Overall, this matchup depends heavily on skill, due to Aatrox's ability to Omnivamp and heal after reaching level 6. Be careful fighting Aatrox in the late game, as he can regenerate to full health if played incorrectly. Consider kiting Aatrox and using your abilities to your advantage to gain an upper hand in the matchup. Usually i would run conqueror into him.
Ahri overall is a challenging matchup for Zac. Her Charm can instantly cancel Zac's E and make it nearly impossible for him to land it. After level 6 Ahri can use her ultimate to kite him, making it difficult for Zac to land a successful hit. The only way Zac can defeat Ahri is by correctly dodging her Charm and then utilizing a chain CC to deal massive damage and execute her. With enough AP and damage, it is possible to take her down with this method.
Playing against Akali can usually be manageable in mid lane. As one of her main counters, Zac's Q can reveal her in her shroud which, when used correctly, can render her useless. Moreover, at level 6 Zac's W will outdamage Akali's Q in most one-on-one scenarios. With Conqueror as a keystone you will outdamage and outheal Akali in almost all one-on-one scenarios.
A good Akshan player can use his passive movement speed to kite you out. However, you can counter this by using chain CC to make sure he can't escape. If you are ganking Akshan, I would recommend using your Q1 on a minion or on Akshan and waiting until he uses his rope swing before channeling Q2.
Alistar is an incredibly difficult champion to play against due to his two abilities that effectively counters Zac's kit. An experienced Alistar player is capable of peeling opponents off of their allies with relative ease. But, Alistar has one drawback; he only has access to two CC abilities, so the best counter is to wait them out or simply hold your E and kite with W.
Amumu is one of Zac's easiest matchups, as you can beat him in damage throughout the entire game. Just be mindful of his Q and R CC, which can cancel Zac's E if he chases you down.
This matchup heavily depends on the skill of both players. Anivia players can cancel Zac's E with Wall midair, as it is a displacement. Anivia can also cast her Q while Zac is charging his E, which will cancel it out. This is a particularly difficult situation for Zac if his E is already charged, as Anivia's Q is almost guaranteed to hit him and he will be forced to cancel it. At level 6 Anivia can use her ultimate to slow Zac and kite him out. Pre-level 6, Zac can fight Anivia with relative ease. This is a highly skill-based matchup, but Anivia's limitations are very high.
This matchup can be easy as long as you play around Annie’s stun. When trading with her, be sure to time your E so she cannot cancel it with her stun. Also, be careful of her E movement speed, as it can help her dodge your abilities or get away from you. Otherwise, if you manage to dodge her stun, you should be able to out damage and out sustain her in a prolonged fight.
Aphelios is a matchup that heavily relies on itemization. Zac's ability to chain CC can easily kill Aphelios, so it is important to be aware of the guns Aphelios is carrying. If the Aphelios player has items like Galeforce or Fleet Footwork, they can use these to kite away from Zac. Fighting Aphelios generally requires a higher level of skill, and it is advisable to only engage Aphelios if Galeforce and Flash are on cooldown.
As of 12.23, the majority of Ashe players opt for a mythic item that is not Galeforce. Ashe has limited movespeed, which makes kiting Zac difficult. Furthermore, be aware that Ashe R can occasionally cancel out Zac's E, which has a low cooldown at higher ranks. Therefore, when playing against her, be mindful of Ashe's R and look for opportunities to use CC on her.
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol is a threat to Zac, particularly due to his W range and slow. If Aurelion Sol lands successful chain CC, he can almost guarantee a kill on Zac. To protect yourself from this, it's important to be mindful of Aurelion Sol's range and pay attention to the possibility of chain CC.
Laning against some of the best Azir players in the world was not as difficult as one might expect. Since Azir has to remain stationary to auto with soldiers, it's easy to land an Q on him. Timing CC correctly also enables you to cancel his E. He may be able to poke you out and get you low in lane, however, his range does not extend far in late game and you can easily avoid him.
Bard is not particularly strong against Zac until he lands a crowd control ability, or out-maneuvers him by using his W (Magical Journey) to increase his movement speed. This matchup is highly skill-based, but that does not mean that Bard has no chance of winning. To counteract his Q (Cosmic Binding), be mindful of its cooldown and be ready to dodge it whenever he casts it.
Zac and Belveth have a unique matchup where stacking armor can be very beneficial. Items such as Thornmail paired with Aftershock can be a powerful combination as it will cause Belveth to kill herself with her own auto-attacks. However, caution should be taken when Belveth is ahead, as she will have a high chance of winning. It's best to wait for Belveth to cast her W before using Zac's E. A wise Belveth will hold her W to cancel out Zac's E, so be mindful of the relatively short cooldown. Usually, this ability will be up once or twice during a skirmish.
As Zac, Blitzcrank poses a moderate threat level due to his ability to cancel Zac's E with his CC. However, due to the fact that Blitzcrank's Q, E and R have relatively long cooldowns, it is relatively easy to play around these abilities. By watching Blitzcrank's cooldowns and timing your abilities accordingly, it is possible to gain the upper hand in the matchup.
Most of the time when facing off against Brand, Zac Jungle won't have to worry too much, as his core items have built-in magic resist. Zac is usually at an advantage when fighting Brand because of the gold disparity, and can win a 1v1 at any point in the game. Be careful of Brand's stun ability and his choice of items, such as Grevious Wounds or Magic Penetration.
When fighting Braum as Zac jungle, be careful of his Q ability and his auto attacks, as they apply his passive stun which charges up after four auto attacks hit you. Be mindful of his passive when you cast Zac's E, as the stun can cancel out the ability. Despite his passive, Braum is not much of a threat overall.
A skilled Caitlyn player can outplay you with clever use of their spells and abilities. To avoid getting outplayed, remember to avoid fighting or chasing Caitlyn until you have landed an initial crowd control (CC) effect. As of 12.23, many Caitlyn players bring Lethal Tempo, so be aware of when this is fully charged. Additionally, be weary of Caitlyn's traps, as well as her E cooldown.
Camille is designed to melt tanks, but her effectiveness can be hampered when she faces a tanky bruiser like Zac. During laning phase, timing your Q1 on a minion and then quickly following up with Q2 on Camille as she tries to hookshot away can often lead to a successful kill, especially since most Camille players bring Teleport and Ignite in the lane. Be sure to factor in her Q state and itemization (like bringing Sunderer for the early-midgame fights) for a better chance at success.
Zac's matchup against Cassiopeia is one of the most difficult for him. Most of her abilities are more powerful than Zac's, making fighting or trading with her a risky endeavor. Her Q is easy to hit, granting her bonus movespeed and damage, making it easier for her to kite him out. Her W ground can also cancel Zac's E, making it difficult for him to engage. Therefore, it is best to avoid trading or fighting Cassiopeia unless you are sure you can kill her.
I usually don't play against Cho'Gath as Zac because he is not often picked, however it can become easier for Zac to take him down as the game progresses since Cho'Gath generally stacks health. The main thing to watch out for is Cho'Gath trying to steal objectives such as Dragon and Baron with his R, or knocking up and canceling Zac's E.
Corki is a mixed damage champion that can match Zac in damage throughout the entire game. However, canceling Corki's W with Q2 is nearly impossible since it is faster than the auto animation for Q2. It is important to watch out for Corki's damage mid-late game, as he can poke and kill Zac easily.
Darius is one of Zac's easiest matchups as long as Conqueror is being used. It is easy to kite and stay inside of Darius' Q range, thus preventing him from healing. Additionally, Darius will likely not be able to auto attack to stack his passive bleed, since Zac has access to chain crowd control. The only thing to be wary of is Darius' E pull, which can cancel Zac's E.
Diana is able to quickly amass gold and outscale you in a game. However, if you have the Conqueror on Zac and are either even or ahead in gold, you should be able to win a 1v1 against Diana almost every time.
Dr. Mundo
As of 12.23 Dr. Mundo has become significantly stronger and can now go toe-to-toe with Zac in a 1v1, provided he has the right items. However, even with the right items, it can still be difficult to take him down as Mundo goes where he pleases.
Draven against Zac is relatively easy, as Draven is often forced to get an Infinity Edge as their third item. This makes it difficult for them to buy LDR until their fourth item, as most Draven players lack the knowledge of runes and building to make this purchase at an earlier stage. Beware of their E cancelling Zac's E, as it can easily tip the fight in Draven's favor.
Playing against Ekko as Zac can be one of the most difficult matchups. Not only do you have to time his W correctly, but his R makes it almost impossible to hit any CC, which leaves you vulnerable to his powerful one-shot potential. Furthermore, AP junglers in general are not favorable for Zac. When Ekko is building up his mandatory 10 Dark Seal stacks, it is best to switch to another lane and stay away from him. (and probably ff)
As Zac, Conqueror is a strong choice early game when fighting Elise. Focus on dodging her Cocoon and avoiding her skillshot burst. Be mindful of your E and her CC in order to gain an advantage. With some careful positioning and avoiding her burst damage, you should be able to win fights.
A good Evelynn will be able to manipulate the fog of war and kill your team before you can even go in. It is pointless to play against her since she has a minimum unavoidable 2K flash smite steal for every objective (she brings Cosmic Insight). If the game goes on past 20 minutes, your chances of winning go down drastically. Be careful of her burst; you can't outrun it, so maybe you can CC chain her to death if the Evelynn is completely braindead. I do not like playing against her.
Ezreal is relatively easy to play against. The only thing you need to worry about is his E, which has an ungodly long cooldown early. Once Ezreal burns his E, you can just walk up to him and kill him. Also, if he buffers his E with your E knockup, you can keep him CC'd even when his E goes through, which allows you to hit an almost guaranteed Q1.
Zac is now favored against Fiddlesticks after the Season 12 durability update. He doesn't have enough CC burst damage to kill you at any point in the game. Now you can survive through his R and his Zhonya's and just cancel his drain. Always be aware of his Effigies and enemy vision since this is more crucial to win rather than mechanics on Zac. When fighting Fiddlesticks early, focus on having another creep near you where you can auto Q1 Q2 him to cancel his drain.
This matchup is one of my favorites and it is completely based on skill. The counter I have found to this is to Q1 a minion and then press the S key next to Fiora. This will create the illusion of an auto attack, which 80% of the time will force the parry. Make sure you wait for the whole parry before completing the Q2 auto attack. There have been times when I have auto attacked too early and got myself killed. If you wait it out, you are almost guaranteed to win the 1v1. The only time Fiora truly outscales is at level 16, and even then most of the time she probably won't be killing you as the main target.
This matchup is gold and level dependent. Never go in 1v1 against Fizz if you are lower level, as he will always have the choice of engaging (killing you) or disengaging. Either way, it is always going to be a win for Fizz if you cant chain CC him to death.
Zac has an easy matchup against Galio once he's reached level 6. You will have enough healing to sustain a fight with Galio. When trying to fight around his taunt, Q1 target something other than Galio so Q2 taunt forces the auto attack on him. Be mindful of his other CC abilities, as they can cancel yours.
Honestly, I don't know if Gangplank is a counter to Navori yet since I haven't really played against his item damage yet, but it feels like the same concept as last season; you can chain CC Gangplank most of the time and he won't be able to escape even with Orange. The only reason this is an even matchup is because I don't know if his barrels one-shot Zac's passive still. Assuming that they do, you will win against GP if you are ahead in gold post-level 6.
Garen isn't necessarily a threat to Zac, but Zac can't catch him. In the current meta, Garen is a "go in or go out" champion, similar to Fizz. With Garen, you'll do far less damage and rarely be able to kill him after level 11 unless he's already low. Early game against Garen is very easy.
Gnar is generally easy to play against early game (pre level 9), because he has at most only 1 or 2 points in W. After level 10, if Gnar builds magic resist, you will almost always lose when he is in small form. If he is Mega Gnar, that is usually the easiest way to fight him, at any state of the game.
The only counterplay Gragas has against Zac is being able to instantly cancel Zac's E with his E and R. To avoid this, chain CC him with a Q1, Q2 and E combo. Do not engage with your E on Gragas first, as you can predict the outcome before engaging. Be patient with champions like Gragas, and only engage when you know it is safe.
This matchup, based on my experience, is Zac favored against bad Graves players. I usually run Conqueror to prevent the threat of an early invade. Once you complete the first full clear, you and Graves are basically even, but Zac will slowly outscale even if even in gold. Aftershock and Thornmail absolutely cripple Graves. At top level a good graves player can always beat zac no matter what.
Gwen is one of the hard counters to Zac. Most Gwens will bring Teleport and Ignite top, which already seals Zac's fate for the rest of the game. She will outscale and outdamage him. On top of that, she has her W which can make his skillshots completely useless. Only fight Gwen if she is low, has her summoner spells down, or has no ultimate. Fighting a Gwen with her full kit at the ready is a no-no.
Most Hecarim players on patch 12.23 build full Lethality with Duskblade. Little do they know, their build falls off against Zac after their first item (unless they are smart and buy Serylda's Grudge). Assuming they don't, you will always outscale Hecarim after the first item. Most teamfights, he will be useless, doing 0 damage to you while you 100-0 him.
As of patch 12.23, Heimerdinger support with Rylai's is one of the biggest counters to any champion with mobility in the game. Missing one ability while ganking Heimerdinger now will often result in death. You can fight him if he doesn't have turrets around. If you are ahead in gold, you should be able to 1v1 Heimerdinger as long as he doesn't have magic pen.
This is an easy matchup as long as you dodge Illaoi's tentacles. She will always have a chance of winning a 1v1 post-level 6 if you are hit by her tentacles. In my opinion, she is very easy to kite out and Illaoi just doesn't feel like a strong champion right now in the game. Your CC chain post-level 11 will almost always secure a kill on her.
Irelia is a pretty bad matchup for Zac, as you have to know how her Q works and how her passive stacks work. At level 1, Irelia's four-stack passive will one-shot each of Zac's passive blobs. Avoiding this is easy, but one mistake can lead to disaster. If Irelia rushes BOTRK, do not fight her - you won't win. Take advantage of Irelia by surprising her under the tower while she pushes. Sometimes they will auto-attack you by accident and take damage from the tower. Your CC chain will force them to stay in tower range, and then they will die. This matchup is mostly skill-based.
Ivern is a pretty advantageous matchup for Zac right now. As Zac has much more healing and damage than Ivern post-level 6, you should avoid fighting Ivern if he is using Daisy and fighting with his teammates. This is when he will be strongest. Look to pick off Ivern if he mispositions during an objective fight or just on the map in general.
Janna is one of the biggest threats to Zac jungle. A good Janna will always know when and where to place tornado effectively, rendering Zac useless. The worse the Janna player is, the easier it is to play against; however, you can't always determine that from champion select. This champion is recommended to be banned. Also, Janna's R can act as a knockback and displacement, two things that Zac does not like. The only counter I have found against Janna is casting Q1 and Q2 CC chain into E. This only works if they don't cast Q during that. Overall, Janna is just annoying to play against, but not the worst.
Jarvan IV
The only threat Jarvan really has over Zac is early game pressure; out-macroing him on ganks pre 6. Afterwards, it becomes easy, as long as you are even or ahead in gold. Usually, Jarvans are more eager to cast their QE first, so most of the time you won't need to worry about Jarvan cancelling your E.
Jax is very easy to play against. I wouldn't say it's a skill matchup, but it is definitely an item matchup. If Jax doesn't have BOTRK or Sunderer, you will win. If he does, you'll lose. It is easy to CC chain him and kill him, as he doesn't have much use for his E; just be careful you don't Q2 him while his Counter Strike is active, as it will do nothing.
Jayce is a skill matchup that will be based off of level and gold. If you are ahead, you will win almost every time, but be careful not to give him kills early on, as it will be very hard to come back. The only thing to really worry about is the displacement CC when Zac's E is casted. As long as Jayce doesn't have magic resist, you will always be able to chain CC and one-shot him post-6.
Jhin is a highly skill-based champion but the biggest problem is his mythic item, Galeforce. With the pressure it creates, there is often little to no chance to touch Jhin. Most Jhin players also go Fleet and Swifties just to increase their efficacy. A good Jhin player will almost always win against Zac, but most of the time Zac can one-shot with chain CC. Jhin is very immobile without Galeforce or Flash.
If Jinx is alone, she is very easy to kill by surprise, as she usually will not build any resistances. The only counters she has to Zac are her W slow, her E traps, and her passive movement speed. Just be aware of this, as missing one ability or combo can result in death. Avoid engaging on Jinx if she has an enchanter support; looks can be deceiving.
Skill-based matchup, only all-in Ksante and avoid taking short trades. He will almost always go Grasp, so there is no reason to go for them. Post-level 11, Ksante seems to win 1v1 assuming you are equal in gold. Only fight him when you are sure you can kill him and/or you are snowballing.
The only real threat Kaisa poses to Zac is her Invisibility on her E. However, this usually isn't an issue since she won't get this bonus until later in the game. With no CC, Kai'sa is very easy to kill before the 25-minute mark.
One of the worst champions to play against as Zac is Kalista. Only fight her if you are sure you can hit your abilities to kill her. One mistake and she will easily kite you out. Play very cautiously around her, especially if she has an enchanter support. As Zac, usually I will only go in if I can Q1, Q2, to CC her. This matchup is dependant on the player as a bad Kalista is an easy target.
Karma has long been a major problem for Zac. Last season, she had a lot of movement speed creep with Shurelya's, making it almost impossible to hit anyone she casted her shield on. Now she is not as strong and not very meta, which is nice. She is still very annoying to play against. If you are able to land initial CC on Karma, you should be able to kill her.
One of the worst matchups for Zac in the jungle by far is Karthus. There is literally no way to counter him since you cannot dodge his E. Going in is almost always a death sentence, so most of the time I will only use my Q1, Q2, and CC and save my E to get out of his passive when he is dead. Never jump in on Karthus unless you are sure you can kill him and escape. Also, be aware that he will kill your passive in his death passive.
It is very easy to predict and play against him, as his R cooldown is long enough for you to go in and kill him pre-level 11. Afterwards, just be more careful of when and where he will R. Once you are aware of this, he becomes a very easy target to kill. At most, he will have lots of AP and maybe a bit of penetration, but most of the time he will be buying flat AP and mana which won't be doing too much damage to you.
Katarina is a broken champion, but not against Zac. One of her hardest counters is Zac timing CC and waiting for her R, as this will render her useless. Stay away from daggers, as they will go on the ground and remain static, making her very easy to play against.
Kayle will be a scaling threat throughout the game. With the correct items, she can outdamage you, she will almost always be down gold on you until around 30 minutes when she will start to outscale you. Be mindful of when her R is up and when it is not; she is easy to gank and kill early game, so try your best to capitalize on that.
As of 12.23, Kayn is no longer a threat to Zac. In past seasons, he used to run Zac as soon as he got red form, no matter the items. Now, Zac will almost outheal and outscale him at any point in the game as long as he is even or ahead in gold. His W can cancel Zac's E once he gets his Rhaast form, so be aware of this. Besides that, Kayn doesn't really pose a threat to Zac.
Only two threats this champion poses to Zac are his E movement speed throughout the game, which can outrun Zac's E with ease, and at Level 16, be very careful as his R will kill you instantly if caught in CC. Besides that, Kennen is a very easy target to kill.
Khazix is a very unique champion when it comes to playing against Zac. On paper, Khazix is horrible against Zac as he will only be strong once he hits the first item lethality spike. After this, he will fall off. Be careful of his upgraded W slow. If Khazix kills you, your passive blobs will be counted in isolation, so be aware of this. He will do more damage to your passive blobs. Zac's Q1 reveals him in stealth, which is a big counter to him.
As of 12.23, Kindred is not as strong as she was in past seasons. Bringing Aftershock in high elo is almost impossible, as people will invade and kill me at every chance. I like to run Conqueror into Kindred, as this prevents and neutralizes the early threat she poses. Be careful, as she can kite you out easily. The counter to Kindred is to wait to chain CC her once her R has expired. What I mean by this is to use Q1 and Q2 when her R ends and then use your R or E. She will have 2 seconds after her R ends, where she will be low health and unable to move, making it very easy to kill her. You can also knock her out of her R by using Zac's R on her near the edge of her R. Be aware of her items, as she can buy Witt's End and Magic Resist that can counter you.
I haven't faced against Kled in lane, but the biggest threat I see coming from him is his Q, as it can apply grievous wounds and cancel your E if I time it incorrectly. Be aware of this. If I'm even/ahead in gold after level 6, I will be able to win. If I dodge his Q at any point in the game, I will most likely win the 1v1.
Kog'Maw is a very easy champion to play against. He is immobile and weak in the early game, but this all depends on his items and the support he has. Very often, Kog'Maw will have a strong enchanter nearby, buffing and keeping him alive the whole game. You can usually win the 1v1 against Kog'Maw, but be careful in the later stages of the game as he can easily melt you if you're not careful.
I will say LeBlanc is a minor threat, as she is a very impractical and weak champion. However, if played in the right hands, she can always dodge your abilities almost every time. The problem with LeBlanc is that she only has one set of abilities, so she can only go in and out. Every time she kills you, it will probably just be an outplay on her end. If she is low health and you have Q1 attached, it will reveal her passive and you can just Q2 another target to kill her. Be aware of her W and past W locations; she can teleport back to them.
Lee Sin
One of Zac's easiest matchups is Lee Sin. You can run Aftershock into him and make his burst useless against you. Lee Sin players probably want to leave the game when they are playing against Zac; it is nearly impossible to lose against him.
Leona is a very CC-heavy champion, but the drawback to her is that the W-resistance she gets is almost useless against Zac, as he will do max health damage to her. Be aware of her Q, E, and R-CC that can cancel your E. She is one of the easier supports to play against.
Lillia seems like the biggest threat against Zac on paper, as she has some of the highest movement speed in the game. Later in the game, you'll be able to almost chain CC her and kill her post-level 6. Only engage on Lillia with Q1 or Q2 CC; do not risk casting E and missing it, as you will die if you do this. Be careful of her items, as her first three items (e.g. Riftmaker, Demonic, Liandries) are all counters to Zac no matter the game state.
Lissandra can be strong against Zac in the right hands. Her W can root you to the ground and stop your E. Be aware of when she has R, as she can dodge one of your abilities or stun you. To counter her, you can time your Q1 and Q2 right, so when she casts her E, you can CC her to prevent the teleport all the way through.
Lucian is a pretty strong champion against Zac as most of the time he will have the threat of his E dash kiting you. As long as you are aware of this, you will be able to fight him if you chain CC correctly. Lucian most of the time will not build magic resist, as most players will aim for 60% crit as soon as possible. I will usually use only Q2 or R to CC Lucian first; most of the time this will burn his E as he cannot dodge this CC.
Lulu is a strong champion against Zac, most of the time she will be peeling her ADC or carries on her team. The only two things you need to look out for are her Polymorph and R Knockup.
Lux is very immobile and cannot play into Zac. The only thing to really look out for is her Q root when casting E; besides this, you will always be able to beat her at every stage of the game.
Malphite is very weak against Zac. He will scale with armor over time, and can only survive against you with magic resist. Sometimes he will be harder to kill after reaching level 11, so be aware that he can use Q to get a movement speed boost to escape. He can also escape using his R. This makes him very easy to fight in a 1v1, as you will almost always win if you are ahead in gold.
A good Malzahar player will know how to play against Zac and where to position. The threat he poses early game is the Q silence he has, which will cancel your E while in cast time. Post level 6, his R will stop you in mid-air if he casts it. This can make or break a game, so be careful. He also has his passive spellshield, which is very hard to break as it is not like Sivir's. Your Q1 will break the shield and also stick onto Malzahar. But if you E and smite to break the spellshield first, your E CC will not count as he is invulnerable to CC for a second after the spellshield is broken.
Maokai is relatively easy to play against. His Q can cancel your E as you are about to land on him, and he can also dodge your E with his W invulnerability. These, together with his R, are really the only counters to you, so be aware of this because timing your abilities wrong will render you useless. Then and again, Maokai is a tank, which Zac counters. You will always win a 1v1 with Maokai post level 6 if you time your abilities correctly.
Master Yi
For years, this has been one of Master Yi's hardest counters. Bring Aftershock and build Thornmail as your second item. He will not live through the CC. To counter the unpredictability of his Q, use your Q1 on a minion, camp, or another champion to guarantee Q2 CC. After this, you can E and R chain CC to kill him. It works every time, but if you mess this up, he will melt you in a second. You can also cancel his W Meditate with any CC. He will not want to cancel this ability so if you know his Q is down, you should be able to go in. The counter Master Yi really poses to Zac is Magic Resist, as he will be able to survive initial burst and kill you.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune used to not be a threat to Zac, as she was immobile and had no CC to counter him. Now, her level 1 W movement speed can outrun his E at any range, making it a skill-based matchup; if her CC is hit, she will almost always die.
For whatever reason, as of 12.23 Riot has made Mordekaiser broken. He is so strong with his passive damage that he will beat you at almost every stage of the game. The only real counter to Mordekaiser is to dodge his Q in or out of R. If you get hit by a majority of his abilities, you will die. Make sure if you are going to get hit by Q that another target gets hit as well, as you will not take that much damage. If you don't build demonic or heavy AP you cannot 1v1 Mordekaiser.
Morgana can be very annoying to play against, especially if you are the only CC threat she has to worry about. Most of the time, she will save her Spellshield for you, as it can make you useless on whatever target you go for. The more AP you have, the faster this Spellshield will break down. Morgana's Q is relatively easy to dodge, however, be careful as it can stop your E cast. If you are in mid-air, her Q will stop you, although it is very hard for her to hit this, unless she has a straight shot towards you.
It is very easy to gank and play against her, as she only has her bubble and R to stop you from getting to her. It is also very hard for her to hit her bubble while you are mid E, so you won't have to worry about her cancelling it. There is the offchance that her E slow can help someone kite you out, along with her. Her R will cancel your E midair.
Nasus is not very strong against Zac because his kit requires him to auto-attack in order to lifesteal off of him. You can chain CC him and, most of the time, he will be low enough after all CC for you to chase him down with W to secure a kill. He will be busy trying to run away since he either has to fully commit or not commit at all.
Nautilus is a pretty common pick bot lane, along with Kaisa. His passive, auto attack, Q and R abilities all can cancel your E. Most of the time he is either engaging or running away, not focusing on stopping your E. Nautilus can't really peel you off his team making it relatively easy to kill him and his team.
AD Neeko will outscale Zac at every point of the game, and a good Neeko player will be able to abuse this and kite Zac out easily. On the other hand, AP Neeko does absolutely nothing against Zac besides her R and E CC. Most of the time, you will be disrupting her combo, no matter if it's a 1v1 or a teamfight, which will most of the time make her pretty useless. If Neeko casts W while you have Q1 attached, it will reveal the real Neeko clone.
One of Zac's hardest skill matchups is always Nidalee, as she is favored if they are better. Her Cougar Form W will always be able to dodge your abilities if played correctly. She has a heal and sustain which makes it hard to CC chain into a kill if you are not ahead. If she lives after a CC chain, she is just able to jump away over walls as her Cougar W cooldown is much lower than Zac's. On paper, it seems like Nidalee is bad into Zac, and that is true; she is one of the worst junglers in the game, but in the right hands, she can outmacro and outgank you for an entire game.
Nilah is a very underrated champion that I don't see many people play. She is able to survive initial Zac bursts and then kill you if she is fed. Unfortunately, she can just get fed by being ahead in level with her passive XP. Most Nilahs are not that good though, and you will be able to kill her pretty easily if you can hit your first E on an engage. Make sure you wait out her W if you are bursting her, as it will negate your damage. Her R can cancel your E.
Fight Nocturne in the later stages of the game, as he has one of the strongest level 3-4 in the game. After your first full clear, you will be even with Nocturne. Be aware of his spellshield and fear range and duration. As Nocturne has an instantly breakable spellshield, once you get 20 stacks on your smite item you can break it. When casting your E on Nocturne, they usually will think that their spellshield will block your E knockup, which it does, but little do most players know, you are casting two abilities to break the spellshield. When you are about to land your E on Nocturne, use smite before you hit the ground. Most of the time they will spellshield last second. I would say this has a 75% chance to work. If you are ahead or even in gold after level 6, you will be able to beat Nocturne in a 1v1 if you destroy his spellshield with smite or your W.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu is like Evelynn, but in tank form. He has some of the strongest dragon/baron pressure in the game, as he does so much burst to execute objectives. In past seasons, Nunu was much better, but now the meta is filled with other champions that do his job better. You can cancel Nunu's W with your Q1, Q2, and CC; also, if you E him while he's rolling his W, you can cancel it if you hit it from behind or the side. Nunu's R is also super easy to cancel with any of your CC. Overall, you counter Nunu a lot more as of 12.23 compared to past seasons.
Olaf has slowly gotten worse against Zac over time since Season 10. Olaf is the one exception in this game where you have to run Conqueror into. Aftershock will not proc if he uses R, so Conqueror is the way to go if you want to 1v1 him post level 6 with ease. Usually I would build Demonic against Olaf every time.
Orianna is a strong lane control mage that can poke you out over time; however, when ganking Orianna, the only thing you have to worry about is her W movement speed dodging Zac's E. Most of the time, you will be able to kill her if you hit E first, but in a 1v1, she can escape you if you don't have the damage. Be aware of her ball position post level 6, as it can be small and hard to detect. This can cancel your E if she uses R.
Ornn is one of the easiest champs for Zac to kill, with Conqueror he will always beat Ornn in a 1v1, if even or ahead in gold. Every single one of Ornn's abilities is displacement/CC, which will cancel your E. This is why it is important to take Conqueror. Your goal is to DPS and melt down Ornn over time. You can Q1 Ornn or a minion and Q2 something else to CC Ornn when he is about to recast his R; you can do the same with your E or R to stop his R cast from going through.
In my opinion, Pantheon is one of the weakest champions against Zac. His full combo barely does half of Zac's health at level 6. Past level 6, you will beat Pantheon in almost every 1v1. You can peel him off your team or just throw him around, either way, you will always have the advantage over this champion.
Poppy on paper is one of Zac's hardest counters, until you realize that you just don't need to cast your E and she can't do anything. Be aware of her W cooldown as it is crucial to win against Poppy. When engaging in a fight, always try to start with Q or W in melee range. With Conqueror, you will always beat Poppy in a 1v1. Also, try to step on her passive shield as this will prevent her from blocking lots of damage. Remember, the only real threat that Poppy will use against you is her W, so it is crucial to play around this.
Pyke is a very mobile support that can easily cancel Zac's E with his Q or E. Ganking Pyke is hard because his E dash can always help him escape Zac's E. When killing Pyke, I would focus on using chain CC with Q1, Q2 or R. Only use your E if you know his dash is on cooldown.
Qiyana overall is a skill matchup for Zac. She is very easily able to dodge your abilities with her dashes, but she almost never builds magic resist, which opens up opportunities for you to chain CC and kill her post level 6. Her invisibility is the only thing that should be a problem, but your Q1 reveals her. Late game, just be careful that she doesn't catch you out with her ultimate. As of 12.23, Qiyana is not strong against Zac.
Quinn can be very hard to play against if they know what they are doing. Her blind can make it hard to hit your abilities, and her E is very easy to hit you while you are in midair. Quinn, overall, without these two abilities, will die to Zac, but she always has the chance of kiting you out. Only fight Quinn if you know you can kill her.
Rakan can have early pressure against you because of your long cooldowns. Be careful when he has his W up as this ability is hard to dodge while you are casting your E since it casts so fast. He also has two dashes with his E which allow him to dodge skillshots almost instantly. On top of that, Rakan also has his R charm which can stop Zac midair or disrupt your combo. The good thing about playing against Rakan is that if you hit Q1 and he dashes to one of his teammates, it is very easy to hit Q2 to CC them both. Be very careful when playing against Rakan.
Depending on what Rammus builds, the results for damage will vary. If Rammus uses W at any stage of the game, try not to auto-attack him, as he applies grievous wounds. To counter his taunt, try to Q1 a different target so the taunt forces the auto onto him. Always bring Conqueror into Rammus. His Q cancels Zacs E.
A very hard counter to Zac is Rek'Sai from level 3 onwards, as she can always stop his E by hopping out of burrow. After level 6, Rek'Sai can easily 1v1 Zac with ease. To make matters even worse, Rek'Sai gets full build at her first item (Prowler's Claw), making the game almost unplayable. Pray you can chain CC Rek'Sai because there is almost no other way to kill her.
Rell is not really a threat to Zac. Her W is a very slow ability which can be cancelled with Zac's E or Q1 Q2. Rell doesn't do much damage and her whole kit revolves around bringing people in, which is what Zac wants. If people pick Rell into Zac, they are effectively countering themselves.
Renata Glasc
Renata is not really a counter to Zac, her Q is the only displacement CC that can stop his E mid-air. The only other thing to watch out for is if you Q1 Renata near a teammate, and she uses R, it will make you CC your teammate. I have done this a few times with Evenshroud and gotten my teammate killed.
Renekton is completely build-dependent on winning against Zac. If he has any tank-melting items or magic resistance, it will jeopardize any 1v1. If even in gold and at post-level 6 with Conqueror, you can 1v1 him if played perfectly. Usually, you won't have to worry about him cancelling your E with his stun, but he can dash out of your E and make you miss your abilities. Usually, when I play against Renekton, I will Q1 a minion and then Q2, so I'm guaranteed CC on Renekton.
Rengar, alongside Master Yi, is one of Zac's easiest matchups. Same concept, bring Aftershock and build Thornmail; they will always be useless after your two items. Rengar will never be able to fight you. If you need to peel for your team, sit next to whoever has Rengar's R mark on them. The only counter to Rengar is standing together.
Riven can easily counter Zac by out-healing and out-damaging him. Pre-level 6 ganking is pretty easy if Zac hits his E first. You must always be mindful of Riven's ability to dodge your E with her E dash. You should also pay attention to her stats, such as whether she has omnivamp or magic resist, as her damage and healing may be deceiving.
A good Rumble will always be able to beat Zac pre-level 11. His Overheat max health auto damage, Q burn, and shield will always give Rumble the upper hand. One good thing about playing against Rumble is that he is immobile, so chaining CCs on him is very easy. Post-level 11 1v1s are Zac-favored if you are ahead or even in gold.
Ryze is barely played, and will only beat you at level 16. He's immobile and very easy to kill before then. The only thing you have to worry about is his root. If you Q him or a minion, you can force CC on him right before he teleports out with his R - timing it correctly is key.
Like Katarina, Samira cannot use her Ultimate against Zac. She has to get in range of him to use it, and any one of Zac's CC abilities will instantly stop her Ultimate. You will always be stronger than Samira because of this; be careful of her Windwall blocking your Q.
Sejuani can always beat Zac in lane 1v1 with her Ignite. In the jungle, Zac will always be slightly stronger than her in almost every way. Be careful of her Q dash stopping your E.
Senna cannot do much against Zac besides kiting him out with her Autos, Q, and Passive, and casting W. She doesn't have any dash to get away from you, so it's relatively easy to hit E on her. You will almost always be able to chain CC her to death. She will always outscale past 30 minutes.
Seraphine is barely a problem for Zac; her E root can stop your E along with her R charm, but most of the time you should be able to kill her as this is all she has to stop you from getting on her. Seraphine is weak early, but scales harder late.
Sett is a fairly easy counter to play against. Most of the time they won't be building items that melt tanks early on. Be mindful of their passive bar maxing out their W damage; you can kite them out and kill them post-6 if you are even or ahead in gold. Most games you will outscale Sett by default.
Shaco poses little to no threat against Zac, only AP Shaco does. Against AP Shaco, you will almost always be forced to fight into his boxes and his clone, which will make you take lots of damage for no reason. On top of that, if Shaco buys Ability Haste early, his Q just makes him escape almost every single play. There really isn't a counter to this unless Shaco throws his gold lead.
Shen cannot do much against Zac after level 6, as you will always outdamage him if you are ahead or even in gold. Be mindful of his taunt, as if you cast Q1 on a minion and then he taunts you, it will force you to Q2 him. You can easily cancel Shen's R, which makes him back-off. The only threat he poses is the shield he gives someone with his R.
Skill-based matchup for the most part. Shyvana early isn't too good; watch out for her sneaking dragons between levels 4 and 6. After level 6, Shyvana gets slightly better than Zac with her clear speed and tower kill speed. Try to fight Shyvana when she doesn't have her R active, as she will be nearly useless. Be careful when casting abilities and watch out for her R as it makes her unstoppable.
As of 12.23, Singed has gotten much better against Zac, having efficient builds with counter items such as Rylai's, Demonic, and Liandry's. All of these items hard counter Zac and can be really annoying to play against. If Singed is squishy, he is very easy to kill, but his running around gassing everyone on the map makes it difficult to land E as Zac.
One of the easiest kills Zac can get is very simple early game; he can cancel Sion's Q using any form of Zac's CC. At level 6, Sion will get his R, which can help him run away from a CC chain. Usually, I will try to kite in front of where he is trying to walk to instantly end his ultimate as soon as it is casted.
Sivir is a pretty hard counter to Zac. As long as you have 20 stack Smite or less ready, you can kill her. There is a concept with Nocturne regarding Spellshield; the Spellshield can only block one ability, no matter how close together two abilities hit. This means that as soon as you are about to land your E on Sivir, use Smite - her Spellshield will break and you will hit the knockup. If done wrong, you will Smite her and not her Spellshield, and then she will just block your E anyways. Timing is crucial for this to work. Pre-level 11, Sivir is not strong in general, but afterwards she will get lots of movement speed from support, items, and R.
Skarner can be a real threat if his ultimate pulls you into the midst of 4 enemies that can do more damage. I haven't played against Skarner much, so I can't really say how strong he is against Zac, but I can say that after level 11, Zac becomes stronger than Skarner. Also, Skarner is one of the few champions where the team composition matters more than what he picks; meaning, his ultimate is only good if it's pulling you in and killing you.
Depending on whether Sona buys Shurelya's or not, she won't do much with just Moonstone against Zac and will lose against him at all stages of the game. Shurelya's opens up options for Sona to give her whole team permanent 35% move speed, which is crazy because I would miss my E every time. Nonetheless, Sona is easy to play against.
One of the worst supports to play against, if you don't have Grevious Wounds, playing against Soraka you will lose almost every time. She will outheal your damage if you don't prioritize the correct target, a death sentence if your team doesn't draft assassin damage along with Zac. Soraka can also use her E to cancel Zac's E cast.
Swain has always been very strong into Zac, his main mythic item being Liandry's Torment. At the first item, Swain is naturally already stronger. Swain's R stays up when you are near him so the only way to fight him is to bait it out, run away, wait for it to end, and then re-engage. Also, Zhonya's can cause so many problems when engaging and can just get messy in general. Swain wins after level 11 almost every single time.
One of my favorite matchups in mid lane to play against is Sylas versus Zac. I've played against some of the best players in North America and they have picked this matchup, which is completely reliant on skill. As of 12.23, I think Zac is slightly better because of the high % healing on blobs post-level 6. Sylas can cancel your E with his E, but this won't typically be a problem. Furthermore, Sylas can do nothing with your R as he can't cast any abilities while it is active. Post-level 11, you should win against Sylas.
It is extremely annoying to play against her, as her E ability will always cancel out yours and knock you back. Waiting for this ability to go on cooldown is tedious and annoying. However, even when her E ability is down, you should still be able to kill her easily. She has no cast time on her orbs, but you can chain cc her and kill her. After level 11, she will start to scale and get stronger, so be careful. Nonetheless, this matchup should be considered even.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench can be annoying to play against at times due to the pressure his R brings. Eating a carry on his team when I engage can decide the outcome of the game. Besides this, Tahm Kench has his W knockup and Q stun, but if you can avoid these, you will be able to kill him easily. You usually win 1v1s against Tahm Kench at all stages of the game, but most of the time they will try to escape if they know they're losing. You can also cancel Tahm Kench's W with your CC.
A good Taliyah can make it very annoying to play against, but generally she is easy to play against. Her W and E are her two main abilities that you need to watch out for. Never use your E into Taliyah's E; it will stun you if you move over it. Just be careful of where she places her W; if you dodge it, you can go in on her and kill her.
If you cannot oneshot Talon with chain CC, you will not be able to kill him. A good Talon knows this and he will kite you out until the end of time. When Talon uses his R, your Q1 will reveal him. In the later stages of the game, you can beat Talon. You will need lots of gold, AP, and low cooldowns.
Taric can be annoying to play against at times, but since half of his kit relies on someone else it can be hard to determine the threat level. In a 1v1 against Taric, do your best to dodge his E stun and you should be fine. Remember that his auto attacks reset his heal and shield, so keep that in mind. You beat taric at every level.
Teemo's blind will block your Q2 auto-stun. Avoid chasing and following him into shrooms. When Teemo is invisible in a bush, use your W and/or Bami's to figure out where he is. Once you do this, you can cast Q1 which will reveal him entirely, allowing you to kill him afterwards. You will beat teemo after level 6.
Skill dependant matchup, Thresh can cancel your E with his Flay and Hook. He can also render an entire gank useless if he Lanterns away the ADC. However, there is a way to counter this by timing it correctly. If you Q1 a minion, and then Q2 while the enemy champion is taking the Lantern, it will cancel the Lantern completely. This is very hard to do in practice as people will grab the Lantern before you can get near them. Always wait for Thresh to use his E before attempting to go in.
Tristana can be very hard to lane against in the early game. If ganking, there are many things and interactions that can happen with her W. If Tristana buffers your CC, she can get hit by it and still cast the jump. The good thing about this is that she will be stunned in mid-jump, allowing you to hit your Q. On the flipside, if she casts her W late and then you stop it with E, it will stop completely. Sometimes, I will engage with Q1 Q2 to stop her jump, too. Either way, it all works towards the same outcome. You will beat Tristana post-level 11.
Trundle has always been good into Zac. He will beat you early game, so I would usually bring Conqueror. Even with this, you will still lose. At level 6, he still wins; not only till 3 items will you win. His pillar can also cancel your E cast.
Playing against Tryndamere is situational, as it's like gambling how he plays off critical strike chance—there is no accurate and consistent way to measure damage. One counter I do is chain CC him when his R is active until it ends, as he won't be able to E away when it runs out. Building armor or AP into Tryndamere usually yields the same outcome. Even matchup throughout the whole game.
Twisted Fate
The only threat Twisted Fate poses to you is his Gold Card; even then, you can just cast E and jump on him anyways. The Gold Card will not stop you mid-air, but rather it will stun you when you hit the ground. Therefore, you have nothing to worry about with Twisted Fate; Zac beats him at all stages of the game.
It's very easy to play against Twitch, most of the time it's more important what support Twitch gets instead of Twitch himself. In a 1v1, you will beat Twitch every time after level 6. He has no mobility and no counter to you besides invisibility. Even then, you will be able to keep up with him and kill him almost every time.
I never understood the new Udyr's damage, but whichever way he builds, whether AP or full lethality, he will always outdamage you. On the flip side, you can chain CC him to death and it will work almost every time. Be mindful of his build so you don't get surprised by how much damage he does. After level 16 you will beat Udyr.
Urgot generally is not very strong against Zac. You can beat him after Level 11 with chain CC. The only real counter you have for Urgot is to Q1 Q2 cancel on his E; however, this needs to be timed precisely, as if it is not, it will buffer and his dash will still go through.
Varus will do lots of damage to you if left unchecked. He will die every time you chain CC him post-level 11. Be careful if he is building AP, as it can one-shot you if you aren't paying attention. Generally, he is immobile without his R; he can barely kite you.
The worst champion to play against as Zac is Vayne. Think you can counter her as Zac? Maybe in Heaven. Literally, there is nothing you can do against her; just give up, ff or dodge. She will always do more damage than you no matter what you build. Vayne has E Condemn, Q to dodge all of your abilities (including R) – it's not even a skillshot, BTW – and she can go invisible.
Veigar is pretty easy for Zac to play against, besides his E Cage, which can stop his E in midair. If Zac waits for Veigar to use this ability, he can most likely go in and kill him as Veigar has no mobility to get away from Zac. Zac will win 1v1 against Veigar post-level 6 until level 16.
It is extremely easy for Zac to play against Vel'Koz; the only threat being his true damage on his passive and his E knock up. But these two things are minuscule, as they are the only real threat to Zac. After Vel'Koz uses E, you can go in on him without any problem and you will win 1v1 with Vel'Koz at any point in the game.
Only a real threat when her passive fear is up, most of the time Vex players are not self-aware that if they cast no abilities, it would be impossible to play the game. Besides, if Vex has no fear bar, you can always go in on her and chain CC her to death. You will beat vex post level 6.
Vi is a pretty strong counter to Zac at all stages of the game because of her max health damage. She can cancel your E with her Q knockup, which can be annoying. She can also pin you down with her R, making it difficult for Zac to break the chain CC. However, if you are even or ahead in gold, you will be able to beat Vi.
Viego is fairly easy to play against. Avoid holding your E cast when he is going to stun you with his W. Also, be careful not to cast CC on Viego when he is using R as it makes him unstoppable. This usually isn't a problem, as the chance of him casting R and Zac casting CC at the same time are so low that it will probably never happen. If Viego picks up the Zac Soul, he will take it, and if he dies as the Zac Soul, he will spawn four little cute blobs that will make you tilt on your gray screen. Besides this, you will beat Viego at almost every stage of the game unless he rushes BOTRK. If that happens, you will beat him post-level 11.
Completely skill-based, I have played against some of the best Viktor players and they will always have the upper hand because their kit allows it. If you are ahead in gold and XP, you might be able to beat Viktor, but it is still a skill matchup. Against bad Viktor players, it will be much easier and hardly a counter to Zac. His W will cancel your E if you are not careful.
A Vladimir with no pool is an easy kill; you will always be able to beat him. A Vladimir with pool is ungankable and you will outdamage him up until level 16.
Volibear does slightly more damage than Zac every level up until level 11. A good Volibear will use his R to block some of your CC, so keep this in mind. After level 11, your DPS is much more than his, so you won't have to worry about him killing you.
One of Zac's worst counters pre-6 is Warwick. Even in gold, Warwick will always beat Zac no matter what stage of the game it is. If Warwick uses his ultimate on someone, you will usually have to play to peel him off your team. If you fail to kill him with your initial CC chain, he will heal off of you and kill you.
Wukong is fairly strong against Zac, as he has armor pen, invisibility, and his knockup. Unfortunately, if Wukong has his ultimate, there is always the possibility that he will cancel your E when you jump in. If you Q1 Wukong and then he uses his W, it will keep vision on the real Wukong. Using this to its full potential, you can pull both Wukongs together, making his W useless. Wukong typically builds Sunderer as his first item, which makes it very difficult for Zac to find an advantage. If Zac is ahead in gold, he can beat Wukong; if not, he will get outscaled and lose.
The only threat Xerath has over you is his poke and his E stun. If you can dodge his E stun, you will be able to tank all of his abilities and kill him at any stage of the game. Additionally, you can find where Xerath has started his R in the fog of war, revealing his location. Most of the time, if you are close, you can just jump on him and cancel his R.
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao is a fairly strong champion against Zac because of his ability to knockup, usually cancelling Zac's E as he casts it. The timing lines up very close for it to be in Xin Zhao's favor almost every time. Post level 11, if you are ahead, you can beat Xin Zhao.
In the right hands, Yasuo can outplay Zac, but if you land initial CC, you can just CC chain him to death; this will work almost every time post-level 6. Avoid getting hit by his tornado or him knocking you up while you are casting your E.
Yone is overall a much stronger threat to Zac because of his mixed damage, ability to dodge CC with his E pullback, and cancel Zac's E with his tornado. The concept is similar to Yasuo but with a few more abilities to worry about. When ganking Yone, I usually wait where his E pullback will be, Q1 a minion, and then once he's back I Q2 into him to chain CC. If I were to initially E, Yone could dodge the CC with his E pullback. You beat Yone post level 11.
Yorick is strong with lethality, as his ghoul damage will be very high and they will be hard to kill if you go in on him. Yorick usually builds tank-melting items. To always win against him, you should only fight when he has no ghoul set up. Following this rule will ensure your success.
Can be strong depending on the champion; most of the time, you can wait for this little kitten to jump out so you can use her to hit Q1 and Q2 on whatever champion she was sitting on. Once you CC her like this, she will be rethinking her whole reason for jumping off her parent champion. But Yuumi is Yuumi; if she doesn't hop off at all, she is broken.
im not telling u guys how to beat zac
Zed has many item options that can make him very strong post-level 11. Before this, you can 1v1 Zed with ease. Be aware of his shadows, as he can dodge all of your abilities, depending on how many shadows he has.
As of 12.23, Zeri is viable again, which means that if in the right hands, you will get kited out and never hit her. If they pick Yuumi with Zeri, dodge instantly, as there is no chance you will win if the game goes over 20 minutes. Zeri is weak alone; a bad Zeri can get chain CCed to death by you after level 6.
Ziggs is a very small counter to Zac, as his only ability that can displace Zac is his W, which most of the time he wants to save for himself so he can get away. You can 1v1 Ziggs post-level 6.
One of Zac's hardest counters is Zilean, who can double bomb you and stun you while casting E, making it incredibly frustrating. He can also slow you, making you wonder why you even logged on to League today. This isn't even the beginning, as Zilean has a revive R that you have to convince yourself is always up, as if you tell yourself it's not, it will be. There is really no counter to Zilean, but he is not meta and not often picked, so you don't need to worry about banning him.
A very good Zoe will be able to kite you out and poke you down with ease. Not only that, they will pick up whatever summoner spells are on the ground (that are so small you can't see) so you end up missing all of your abilities and just dying most of the time. If Zoe doesn't dodge the initial E, your chain CC will kill her post-level 11.
Zyra can cancel Zac's E with her E root and her R knockup. Sometimes you can Q1 Zyra and Q2 a plant, but not vice versa, as using Q on a plant will take away 1 health, which can lead to Q1 breaking and then doing nothing. Zyra's root will not stop you midair, but it will root you when you hit the ground. Be careful as Zyra builds items to counter you, e.g. Grevious Wounds, Sorc Shoes, Liandries. Fight Zyra when there are little to no plants around or if you are ahead in gold.
Good champion to play with Zac. Be aware of Aatrox's W, as I tend to wait for that CC to go through before I use mine. Additionally, Aatrox's R in a teamfight with Zac synergizes really well.
Wait for Ahri's charm before going in. If she hits this, you are guaranteed to hit your CC.
Akali has little to no synergy with Zac throughout the game.
Akshan has little to no synergy with Zac throughout the game.
Wait for Alistar to engage before going in, as Alistar has knockups, it will be guaranteed CC for you to hit.
Amumu has great synergy with Zac. Not only does he have his Q to engage and allow Zac to follow up, but he also has his R to stun. Amumu's passive also makes it so when he attacks a target, any damage you inflict on that target will be a portion of true damage.
Anivia has decent synergy with Zac. Usually, I will wait for her Q before going in so I'm guaranteed to hit my CC. Even if I can't do this, going in with an Anivia R is very strong as chain CC will make them take lots of damage.
Amazing, lock-on CC is the most ideal thing for Zac to have on his team. Almost every time, if the enemy cannot dodge the lock on CC Annie has they will not be able to escape. It is very easy to follow up when going in.
The only synergy that Aphelios has with Zac is his root on his Q. It is very easy to follow up on this; most of the time, I will cast E while his Gravitum Q slow is applied. As soon as he presses Q for the root, you are able to jump in and follow up for a guaranteed CC.
Both ashe support and ADC both synergize well with zac. The auto slow and W slow make it much easier for you to catch up and CC people as zac. Ashe R has some of the longest stun duration in the game. One of the easist abilities to follow up on as zac.
Aurelion Sol
There is a very strong synergy between Zac and Asol. I would focus on going in when Asol procs his Q's CC.
It can be very hard to synergize with Zac and Azir, but if done correctly you can chain CC along with Azir's R. Without Azir's R, Zac and Azir have little synergy.
Very good synergy with Zac. Focus on following up on his Q CC and R CC. Even when ganking, Bard's Tunnel can be an easy way to get closer to the enemy.
Pretty good synergy with Zac. It's pretty easy to follow up on Bel'Veth's W knockup when fighting with her.
Be careful when fighting with Blitzcrank, as sometimes you can engage first with Zac's E and Blitzcrank will sometimes hook the enemy, causing you to miss it. Most of the time, I will wait for Blitzcrank to hook and use E before going in.
Usually, I will wait for a brand to stun someone before going in. Not much synergy, but it can work if played right.
Very strong. Low chance of missing CC with Braum as you can guarantee an auto-stun with him. With Braum, usually I will be the one to jump in first. He is one of the few champions where you don't have to really rely on the first round of CC to hit your abilities.
Only good if the enemy walks into traps first. If you hit them with initial CC, she can force trap on the enemy due to chain CC. Overall, it's just impractical for synergy.
Good, always wait for Camille to use her E engage first. It's easier to follow up with your E CC this way. Even at level 6 with Camille's R, it makes this much easier to do.
There is fairly low synergy between Zac and Cassiopeia. The only CC she has that will allow you to follow up with her is her R. You can look to use your E on someone when Cassiopeia uses her W root on someone, which will lower the chance of the enemy being able to walk out of it.
Look to use your E as Zac when Cho'Gath uses his Q knock-up. This is really the only synergy Cho'Gath has with Zac.
If you are able to chain CC an enemy when Corki is in range, this will increase the chances of him hitting his skillshots.
Good synergy with Zac exists when chaining CC on an enemy, making it easier for Darius to hit his auto attacks, Q, and full stack his passive.
Can be strong if Zac's chain CC is used correctly and at the right time with Diana's R. Overall, it can be pretty good when going all in with Diana.
Dr. Mundo
The only synergy Mundo has with Zac is slowing the enemy with his Q to make Zac's E easier to hit; besides that, there is nothing else.
Using chain CC on an enemy can open a window for a few seconds where Draven can freely auto-attack the enemy. Most of the time this will be more than enough to kill them. Even in the opposite situation, where you are forced to peel Draven, it works well in his favor.
It's very nice how Ekko can surprise an enemy with his W location and CC. This allows for a super easy follow up with Zac's E, which then can chain CC.
Most of the time you will not be playing with Elise as Zac, but if you do, following up with Zac's E when Elise lands Cocoon makes this combo very strong. Some of the highest burst damage in the game will be done with these two champions comboing together.
Evelynn's charm most of the time will be casted from fog of war, allowing Zac to follow up with E from fog of war very easily. Evelynn's charm most of the time will be casted from fog of war, allowing Zac to follow up with E from fog of war very easily.
Ezreal has no synergy with Zac. The only thing that can really happen is for Ezreal to cast his R when Zac is chain CCing the enemy, to guarantee a kill.
Fiddlesticks has a lock on fear which makes it super easy for Zac to follow up with CC. Most of the time, you will not have a Fiddlesticks on your team when playing as Zac.
If this combo is used correctly, you can guarantee Fiora all four vitals on her R. The chain CC Zac has allows for an opening for this to work.
The only thing Fizz can do is catch the enemy in a weakpoint with his R, making it much easier for Zac to follow up with CC.
Galio is a super-strong champion to have on your team. Not only does he have CC for Zac to follow up on, but he also has CC with his ultimate to follow up with you. All around, he is a very good champion for Zac to have on his team.
A good Gangplank can Barrel Combo as Zac uses Chain CC on the enemy. Unfortunately, there is only a small window for one guaranteed Barrel. Overall, this is a pretty good combo.
The only synergy I can think of between Zac and Garen is chain CC, with Garen's Q silence. In practice, however, this will almost never happen.
Gnar and Zac have some of the best chain CC in the game; it can come out to be around 5 seconds of continuous CC. This can only happen if Gnar is in Mega form, and most of the time the players piloting Gnar are not aware of this.
The synergy between Gragas and Zac can be done if you wait for their E and R, but it is almost always difficult to predict where the enemy will be after this, making it one of the few champions with a negative synergy.
Little to no synergy with Graves, maybe chain CC to make it easier for him to hit his Q and R.
Not much synergy between Zac and Gwen when using chain CC. It does, however, make it easier for Gwen to hit her abilities and ultimate. Focus on bursting when playing with Gwen.
Can maybe combo with Hecarim if you cast your CC first. Most of the time, there will be almost no synergy with Hecarim.
As Zac, try to follow up on Heimerdinger's E as it will stun the enemy. The stun has a very short cooldown so if the enemy has Flash, they will almost always use it when you initiate like this. You can force enemies into Heimerdinger's towers by using Q1, Q2, and R knockbacks.
Super strong synergy and always fun when you are able to manipulate the champion Ghost that Illaoi gets when she hits an enemy with E. You can pull this target out from the range and it will force the enemy to have the slow tentacle debuff. You can pull enemies into Illaoi's tentacles but this is very hard to time perfectly. Either way, forcing enemies into all of Illaoi's abilities is ideal.
A good Irelia will time their E stun perfectly to line up with Zac's E. If this is done, it will be the perfect scenario when playing with Irelia.
It's super fun to have Ivern on your team, as every one of his abilities work very well with Zac. The unfortunate thing is that there can only be one jungler, so you probably won't see Ivern on your team very often.
Strong follow-up when Janna casts a good Tornado is always recommended. Wait for Janna's Tornado first, as it is much easier to determine CC with Zac.
Jarvan IV
Good synergy if Jarvan hits a good R. This will force enemies into one circle, which will fit Zac's E perfectly. Unfortunately, Jarvan is a jungler, so you won't see him on your team very often.
Jax's E is nearly impossible to dodge if he gets on top of someone, creating a very likely chance to chain CC with him and ultimately killing the enemy, which results in very good synergy.
Jayce may be able to kick the enemy into your E, but it's almost impossible to have any CC synergy. Look to burst when ganking/playing with Jayce, as all of his damage needs to be dished out within 3-5 seconds.
This can be a very good ADC to play with Zac if played correctly. Look to chain CC with Jhin's W and R to deal the most damage.
Jinx can sometimes work well with Zac. When playing this matchup, look to pull the enemy into Jinx's traps as Zac. Overall, a decent synergy.
Look to wait for K'sante's knockback before going in as Zac. Sometimes you can just go in first, as it can be better for you to chain your CC first and then wait for K'sante to cast his.
The best ADC to play with Zac is probably Kaisa. All of Zac's crowd control will stack with Kaisa's passive, making it probably the best synergy in the game between these two champions.
This synergy can work very well if you are bound to her Black Spear. Even if not, I will usually try to play peel for Kalista.
The only synergy Karma has with Zac is her W root, but this is a very short root duration and most of the time it won't be of good use. If you are running into an enemy with Karma, however, this can be a very good synergy.
Zac has some of the longest crowd control in the game, making him a very strong champion. A good Zac and Karthus combination can deal some of the highest damage possible. Karthus is usually played between jungle and bot, so you won't often see him in the game.
Not much synergy between Zac and Kassadin. Look to dish out your chain CC so Kassadin has a guaranteed combo.
Katarina synergizes very well with Zac. If Zac is able to CC first and then Katarina follows up, it will do a lot of damage. Zac can also pull people into Katarina's R or daggers.
Not much synergy here, the only thing I can see is maybe Kayle using her ult on you, which can be used in a variety of ways.
Kayn is very good with Zac; you can chain CC the enemy, making it very easy for Kayn to follow up with you. However, Kayn is a jungler, so you will rarely see him on your team alongside Zac.
Some of the best late game teamfights will happen when you have Kennen on your team. It is almost impossible to lose teamfights post level 16 with Kennen. The chain CC and damage that Kennen and Zac possess is incomparable to any other champion synergy.
Kha'zix is another example of reverse synergy; if you Q1 and Q2 an enemy together and Kha'zix were to follow up, this would disrupt his isolation. Therefore, only fight with Kha'zix when enemies are isolated.
Kindred and Zac have very good synergy together. If we apply the way we counter Kindred, it would be most optimal to use chain CC when her ult is about to end when fighting enemy champions.
Kled is a very good champion to have on your team alongside Zac. Most of the time, Kled will be able to go in first and burn the mobility of any enemy champions, allowing you to follow up and usually work out well.
Little to no synergy exists between Kog'Maw and Zac; it is best to play to peel as Zac.
A good LeBlanc can make it very easy for Zac to hit skillshots. Most of the time, I will wait out LeBlanc's chain snare to cast my abilities.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin and Zac don't have much synergy together. If you are looking to combo, I would personally use my CC abilities first and then wait for the Lee Sin R kick instead of vice versa.
One of Zac's favorite supports, Leona, can lock on CC and her root is up almost every few seconds. All Zac needs to guarantee his skillshot CC.
One of Zac's favorite champions to have on his team after level 6 is Lillia, as her R allows him to guarantee his E or other CC hitting.
Good synergy, Lissandra can engage with her E and use her W, and stun the enemy with her R, allowing for follow-up CC from Zac's E.
Little to no synergy with lucian
Lulu is generally a very strong support to pair with Zac. Her Polymorph allows you to almost always hit your E if you go in. Usually, I will engage first though, as Lulu doesn't have much engage, if any at all.
Good synergy with Zac, I usually wait for Lux to cast her Q before going in. Be aware that your R, Q1 and Q2 will displace enemy champions, so don't knock them out of Lux's R.
Very good synergy with Zac: post-level 6, I will usually wait for Malphite to R in before I go in, as the enemy team will be too focused on him rather than Zac.
One of the best champions that allows Zac to dish out all of his abilities with no downsides is Malzahar. Always wait for the Malzahar R first, then go in.
Maokai has CC that can be synergized with Zac, but the problem is that his Q is a knockback, which can cause you to miss your abilities as Zac, so be aware of this. I usually go in when Maokai uses his R or W.
Master Yi
Master Yi can be strong when paired with Zac, as the enemy team will have to target either Zac or Yi when they go in. The downside of this is that Yi is usually played in the jungle rather than in a lane, so you won't see him very often.
Miss Fortune
Little to no synergy. The only thing I can think of is using Zac's Q1 and Q2 to pull people together inside Miss Fortune's R.
There is not much synergy between Mordekaiser and Zac. Most of the time, he will be using his ultimate, which will force you to wait for it to end before you can fight.
Good synergy with Morgana, not only does she have her Q root to help you hit your abilities, but she also has her Blackshield which will allow you to go in without the risk of someone cancelling your E.
Not much synergy with Nami, most of the time she will either cast her bubble before or after you go in. Her E gives you quite a bit of damage and a slow though, which kind of makes up for the lack of CC.
Zac and Nasus have great synergy because Nasus' Wither slow makes it easy for Zac to hit his abilities. Always wait for Nasus to use his slow before going in.
Nautilus has some of the best synergy with Zac; he has his passive auto, which counts as a stun, as well as his Q and R CC. When playing Zac, always try to cast your E when Nautilus's R just knocks the enemy up; this will guarantee CC.
Neeko is a pretty strong synergy with Zac; not only does she have her E root, she also has her R root. Most of the time, I will engage with Neeko instead of waiting for her abilities, as this makes it much easier for her to use her combo on someone.
Very low synergy with Nidalee, most of the time Nidalee will be played in the jungle so you won't have her on your team. When fighting with Nidalee, I will usually try to CC the enemy, making sure that Nidalee can hit her spear. If this ability misses, there is no synergy with Nidalee.
One of the most underrated ADCs in the game, going in with Nilah is very easy as you not only will be peeling for her when you go in, but you will also be fighting and killing the enemy. Everything between both Zac and Nilah synergy almost perfectly.
Very good synergy with Nocturne, usually I will go in first pre-level 6 or follow up on Nocturne's fear. After level 6 it gets interesting, because when Nocturne uses his ultimate, he will blackout the map. Casting E on Zac is crucial in this timeframe, as if you are in fog of war, the enemy will not know where and when you will come from.
Nunu & Willump
Good synergy with Nunu as his W ball will knock up the first enemy he hits. This is easy to see and follow up with Zac E. You usually won't see Nunu on your team since he is a jungler.
Not much synergy with Olaf, look to go in when he is all-inning or slowing the enemy with his Q. Most of the time, it will be better if you go in first rather than Olaf.
A good synergy with Zac is to have Orianna use her ball on him before every teamfight. This way, Orianna can ult when Zac goes in and do wonders. Just be careful to not move too far away from the ball, as this will cause it to go back to Orianna and she may end up ulting herself.
Good synergy with Zac, as all of Ornn's abilities are CC, making it easy to time when to go in. Fighting with Ornn is good at all stages of the game.
Pantheon is not a very good champion, but when you need to go in with him as Zac, wait for Pantheon to stun first, as this will increase your chances of hitting E.
Good synergy with Poppy. I usually wait to use my E until Poppy pushes someone into a wall for the stun. You can go in first to CC an enemy so Poppy can hit her abilities, too.
Synergy between Zac and Pyke is almost impossible, as either Zac or Pyke will most likely displace the enemy where it won't be efficient to chain CC. This can even ruin plays. Look to go in with Pyke when he stuns with E, as this will keep the enemy in place for you to hit your E as Zac.
Qiyana and Zac can have some of the best synergy with their combos. When going in, look to go in first and try to Q1 and Q2 enemies together, as this will allow Qiyana to hit both targets with her abilities. There's almost nothing that can mess up the combos between Zac and Qiyana.
The synergy between Quinn and Zac is pretty hard to pull off. The only thing she can really do is blind the enemy before you cast your E as Zac.
Very good synergy with Rakan, as both him and Zac share the same interests with abilities, that is going in and CCing people together. Most of the time these combos will always work as they are very hard to mess up.
Rammus doesn't have much synergy with Zac besides his Taunt, which will force the enemy to attack him. Usually, I will use Zac's E to engage then. Rammus is a jungle champion, so you won't see him much alongside Zac.
Very good synergy, as Rek'Sai almost always has a guaranteed knock-up, this will allow Zac to follow up with ease almost every time. Look to E the enemy after Rek'Sai knocks them up. Rek'Sai is a jungler, so you won't see her much alongside Zac.
Good champion to play with as Zac is Rell. I will usually wait for Rell to use her R before going in, as this will increase my chances of hitting more people with Zac's E. You can go in before Rell to get similar results, but usually I will let the support engage first.
Renata Glasc
Renata has 2 forms of CC that synergize well with Zac. When Renata uses her Q, wait for her to move the target before going in. When Renata uses her R, this is also a good opportunity to go in on the taunted targets.
Renekton has very good synergy with Zac. Wait for Renekton to use his stun before going in, as this will always be guaranteed chain CC if played correctly.
Zac can pair well with Rengar; always look to engage first with Zac E, as this will allow Rengar to follow up without much trouble. Bait the enemy towards bushes to make this much easier.
Riven has decent synergy with Zac; look to go in first, or wait for Riven's stun. Either way, this will net around the same result.
Rumble has decent synergy with Zac; usually, I will engage first before Rumble goes in, as landing Zac's chain CC first is crucial for Rumble to get his whole combo off.
Ryze has decent synergy with Zac; only engage when Ryze can root the enemy.
Samira can be very strong with Zac as she can be the first to engage when going in and then Zac can follow. If played right, Samira can be a much more useful champion.
Sejuani synergizes well with Zac; her R stun, Q dash stun, and auto stun all aid Zac in hitting abilities when going in. Most of the time, Sejuani will be played in the jungle, so you won't see her on your team much.
Senna is an okay champion with Zac; they do not sync well together and are not very good when fighting. Wait for Senna's W root before going in.
Some of the strongest synergy is between Zac and Seraphine. Look to go in first and use a Q1-Q2 stun combo on two champions. This will allow Seraphine to cast her E and R almost guaranteeing a hit. This combo is very easy to pull off.
Sett can be paired well with Zac. Usually, I will wait for Sett to use his E before going in, as this will stun and slow the enemy.
Little to no synergy exists between Zac and Shaco; You may be able to land CC on an enemy that is feared by a Shaco box, but besides that, nothing is very good between these two champions.
Shen has decent synergy with Zac; wait for Shen's taunt before using Zac's E, as this will allow you to hit it much easier.
There is not much synergy between Zac and Shyvana, as you almost always will never have Shyvana on your team, let alone comboing her ultimate with your CC.
The synergy between Zac and Singed is so hard to read for some reason. Just wait for him to flip the target before going in, as if you go in and miss E just for him to flip the enemy, this will always be bad.
Sion has pretty good synergy with Zac; wait for him to use his Q before going in. Sometimes you can chain CC the enemy first so that Sion can follow up with his Q. Overall, there is nothing too significant.
No synergies exist between Sivir and Zac. Only her R gives you increased movement speed.
Skarner is a pretty good champion to pick with Zac, wait for Skarner to cast his stun, slow, or R as this will give you an opening for you to go in.
Sona has decent synergy with Zac, nothing too significant. Do not wait for Sona's R before engaging, most of the time they won't even be aware that it will lead to strong chain CC. Also be aware of Sona's E Power Chord as this can slow the enemy.
There is not much synergy between Soraka and Zac, so it is best to wait for Soraka to place down her E or cast Q before engaging as Zac. This will increase your chances of hitting E.
Swain is very strong with Zac as you can chain CC the enemy and force them into Swain's R. When Swain casts his E, wait for the pullback, as going in before the pullback can result in you missing your E.
Sylas and Zac can synergize well if played correctly. Wait for Sylas to go in with his E, as this will increase your chances of hitting Zac's E.
Syndra and Zac can be very strong together, if you wait for Syndra to cast her E before going in. For some reason, I don't know why Syndra players tend to hold their E or use it for stupid reasons on the wave. Always wait for this ability to be up before casting your E, as the enemy will most likely just walk out of it if there is no initial CC.
Tahm Kench
If played correctly, Tahm Kench and Zac can be a very strong combo together. Most of the time, I would wait for Tahm Kench to engage with his W before going in. Then, you can follow. Both champions are also good together when fighting enemies.
Taliyah can pair well with Zac. Usually, you can use your E first and then wait for Taliyah to use her abilities, but it will also work if Taliyah uses her W and E first.
Talon is overall a strong pick with Zac. Always go in first with Zac's E, as this will allow Talon to proc his passive and hit all of his abilities.
Taric can be good with Zac in some scenarios. Most of the time, there is no synergy unless both of you are in melee range with the enemy team.
Zac has no synergy with teemo
Zac can be very good with Thresh, as Thresh can hook and lantern you, allowing you to save E when fighting or ganking. You can either engage first or wait for Thresh to engage first; most of the time the outcome will be positive either way.
There is little to no synergy between Zac and Tristana. You can chain CC the enemy to allow Tristana to fully stack her E bomb, but most of the time this isn't even good, as Tristana players love to R people away when you jump in as Zac.
Zac has little to no synergy with trundle
Zac and Tryndamere can synergize well if you engage first. Sometimes, Tryndamere will be able to slow the enemy with his W, making it easier for Zac to hit his abilities.
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate is a very good champion to pair with Zac. Same concept as Annie; lock on CC is Zac's favorite thing. Besides the Gold Card helping Zac hit his abilities, there really is no other synergy.
Little to no synergy with twitch.
Zac and Udyr are pretty easy to combo together. Udyr will often engage with his E stun, and his R slow will make it easier for Zac to hit his abilities. Udyr is a jungler so you wont see him much on your team.
Zac and Urgot synergize pretty well, as Urgot's E is pretty easy to predict where the enemy will land. Wait for Urgot to use his E before using Zac's E, as using both at the same time can cause you to miss it. Urgot's R slow is also very useful.
Varus can be a very good champion to play alongside Zac. Generally, you will be looking to use Zac's abilities to follow up with Varus's ult.
Vayne doesn't need Zac because Vayne is the most broken champion in the game. You are either banning this or spectating your team's Vayne 1v9.
Veigar can synergize well with Zac if played correctly. Most of the time, you can go in first before Veigar casts his E cage. If you place your Q1 and Q2 correctly, you can pull enemies into Veigar's cage to stun them.
There isn't much synergy between Vel'Koz and Zac. The only thing to look out for is following up Zac's E when Vel'Koz hits an enemy with his E.
Vex and Zac have some pretty good synergy. What's nice is that you can either engage first or wait for Vex's Fear. Most of the time, Vex will Fear an enemy before you cast your E, so just wait for her to cast her Fear abilities. She can also easily follow up with her R if you engage as Zac.
Zac and Vi work well together when going in. Usually, I will wait for Vi to go in first with her Q or I will wait for her to use her R before I jump in. This will guarantee Zac's CC. Vi is not picked often alongside Zac as she is a jungler.
Viego is a pretty strong champion to play with Zac. When playing with Viego, look to engage first as this will allow Viego to hit his W on the enemy while you chain CC.
Zac and Viktor don't have much synergy besides Zac's W stun. It's hard to wait for this to stun an enemy, so most of the time you will have to go in first.
Zac and Vladimir don't have much synergy on paper. However, late game you can engage first to let Vladimir follow. This will allow Vladimir to get off all of his abilities on the enemy.
Zac and Volibear have pretty good synergy, as Volibear has his Q stun on enemies, allowing Zac to follow up with his E CC.
Warwick can be a pretty good champion to play alongside Zac if played correctly. Usually, I will wait for Warwick to use his Fear ability on the enemy before going in as this will allow Zac to hit them with his CC. Additionally, following up on targets when he uses his ult is very easy.
Wukong and Zac work well together. When Wukong uses R, Zac can overwhelm the enemy and most of the time they will have to run away. This combination has some of the highest damage synergy in the game.
Xayah works decently with Zac. As Zac, you should always wait for Xayah to root the enemy before jumping in. Jumping in first and then waiting for Xayah's root is impractical.
There is not much synergy between Xerath and Zac. Most of the time, you will have to wait for him to hit his E stun, which usually does not happen. Be aware that if you jump in first to combo the enemy, pulling or knocking them away can cause Xerath to miss his stun.
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao and Zac pair well together. Always wait for Xin Zhao to knock up the enemy before going in as Zac; this will allow you to chain CC.
One of the classic combos, Yasuo and Zac, is probably the most well known synergy. When fighting with Yasuo, you can almost always knock up two or more people for Yasuo to follow up with his ultimate. As Zac, you should be looking to use his Q1 and Q2 combo to group two people together for Yasuo to ult. Other abilities casted first are sort of impractical, but can still work.
Yone and Zac are an underrated synergy; be aware that if you cast your abilities blindly, this can cause Yone to miss his tornado and/or R. Always try to cast all of your abilities first, and then wait for Yone to go in.
Zac and Yorick have a very strong synergy. Wait for Yorick to have four little ghouls and his little slave cage :3. Jumping in on an enemy so that Yorick can hit these abilities will almost always kill the enemy.
Zac and Yuumi will always be good together. This kitten will heal you, give you stats, slow the enemy, shield you, and snare the enemy. Make sure she doesn't jump off of you.
zac good with zac ?
Zed and Zac synergize fairly well; however, be careful as most of the time Zed will often miss one ability due to Zac's abilities knocking around enemies. Chain CC can one-shot enemies with Zac and Zed.
Zac has no synergy with Zeri
Zac and Ziggs have little to no synergy. Focus on using chain CC as Zac so Ziggs can dish out all of his abilities quickly, as they will always hit if the enemy is chain CCed.
Zilean and Zac synergize pretty well together. Look to follow up Zac's E with Zilean's double bomb stun. This will almost always allow you to hit your CC.
Zoe and Zac pair pretty well together. Always wait for Zoe to hit the enemy with a bubble, then follow it up with Zac E to knock them up and chain CC.
Zac and Zyra pair pretty well together. Wait for Zyra to cast her root before you go in as Zac. You can also chain CC enemies in Zyra's R.
Good champion to play with Zac. Be aware of Aatrox's W, as I tend to wait for that CC to go through before I use mine. Additionally, Aatrox's R in a teamfight with Zac synergizes really well.
Wait for Ahri's charm before going in. If she hits this, you are guaranteed to hit your CC.
Akali has little to no synergy with Zac throughout the game.
Akshan has little to no synergy with Zac throughout the game.
Wait for Alistar to engage before going in, as Alistar has knockups, it will be guaranteed CC for you to hit.
Amumu has great synergy with Zac. Not only does he have his Q to engage and allow Zac to follow up, but he also has his R to stun. Amumu's passive also makes it so when he attacks a target, any damage you inflict on that target will be a portion of true damage.
Anivia has decent synergy with Zac. Usually, I will wait for her Q before going in so I'm guaranteed to hit my CC. Even if I can't do this, going in with an Anivia R is very strong as chain CC will make them take lots of damage.
Amazing, lock-on CC is the most ideal thing for Zac to have on his team. Almost every time, if the enemy cannot dodge the lock on CC Annie has they will not be able to escape. It is very easy to follow up when going in.
The only synergy that Aphelios has with Zac is his root on his Q. It is very easy to follow up on this; most of the time, I will cast E while his Gravitum Q slow is applied. As soon as he presses Q for the root, you are able to jump in and follow up for a guaranteed CC.
Both ashe support and ADC both synergize well with zac. The auto slow and W slow make it much easier for you to catch up and CC people as zac. Ashe R has some of the longest stun duration in the game. One of the easist abilities to follow up on as zac.
Aurelion Sol
There is a very strong synergy between Zac and Asol. I would focus on going in when Asol procs his Q's CC.
It can be very hard to synergize with Zac and Azir, but if done correctly you can chain CC along with Azir's R. Without Azir's R, Zac and Azir have little synergy.
Very good synergy with Zac. Focus on following up on his Q CC and R CC. Even when ganking, Bard's Tunnel can be an easy way to get closer to the enemy.
Pretty good synergy with Zac. It's pretty easy to follow up on Bel'Veth's W knockup when fighting with her.
Be careful when fighting with Blitzcrank, as sometimes you can engage first with Zac's E and Blitzcrank will sometimes hook the enemy, causing you to miss it. Most of the time, I will wait for Blitzcrank to hook and use E before going in.
Usually, I will wait for a brand to stun someone before going in. Not much synergy, but it can work if played right.
Very strong. Low chance of missing CC with Braum as you can guarantee an auto-stun with him. With Braum, usually I will be the one to jump in first. He is one of the few champions where you don't have to really rely on the first round of CC to hit your abilities.
Only good if the enemy walks into traps first. If you hit them with initial CC, she can force trap on the enemy due to chain CC. Overall, it's just impractical for synergy.
Good, always wait for Camille to use her E engage first. It's easier to follow up with your E CC this way. Even at level 6 with Camille's R, it makes this much easier to do.
There is fairly low synergy between Zac and Cassiopeia. The only CC she has that will allow you to follow up with her is her R. You can look to use your E on someone when Cassiopeia uses her W root on someone, which will lower the chance of the enemy being able to walk out of it.
Look to use your E as Zac when Cho'Gath uses his Q knock-up. This is really the only synergy Cho'Gath has with Zac.
If you are able to chain CC an enemy when Corki is in range, this will increase the chances of him hitting his skillshots.
Good synergy with Zac exists when chaining CC on an enemy, making it easier for Darius to hit his auto attacks, Q, and full stack his passive.
Can be strong if Zac's chain CC is used correctly and at the right time with Diana's R. Overall, it can be pretty good when going all in with Diana.
Dr. Mundo
The only synergy Mundo has with Zac is slowing the enemy with his Q to make Zac's E easier to hit; besides that, there is nothing else.
Using chain CC on an enemy can open a window for a few seconds where Draven can freely auto-attack the enemy. Most of the time this will be more than enough to kill them. Even in the opposite situation, where you are forced to peel Draven, it works well in his favor.
It's very nice how Ekko can surprise an enemy with his W location and CC. This allows for a super easy follow up with Zac's E, which then can chain CC.
Most of the time you will not be playing with Elise as Zac, but if you do, following up with Zac's E when Elise lands Cocoon makes this combo very strong. Some of the highest burst damage in the game will be done with these two champions comboing together.
Evelynn's charm most of the time will be casted from fog of war, allowing Zac to follow up with E from fog of war very easily. Evelynn's charm most of the time will be casted from fog of war, allowing Zac to follow up with E from fog of war very easily.
Ezreal has no synergy with Zac. The only thing that can really happen is for Ezreal to cast his R when Zac is chain CCing the enemy, to guarantee a kill.
Fiddlesticks has a lock on fear which makes it super easy for Zac to follow up with CC. Most of the time, you will not have a Fiddlesticks on your team when playing as Zac.
If this combo is used correctly, you can guarantee Fiora all four vitals on her R. The chain CC Zac has allows for an opening for this to work.
The only thing Fizz can do is catch the enemy in a weakpoint with his R, making it much easier for Zac to follow up with CC.
Galio is a super-strong champion to have on your team. Not only does he have CC for Zac to follow up on, but he also has CC with his ultimate to follow up with you. All around, he is a very good champion for Zac to have on his team.
A good Gangplank can Barrel Combo as Zac uses Chain CC on the enemy. Unfortunately, there is only a small window for one guaranteed Barrel. Overall, this is a pretty good combo.
The only synergy I can think of between Zac and Garen is chain CC, with Garen's Q silence. In practice, however, this will almost never happen.
Gnar and Zac have some of the best chain CC in the game; it can come out to be around 5 seconds of continuous CC. This can only happen if Gnar is in Mega form, and most of the time the players piloting Gnar are not aware of this.
The synergy between Gragas and Zac can be done if you wait for their E and R, but it is almost always difficult to predict where the enemy will be after this, making it one of the few champions with a negative synergy.
Little to no synergy with Graves, maybe chain CC to make it easier for him to hit his Q and R.
Not much synergy between Zac and Gwen when using chain CC. It does, however, make it easier for Gwen to hit her abilities and ultimate. Focus on bursting when playing with Gwen.
Can maybe combo with Hecarim if you cast your CC first. Most of the time, there will be almost no synergy with Hecarim.
As Zac, try to follow up on Heimerdinger's E as it will stun the enemy. The stun has a very short cooldown so if the enemy has Flash, they will almost always use it when you initiate like this. You can force enemies into Heimerdinger's towers by using Q1, Q2, and R knockbacks.
Super strong synergy and always fun when you are able to manipulate the champion Ghost that Illaoi gets when she hits an enemy with E. You can pull this target out from the range and it will force the enemy to have the slow tentacle debuff. You can pull enemies into Illaoi's tentacles but this is very hard to time perfectly. Either way, forcing enemies into all of Illaoi's abilities is ideal.
A good Irelia will time their E stun perfectly to line up with Zac's E. If this is done, it will be the perfect scenario when playing with Irelia.
It's super fun to have Ivern on your team, as every one of his abilities work very well with Zac. The unfortunate thing is that there can only be one jungler, so you probably won't see Ivern on your team very often.
Strong follow-up when Janna casts a good Tornado is always recommended. Wait for Janna's Tornado first, as it is much easier to determine CC with Zac.
Jarvan IV
Good synergy if Jarvan hits a good R. This will force enemies into one circle, which will fit Zac's E perfectly. Unfortunately, Jarvan is a jungler, so you won't see him on your team very often.
Jax's E is nearly impossible to dodge if he gets on top of someone, creating a very likely chance to chain CC with him and ultimately killing the enemy, which results in very good synergy.
Jayce may be able to kick the enemy into your E, but it's almost impossible to have any CC synergy. Look to burst when ganking/playing with Jayce, as all of his damage needs to be dished out within 3-5 seconds.
This can be a very good ADC to play with Zac if played correctly. Look to chain CC with Jhin's W and R to deal the most damage.
Jinx can sometimes work well with Zac. When playing this matchup, look to pull the enemy into Jinx's traps as Zac. Overall, a decent synergy.
Look to wait for K'sante's knockback before going in as Zac. Sometimes you can just go in first, as it can be better for you to chain your CC first and then wait for K'sante to cast his.
The best ADC to play with Zac is probably Kaisa. All of Zac's crowd control will stack with Kaisa's passive, making it probably the best synergy in the game between these two champions.
This synergy can work very well if you are bound to her Black Spear. Even if not, I will usually try to play peel for Kalista.
The only synergy Karma has with Zac is her W root, but this is a very short root duration and most of the time it won't be of good use. If you are running into an enemy with Karma, however, this can be a very good synergy.
Zac has some of the longest crowd control in the game, making him a very strong champion. A good Zac and Karthus combination can deal some of the highest damage possible. Karthus is usually played between jungle and bot, so you won't often see him in the game.
Not much synergy between Zac and Kassadin. Look to dish out your chain CC so Kassadin has a guaranteed combo.
Katarina synergizes very well with Zac. If Zac is able to CC first and then Katarina follows up, it will do a lot of damage. Zac can also pull people into Katarina's R or daggers.
Not much synergy here, the only thing I can see is maybe Kayle using her ult on you, which can be used in a variety of ways.
Kayn is very good with Zac; you can chain CC the enemy, making it very easy for Kayn to follow up with you. However, Kayn is a jungler, so you will rarely see him on your team alongside Zac.
Some of the best late game teamfights will happen when you have Kennen on your team. It is almost impossible to lose teamfights post level 16 with Kennen. The chain CC and damage that Kennen and Zac possess is incomparable to any other champion synergy.
Kha'zix is another example of reverse synergy; if you Q1 and Q2 an enemy together and Kha'zix were to follow up, this would disrupt his isolation. Therefore, only fight with Kha'zix when enemies are isolated.
Kindred and Zac have very good synergy together. If we apply the way we counter Kindred, it would be most optimal to use chain CC when her ult is about to end when fighting enemy champions.
Kled is a very good champion to have on your team alongside Zac. Most of the time, Kled will be able to go in first and burn the mobility of any enemy champions, allowing you to follow up and usually work out well.
Little to no synergy exists between Kog'Maw and Zac; it is best to play to peel as Zac.
A good LeBlanc can make it very easy for Zac to hit skillshots. Most of the time, I will wait out LeBlanc's chain snare to cast my abilities.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin and Zac don't have much synergy together. If you are looking to combo, I would personally use my CC abilities first and then wait for the Lee Sin R kick instead of vice versa.
One of Zac's favorite supports, Leona, can lock on CC and her root is up almost every few seconds. All Zac needs to guarantee his skillshot CC.
One of Zac's favorite champions to have on his team after level 6 is Lillia, as her R allows him to guarantee his E or other CC hitting.
Good synergy, Lissandra can engage with her E and use her W, and stun the enemy with her R, allowing for follow-up CC from Zac's E.
Little to no synergy with lucian
Lulu is generally a very strong support to pair with Zac. Her Polymorph allows you to almost always hit your E if you go in. Usually, I will engage first though, as Lulu doesn't have much engage, if any at all.
Good synergy with Zac, I usually wait for Lux to cast her Q before going in. Be aware that your R, Q1 and Q2 will displace enemy champions, so don't knock them out of Lux's R.
Very good synergy with Zac: post-level 6, I will usually wait for Malphite to R in before I go in, as the enemy team will be too focused on him rather than Zac.
One of the best champions that allows Zac to dish out all of his abilities with no downsides is Malzahar. Always wait for the Malzahar R first, then go in.
Maokai has CC that can be synergized with Zac, but the problem is that his Q is a knockback, which can cause you to miss your abilities as Zac, so be aware of this. I usually go in when Maokai uses his R or W.
Master Yi
Master Yi can be strong when paired with Zac, as the enemy team will have to target either Zac or Yi when they go in. The downside of this is that Yi is usually played in the jungle rather than in a lane, so you won't see him very often.
Miss Fortune
Little to no synergy. The only thing I can think of is using Zac's Q1 and Q2 to pull people together inside Miss Fortune's R.
There is not much synergy between Mordekaiser and Zac. Most of the time, he will be using his ultimate, which will force you to wait for it to end before you can fight.
Good synergy with Morgana, not only does she have her Q root to help you hit your abilities, but she also has her Blackshield which will allow you to go in without the risk of someone cancelling your E.
Not much synergy with Nami, most of the time she will either cast her bubble before or after you go in. Her E gives you quite a bit of damage and a slow though, which kind of makes up for the lack of CC.
Zac and Nasus have great synergy because Nasus' Wither slow makes it easy for Zac to hit his abilities. Always wait for Nasus to use his slow before going in.
Nautilus has some of the best synergy with Zac; he has his passive auto, which counts as a stun, as well as his Q and R CC. When playing Zac, always try to cast your E when Nautilus's R just knocks the enemy up; this will guarantee CC.
Neeko is a pretty strong synergy with Zac; not only does she have her E root, she also has her R root. Most of the time, I will engage with Neeko instead of waiting for her abilities, as this makes it much easier for her to use her combo on someone.
Very low synergy with Nidalee, most of the time Nidalee will be played in the jungle so you won't have her on your team. When fighting with Nidalee, I will usually try to CC the enemy, making sure that Nidalee can hit her spear. If this ability misses, there is no synergy with Nidalee.
One of the most underrated ADCs in the game, going in with Nilah is very easy as you not only will be peeling for her when you go in, but you will also be fighting and killing the enemy. Everything between both Zac and Nilah synergy almost perfectly.
Very good synergy with Nocturne, usually I will go in first pre-level 6 or follow up on Nocturne's fear. After level 6 it gets interesting, because when Nocturne uses his ultimate, he will blackout the map. Casting E on Zac is crucial in this timeframe, as if you are in fog of war, the enemy will not know where and when you will come from.
Nunu & Willump
Good synergy with Nunu as his W ball will knock up the first enemy he hits. This is easy to see and follow up with Zac E. You usually won't see Nunu on your team since he is a jungler.
Not much synergy with Olaf, look to go in when he is all-inning or slowing the enemy with his Q. Most of the time, it will be better if you go in first rather than Olaf.
A good synergy with Zac is to have Orianna use her ball on him before every teamfight. This way, Orianna can ult when Zac goes in and do wonders. Just be careful to not move too far away from the ball, as this will cause it to go back to Orianna and she may end up ulting herself.
Good synergy with Zac, as all of Ornn's abilities are CC, making it easy to time when to go in. Fighting with Ornn is good at all stages of the game.
Pantheon is not a very good champion, but when you need to go in with him as Zac, wait for Pantheon to stun first, as this will increase your chances of hitting E.
Good synergy with Poppy. I usually wait to use my E until Poppy pushes someone into a wall for the stun. You can go in first to CC an enemy so Poppy can hit her abilities, too.
Synergy between Zac and Pyke is almost impossible, as either Zac or Pyke will most likely displace the enemy where it won't be efficient to chain CC. This can even ruin plays. Look to go in with Pyke when he stuns with E, as this will keep the enemy in place for you to hit your E as Zac.
Qiyana and Zac can have some of the best synergy with their combos. When going in, look to go in first and try to Q1 and Q2 enemies together, as this will allow Qiyana to hit both targets with her abilities. There's almost nothing that can mess up the combos between Zac and Qiyana.
The synergy between Quinn and Zac is pretty hard to pull off. The only thing she can really do is blind the enemy before you cast your E as Zac.
Very good synergy with Rakan, as both him and Zac share the same interests with abilities, that is going in and CCing people together. Most of the time these combos will always work as they are very hard to mess up.
Rammus doesn't have much synergy with Zac besides his Taunt, which will force the enemy to attack him. Usually, I will use Zac's E to engage then. Rammus is a jungle champion, so you won't see him much alongside Zac.
Very good synergy, as Rek'Sai almost always has a guaranteed knock-up, this will allow Zac to follow up with ease almost every time. Look to E the enemy after Rek'Sai knocks them up. Rek'Sai is a jungler, so you won't see her much alongside Zac.
Good champion to play with as Zac is Rell. I will usually wait for Rell to use her R before going in, as this will increase my chances of hitting more people with Zac's E. You can go in before Rell to get similar results, but usually I will let the support engage first.
Renata Glasc
Renata has 2 forms of CC that synergize well with Zac. When Renata uses her Q, wait for her to move the target before going in. When Renata uses her R, this is also a good opportunity to go in on the taunted targets.
Renekton has very good synergy with Zac. Wait for Renekton to use his stun before going in, as this will always be guaranteed chain CC if played correctly.
Zac can pair well with Rengar; always look to engage first with Zac E, as this will allow Rengar to follow up without much trouble. Bait the enemy towards bushes to make this much easier.
Riven has decent synergy with Zac; look to go in first, or wait for Riven's stun. Either way, this will net around the same result.
Rumble has decent synergy with Zac; usually, I will engage first before Rumble goes in, as landing Zac's chain CC first is crucial for Rumble to get his whole combo off.
Ryze has decent synergy with Zac; only engage when Ryze can root the enemy.
Samira can be very strong with Zac as she can be the first to engage when going in and then Zac can follow. If played right, Samira can be a much more useful champion.
Sejuani synergizes well with Zac; her R stun, Q dash stun, and auto stun all aid Zac in hitting abilities when going in. Most of the time, Sejuani will be played in the jungle, so you won't see her on your team much.
Senna is an okay champion with Zac; they do not sync well together and are not very good when fighting. Wait for Senna's W root before going in.
Some of the strongest synergy is between Zac and Seraphine. Look to go in first and use a Q1-Q2 stun combo on two champions. This will allow Seraphine to cast her E and R almost guaranteeing a hit. This combo is very easy to pull off.
Sett can be paired well with Zac. Usually, I will wait for Sett to use his E before going in, as this will stun and slow the enemy.
Little to no synergy exists between Zac and Shaco; You may be able to land CC on an enemy that is feared by a Shaco box, but besides that, nothing is very good between these two champions.
Shen has decent synergy with Zac; wait for Shen's taunt before using Zac's E, as this will allow you to hit it much easier.
There is not much synergy between Zac and Shyvana, as you almost always will never have Shyvana on your team, let alone comboing her ultimate with your CC.
The synergy between Zac and Singed is so hard to read for some reason. Just wait for him to flip the target before going in, as if you go in and miss E just for him to flip the enemy, this will always be bad.
Sion has pretty good synergy with Zac; wait for him to use his Q before going in. Sometimes you can chain CC the enemy first so that Sion can follow up with his Q. Overall, there is nothing too significant.
No synergies exist between Sivir and Zac. Only her R gives you increased movement speed.
Skarner is a pretty good champion to pick with Zac, wait for Skarner to cast his stun, slow, or R as this will give you an opening for you to go in.
Sona has decent synergy with Zac, nothing too significant. Do not wait for Sona's R before engaging, most of the time they won't even be aware that it will lead to strong chain CC. Also be aware of Sona's E Power Chord as this can slow the enemy.
There is not much synergy between Soraka and Zac, so it is best to wait for Soraka to place down her E or cast Q before engaging as Zac. This will increase your chances of hitting E.
Swain is very strong with Zac as you can chain CC the enemy and force them into Swain's R. When Swain casts his E, wait for the pullback, as going in before the pullback can result in you missing your E.
Sylas and Zac can synergize well if played correctly. Wait for Sylas to go in with his E, as this will increase your chances of hitting Zac's E.
Syndra and Zac can be very strong together, if you wait for Syndra to cast her E before going in. For some reason, I don't know why Syndra players tend to hold their E or use it for stupid reasons on the wave. Always wait for this ability to be up before casting your E, as the enemy will most likely just walk out of it if there is no initial CC.
Tahm Kench
If played correctly, Tahm Kench and Zac can be a very strong combo together. Most of the time, I would wait for Tahm Kench to engage with his W before going in. Then, you can follow. Both champions are also good together when fighting enemies.
Taliyah can pair well with Zac. Usually, you can use your E first and then wait for Taliyah to use her abilities, but it will also work if Taliyah uses her W and E first.
Talon is overall a strong pick with Zac. Always go in first with Zac's E, as this will allow Talon to proc his passive and hit all of his abilities.
Taric can be good with Zac in some scenarios. Most of the time, there is no synergy unless both of you are in melee range with the enemy team.
Zac has no synergy with teemo
Zac can be very good with Thresh, as Thresh can hook and lantern you, allowing you to save E when fighting or ganking. You can either engage first or wait for Thresh to engage first; most of the time the outcome will be positive either way.
There is little to no synergy between Zac and Tristana. You can chain CC the enemy to allow Tristana to fully stack her E bomb, but most of the time this isn't even good, as Tristana players love to R people away when you jump in as Zac.
Zac has little to no synergy with trundle
Zac and Tryndamere can synergize well if you engage first. Sometimes, Tryndamere will be able to slow the enemy with his W, making it easier for Zac to hit his abilities.
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate is a very good champion to pair with Zac. Same concept as Annie; lock on CC is Zac's favorite thing. Besides the Gold Card helping Zac hit his abilities, there really is no other synergy.
Little to no synergy with twitch.
Zac and Udyr are pretty easy to combo together. Udyr will often engage with his E stun, and his R slow will make it easier for Zac to hit his abilities. Udyr is a jungler so you wont see him much on your team.
Zac and Urgot synergize pretty well, as Urgot's E is pretty easy to predict where the enemy will land. Wait for Urgot to use his E before using Zac's E, as using both at the same time can cause you to miss it. Urgot's R slow is also very useful.
Varus can be a very good champion to play alongside Zac. Generally, you will be looking to use Zac's abilities to follow up with Varus's ult.
Vayne doesn't need Zac because Vayne is the most broken champion in the game. You are either banning this or spectating your team's Vayne 1v9.
Veigar can synergize well with Zac if played correctly. Most of the time, you can go in first before Veigar casts his E cage. If you place your Q1 and Q2 correctly, you can pull enemies into Veigar's cage to stun them.
There isn't much synergy between Vel'Koz and Zac. The only thing to look out for is following up Zac's E when Vel'Koz hits an enemy with his E.
Vex and Zac have some pretty good synergy. What's nice is that you can either engage first or wait for Vex's Fear. Most of the time, Vex will Fear an enemy before you cast your E, so just wait for her to cast her Fear abilities. She can also easily follow up with her R if you engage as Zac.
Zac and Vi work well together when going in. Usually, I will wait for Vi to go in first with her Q or I will wait for her to use her R before I jump in. This will guarantee Zac's CC. Vi is not picked often alongside Zac as she is a jungler.
Viego is a pretty strong champion to play with Zac. When playing with Viego, look to engage first as this will allow Viego to hit his W on the enemy while you chain CC.
Zac and Viktor don't have much synergy besides Zac's W stun. It's hard to wait for this to stun an enemy, so most of the time you will have to go in first.
Zac and Vladimir don't have much synergy on paper. However, late game you can engage first to let Vladimir follow. This will allow Vladimir to get off all of his abilities on the enemy.
Zac and Volibear have pretty good synergy, as Volibear has his Q stun on enemies, allowing Zac to follow up with his E CC.
Warwick can be a pretty good champion to play alongside Zac if played correctly. Usually, I will wait for Warwick to use his Fear ability on the enemy before going in as this will allow Zac to hit them with his CC. Additionally, following up on targets when he uses his ult is very easy.
Wukong and Zac work well together. When Wukong uses R, Zac can overwhelm the enemy and most of the time they will have to run away. This combination has some of the highest damage synergy in the game.
Xayah works decently with Zac. As Zac, you should always wait for Xayah to root the enemy before jumping in. Jumping in first and then waiting for Xayah's root is impractical.
There is not much synergy between Xerath and Zac. Most of the time, you will have to wait for him to hit his E stun, which usually does not happen. Be aware that if you jump in first to combo the enemy, pulling or knocking them away can cause Xerath to miss his stun.
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao and Zac pair well together. Always wait for Xin Zhao to knock up the enemy before going in as Zac; this will allow you to chain CC.
One of the classic combos, Yasuo and Zac, is probably the most well known synergy. When fighting with Yasuo, you can almost always knock up two or more people for Yasuo to follow up with his ultimate. As Zac, you should be looking to use his Q1 and Q2 combo to group two people together for Yasuo to ult. Other abilities casted first are sort of impractical, but can still work.
Yone and Zac are an underrated synergy; be aware that if you cast your abilities blindly, this can cause Yone to miss his tornado and/or R. Always try to cast all of your abilities first, and then wait for Yone to go in.
Zac and Yorick have a very strong synergy. Wait for Yorick to have four little ghouls and his little slave cage :3. Jumping in on an enemy so that Yorick can hit these abilities will almost always kill the enemy.
Zac and Yuumi will always be good together. This kitten will heal you, give you stats, slow the enemy, shield you, and snare the enemy. Make sure she doesn't jump off of you.
zac good with zac ?
Zed and Zac synergize fairly well; however, be careful as most of the time Zed will often miss one ability due to Zac's abilities knocking around enemies. Chain CC can one-shot enemies with Zac and Zed.
Zac has no synergy with Zeri
Zac and Ziggs have little to no synergy. Focus on using chain CC as Zac so Ziggs can dish out all of his abilities quickly, as they will always hit if the enemy is chain CCed.
Zilean and Zac synergize pretty well together. Look to follow up Zac's E with Zilean's double bomb stun. This will almost always allow you to hit your CC.
Zoe and Zac pair pretty well together. Always wait for Zoe to hit the enemy with a bubble, then follow it up with Zac E to knock them up and chain CC.
Zac and Zyra pair pretty well together. Wait for Zyra to cast her root before you go in as Zac. You can also chain CC enemies in Zyra's R.
Hello, I am Checca, a multirole, multiseason challenger Zac main. This is my attempt to make the most comprehensive Zac guide ever made. My peak rank was 873LP in season 11 and my peak rank in season 12 was 1157LP
I have been playing Zac since Season 6, when I first started playing League of Legends. On and off, I played him throughout the years, and I really started maining him in Seasons 9 and 10. Over time, I've gained knowledge of this champion that I'm sure nobody else has or understands. This guide is my attempt to share this information with everyone else.
Zac is one of the strongest and most underrated champions in the game. His transition over the years from an annoying tank to the strongest AP tank melter in the game makes him unique. It's important to find the balance between AP and tank when playing him, as his built-in chain CC is some of the longest in the game. Learning and playing Zac in multiple roles has been one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had playing League of Legends.
Aftershock is the chosen Keystone rune for 85% of players; it grants bonus Armor and Magic Resistance for 2.5 seconds after immobilizing an enemy champion, plus an additional 80% of bonus resists. After it is triggered, it deals 25-120 (based on level) [+8% bonus health] magic damage to nearby enemies, but has a 20 second cooldown. This rune is great for team comps against high burst damage, when combined with a resist- and health-heavy build, as the bonus resists are capped at 80-150 based on level.
However, it can be annoying to use early on due to invades and long cooldowns. After the first full clear, the rune performs similarly to Conqueror, as the damage and benefits become almost equal. It should only be brought into team comps with high resistance and health scaling items, and should be avoided when facing champions with high kiting potential.
Conditioning: it is a must-have rune in the Resolve tree; after 12 minutes, it grants 8 bonus Armor and 8 bonus Magic Resistance, and increases the total Armor and Magic Resistance by 3%. It is considered the best of the three runes - Conditioning, Second Wind, and Bone Plating - and should always be taken instead of the other two.
Revitalize: is an often overlooked rune in the Resolve tree which grants 5% Heal and Shield Power, and increases Outgoing Healing and Shielding by 10% on targets below 40% of their maximum health. Incoming Healing, Incoming Shielding, Self-Healing, and Self-Shielding are also increased by 10% while you are below 40% of your maximum health. This rune has always been beneficial for Zac due to its percentage-based bonuses instead of flat healing.
Revitalize's bonus 10% multiplicatively stacks with Heal and Shield Power, granting 15.5% bonus healing and shielding. For outgoing heals and shields, it also multiplicatively stacks with an affected ally's Revitalize (10%) and Spirit Visage (25%), granting them a total of 58.81% bonus healing and shielding. Even if Revitalize does not grant any healing, for example when at full health, the number of healings done still increases in the stats. Pairing this rune with health-based items and runes on Zac, such as Font of Life, Radiant Virtue and Staff of Flowing Water, creates an effective enchanter tank hybrid that benefits from the insane health scaling of Zac.
No matter what, bonus healing obtained from increased Cell Division spawning always makes bonus Ability Haste shard the best choice.
Adaptive Force Shard 2nd overall is the best choice for most players, as it offers consistent damage output throughout the game that may be lacking early on. The extra damage can be beneficial for fast clear times, as bringing armor or magic resist could be less beneficial.
I think armor shard is the best option for Zac. Taking damage from camps and minions is unavoidable, and an armor shard will offer the best protection against these sources. Health and magic resist shards can be flexed depending on the matchup, but armor shard is a more reliable option overall.
Aftershock has a much more universal, easy, and common itemization. As the Resolve tree is essential when playing Enchanter Zac, Radiant Virtue will be the main mythic item you will be building. This item will increase your maximum health when using your ultimate, as well as increase your healing (separate from the item) and, in turn, increase your damage. This item is good for both solo fighting and teamfighting. You can rush this item or build it second. Since pet damage scales off of armor and magic resist, rushing this item isn't bad.
Staff of Flowing Water has become viable with Zac as of 12.23, as long as you bring Font of Life and build Radiant Virtue. When casting your ultimate near your team when you have Radiant Virtue, this will activate Staff of Flowing Water for all nearby teammates. Additionally, if you CC an enemy and have your teammate attack them when you have Font of Life, this will also proc Staff of Flowing Water. This item gives 8% heal and shield power to Zac, which will increase his healing by a lot. At 2300 gold, this item is very efficient to build. Remember to only build this if you are going to be healing your team, as if you don't build correctly and if you don't bring the right runes, this item will not do anything.
Knight's Vow: Unique – Pledge: Designate the target allied champion as being Worthy, forming a Focused Resolve tether between you and them. Champions can only be designated as Worthy by one Knight's Vow at a time (60 second cooldown; Range 1250 range). Passive Unique – Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is tethered to you and you are above 30% of your maximum health, redirect 10% of the post-mitigation physical and magic damage they take to you as true damage and heal for 7% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to champions. If they are below 30% maximum health, the damage redirection is increased to 20%. Knight's Vow also synchronizes very well with this build. It will not directly proc Staff of Flowing Water but combined with Radiant Virtue, you will be able to peel your teammates with some of the best efficiency in the game. This item alone is very cheap at 2300 gold, so if you want to peel a carry or teammate, I would highly recommend building this item.
Evenshroud is one of Zac's best and most gold-efficient items. I typically buy this when I have Aftershock, as it is more directed towards burst. Evenshroud's price is 2500 gold, which is the cheapest mythic in the game, and better than the more expensive tank mythics. When I bring this with Aftershock, I usually build it into squishy champions or champions with burst, providing some of the highest engage damage in the game. If you are able to have your team follow up when you go in with this item, you will almost always win every teamfight. You can get this item easily between 7 and 10 minutes in a game. Even though it is highly beneficial, less than 1% of Zac players build this mythic, making it extremely underrated.
Redemption is another good item that can be bought on Zac. 2300 gold makes this a very gold efficient item. It is viable now due to Zac being able to build enchanter. Most of the time, you will be building other items that scale with Zacs HP, rather than a full enchanter build. Most other items will always be better than this. Only build it if you are confident that you can use its active effectively.
Zac's universal basic item is Sunfire Aegis. The problem that this item presents is that it is always going to be average. Most, if not all Zac players will build this item in the jungle; it is not entirely bad. Most of the time, I will buy Bami's Cinder and sit on it until my third or fourth item. Combining Sunfire Aegis with Abyssal Mask or Demonic Embrace will make it the most efficient, as the Magic Pen from Abyssal Mask will increase your Sunfire Aegis damage. You can build this at any point of the game and it will always work; a classic item for Zac.
Warmog's Armor is a very good item on Zac that I will usually build when I am very far ahead and want to engage and disengage. This item can be closely compared to Guardian Angel, but with a 6 second cooldown. It can be very good if used in the right hands. Only build this when you have enough health for the passive to work. As of 12.23, the flat health on this item scales much better with Zac throughout the course of a game, allowing you to heal more and do more damage.
Dealing damage to enemy champions grants stacks of Conqueror, lasting for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent damage against champions, and stacking up to 12 times. Gain 2 stacks from basic attacks and 2 stacks from abilities, spells, and item actives for melee roles, and 1 stack for ranged roles.
Each stack of Conqueror grants 1.2-2.7 (based on level) bonus Attack Damage or 2-4.5 (based on level) Ability Power (Adaptive), up to 14.4-32.4 (based on level) bonus Attack Damage or 24-54 (based on level) Ability Power (Adaptive) at maximum stacks, at which you also heal for 8% (for melee roles) or 5% (for ranged roles) of the post-mitigation damage dealt against enemy champions.
Damage over time effects and ongoing sources of damage grant stacks only once every 5 seconds.
In my opinion, Conqueror is by far the best keystone for Zac. This is because it is easy for Zac to stack Conqueror, thanks to his low Unstable Matter cooldown and the lack of cast time associated with the ability. Bringing Conqueror will allow Zac to 1v1 most champions in the game early on, giving him the confidence to invade level 1 with his team. Likewise, if he gets invaded, it will be much easier for Zac to fight the enemy and sustain. Remember, the goal is to sustain and live with this rune since Aftershock is not a viable rune choice until Zac has access to CC. When bringing Conqueror, you can use your kiting skills to keep this rune at 12 stacks almost all the time, as you only have to walk up to the enemy, get in range, and press Unstable Matter. If your Unstable Matter is on a 3 second CD you can hold Conqueror with just Unstable Matter.
When I bring Conqueror on Zac, it is usually due to the threat of early invades. In high elo, this can decide a game within the first few minutes, so it is essential to bring champions that can threaten these early invades, such as Talon, Kindred, etc.
If you are going to be killing enemies in the midgame before fully stacking Conqueror, I will usually bring Aftershock, as high burst will be the goal instead of sustained damage. If the enemy picks tanks, I will almost always bring Conqueror. Keep in mind this extra damage I see as % max health damage instead of flat damage, just like Blade of the Ruined King but for AP. I will list all the items you should build.
Demonic Embrace is one of Zac's best items as it provides the highest DPS out of any item in the game. Even if you are not fighting, this item can make you take dragon, baron, and other camps 1.5x-2x faster. This item can be rushed in the jungle or in lane. The only issue I see with this item is the build path, as all of the components ( Amplifying Tome, Giant's Belt, and Blasting Wand) build into nothing that Zac wants besides Rylai's Crystal Scepter or Demonic Embrace. If you back and have 3000 gold (or enough gold to buy this item), I almost always will buy this.
Dark Seal and Mejai's Soulstealer are essential items in Zac's kit when building Conqueror, as they provide him with the necessary AP damage to take down enemy champions. It is important to purchase Dark Seal before any other items, as it will ensure you have enough damage to put the stacks to good use. Mejai's Soulstealer, on the other hand, should only be bought after the first item and when you have at least 10 Dark Seal stacks. This item can be detrimental if you lose your stacks, so be sure to play around it. Fully stacked Mejai's Soulstealer on Zac has the highest damage potential in the game, emphasizing the importance of DPS over tanking enemy abilities.
As of 12.23, Jak'sho is a decent item for Conqueror Zac, but should only be purchased as a 2nd or 3rd item. It pairs well with AP, but is near useless without it. However, due to its upcoming nerf, other tank mythics such as Radiant Virtue or Evenshroud may be better choices regardless of rune choice.
Evenshroud is one of Zac's best and most gold-efficient items. I typically buy this when I have Aftershock, as it is more directed towards burst. Evenshroud's price is 2500 gold, which is the cheapest mythic in the game, and better than the more expensive tank mythics. When I bring this with Conqueror, I usually build it into tanks. This is so much damage that the team is unlikely to need to follow up after you snowball. Even though it is highly beneficial, less than 1% of Zac players build this mythic, making it extremely underrated.
Abyssal Mask is one of his more underrated items. This item was very good last season, where all of the stats it provides were being used by Zac. As of 12.23, they changed Abyssal Mask, making it more of a mana-based healing item that gives magic penetration based on max health. With Zac, you are always going to be using this magic penetration, as all of your damage will fit in the circle that Abyssal Mask has to give you. Build this item third or fourth, as it will be used to its full potential then. 25 magic penetration is very nice late game, especially when you want to keep Ionian Boots of Lucidity for the extra haste. Bringing this with conqueror will give you an insane spike of damage, sometimes doing even more damage than Demonic Embrace. Focus on building this into squishy champs. Personally i do not care if the enemy is full AD or not as i am building this for the HP and magic penetration.
Transcendence: Gain bonuses upon reaching the following levels:
Level 5: + 5 ability haste
Level 8: + 5 ability haste
Level 11: Scoring a takedown against an enemy champion reduces the current cooldowns of your Zac's basic abilities by 20%.
This rune has unique and exceptional scaling on Zac compared to any other champion. Every level spike (e.g. levels 5, 8, and 11) represent natural power spikes for Zac and this rune helps to accentuate them. Building tank items early can be necessary for Zac, as he cannot choose items in champ select and thus has to rely on runes. The extra ability haste provided by this rune can increase the tempo of Zac's Cell Division cycle, thus providing more healing throughout the game. This extra ability haste is especially useful after level 5, even if Zac isn't in the optimal state for ganking and teamfights. The 20% refund of ability cooldowns after level 11 is insane for teamfights, as getting a kill reset can make or break an entire game.
Gathering Storm is a unique rune primarily taken by AD carries in the bottom lane, giving them scaling Attack Damage or Ability Power over time. With the Gathering Storm rune, AD carries are able to benefit from increasing bonus damage without having to invest heavily into items. However, junglers can also make great use of Gathering Storm, Gathering Storm provides bonus ability and attack damage over time, with totals increasing every 10 minutes. This bonus damage increases over time, ranging from 0/4.8/14.4/28.8/48/∞ (depending on minutes) bonus attack damage or 0/8/24/48/80/∞ bonus ability power. Gathering Storm is particularly useful when playing Zac, as all four of their abilities scale with Ability Power, allowing them to benefit from the extra bonus damage. Furthermore, Zac's Unstable Matter ability deals % max health damage that scales with Ability Power. Therefore, when playing Zac as a jungler, taking Gathering Storm is a must, and should be paired with Transcendence for maximum damage output.
Clearing as Zac has gotten much easier over the years, as hes able to use all of his abilities in the jungle when clearing camps. As of 12.23 Riot has buffed Zac's heal scaling post level 6 and onward, this helps staying high HP when clearing. Also what is imporant is picking up Cell Division when clearing in jungle as this not only increases your healing but it increases your damage as each Cell Division picked up takes down 1 second off your Unstable Matter.
One annoying thing with Zac's clear is the Cell Division RNG. Zac's Cell Division will always spawn in a random direction near Zac, nearly impossible to control this it can slow down your jungle clear quite and bit and this can add up over time.
Engage is much better at clearing than me, the video above is the fastest zac clear as of 12.23.
Zac is a very versatile champion that can do many things. It is critical to keep in mind that every game will be a different outcome and that being good at both macro and mechanics is essential to success. Peeling is a term used to describe protecting your allies, and as Zac, it is important to understand when and how to peel. Peeling as Zac can happen for many reasons, and it is essential to consider how you play and build Zac for each game.
Patience is key with peeling, as one wrong move in a dive can result in your death. Most of the time you will be peeling your team when you have carries that have high damage and are suseptable to dying easily, and as such your job would be to keep them alive. For example, in the video linked below
, blocking Graves' auto attacks is what keeps Caitlyn alive. When the situation calls for it, you will need to do this, but do not do it on autopilot or just because you think it is the best thing to do. There is a balance between diving and peeling, and it is important to understand when to do each. Usually you can peel by using your Let's Bounce! (R) knockback, Stretching Strikes (Q1 Q2) knockup, or your Elastic Slingshot (E). Using any of these on an enemy champion thats trying to kill your teammate will work.
Learning Zac's combos with Stretching Strikes is a requirement for best results in chain CC combos. Not knowing skillshot range, tether range, stun vs. pull range can make it very difficult. What I recommend is going into the practice tool and practicing hitting your Stretching Strikes1 and Stretching Strikes2 over and over again. Try to separate the dummies so you can understand the feel for the range. The tether and stun range circle is a good indicator for this; personally, I do not really use it as I have a full feeling of where and when it will work. Always focus on hitting your skillshot Stretching Strikes1 on the farthest target, as it will be much easier to hit your Stretching Strikes2 auto on a closer target. Stretching Strikes1 is a reveal, as the tether will latch onto any champion regardless of whether they are invisible or not. This helps immensely against champs like Qiyana and Teemo. Here is a video of Zac's combos with Stretching Strikes1, Stretching Strikes2, and his other abilities.
sorry for bad video quality ;-;
Regarding camera control, I believe it is essential that you use freecam. Personally, the only time I use lock cam is to recenter on myself. I use freecam 100% of the time and I recommend learning this, as Zac's Elastic Slingshot post level 7 requires you to unlock the camera to use its full range. This is a skill that, if you know, will help you significantly. This ties into macro rather than Zac-related micro.
When casting Zac's abilities, always try to be conservative, as missing one thing can ruin an entire combo. The term I will use to describe this is min-maxing. Min-maxing is when you minimize the mistakes you make and maximize the best outcome. One example of this would be if you are uncertain of hitting a Stretching Strikes skillshot or Elastic Slingshot skillshot; use Stretching Strikes1 on a minion or stationary target so you can 100% hit someone with Stretching Strikes2 CC. Waiting for an enemy to dash or waiting for your teammates to CC so you can guarantee hitting your skillshots can be crucial to winning a fight or not winning a fight. Once you start to autopilot these things, it will be much easier, as you will subconsciously be doing this.
The only ability on Zac that I have on smart cast is his Elastic Slingshot. This will allow you to click around, cancel, or usually decide much easier where your Elastic Slingshot is going to land. This also allows you to start the cast in fountain, buy, and then cast as you won't have to hold your Elastic Slingshot. You can also type in the shop while doing this.
Here are the most common Fog of war ganking locations. Keep in mind this is generalized as wards can give away these locations. Most of the time the enemy will not know these locations will hide Zac in Fog of war before ganking with Elastic Slingshot. Keep in mind Elastic Slingshot range in these locations.
When playing to dive, try to focus on which enemies have Flash and/or Flashless abilities. Make sure you are aware of the enemies' items such as Galeforce, as this can ruin an engage if not careful. Most of the time, you will have to be very patient with this, as if you are building heavy into AP and engage onto the enemy team, you will die very quickly. Try to wait for your teammates to go in first, as this will allow you to kill the enemy easier without getting focused. When engaging with Elastic Slingshot, try to make sure you are casting this from Fog of War, as the enemy will not know where you are coming from. Always be mindful of how you dive, as peeling and diving should be subjective to each game.
Zac midlane is a much stronger version of Zac Jungle. You don't have to worry about getting invaded, and waves come in the same way every time. When playing Zac mid, you should bring standard Conqueror with Second Wind and Revitalize. Against AP matchups, I tend to bring armor and magic resist, allowing me to fight in a wave without losing all my health. My thought process is that you will always take AD damage throughout a game no matter what, whether it be from minions or camps, which is why I bring armor. Zac is a great midlaner due to his flexibility in building ability points. When laning in mid, focus on getting to level 6 as soon as possible. Zac is unique in that he is able to spread his points into both his Unstable Matter and Elastic Slingshot, depending on the matchup. For waveclear, it's best to build Bami's Cinder first or second back. Core items to build on Zac include Dark Seal, Bami's Cinder, and Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Ionian Boots of Lucidity are great if you need the cooldown reduction on your Elastic Slingshot to roam. Zac has some of the highest roaming potential in the game and has helped me climb to my peak rank. In midseason 12, I was able to climb to 1157LP with Zac mid. I have laned against some of the best midlaners in the world and barely lose games against them, let alone in lane.
Zac support has been a solid pick for some time now. As of 12.23, he can be played as an enchanter too. For runes, you can choose between Guardian, Aftershock, and Glacial Augment. Most of the time, you will be choosing Guardian, as the scaling works very well with Zac. As of now, I would build Radiant Virtue or Evenshroud depending on what the game calls for. When laning as Zac, typically I will wait till level 3 before engaging any fights. I also will start Unstable Matter, as if you start Stretching Strikes and miss, enemies will know when to go in and you won't have any counter. In bot lane, you can use your Stretching Strikes as a poke CC tool or an all-in tool. Do not first pick Zac, as if the enemy support picks a counter to you, it will not be a fun time in the bot lane.
When playing Zac jungle, always analyze what lanes are gankable, what lanes are not gankable, flash timers, and ability timers. This will help you to understand when is the best time to gank and when you should be clearing camps. Additionally, you should always keep track of the enemy jungler's movements and look for opportunities to countergank or invade. Every game, always Stealth Ward top pixel river bush on blue side, and if on red side, always Stealth Ward your raptors. This will give you all the info you need to help prevent getting invaded and also spot the enemy jungler when they are looking to invade you. Always start back at 50 seconds, buy an Oracle Lens in the shop. In 30 seconds, it will be up for your first camp at 1:30. When starting blue on red side, if clearing at the right time, by the time you get to raptors, your Stealth Ward will expire. This allows the perfect timeframe to locate and spot the enemy mid looking to Stealth Ward this. When I say this is crucial, it is CRUCIAL. Messing this up can screw up an entire full clear, and coinflip the game. On blue side, the Stealth Ward in the pixel bush will help you prevent any invades on your Zac. It will also help inform you if you need to vertical jungle, as if you do get invaded, you might have to split map. After the first full clear, you turn into normal Zac. Remember your main goal in Zac jungle is to prevent all invades pre-level 6, but also look for opportunities to countergank and invade the enemy jungler when you have a power spike. If you can do this correctly and get ahead, you can snowball the game in your favor.
When playing Zac jungle, analyze which lanes are gankable, flash and ability timers, and track the enemy jungler's movements. Stealth Ward top pixel river bush on blue side and your raptors on red side for vision. Start back at 50 seconds and buy an Oracle Lens. Look for opportunities to countergank and invade the enemy jungler. Your main goal is to prevent invades pre-level 6, but still look for potential counterganking and invading opportunities.
Zac's passive, Cell Division, grants him 4/5/6/7% of his maximum health each time he hits an enemy with an ability, which can be reabsorbed to restore his health.
Upon taking fatal damage, Zac splits into four chunks that attempt to recombine. If any of these chunks remain after 8, 7, 6, 5, or 4 seconds, he will revive with 10-50% health depending on the health of the surviving chunks. Each chunk has 12% of Zac's maximum health, and 50% of his armor and magic resistance. This ability has a static cooldown and is unaffected by cooldown reduction. The revival speed is increased every four levels.
Zac's passive is his most important part of his kit, not the revive passive but the Cell Division that spawn on the ground. This is going to be your main source of damage and sustain, and you should always try to pick up all the Cell Division you can. Here is a 1v1 midlane between me and Pobelter, watch how I move onto Zac's Cell Division.
Zac's revive passive is near useless, as it only delays death 80% of the time. The only time I see this consistently working is when you tower dive; you can place yourself in a position to tank, jump out, and then die and revive with the passive.
The Blob Cycle is the most crucial part of playing Zac; anything and everything you do revolves around this. Let me explain: the Blob Cycle is when you cycle your Unstable Matter cast on time and correctly. As we already talked about, picking up Zac's blobs takes one second off of Unstable Matter's cooldown. You can have multiple blobs on the ground, so for example, if you have three blobs on the ground and you just cast Unstable Matter, your Unstable Matter is now on a 2-second cooldown. Instead of picking up the three blobs all at once, pick up one, then once you cast your Unstable Matter again you can pick up the rest. You always want to make this cycle as efficient as possible, as picking up blobs while your Unstable Matter is up is wasted cooldown you could be using. This process applies to Zac in every single lane, no matter the items or game state. This is unique to Zac exclusively. If you time this cycle correctly, you can efficiently deal as much damage as possible as Zac. This is very hard to learn, but you don't get punished if you don't do this; however, the enemy can get punished if you do.
Most people do not understand how to fight with Zac. People always expect every play to be perfect, and as this is not a bad assumption, people need to know what Zac does to play with it, so let me explain from an outsider's perspective. When engaging with a Zac, try to set up CC beforehand as this will allow Zac to hit his Elastic Slingshot and Stretching Strikes abilities the easiest. When using chain CC, keep in mind that Zac will almost always use his Stretching Strikes and Elastic Slingshot CC right after each other. Most teamfights, after level 11, Zac will be looking to either oneshot one target or two targets. Zac never wants to be fighting five people at once as he will die very fast if he just goes in. Always pay attention to when Zac charges his Elastic Slingshot as this will be the indication to go in. If Zac cancels his Elastic Slingshot, it will cut the cooldown in half. Always try to burst the target that Zac goes on, as he only has one set of abilities to CC and burst with.
When taking objectives such as dragon or Baron, you will not take them as quickly with only tank items. In Season 12, when Sunfire Aegis was a Mythic, it was possible to proc the Immolate passive onto Baron and Dragon. Now, the fastest way to melt these objectives is to build Demonic Embrace first. Most of the time, you won't have this item until later in the game. I recommend taking dragons/Baron with your teammates as soloing will take a very long time pre-level 11 to take these. Usually, you can solo dragon after level 6, regardless of items. If you are uncertain about taking dragon, do not do it when you are on the Blue side as, if you have no Flash or Elastic Slingshot, you will be stuck in the pit.
When tower diving as Zac, first always focus on who is going to be tanking, as this will determine your ability order when casting. If you are going to be the one tanking and your teammates will kill the enemy, start the dive with Stretching Strikes Q1 on the enemy, Stretching Strikes Q2 on the tower, then you can use your Elastic Slingshot to get out. You can buffer this cast. If you have to engage with your Elastic Slingshot tower diving, make sure that it will hit. Try to wait for your team to cast CC to guarantee that this will hit.
Zac is a good pick into immobile champions, or if you have a team that can provide initial CC so you can guarantee hitting your abilities.
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