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Viktor Build Guide by Xpoxy

Middle [14.13] How to join the GLORIOUS EVOLUTION

Middle [14.13] How to join the GLORIOUS EVOLUTION

Updated on July 10, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xpoxy Build Guide By Xpoxy 10,650 Views 0 Comments
10,650 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Xpoxy Viktor Build Guide By Xpoxy Updated on July 10, 2024
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Runes: Burst

1 2 3
First Strike
Cash Back
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Shield Bash
Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.13] How to join the GLORIOUS EVOLUTION

By Xpoxy
Welcome to my very cool Viktor guide! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

πŸ“Œ Table of Contents

✨ Bullet Points


Unmatched mid to lategame.
Versatile, can burst and poke.
✨NEW!✨ Destroys towers.
Unexpected powerspikes.
Not fun to play against.
Huge outplay potential.
Fun to lane/fight.


Needs good laning and/or skirmishes
to utilise passive.
Hard to master E and R mechanics.
Cannot chase mobile champs.
Immobile during Earlygame.
Earlygame mana hog.

βŒ› Powerspikes

In the earlygame, try to force as many fights as possible, this is why Viktor is best in the midlane. Scoring a takedown on the enemy jungler or if possible even a single solo kill in lane makes you 1/4 closer to an Augment. Augments are always a powerspike because it powers your abilites by a ton.

In the mid to lategame, with all of your augments you are just better than a standard champion. If they had no items and you had no items -with optimal play- you will win most if not all matchups. This means even if you are weaksiding early, you can still deal damage and be useful to your team later on, even with a big gold disadvantage. This is why it is best to keep your mind clear when playing Viktor. Even if you are 0/5/0 just farming alone makes you snowball harder. Your Siphon Power now works on turrets, making you a pretty good splitpusher too.

Hover over or click each ability to read descriptions.

πŸ› οΈ How to Effectively Use Abilities

Getting Glorious Evolution Augments Easily

Lane minions (ranged and melee) grant 1 Hex Fragment
Cannon minions grant 5 Hex Fragments
Takedowns (kills & assists) grant 25 Hex Fragments

At 100 Hex Fragments you gain an Augment, upgrading your abilities and at 3 Augments, your ultimate is also upgraded.

This means you will need 300 Hex Fragments total, not counting takedowns, this requires 18 waves -almost- perfectly killed, this is why to speed up this process, you need to force fights around the map. However enemies in higher elos are smarter, I recommend forcing fights around objectives because of this, even if your team loses that objective, you will still get ahead. This is also why we mostly take Teleport.

This means dying for 1-2 kills might be the play in some sitations.

Using Death Ray in Lane

While in the laning phase, Death Ray is a powerful tool. With it you can,

Unexpectedly poke and kill minions. (as shown)
Pickup kills under enemy turret and stay safe.
Get all 3 minions in the first wave.

How to Land Gravity Field Stun

You might have realised that enemies can just walk out of your Gravity Field, that is because this ability is less useful while chasing enemies, and it is more of a control tool. It is best used when,

An assasin is on top of you (as shown)
Enemies are in a narrow path.
Enemies are initially slowed.

After augmenting Gravity Field, you are more capable of catching enemies and that's when this could be used as a chase tool.

πŸ› οΈ Augmentation Order

βž” βž”

Standard Order

Death Ray when augmented, leaves a behind a tray that damages once again, this helps so much with laning so most matches this is the order you are going to follow.

Gravity Field augmentation passive is still very good, it basically gives you a free Rylai's but it's easily outmatched by your other skills.

βž” βž”

Early Mobility Potential

This order is a more situational one, if for any reason you cannot really lane (that is almost impossible with Viktor, you have to be support), you need Q + Lich Bane Shield Bash burst damage early or surviving with a shield is a priority then you should go with this order.

Aery is best suited against matchups where you can easily poke and punish laners, I mostly go with these runes in my games, as you can usually proc aery 2-3 times every trade in lane. It is less useful in teamfights, but it comes with the cost of winning lane, no doubts!
First Strike really excels in burst, the only reason you will take Shield Bash instead of a more punishing rune is that it fits perfectly with Siphon Power. Bone Plating helps against assasins, so taking resolve gives you both damage and defence! Also you are obligated to buy Lich Bane with First Strike.

To be updated!

S Tier Though best suited with First Strike, It is just too strong paired with augmented Siphon Power S Tier Best 'defensive' item for Viktor. It gives both ability power and a shield. If there is a Seraphs in your build you don't need Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil.

S Tier Best magic penetration option for Viktor. The next best thing is Shadowflame but most matches your damage is going to be enough with Sorcerer A Tier If for any reason you need to go Ionian Boots of Lucidity this is your best bet at getting magic penetration. You can't fully utilise it's passive.

A Tier Rabadon's is a very safe third item option in almost all matches. The only reason not to get it would be Mejai's Soulstealer but you know what happens when you die with it. B Tier A newer item in the bunch, now because I am bad and can't get kills for myself I always go The Collector instead of this item. (yes, on Viktor)

B Tier Great replacement for Liandry's, this item is much more useful early game than the other Lost Chapter counterparts. I recommend it with Summon Aery B Tier Luden is currently overshadowed by better and newer items, but it still performs very well with burst damage.

C Tier Good defensive item, but I rarely use it. It might be because I forget to press a single or it might be because I prefer a shield instead of stasis. It performs well with Chaos Storm though. C Tier I still need to experiment more with this item, it should be very beneficial with Chaos Storm

C Tier Overall good boots option but most of the time you are better off with magic penetration. Still if you want to build it make sure you have Ignite FORBIDDEN Tier I like to make younger players cry while I steal all of their kills.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xpoxy
Xpoxy Viktor Guide
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