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Kassadin Build Guide by xblademojo

Middle [14.19] Rank 1 Kassadin Complete Guide | By Coach xblademojo

Middle [14.19] Rank 1 Kassadin Complete Guide | By Coach xblademojo

Updated on September 26, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xblademojo Build Guide By xblademojo 937 71 1,987,935 Views 35 Comments
937 71 1,987,935 Views 35 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author xblademojo Kassadin Build Guide By xblademojo Updated on September 26, 2024
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Runes: Snowball vs Squishy

1 2 3 4
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Survival & Map Pressure
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hi! I began my journey in Season 3 and worked tirelessly towards my in-game goals. Initially a top lane main, I transitioned to Mid and Jungle to better carry my games. Nowadays, I find the most enjoyment playing Mid and Support.

My journey with Kassadin led me to achieve Rank 1 status with him, and I was also Rank 1 with Annie worldwide.

After reaching Challenger in EUNE, I shifted my focus to expanding my coaching services. I’m passionate about mentoring which led me to become Full-Time Coach.

Currently, I'm playing on EUW in my spare time, aiming for Challenger and assisting players in achieving their gaming aspirations ❤️
I also create free content to help others improve in the game on my YouTube and Twitch. Feel free to join my Discord community, a friendly space for all of us!

My ambition has always been to become a player who can impact the game independently, even in challenging 4v5 situations. Playing Kassadin has been instrumental in this goal, compelling me to navigate a flawless early game to make significant impacts later on. I often say my champion counts as two at Level 16.

Please remember that while a guide can help you grasp Kassadin's nuances and set you on the path to success, the final decisions, your playstyle, and preferences for runes and items are ultimately up to you! To master Kassadin, experiment with everything here, test it, and discover what suits you best. This approach will help you become a complete Kassadin player with a solid game sense. Good luck!

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Season 14 Kassadin Guide

Part 1 Kassadin Introduction - Items and Runes are Different Now.

Part 2 Gameplay for Scaling Mindset

Part 3 Full Tempo Guide
As of 22.02.2024:
Two Primary Playstyles for Kassadin:
Choose Based on Your Playstyle / Match

Generally Teleport & Doran's Shield Playstyle:
Ideal for difficult lanes or when seeking consistency and less risk early in the lane. Doran's Shield is effective in surviving most matchups when combined with Teleport.

A.) Rod of Ages Scaling Approach:
A versatile Standard that is effective in most scenarios and beginner-friendly. The biggest minus is your power spike is delayed till at least level 11 to do more and 16 to Carry Games.

B.) Malignance Rush - Playing for Faster Power-Spike, having more damage early and Impact. You are becoming more squishy for the price of a harder snowball and more potential early. I play it most of the time and there are 2 ways of playing it:

- With Tear of the Goddess and playing for the Seraph's Embrace
- Skipping Tear of the Goddess and playing full one-shot build. The hardest for my students to get used to, since their mana is limited.

I mostly stick with Full AP builds, and often even go Ignite but I'm experienced with the Champion. So take it step-by-step okay? I recommend you first play First Strike, try Rod of Ages, and then Malignance rush build to see the difference in your DMG.

Guide Updates:
This guide will be regularly updated. I'm continuously testing new Kassadin builds on my stream, and a comprehensive YouTube guide is coming soon.

Stay Updated!

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+Amazing Scaling, Early Power Spikes
+Insanely Mobile Mage-Assassin
+Great Against Heavy AP Team Comps
+Effective Split Push, Map Pressure
+Huge Carry Potential
+Encourages Skill Improvement
+Flexible Build Options

Kassadin allows for earlier power spikes and game snowballing. You don’t necessarily need Tear of the Goddess to scale until level 16. Most matchups can be managed effectively using Second Wind, Doran's Shield, and Cloth Armor. You can start gaining an advantage in some matchups from level 1 with Nether Blade trades. Thanks to this, the game can begin quite early. In mid-game, you always have the opportunity to pressure the sidelines and roam through the map if 5 vs 5 team fights are required.

-Easily Punished Early, Divable
-Weak Early Game Pressure
-Squishy Nature
-Challenging without a Frontline
-One Mistake Can Be Costly
-Struggles Against Certain Team Comps
-Lacks Crowd Control

One major issue is the early game, where a single mistake can be detrimental. A significant issue is the lack of lane priority, especially for river fights and securing Scuttlers. It's crucial to communicate your lane state to your jungler to avoid over-forcing and potential blame for playing your champion. Takes time to learn and adapt because of many bad matchups.

Flash and Teleport

Flash is one of the best summoner spells in the game, and Kassadin's interactions with it are exceptional. You can extend your Riftwalk range by using Flash immediately after it, potentially securing a kill. Also, you can use Force Pulse and Flash right after to finish off your opponent. Flash is a core summoner spell, vital for surviving the early laning phase, enabling outplays, and making game-changing plays.

Teleport aids in navigating the early game, allowing you to correct laning mistakes and survive hard matchups since you can return to the lane quickly. It also enables you to counter the enemy's roam, potentially saving the game. In the midgame or late game, Teleport allows you to split-push while being ready to rejoin your teammates at a moment's notice.


Why Ignite? In many matchups combined with Arcane Comet or Electrocute you can become a real threat from level 6 and even faster. This is enhanced by combining it with Resolve for the best early-game potential and Dark Seal with three Health Potion vs Melee for Early Sustain. Doran's Shield vs Ranged. Ignite counts as one stack for Electrocute, making it easier to activate in combat while bursting the opponent.

Ignite supports your jungler in gaining early priority and enhances your 2 vs 2 potential. Way higher chance you will snowball and carry from the early levels since your power spike starts from Level 6, combined with Malignance. Remember, in higher ranks, players are more skilled at punishing you, which is why Ignite is less consistent compared to Teleport.
Incredibly consistent Rune to speed up your scaling process due to the Gold it gives you for doing damage to the opponents. It's hard to proc in the early game but you will always get a value out of it sooner or later. There are many games where you simply lack the time to scale further before your team falls off or "ints". This is the key, since the whole Inspiration Tree is meant to help you with that and create impact faster.
Magical Footwear is amazing, since you are saving 300 gold that can be invested into the Dark Seal or any other component to make you stronger in the early game and to help you do more impact or scale. Additionally you get + 10 Movement Speed from it
Future's Market is one of the most broken runes in-game because it allows you to get items sooner, due to possibility to make a debt and getting items you normally couldn't afford. You are going to spend that gold to get more dmg and power-spike faster. Possible Purchases: Lost Chapter, Dark Seal. Blasting Wand or any other Complete Item.
It Is must must-have choice because it decreases the cooldown of your summoner spells. That means your Flash can be used more frequently to get a pick or make an agressive play. Along with it, you are gaining Item Haste which means any item that has cooldown with active/passive will come up faster; Zhonya's Hourglass, Seraph's Embrace.
The Sudden Impact is a consistent dmg buff for Kassadin since for a dash/blink like Riftwalk he is going to gain additional burst potential (7 Flat Magic Penetration) for 5 seconds, that means your whole combo in the early game are gonna do much more to increase your snowball potential.
Ultimate Hunter enhances Kassadin's mobility by giving him the Ultimate Haste (Ultimate has less cooldown). This makes you even more flexible since the more Riftwalk's rotations you can the more aggressive you can be, do more damage and take greater risks.

Is meant for extended trades, when opponents as a whole team are tanky. It will give you a great amount of ability power without cooldown compared to the other keystones - great vs tanks who do less dmg and let you commit to fights longer. Additionally you will start to heal once it's fully stacked from the dmg you do to the enemies. Additionally it's worth considering, while enemies are Full-AD, you can rush tanky items without losing Ability Power to recompensate.
Arcane Comet Take when you are gonna play more aggressively with the mindset to snowball early. The best vs no sustain champions on the lane; Katarina, Syndra, Talon, Qiyana since you can constantly poke with your Null Sphere without getting their trades back. I usually combine it with Ignite and Malignance rush. High Risk-High Reward.
Electrocute is focused on giving you more burst potential with a single-go in combo. Rune is meant to help you snowball early. It is more consistent than Arcane Comet since it won't fall off like a comet will do later on. So if you don't want to scale, and play aggro but are not sure that u can use the full potential of Comet go for the Electrocute which synergies with Ignite since it counts as 1 Spell for Electrocute
The Resolve tree provides a sturdy laning phase for Kassadin, especially valuable pre-level 6. Use Bone Plating to out-trade melee opponents, taking advantage of its cooldown to mitigate burst damage. Second Wind pairs well with Doran's Shield against ranged poke, providing continuous health regeneration. For heavy CC teams, choose Unflinching for improved tankiness early, and Overgrowth for increased health. Conditioning is an excellent mid to late-game choice, granting additional armor and magic resistance, which synergizes well with Kassadin's scaling nature and enhances his team fights presence.

A balanced rune setup should include at least one Adaptive Force and one Ability Haste to cater to Kassadin's need for Ability Haste.

Winning Early: Opt for one Flat Flat Health to get the most HP early to beat opponent.
VS Hard Matchups: Take 1 Health Scaling to make you most bulky and help you go through the Earl-Game.
Ultimate Scaling: Use 2 Health Scaling and one Ability Haste to get most scaling value out of them.

Void Stone

Void Stone, Kassadin’s passive, reduces magic damage taken by 15% and allows him to ignore unit collision. This makes him a formidable pick against teams with significant magic damage. The ability to move through units means you can't be blocked by minions or champions, eliminating the "creep block" excuse.

Null Sphere

Null Sphere isn't just for poking early in the game; it's a survival tool. Use it to last-hit minions and mitigate incoming magic damage with its shielding effect. It's crucial for farming safely, as Kassadin is vulnerable to poke and punishment. In the early game, it's better used for farming than poking.

Null Sphere synergizes well with Taste of Blood from the Domination tree, providing healing on hit. However, being a targeted spell, it cannot be cast if the opponent is out of sight.

A key aspect of Null Sphere is its ability to interrupt channeling spells like Katarina's Death Lotus and Fiddlesticks' Crowstorm. Use it strategically to disrupt enemy plays.

Nether Blade

Early game, Nether Blade aids in last-hitting and mana sustain. It extends your attack range and resets your auto-attack, offering extra damage if timed right. In some melee matchups, starting with Nether Blade can help you out-trade your opponent.

Nether Blade enhances Kassadin's early game strength when used correctly. It can be used as a finisher, even in combination with Flash, and contributes to Electrocute's stack. You can cast it during Zhonya's stasis, showcasing Kassadin's potential for securing kills.

Force Pulse

Force Pulse is essential for wave clear and early game area-of-effect (AOE) damage. It simplifies wave management, allowing for efficient recalls and roams.

In the lane, use it for poking if the enemy is poorly positioned. It's also useful for engaging, disengaging, and peeling in team fights due to its AOE slow. You can surprise enemies with a Force Pulse → Flash combo. Always monitor its cooldown, as it can be charged with both your spells and the enemy's.


Riftwalk offers unparalleled mobility, enabling Kassadin to teleport through walls, roam efficiently, and secure kills. Used wisely, it makes you nearly ungankable, allowing for evasion and survival in many situations.

You can increase its range with Flash, a technique worth practicing. Additionally, Riftwalk can cancel certain CC abilities like Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab. Mastery of this skill is crucial for both offensive plays and peeling for teammates.

Here, I'll explain fundamental combos from the laning phase to team fights, with everything detailed in the video below.

A.) A basic early game combo is Auto Attack (AA) → Nether Blade. It’s mostly used in the early game whenever possible.

B.) Force Pulse → AA → Nether Blade → Null Sphere is effective before Level 6, especially if the enemy has used their key spells and is out of position. It’s crucial to use this combo judiciously, considering the enemy's win conditions and abilities.

C.) Riftwalk for Gap Close for the Force Pulse & Null Sphere range to Poke. This is a Common Combo where you don't commit with your Riftwalk but do multiple rotations of the poke until they are low enough for you to commit fully at some point.

D.) Riftwalk → Force Pulse → AA → Nether Blade is a full-engage combo for a winning trade, especially useful if you're not at risk of being instantly taken out. Even an equal trade can be beneficial under certain circumstances.

Null Sphere is typically used at the start of a combo to mitigate incoming magic damage. It should be saved for interrupting crucial enemy abilities like Katarina’s Death Lotus.

In combat, understanding Kassadin's burst potential is key. Avoid fully committing to a fight unless you're confident in securing a kill. Kassadin is heavily reliant on his combo timing, so patience and pressure are essential.

A.) The highest damage and fastest combo is:
Riftwalk → Flash → Nether Blade → Null Sphere → Force Pulse. Add an AA before Nether Blade if possible. In late-game scenarios, consider using Zhonya's Hourglass while waiting for cooldowns like Riftwalk.

Kassadin's combos should be thoughtfully executed, depending on the game state and your power level. The above examples provide a fundamental base, but adaptability and situational awareness are key to mastering Kassadin.

For Kassadin, maxing Force Pulse first is usually optimal for AOE damage and wave clear. In matchups where you're frequently harassed, consider putting 3 points into Null Sphere for early reducing more of magic damage vs mages to sustain on the lane longer.

Maxing Null Sphere fully is not recommended due to high cooldown and limited wave clear. It's less effective in 2 vs 2 fights. Instead, maxing Nether Blade second can be more beneficial due to its faster cooldown and better scaling. Save Null Sphere for interrupting crucial enemy abilities.

Dark Seal

While Dark Seal doesn't offer much sustain in lane, its stats are comparable to Doran's Ring. Paired with Kassadin's decent mana sustain, it's a cost-effective choice, especially with Refillable Potion. Opt for it when facing opponents with limited poke potential. I recommend you get it first base if the lane was too hard early.

Doran's Shield

Doran's Shield is incredibly effective in lanes with heavy poke. Its health regeneration passive is particularly beneficial for melee champions, and it also aids in last-hitting minions.

Cloth Armor

Cloth Armor is an excellent choice against opponents dealing heavy physical damage. It provides substantial sustain when coupled with 4 Health Potions, offering an edge in trades, especially in melee matchups. It can also help survive against AD ranged champions like Lucian.

Kassadin's Item Choices Explained

Rod Of Ages

Rod of Ages synergizes well with Conqueror, ideal for extended fights. It enhances Kassadin's durability but lacks early-game burst and Ability Haste. This item leads to a slower early game but a strong late-game presence. It's particularly useful against tank-heavy matchups or multiple assassins. Consider alternatives like Malignance if you're falling behind or want early impact.

Seraph's Embrace

Seraph's Embrace is common choice for Kassadin, providing mana sustain and a mana-based shield. It's key for enhancing Riftwalk damage since you have more mana for that. In matches where an immediate burst is needed, consider other items. Skipping it for Malignance can be effective for early damage output. I don't play it unless enemy are more bulky or stack magic resistance.


Malignance is vital for Kassadin in Season 14, optimizing burst and mobility. It increases Ultimate Ability Haste, essential for Riftwalk. The mana boost enhances Riftwalk's damage. Its Hatefog passive adds area damage, perfect for team fights and duels. Ideal for aggressive playstyles, especially effective in Tempo Builds. Choose it first in Tempo Builds, and Second in Scaling Builds.

Zhonya's Hourglass

Zhonya's Hourglass is a core item for survivability, allowing time to recharge Riftwalk and reposition in fights. It's especially effective against burst-damage champions like Zed, Fizz, and Karthus, countering key abilities. Consider building it fourth or fifth in most games.

Void Staff

Void Staff should be considered as the fourth or fifth item, especially as enemies build magic resistance. Its percentage-based magic penetration becomes more effective against higher magic resist targets. Ideal for penetrating the defenses of tanker opponents.

Rabadon's Deathcap

Rabadon's Deathcap significantly increases Kassadin's Ability Power by 35%, making it an excellent choice for late-game. Best utilized once other core items are in place.

Lich Bane

Lich Bane Amazing Choice currently for One-Shoting vs squishes, you can combine it with Malignance. Perfect for the second or third Slot, since usually the second Item can be Zhonya's Hourglass or Seraph's Embrace if you play Tear. I suggest playing side-lane and rotating to find picks on the map while having Lich-Bane.

Mejai's Soulstealer

Starting with Dark Seal in most games, upgrading to Mejai's Soulstealer can be highly effective. It encourages careful play and offers strong snowball potential with its stacking mechanic. Consider upgrading to Mejai's as your second or third item based on your Dark Seal stacks and the need for additional power to maintain or extend your lead.

Frozen Heart

Frozen Heart is exceptional against AD-heavy teams. Consider rushing it first with Conqueror, followed by Fimbulwinter, for durability and offensive capability. In Standard Build Third/Forth Item if you don't want to go Full Tanky.


Sometimes, acquiring an Oblivion Orb mid-game, which builds into Morellonomicon, is necessary. However, consider selling it a late game for better stats. Suggest to your team to purchase Mortal Reminder or Morellonomicon against champions like Kayn, Sylas, and Vladimir who benefit from healing abilities.

Sorcerer's Shoes

Sorcerer's Shoes provide Flat Magic Penetration, increasing damage against squishy targets. Opt for these shoes when facing enemies with low magic resistance.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Pair Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Rod of Ages to compensate for early game Ability Haste deficits. They are more effective against tanker team compositions.

Mercury's Treads

Mercury's Treads are an excellent counter against teams with abundant crowd control, like compositions featuring Malzahar, Sejuani, or Leona. They're especially useful if the enemy mid-laner and jungler are both AP, offering vital magic resistance and tenacity.

Plated Steelcaps

Plated Steelcaps are a solid choice, particularly effective against auto-attack-based opponents. When they are full Ad you can rush them and then simply go your standard build path if you don't want to buy that much armor like Frozen Heart.

Before we start, it's crucial to acknowledge that League of Legends is as much a mental game as it is a strategic one. A proper mindset is essential for climbing the ranks and improving your skills. Without it, you're more likely to become frustrated, depressed, and pressured. This can stem from various factors like social pressure, not seeing results within a certain time frame, or dealing with negativity from others.

One of the biggest challenges players face is managing their emotions. Letting go of negative feelings and focusing on self-improvement is key.

Remember, this is your journey, your time, and your story. Don't fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others. Everyone progresses at their own pace. Blaming teammates won't aid your growth.

The most effective way to improve is to be open-minded and embrace the process of change, focusing on what you can control – yourself.

Throughout my coaching and motivational talks, I've emphasized the importance of the right mindset. Without it, the game can become a source of distress rather than enjoyment.

Change starts with you. Dismiss the notion that "My Teammates are keeping me in this elo". If that were true, there would be no high-tier players. Reject excuses like "I'm just unlucky with teams" and focus on personal growth.

Every game is a learning opportunity. Reflect on your games, identify areas for improvement, and keep moving forward.
Conclusions from your games are crucial for your progress.
Here I will tell you about some of the stuff I always share with my students to improve their fundamental knowledge for the Mid-Lane.

I always recommend these following 3 rules:

This is the base that will help you become a more consistent player in your games. That doesn't mean you always have to follow these rules because League of Legends is a way too dynamic game for a single game pattern. Of course, in future you want to limit-test what your champion is capable of, trying out different playstyles and coming up with new conclusions.

Students often ask me what I have to do to climb?

You can climb without amazing mechanics as long as you can improve your Map Awareness and Laning Phase.

The ability to analyze your map dynamically connected to your decisions is one of the keys to winning more.

Being Proactive means: noticing opportunities on the map and analyzing what’s the best decision to make with current circumstances.

Chances like Roams, Priority to join your jungler, Invading, Efficient Recalls, helping team, and way more.

The more you see, the more you are capable of doing. League is not only about beating your opponent 1 vs 1. I recommend making your map slightly bigger in HUD.

For everyone with a locked screen:

Locked Screen = Wasting Space on the screen, you don’t need to know what’s happening behind while facing the opponent on the lane.

This sometimes even makes you lose track of what’s happening right in front of you since often your opponent is going to be on the edge of the screen, you can't track his spells and position properly with barely seeing the.

My recommendation here is to unlock your camera completely and start using your thumb on the spacebar to hold and direct the camera on you.

Whenever you wanna see some more, just let go of the spacebar and expand your vision of the camera with the mouse. Trust me on this and Good Luck.

You want to know where the enemy jungler is starting, the same goes for your jungler.
Which scuttler on the map are they gonna path towards and contest? Are they going to meet on the same side river?

- Every good Jungler is going to be on the river at around 3:30 minutes into the game, which is the spawn time of the Scuttlers. Gank is going to have a place before or after this timer. The optimal ward time is around 2:40.

- Before that time you should ward the side he is pathing towards. Trying to get priority for the river around 3:15 timer for your jungler sounds great, but don’t force it if you can’t since you are Kassadin aka minion early ^^

Most Importantly = Be Rational.

- 4:20 is the time when the jungle camps again. If the enemy jungler did Blue Sentinel into Gromp at the beginning, then Gromp is gonna spawn at 4:20.

- This means, that starting from 4:15/20 both junglers are going to start the pathing and clearing from the same side on which they started their jungle clear.

The conclusion is that they are going to recall and come back to the side they started at because that’s the order of the camps spawning after their first clear.

What is Mid-lane? Mid-lane is both highly impactful and challenging. It offers numerous ways to influence the game due to the lane's rotational possibilities. However, it's difficult because of the many angles for potential ganks.

Winning isn’t just about defeating your lane opponent in a 1 vs 1 battle. There are multiple strategies to gain an advantage in Mid-Lane:

1. Wave Management
2. Lane Warding
3. Roaming
4. Trading

First, familiarize yourself with wave management basics by watching my video:

Slow Pushing involves building up a wave for objectives like dives, recalls, roams, or safety against your opponent in a large wave.

Fast Pushing is about quickly gaining lane priority for objectives, roams, fast recalls, or trapping opponents under their turret.

Freezing means denying the opponent resources by keeping the wave away from them, especially useful when behind.

Handshake Wave / Equal Wave: Utilize balanced waves, especially cannon waves, for recalls or rotations when the wave is in the lane's middle.

Understanding these basics will greatly assist you.

Warding around Mid-Lane is simpler than many think.

Effective warding relies on jungle tracking (discussed above) and helps secure a safe vision around your lane.

Ward placement depends on your objectives, priorities, and map awareness. Random warding can sometimes lead to dangerous situations.

Here are some common warding spots:

Consider what to do after pushing a wave and gaining time. This is where map awareness comes into play. Often, players miss opportunities for vision, rotations, efficient recalls, or team assistance.

Roaming means using your time efficiently to impact the map. However, it's important to be rational:

- Consider your wave state and potential losses from roaming.
- Is it efficient to roam with a large amount of unspent gold?
- Could the roam be risky due to strong opponents?

Be open-minded about opportunities but avoid tunnel vision on just your lane. Safe and effective roams often coincide with cannon waves or when a large wave crashes into the enemy turret.

Trading, or fighting your opponent on the lane, should become instinctive over time. However, here are some general trading tips:

- Look for trades when your opponent is last-hitting a minion, as they'll be preoccupied.
- Pay attention to positioning and click dynamics. Proper spacing can make or break a trade.
- Consider minion numbers. Having more minions on your side often means safer and more advantageous trades.
- Capitalize on moments when the opponent uses a crucial spell on the wave, leaving them vulnerable to a counterattack.

For example, if Syndra uses Dark Sphere on minions, it's an opportunity to engage. Similarly, if Orianna uses Command: Attack on the wave, champions like Yasuo or Irelia can capitalize on her momentary weakness.

Remember, effective trading in League of Legends often comes down to understanding and exploiting these small windows of opportunity. By mastering these techniques, you can significantly improve your performance in the mid-lane.

Firstly, there are a few types of Kassadin Laning Phases, depending on the enemy champion.

Even matchups, like against Veigar, Vladimir, Annie, and Malzahar, are where you can farm efficiently without much punishment. In these matchups, focus on getting items quickly and start being more aggressive after Level 6. Be patient and take advantage of their poor positioning and mistakes. From Level 6 Start using a trading pattern focused on Riftwalk as a gap-closer for your Force Pulse and Null Sphere range.

Passive lanes are those where contesting every minion isn't feasible, especially against champions like Tristana, Lucian, and Yone. In these matchups, prioritize survival and identify your strong points. Consider itemization like Doran's Shield vs Ranged to mitigate heavy poke. Vs Melee you can still go Dark Seal since they don't have constant poke but punish you more around your poor position. Never use Riftwalk vs these Ad Champs, only poke them with Null Sphere and Force Pulse and keep Riftwalk to disengage and to dodge their spells.

Melee matchups are mostly about position and reaction time. since you will need to answer quickly often and pay attention to their cooldowns and spells. Against AD Melee, farm Till Level 6, and don't force trades, once you get your Riftwalk you can try to poke them more champion examples; Yone, Yasuo, Talon, Qiyana. Against AP Melee, it's easier since they don't deal that much to you, the pattern is kind of the same but u can be more eager to initiate early trades around your Nether Blade and Force Pulse from Level 6.

Remember, your actions pre-Level 6 depend greatly on the opposing laner's skill level, as each player's abilities vary.

Forcing too much early on is useless, as Kassadin is weak in early skirmishes. Be cautious around the 3:30 timer, when junglers contest the Scuttler. Develop skills to track the enemy jungler, which is crucial for effective wave management.

When attempting to last hit, use Null Sphere to mitigate incoming poke by last hitting with spell or pressing it to block incoming magic damage from the opponent. The first major challenge is crashing the wave to recall safely. Don't hesitate to ask your jungler for help or use Teleport to return to the lane with items. Often enemy is not thinking and constantly pushing which is kind of good for you to stay near your turret Till Level 6.

Upon reaching Level 6, you can start trading more effectively. There are three main approaches: using Force Pulse in melee range followed by a quick escape with Riftwalk, or jumping in on the opponent while being aware of your limits, usually to finish them off once you made them low enough with your poke.
The third Pattern is Using Riftwalk for a gap close to poke with the Force Pulse and Null Sphere Range, and repeating it until they get low enough to commit fully.

Sometimes, the lane may enter a "Ping-Pong" state where the enemy is constantly shoving and you are receiving the waves, Between those waves you guys are gonna have time for rotations, warding, and Map Impact.

From this point, look for opportunities to impact other parts of the map. Consider your roam timings and try to pressure other lanes or the jungle if your opponent is overly defensive. Keep your Teleport for significant game moments or to counter enemy roams you can't directly follow. As an assassin, Kassadin benefits from using Oracle Lens for invades and hunting for kills. - Must have Trinket from Level 6 +.

(See the Abilities category for Combos.)

Your playstyle should adapt to the flow of the game, always looking for ways to maximize your impact and bring your team closer to victory.

In the mid-game as Kassadin, focus on applying pressure to side lanes while keeping your Teleport available. Your mobility allows for significant map pressure and fast rotations.

Consider swapping lanes with your bot laners once their Tier 1 Turret is down. They can more effectively siege and pressure mid-lane, while you can exploit side lanes for picks and resources. Your Teleport allows you to influence the map and objectives significantly. Think of yourself as a hunter, utilizing the fog of war and flanks. Don't forget to use Oracle Lens for optimal plays.

Stay proactive by rotating and looking for opportunities. If nothing happens, continue applying pressure on the side lane and track enemy movements.

Group with your team for critical fights like dragon and baron, but always check the scoreboard if they are too behind you should stay on the side lane. Each game's macro dynamics differ, so adapt your strategy accordingly.

The more behind your Team, the more selfish you should play for yourself and try to get as many resources as possible to scale faster and carry the game later on.

Late game is where Kassadin truly shines, with Riftwalk's damage and cooldown enabling near one-shots of enemy carries. Remain in the fog of war, looking for opportunities but aware that one misstep could cost the game.

Consider the strengths of your champion: immense mobility, effective flanks, and powerful side lane presence. Your actions should be calculated, especially when the game's outcome depends on your decisions.

Late Game Strategies for Kassadin

In 5 vs 5 team fights, Make sure to find a position that doesn't reveal you, flank would be the best, wait for the enemy carry to approach, and try to delete their back-lane. Ignore The Tanks and don't reveal yourself to them. You must be flexible to find the best position and that's why you have your Riftwalk.

In split-pushing scenarios, your goal is to force the enemy to respond to your pressure, creating opportunities for your team. When the Enemy goes back to you to catch a wave, you can consider crossing the map and making the fight 5 vs 4 or simply finding a pick along with your Oracle Lens to ensure you are not walking on the vision.

Effective team fighting often involves waiting for the right moment to unleash your combo. In certain cases, initiating with a Riftwalk → Flash combo can be game-changing, especially if followed by Zhonya's Hourglass. Analyze the situation to determine whether to focus on the backline or assist with front-line enemies.

Split-pushing offers chances for ambushes, as enemies may not expect your sudden appearance. However, as I said, in every game you have to analyze the circumstances given to analyze what is right and what's not.

After Level 16 it's all about finding a Flank and a Pick that can carry your Team to the Victory. Fog of War, Oracle Lens and Good Angle are all you need most of the time. If 5 vs 5 doesn't work out at all, you have to start Split-Pushing.
22.02.2024 Current Update

Take First Strike + Resolve Second Wind and Teleport. Doran's Shield and with Teleport. Start with Null Sphere and prioritize cs till Level 6. Rush Plated Steelcaps into Malignance. This way you are not only tanky but aswell have enough impact for the game.
Take Arcane Comet + Resolve Bone Plating and Teleport. Cloth Armor 4x Health Potion. Start with Null Sphere and prioritize cs till Level 6. Rush Warden's Mail into Malignance. This way you you prevent his burst while still having dmg.

Take Electrocute + Resolve Second Wind and Teleport. Cloth Armor and 4x Health Potion. Start with Null Sphere and prioritize cs till Level 6. Can Rush Plated Steelcaps into Malignance. Keep your Null Sphere to cancel his The Culling. Don’t walk for every minions.
Take Electrocute + Resolve Bone Plating and Teleport. Dark Seal and Refillable Potion. Riftwalk only in if you can kill him or around your turret.

Take Arcane Comet + Resolve Bone Plating with Demolish and Ignite. Dark Seal and 3x Health Potion. Trade with your Null Sphere at Lv 1. Trade hard with her before her level 3. Play around quick trades and Riftwalk only if you can kill her or around your turret.

Take First Strike + Resolve Second Wind and Ignite. Dark Seal Refillable Potion. Start with Null Sphere and use it against his Transfusion. Once you get Riftwalk each go in you farm free gold with Strike. He outsustains you heavily, so you need Ignite for early kill pressure.

Take Conqueror + Domination Ultimate Hunter and Teleport. Dark Seal and Refillable Potion. Start with Null Sphere to farm. Play till Level 11 and get Rod of Ages with Ionian Boots of Lucidity, otherwise, he outrades you.

Take First Strike and Teleport. Dark Seal and Refillable Potion farm till level 6. From Level 6 you can freely go in at him, make sure to not get stunned by his cage and be careful with jungler.
Take First Strike + Domination Sudden Impact and Teleport. Doran's Ring and 2x Health Potion start Null Sphere. You outtrade him with from Level 6. Malignance
Take Arcane Comet + Resolve Bone Plating and Demolish and Ignite. Dark Seal and 3x Health Potion start Null Sphere. Poke with Q and add 3 Points into it. You can kill him before level 6. From Level 6 matchup becomes easy. Make sure to keep your Null Sphere for her Death Lotus, be careful of Katarina who starts with Doran's Blade early or any AD.
Take Electrocute + Resolve Bone Plating and Ignite. Dark Seal and 3x Health Potion start Nether Blade. You outtrade him with your setup and have way more damage. Play around your Bone-Plating. From Level 6 matchup becomes easy. Make sure he won’t kill him before Level 6. Keep Riftwalk to dodge his Chum the Waters.
Take Electrocute + Resolve Bone Plating and Teleport. Doran's Ring and 2x Health Potion start Null Sphere because she outrades you early. Trade with her around your turret. At 6 she can one-shot you so be careful and go for Rod of Ages to be tankier. Get Ruby Crystal early. Quick-Trade with her, always keep Riftwalk to escape. Unless she is low
Take Arcane Comet + Resolve Second Wind and Teleport. Doran's Shield and 1x Health Potion start Null Sphere to Farm till 6, abuse his mana sustain with your regen. Trade with him as soon as you get Riftwalk before he pokes you out. Go for Malignance.
Take First Strike + Resolve Second Wind and Teleport. Doran's Shield and 1x Health Potion start Null Sphere to Farm till 6, abuse his mana sustain with your regen. Trade with him as soon as you get Riftwalk before he pokes you out. Go for Rod of Ages. Jump on him with Fleet Footwork ready. Make sure to dodge his Tectonic Disruption or you will die. Keep your Null Sphere to stop his Life Form Disintegration Ray
Take First Strike + Resolve Second Wind and Teleport. Dark Seal and Refillable Potion. Start Null Sphere to block her damage from spells. Don’t get killed before Level 6.
Aurelion Sol
Take First Strike + Domination Sudden Impact and Teleport. Dark Seal and Refillable Potion with Teleport. Start with Null Sphere and prioritize cs till Level 6. Get Rod of Ages to scale freely.

Thank you for taking the time to read my guide. I firmly believe that with dedication and the insights from this guide, you can achieve your goals. Believe in yourself, persevere, and continually strive for improvement. Remember, becoming a better player is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires time, practice, and patience.

If you're interested in seeing me play Kassadin or want to learn more useful game tips, feel free to follow me on my Twitch Channel and join my Discord Server!

Big thanks to Maniouz for the amazing graphics and VOD edits, to Elora for her help with grammar checks and corrections, and to @Katasandra for her extensive help with BBCode. 🙂
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