World; #4 NA on Sivir in S11.
If you'd like to see how I play Sivir feel free to stop by my twitch and hang out. I'll give any live advice on the champ or feedback any time I'm live. I do VOD reviews for subscribers so if you want someone to check out your gameplay just drop on by. :)
Enjoy and have fun out on the rift with our Queen <3
-TLDR; Going crit allows you to fill the role of a more traidional adc for your team, let's your mechanics shine and scales better.
-Really good scaling champion
-safe pick
-strong engage/team fight with ultimate
-good poke
-not picked/banned a lot
-nobody respects the Ricochet damage
-maybe the best waveclear in the game
-short auto-attack range
-weak level 2
-weak all-in potential
-loses a lot of trades
-not a ton of built in outplay abilities
-bad early game
If you still want to go Lethal Tempo it is still viable and can be swapped in place of Fleet Footwork you're just going to have a much rougher early game with the new durability of champs but you scale very well. For Lethal Tempo builds prio Berserker Greaves and take Legend: Alacrity.
The 4th build that is a variation of the anti-tank build that is going to be very valuable in the upcoming meta does not currently have the rune page showing properly on mobafire is similar to the 3rd page, the major difference being swapping Absolute Focus for Manaflow Band.
If you are good at using Sivir's Spell Shield but are going to be going in to a rough lane/ not going to be able to Spell Shield effectively in lane you can also swap out the sorcery tree for inspiration and take Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery. I don't recommend this except in specific situations 9inspiration can help save some gold on pots/boots if you believe you're going to fall majorly behind) however you're really hurting yourself mid-late game and with Sivir being a late game champion it's definitely not ideal especially if your team can't pick up the slack.
If you are noticing you are having major mana issues, I'd recommend taking the scaling page that includes Manaflow Band and just do your best to use her spellshield. Don't be afraid to use it on cooldown, for example if the enemy support takes Arcane Comet use that your your advatage, that's a super easy rune to abuse for free mana and then just play safe and behind your minion wave while you wait for cooldown. Only take the runes with biscuits if it's a lane that you feel like it's going to be hard to block spells/abilities to get that mana. The inspiration tree honestly does work better with the Galeforce + Essence Reaver build path.
Arguably the worst part about Sivir is her auto-attack range, the new Lethal Tempo helps her out a ton, Rapid Firecannon helps even more and makes her a complete monster with Kraken Slayer which is why that is my top build. It is definitely situational, it is not worth going 2 zeal items so if you're against a team with a lot of healing/shieldbows/etc the Galeforce build with Mortal Reminder is probably overall better. Again, a lot of this is highly dependent on their team comp, do they have tanks? will they have a lot of healing? do they have assassins? are all questions you should ask yourself when choosing a runepage/buildpath but to summerize, you may find yourself not able to finish a lot of kills and it may be tricky for you to get close enough to their team for maxiumum dps with Kraken Slayer if you don't have Rapid Firecannon. Then obviously prioritize either Lord Dominik's Regards or Infinity Edge in both of this builds depending on the enemy team comp. If you are good at positioning it's not bad to skip Guardian Angel and go full glass cannon and build whichever of Lord Dominik's Regards or Infinity Edge you had not already completed.
For threats the main thing is early it's hard to "all in" with Sivir. Basically early you are looking to poke and farm and then fight if your support gets a good engage. Mobile high damage duelist adcs like Draven, Vayne, Lucian or even Twitch can be super hard to deal with because they'll dash and chunk you before you're able to respond. You can definitely win these lanes, just be smart and remember WE SCALE.
Happy Climbing <3
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