Aery manaflow absolute scorch. Eyeball choice.
You can delete him later, but never let him on you.
He will flash dash w into a gank or kill.
His ult gives him massive movespeed.
Consider zhonyas.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
blood choice.
Dodge charm and you should be fine. Watch for her health sustain and try to make her waste mana.
Don't Q into charm.
She will run you down at 6
Consider banshees.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
blood choice.
NEVER waste bubble unless she is E'ing or R'ing you. EVER.
Stomp her first few levels, around 4-6 she ramps up, and can just kill you.
Her e is a free sleep. (Can R under turret to drag her there).
Stay out of her q range and poke from distance.
Never wake her if you are low. Just leave. You won by stopping her.
Do not try skirmishing with her anywhere nearby. You must play way back.
Consider banshees/zhonyas.
Electrocute blood eyeball relentless.
Nimbus celerity.
Consider shurelyas. You can't fight him, but speed = distance = survival.
Will swing on you or invis cheese. Don't let him freeze on you. Early armguard. Watch for q through minions. When he swings watch for an easy-e, and wait to q until the last second so you can create distance.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Ult cleanses.
CC chain is brutal, and can become effectively invincible with ult for a whole 7 seconds.
Watch for his AP build, otherwise focus on utility and killing his team.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
OR Demolish bone plating.
OR Presence of mind, cut down.
CC chain is brutal. Watch for ganks/his ult.
Electrocute if you believe. Spellbook otherwise for roam.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
Spellbook tonic demat cosmic. Absolute gathering.
Very hard to kill. Poke into a push then freeze so ganks can help kill her out from her tower.
Watch for wall when you walk up, and the stun combo is brutal.
Can use her wall for bubbles.
Do not R up or she gets a free Q.
She will outscale for teamfights, but you roam better and can pick her off later. Don't die just to pick her passive.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Conditioning Overgrowth secondary.
Watch out for her deleting you later. Delete her earlier, and watch for her stun.
Merc treads option. Barrier option.
Consider banshees.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Has early poke, dies if you're patient. Keep an eye on his weapons bc his range changes.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Watch for ult and q-poke. Farm up and poke out. Her ult is the real threat into ganks.
Aurelion Sol
FS hexflash futures cosmic. Absolute gathering.
ONLY bubble while he's sitting still. If you miss bubble, you LOSE.
Punish him early, don't stand in wave so he has to choose what to e. If you move behind him quickly (flash, prowlers, ghost, R) his q can't turn fast enough to hit you.
You need to stop him from w'ing away with your sleep, or just killing him.
Watch for his ult and his w chase. Consider swifties. You can R his ult.
FS footwear futures cosmic. Absolute gathering.
Save E to punish his dash.
Don't get ulted under turret. Scaling lane.
You can R his ult.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Consider swifties, ping for his roams.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball treasure.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
R his hook. Watch for flash or ult-hook under turret to clear wave.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Manaflow transcendence.
Banshee's second. Don't ult forwards or he can punish hard. Insane damage.
Can spread flame from wave to you into a stun.
Play around his cooldowns (super abusable with timing) to poke and make it hard to farm.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball treasure.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball treasure.
Punish her hard early. Watch out for her stun into scream with ganks. You can kite her weirdly with R, and she must run at you in a straight line.
Watch out for her damage-reduction with E.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute Gathering..
Will just walk at you early and outrange you. Respect her range.
Her traps are how you lose hard. (During your R)
Dodge her q.
Watch for her ult and just wait for a good e.
Zhonya's is a friend.
Watch her headshot counter, she will try and hit you with that.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Hexflash Cosmic.
She can ult you out of your R.
You need to freeze, and save your e for her jumps. Play for team and grab zhonya's so you can survive her ult catch-out.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Presence/Triumph/Tenacity Cut-down.
Can be easy, can be awful. They can ult-flash you and kill you, or ult you while you r-forward and are facing them.
FS footwear market gathering.
Cut down presence of mind.
Easy if he can't silence you mid-R or Q you (That's how you lose).
Incremental victory, don't get greedy for stacks/kill. (Ganks are rough)
He will flash combo you into his ult.
Electrocute blood eyeball treasure.
Absolute scorch.
You can pretty much just walk at him at enemy time and unless you miss literally everything you can't lose trades. Electrocute ignite and farm him.
If you feed, however (especially when he's got package or an item or two), watch out!! Don't feed through ganks. Play smart.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
You should win hard in theory, but one pull landed and you're done. Don't walk up and watch for his flash slow. Your flash won't be enough.
Electrocute sudden eyeball relentless.
Absolute scorch.
Dashes onto you, shields herself, and her ult is a nightmare.
When she hits 3, you're done, and her w-shield will block everything.
Consider nullifying to replace scorch if AP jg.
Dr. Mundo
Aery manaflow absolute gathering.
Presence of mind, cut down.
Will poke you out, and you can't kill him. Consider liandries and antiheal.
Passive cancels your sleep.
Electrocute blood eyeball relentless.
Absolute scorch.
Extremely frustrating early. Lane bully. Your goal is to not die and keep up farm, but cede it as necessary. Once he loses all his stacks to a solid gank, you've won.
You cannot walk up if he has items.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice. Absolute gathering.
You can R his e.
You can't kill him in his ult, and he just shoves you in and tries to get the jump on you.
Deal with him pre-6 and play to scale.
Consider banshees.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Frustratingly difficult to kill with her escape. Will outrade you if she lands stun. Play safe and back, wait for the perfect bubble.
Consider banshees.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Run away when she uses charm, farm up and poke her normally with electrocute. Consider cleanse/barrier, but prefer ignite.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Extremely frustrating early. Wants to poke you out. Once you're 3, dodge an ability then play aggressive. You want to get your trade and leave, not play a poke game.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Watch for his fear and silence. He wants to trade with those and w.
You can R to avoid his w pop, and he should be a free e during his w.
His ult will devastate you, and his fear is an amazing gank tool. Care.
Consider banshees.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Watch for her parry stun and its slow. Care of her dash dodge.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch
Bone plating overgrowth.
Poke 1-2, WATCH OUT 3.
Always hold bubble till post-jump. He wants to save it to dodge e and get onto you.
Consider banshees/zhonyas.
Aery manaflow transendence gathering.
Hexflash Cosmic. OR
Presence of mind, cut down
Push the lane early and punish his cooldowns/melee status. Count down his dash in your head.
Ping for ult roams, do not get in range of his dash taunt, dodge q's and don't burst him mid-taunt.
A good galio will be unkillable. Play to scale and land a good E for ganks/skirmishes.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Impact eyeball.
Watch for w-cleanse on sleep.
Annoy with a lot of little trades until no barrels, gank prep or outpush 2-3 and poke out under turret, then preconfirm with ignite, or roam and solowin other lanes.
18 sec barrel cd. Perma-trade and don't let take own trade timing.
Grab armguard/zhonya's.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
OR Presence of mind / cut down
Don't walk past mid-lane esp level 2/3. Can run at you and burst. Stop his passive.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
If you miss your E he can jump on you, slow you, and take a massive trade. Play smart, and be careful for flash plays with Mega-Gnar. You can chunk him for free as mega-gnar, and burst him as mini before he gets health if you're smart.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Blood eyeball/choice.
OR presence cut-down.
Consider nullifying if AP Jg. Rush boots.
Watch out for surprisingly high damage, and ult into turret. E also stuns for a while and he will just run away.
His w is also damage reduction, wait for that to expire.
Your R can also dodge his R.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch
Hexflash cosmic.
Excellent laner, very strong early, and pushes hard. Consider demat.
Can't be killed if he takes fleet, and can delete you if you play stupid.
Focus on farm and play to scale.
Watch for w into ganks, and flash dash as gap closer.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Her w is frustrating, try to r inside it to land q's/e's. Watch out for walking up if you don't kill her she will turn it.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch. Eyeball choice.
He can only really engage with ult. Watch for flash ult. Remember his increased resistances during his w.
Spellbook boots biscuit cosmic.
Absolute gathering.
A good heimer will be ungankable, and hard push while stunning you into a kill if you don't dodge e / walk in turret range.
Focus on farm and dodging his e. Play to scale.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice. Manaflow absolute.
He will try and fear you after you sleep him so you can't combo.
He will trap your movement and R with E-W, which is brutal.
Recommend banshee's. Consider tear.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Impact eyeball.
Dodge E. She will try to flash ult you if you walk up while e'd.
Go ignite, farm up, and be conscious of dodging tentacles. Can kill, but she'll heal past your poke if you get hit, and can turn ganks if you don't land e/remove tentacles.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch
eyeball choice.
Do not walk up/let her on you, she will dash to you and kill you. Always.
If she gets merc treads you can't kill her.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Poke him out, watch for q-ganks and his lvl 6 b/c you can't land a bubble past daisy.
Watch for his shield slow.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball treasure.
Just poke her out and win lane. Watch for her tornado into ganks.
Jarvan IV
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Watch for his flag from him and you should win. Crazy range, but you otherwise outpoke.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Zhonyas. Consider liandries.
Should be able to outpoke, but if you fall behind it's brutal. If you miss an e or run out of mana, he will all-in you and win.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch. Blood choice.
Will wallop you early, DO NOT FIGHT, play for farm and a long range e kill.
Armguard rush
Electrocute manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Will chunk you with 4th shot and q.
Generally outtrades you.
Wants to setup gank with w.
Play to outpush from afar and outscale, you will delete him later for free, don't try and fight him, and watch for 4th shot.
Probably not worth poking.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Try and make her life difficult early. Watch for her stun and ganks. She will outscale and can slow-chase with w.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
Don't let her combo you, it follows your r back.
Burst-poke out.
Watch for later-game w if you can't handle her r.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
You can't land anything against her. She will throw allies at you or save them from your e.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
She can mantra-w and cc-chain kill you.
Watch out for her AOE q on creeps.
Can ult away from her tether.
Play around mantra, and watch for her mantra-q when you ult forwards.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Wall into ganks is a problem. Focus on dodging q and getting CS. Can E into a kill at some point.
Aery or FS. Aery for hard punish. FS to not get outscaled.
FS footwear market cosmic. Impact ingenious.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch biscuits cosmic.
Cull start.
Freeze him out. Do not let him farm under tower. You lose if you perma-push.
Outscales you and hard to kill. Still has high damage early, just low cooldowns, but can slow and run you down.
In the first few levels push waves and focus on roaming to kill his team, then setup a freeze. Farm and AD poke is the name of the game.
(Gank help is amazing but don't rely on it).
Grab banshees.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood choice.
(Nullifying orb if AP jg)
Make every dagger-pick-up a nightmare that you q. Watch for pickup into dash.
Daggers will bounce behind you.
Don't roam or you risk letting her back in the game. Watch for her jungler.
Electrocute sudden eyeball treasure.
Absolute scorch.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch. Impact ingenious.
Freeze and poke out. Should stomp. Do not let her keep hitting you. She can kill if you push up, miss e, and she lands q.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball treasure.
Poke out hard. Don't let him farm or get orbs. You can R to dump him off post-ult.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
Can't miss an e.
Merc treads. Consider banshee's.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball treasure.
Consider zhonya's.
Poke him to death, watch for ganks.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
She'll all-in lvl 3. Ult ends your burst, you can't even wake her, and she heals like crazy.
Will just dodge your bubble.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
If he ults you, you can dump him off with R.
You have to kill him twice.
Never go in when he's low.
He scales into an ult that just ends you.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
Squishy, but deals a deceptively high amount of damage. Go for early pushes and the eventual surprise long-range-e into q.
Aery manaflow absolute gathering.
Presence cut-down.
Luden void shadowflame, liandries
Should be able to poke out, but you lose if he gets on top of you.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Manaflow transcendence.
Merc treads rush.
Get banshees.
If they're really good, you're dead. If you play safe and scale (HARD safe), you've won.
Can R out of her leash.
Create a cycle of e-ing her initial dash, and then r-ing back to break leash and long-range q.
Lee Sin
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
eyeball choice.
Play back to not give lee free q trades. He will kick you away from your tower post-6.
Can R-dump him elsewhere from his Q, behind walls, etc..
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Presence of mind, cut down.
Consider liandries.
You can R her lance.
She will outtrade you hard if she gets on top with her lance. Later she will catch you out with her ult, flash-combo, and her team. Consider merc treads.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Don't walk up for her q, and dodge her e. It's difficult to land your abilities if she's got her stacks, be smart. Can kill but focus on farm and avoiding sleep into ganks.
Play to scale and delete.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice. Absolute gathering.
You outpush and out trade her. You do need either cleanse or spellbook TP and swap to cleanse at 6. If you don't die to a level 6 gank it's a free win.
Don't R forward because she can e-claw onto you and all-in you.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Seeker's armguard rush.
Play mega-safe till you get your first item and he starts falling off. Don't duel him if he's not behind.
Don't bubble until he's dashed.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
Don't get baited by her ult, and don't underestimate her damage early. Her polymorph will also end you for ganks.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Impact choice.
Merc treads into Verdant barrier rush.
She outpushes, and can kill you.
Farm lane and roam. (demat?)
She's basically a hard counter that doesn't care about killing you, but who absolutely can.
Aery nullifying absolute scorch.
Hexflash cosmic.
Always save flash for his ults. Hover stopwatch just before and when he hits 6.
You brutalize him early, just be mindful of q-poke and ganks.
Consider banshees.
Spellbook footwear biscuits cosmic.
Manaflow gathering.
Teleport flash.
Play to scale and help your team with utility.
Save Q for voidlings to stop push.
Will flash R you.
He can r your ult forward.
Your job is to not let him push. Ever. That's your job now. You're a push-stopper that matches his laning all-game. That's why you take teleport and cosmic particularly. Consider lucidity.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Presence, cut down.
OR Eyeball choice.
You can R into his ult.
Check his build for Tank or AP. His r engage is brutal, and if he gets on top of you you're not getting away.
Master Yi
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Manage wave to punish his q. You can dump him off you with r if you time it right.
Miss Fortune
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
Will try to hit a minion in front of you for a bounce q. Will slow with w then ult. High movespeed care.
Consider swifties.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
OR Presence, cut down.
Can't really kill you unless he ults you. Don't play stupid to get caught by his e. He will walk up to catch you if you r forward.
Spellbook boots biscuits cosmic.
Absolute gathering.
Cull. Consider mercs.
Hard pushes and unkillable. Will gank punish you.
Watch for her counterroam, her q is a death sentence.
Possible permaban. She counters you in every way.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Bone-plating overgrowth.
You can't land E, or Q, or anything. And she deletes you.
Stay back and keep bone plating.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Annoying poke, watch for bubble/ult for ganks.
Aery manaflow absolute gathering
CONSIDER presence / cut down
OR eyeball / choice
But he can and will run you down.
Be conscious of his e to not lose first strike.
Make his stacks difficult best you can. Still exploring.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Presence, Cut Down.
OR Eyeball choice.
Watch for AP or Tank. Consider liandries. Consider crown.
You can R his q.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch. Blood choice.
Consider mercs.
You outscale and should consistently outtrade, but her cc/poke is brutal and she can land snares into a kill combo.
You can R out of her ult.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Nimbus absolute.
It's a spear-dodging game. You can punish her leap if she goes in and you're not dead from her combo.
Banshee's recommended.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Consider morello's.
Watch for her dash if you miss e. She can all-in and win. Great shadowflame candidate.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
His 6 is brutal vs you.
Break his shield before bubble.
R to break his fear tether, into a bubble.
Can also dunk him over a wall with R.
Nunu & Willump
Spellbook footwear tonic cosmic. Absolute gathering.
Hard shoves. Just ward river/brush. Stop his snowball with E, and focus on farm/punishing roams. Ping like crazy.
(Don't get baited by low HP when he has creeps near him)
Consider waterwalking to match roams
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Will run you down. Why are you in this lane idk. Can burst him tho. Watch for his ult cleansing your e.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Blood choice.
Rush boots. (Cheater recall)
It's a dodgeball-game. Bait her q to make plays.
Back if low enough / flashless that her clicking r dooms you.
Can R out of her ult.
Aery manaflow absolute gathering.
Presence of mind, cut down.
Liandries. Watch for his q-e combo and his ult.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Eyeball choice.
When pantheon uses shield, you can R behind and E or Q him.
When he goes for stun and you e him, let minions hit him before you pop.
Otherwise stay safe, farming and poking for free outside his jump range. Keep your wave so a jump would punish him hard even if he landed it. (You trade back harder early as he walks away if you play it right)
Watch for ganks with his leap. They will kill you.
Don't let him go in on you if you're below 60%. Ping for his level 6 ult roam.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Consider liandries/zhonyas.
Watch for AD/Bruiser/Tank. Care for her dash and don't let her shield-poke you to death, and you should win. Her flash e is how you die.
You can R her ult.
Aery manaflow absolute gathering
Hexflash cosmic
Get boots early
Win the lane by not dying and he will fall behind if he doesn't get countergank or roam kills
Can R as his q hits you to block its pull. (R can also dodge his R)
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
You win if you hit bubble. You lose if you miss it. You need to hit it when she jumps on you, YOU CAN'T PREDICT HER MOVEMENT.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
eyeball choice.
Sit in the middle of the lane. Short trades. Shove her under tower. Save bubble for her dashes.
Keep your damage high to threaten her like she threatens you. TAKE BARRIER. And you can bubble beyond you when she E's onto you.
Consider zhonyas.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Frustrating, can pick you out later. But you win lane early. Watch for ganks.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball treasure.
Consider liandries.
Super weak early, wants to cheese gank with someone or ignore you.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Watch for her diving at you into slows with a gank.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Presence, Cut down.
Consider liandries.
She can just jump on you, so, be careful of that.
Renata Glasc
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Annoying catch potential with her claw and her ult.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch
OR eyeball / choice
Will just kill you if he gets on you. Has dashes, stuns, and heal. Play safe and farm up. Still testing the lane.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Wants to jump at you and slow you. Has a cleanse and can undo burst.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Watch for her combo and you're fine. Her ult damage is ridiculous. Don't go in when she's low.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Blood choice.
Swifties rush and he can't kill you unless you mega mess-up.
Dodge his darts, and time your walk-ups around his flame. (10/9/8/7/6)
His ult will burn you to death quickly and has very long range.
Dark harvest?
Aery manaflow absolute gathering. Presence cut-down.
The 1v1 is very easy especially if you have ignite and electrocute, he cannot win trades against you. He does have a lot of waveclear and gank setup so make sure to play around their jungler and call missing especially after 6.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Transcendence scorch.
Consider zhonya's.
Will poke you twice then all-in and win post 6.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Presence, Cut Down.
Consider liandries.
Watch for AP alt. Her ult catch-out is frustrating.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Will poke you out early, be patient for a good bubble or q with your r. Shove hard early so it's hard for her to farm.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
It's a dodge game.
She will permashove you. Build to oneshot her because she will outsustain.
Ignite is useless, he just shields it. Teleport recommended.
Aery manaflow absolute gathering
CONSIDER presence / cut down
OR eyeball / choice.
Never walk up to him. Watch for his flash ult and his movespeed grab. Watch for his grit w-line.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Never chase, keep an eye on boxes, and grab sweeper (for him, not boxes). He only wins with JG, so be terrified of that.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Presence, Cut Down.
Consider liandries. Ping for his roams, try to e his ult. Watch for taunt-flash into a catch-out.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Watch for her ult. Care her fireball poke.
FS footwear tonic cosmic. Absolute scorch.
Aery manaflow absolute gathering. Impact choice.
You can R his throw.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Presence, Cut down.
Consider liandries. Consider zhonya's.
Will try and slow-q you. Can ult your bubble. Abuse when he q's the wave.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Spellshield. High damage, great waveclear. Frustrating.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
He can R through your ult.
Never fight on top of him, or let him flash ult you. He wins by getting on you for his team, or near tower. It always lasts longer than you think.
Build boots early to not get run down.
Otherwise you punish him early for being melee, and by poking his team out in fights since they have no mage. Build against their main damage/jg.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Watch for her q-poke, her shield is frustrating, as is her auto-slow with team. Her ult can catch you out.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
Very hard to kill.
Shove wave so you can roam (she can't shove well).
Do not get hit by soraka q because she heals like crazy. all-ins are hard for this reason. (hold bubble)
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch. Presence cut-down.
Watch out for strong damage early levels, though if he doesn't land e, he does nothing.
Play to push/roam, deny cc into ganks, and scale on your end.
Build BURST.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Bone-plating overgrowth.
Consider lucidity.
His e/w should be a free bubble, hard harass. Never give an e angle without bubble plan.
His gank punish is brutal, as is his w heal.
He will E onto your return if you bubble in front of him
Watch out for merc treads (they know what they're doing)
Watch out if they go cleanse (they can kill you)
Pocket pick: Illaoi
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Manaflow transcendence.
Spellbook tonic biscuit cosmic. Manaflow transcendence.
TP or Cleanse.
Rush Merc's.
Consider banshee's.
Punish her weak early game and zone her off(early), or push and roam to help your team(early-middle)
You need to get your team ahead. She WILL outscale you.
Don't let her land her q-stun and you're good. Punish her cooldowns, and don't approach her past around level 10 or you will die.
Tahm Kench
Aery manaflow absolute gathering
CONSIDER presence / cut down
OR eyeball / choice.
Can't kill. Play to scale.
Consider antiheal.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
Another one of Zoe's unlosable matchups. Taliyah has to use her cooldowns on the wave to push, if she wastes E you can just run at her and all in with electrocute ignite.
Watch for her cc burst combo when you r forward.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
DODGE W. Hard rush sorc boots.
E is free when he q's onto you.
Ping hard for talon roam, and hard shove against his roam.
Consider zhonyas.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice. Absolute scorch.
Don't let him auto you for free. Will run you down if you let him. Aim to farm and land an E eventually
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood eyeball.
You can't R his Q.
Don't let him q you or land an e, else he outtrades you hard and can kill with the slow-cc.
Incremental victory, don't get greedy for stacks/kill. (Ganks are rough)
He will flash combo you into his ult.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice. Bone-plating Overgrowth.
LET HER PUSH. Completely/ALWAYS give level 2/3.
Save bubble till you are certain you hit her mid-jump.
Rush seeker's armguard. Let her push unavoidably. Play to farm and for ganks.
If she has cleanse, you never kill her.
Bone plating. Bone. Plating.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Consider swifties.
Can slow and run at you, frustrating.
Phase-rush nimbus celerity scorch. Hexflash Cosmic.
Ignite Ghost.
Consider swifties.
DO NOT PROC PHASE RUSH EARLY or it is USELESS and he runs you down.
Roam, he has too much sustain.
Twisted Fate
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch. Impact choice.
Rush mercs.
Cleanse. Get it.
Tenacity runes might also be welcome. Otherwise electrocute burst is good.
Watch/ping for R roams.
Merc treads if they have any other cc/slow.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice. Biscuits Cosmic.
Will walk away and stealth up to you for HoB trades.
ONLY FREEZE and push when he is visible elsewhere. Hold you e for when he reappears, forcing him to take the sleep. Don't ever walk up early or stand where a missed-sleep means your death.
Ward river when you can. Ping missing like a madman. Watch for fake leaving into a gank.
First-strike boots biscuits cosmic.
Absolute gathering.
Consider liandries/zhonya's.
His prowler's claw build will be the death of you. You can't kill him if he goes anything else.
He has flash, slows, a 'cleanse' and dashes. He's also faster than you past your w if he slows you.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeball choice.
Consider liandries/zhonya's.
You can R his E.
If he can't e or e-flash you, he can't kill you. Watch for his q-slow into his e.
Aggro testing:
Aery, manaflow, absolute, scorch
Taste of blood, eyeball
Spellbook. Will auto you down then poke you out.
Watch for his ult and arrows.
Grab cleanse for 6. Your goal is to scale and delete long-range.
Consider banshees
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Her q is frustrating as a dodge. Watch for her stun into ganks.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute Gathering.
Consider banshees.
Veigar has very weak waveclear so it's really easy for you to poke him heavily under his tower or look for roams/kills in the river.
Aery nimbus transcendence/celerity gathering. Impact choice.
Early cosmic.
Ignite ghost.
Will poke you out hard. Play to scale. Don't ult forwards or you will die.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Manaflow transcendence.
Rush verdant.
Be conscious of her fear-meter, dodging back and to the side.
Can just kill you 6 if she lands ult
Watch fear circle into q electrocute
Merc treads?
Aery manaflow absolute gathering.
Eyeball choice.
You can R her R to dump her off over a wall, or make her not dash the full distance.
Frustrating. Good shield, high regen, and her ult can catch you from a mile away. Great chase power as well.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
He has too much sustain built-in, especially with sustain runes/doran's.
Grab scanning lens.
Watch for his w, or tricks with his e. His ult is the main dodge target, and you're fine. Can follow your flash.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Blood choice.
Alt (testing):
FS tonic biscuits cosmic. Nimbus celerity.
Hard push and roam.
Scales, will out-trade you, poke you out, and cage you.
Grab early cull?
Aery manaflow absolute gathering.
Presence cut-down.
Liandries rush.
Don't try and fight him after his second item, ever. Consider antiheal.
Slow push to punish his trades. Do not get in sustain war (he will win). You require burst. His q's will outheal you in any prolonged fight.
Chunk him in lane while avoiding his q. His sustain is high, but you can trade with him early. You'll be weaving in and out of kill-zone in between his q-heals.
Consider banshees.
Aery manaflow absolute gathering
CONSIDER presence / cut down
OR eyeball / choice.
You can't kill him, he can kill you if you're dumb.
NEVER fight melee, will run you down and kill you.
His ult cancels your sleep.
Play to roam and scale. Will flash q you into a kill if you play cheeky.
Aery manaflow absolute gathering
CONSIDER presence / cut down
OR eyeball / choice.
Healing is nutty. Don't let him onto you. Farm up and play safe. Lane bully who scales poorly.
Can ult you to cancel sleep.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood choice.
Will trade with e onto you and a dash away. Try to e his e immediately or save for the real wu if he clones.
Consider zhonyas.
His ult will kill you from full, but he can't keep up with a nimbus cloak flash.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice. Absolute scorch.
Long range and an ult dodge. Play conscious of feathers and don't let snare for gank.
Spellbook hexflash biscuits cosmic.
Celerity gathering.
Rush boots.
Get boots early, focus on dodging abilities, and don't allow him to e-stun you.
Xin Zhao
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute scorch.
Watch for his dash and knock-up. Ult into his R to hurt him if you weren't the main target.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch
Eyeball choice.
Grab early armguard.
Stay under tower.
Can R forward to bait. Never e if windwall is up.
E behind you if he e's onto you.
Aery nimbus transcendence scorch.
Eyeball choice. OR
Choice cosmic.
Ignite, can kill if bad.
Harass early, watch for e cleanse and q.
E his e leaving-point if you can.
You can predict-R his R.
Electrocute blood eyeball choice.
Absolute waterwalking.
Dodge his e and win. Don't walk up. Honestly he's just going to push and scale. Roam and get your team ahead.
You can't hit him with things because his gremlins/maiden blocks it.
Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Eyeballl treasure.
Aery manaflow absolute gathering.
Presence of mind Cut Down.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch.
Blood choice.
Ignite or Barrier.
Rush armguard.
Can hard poke him if you dodge q
E behind you from him when he ults.
Ult forward and laugh emote, he'll ult you if he's good, then you bubble behind you.
Electrocute impact eyeball choice.
Absolute gathering.
(Timewarp tonic candidate)
Focus on dodging skillshots.
Rush boots. A corrupting pot / time warp tonic game.
Electrocute sudden eyeball treasure.
Absolute gathering.
Consider swifties.
Zilean waveclear sucks early so it's very easy to push him in and harass.
You must dodge his q. When it's down you can walk at him with electrocute ignite and all in. The main way to lose this matchup is being too telegraphed when you cast Q and then walk forward and he gets a free bomb on you so try avoid that.
Sometimes at 6 you can even force his ult without actually killing him, then he's left to lane on very low hp.
Later if you R forward, he'll slow you hard and you die.
Electrocute blood eyeball ingenious.
Absolute scorch.
Stop playing blind pick. They'll be better than you.
Spellbook boots demat cosmic.
Absolute gathering.
Will block your e's. Sets up her lane-rule and just pushes.
Play to roam and scale.
Aery manaflow transcendence scorch. Blood eyeball.
She outranges you in short trades, and has a lot of mobility. Play back and hold your e for her w. Her R is a brutal catch tool, though you can flash it and maybe outrun it.
Aery nimbus transcendence scorch. Hexflash cosmic.
All she wants to do is poke you down with dash trades, then all-in on top of you with her ult. She has a lot of slows.
Don't let her on you, and you win. She has no built-in sustain.
Will q you from a mile away. Might be worth cleanse depending on the game.
Aurelion Sol
Ward his jungle to death so your jg and team can invade and kill him / make his life hell.
He outscales. You can R his weaker ult.
If she misses her dash you're probably fine. If she has E you can't kill her in a close-range skirmish and she will kill you.
Be patient with your skillshots.
Ward and help herald. You can kill her in jg / stop her from scaling by making early plays.
R his hook and you're fine. Watch for weird hook angles you can't see coming.
Low gank power and weak early jungles. Invade target. Just watch for his q. Has strong teamfight later.
She can leap onto you and destroy you from a mile away. Brutal jungle pick. Don't push up without vision on her, play for team so they can peel you. Zhonya's is a friend, but ultimately you need a team strong enough to defend you.
Wants to run you down but has to ghost straight at you. Consider everfrost or crown. Zhonya's can also be good. Watch for bush-pulls.
You can kill her if she's stupid pre-6. (You're higher level in lane and can kill with bubble combo into ign).
Try and bubble her dash. You can R out of her ult.
She has really long range engage and it's hard to escape once she's on you.
Nimbus cloak? Low flash timer is also great.
Dr. Mundo
Counters you pretty much. Just try and get your team ahead early. Don't let him eat E.
You can burst past his ult if you're fast + he's low. Ward well and just play back. He will delete you if you're below 30% even under tower.
Brutal early game. Consider nullifying orb. Falls off hard. Her stun has insane range.
Ghost poro on her camps. This is the game winner.
Nullifying Orb if AP laner. Respect the hell out of her ganks by sitting completely under tower and always asking, "Does she want to gank me in this position?" If yes, back up.
(This means aggressive lanes become passive lanes when you don't know exactly where she is).
Banshee's is your stop-Eve card.
Will ult you from raptor put while you're pushed up. Brutal fear and slow. Otherwise you punish him hard.
Don't let him flash-Q you and you should be fine. Otherwise you die.
Can w your E to wake sooner, or reduce Q damage. Surprisingly tanky.
Annoying. Play back, it's a bubble/lich bane game. He wants to flash dash or flash R you. If he succeeds you're dead, if you dodge those you win.
He's both tankier and has more damage than you think.
Consider crown.
Annoying gank with blind. Hide behind minions and get ready to dodge R under tower if you're low.
He wants to skirmish early. You can skirmish smarter if you ward well and be patient with his dash. You delete him if you play back and help team early.
Ward deep, he ganks FAST.
You can R his e if you time it right. You could probably do the same for his R if you needed to.
R his turret dive.
Shields are annoying. Can catch you out with Q and the shield slow/daisy. Easy bubbles. Shadowflame <3
Jarvan IV
Consider ghost poro. If you can dodge his flash or flash his ult (or force him to ult under turret), you win.
Wants to jump and stun.
Can R his stun, E his engage, but if he stacks auto's he will kill you. (His R gives MR).
Buy Zhonya's for ult. Don't get caught by his wall, and watch for his q's after he dies. Easy to invade-kill or gank-punish if you're smart.
Scales hard. Invade target.
Can delete you if fed, frustrating jump range. You want an armguards/zhonya's.
Has more range and 3rd hit burst than you think. Can R your combo. (But you can force her to burn/waste it).
Lee Sin
Watch for brutal burst dives.
You can dump his q off elsewhere with R.
Don't get hit by her sleep, and you're fine.
Consider liandries/banshee's.
Master Yi
Can Q to dodge your E. Will burst you down. You can R drop him off under turret. Zhonya's is good.
Can R you mid-ult. Can flash pull or ult you.
Time well against shield and don't get whacked by Q. (9-4) seconds.
Ban. Blocks all your skillshots. Can catch you through R.
He will absolutely ult you level 6 or the moment you engage/enemy laner has ult. You can ult back to break his fear-chains. He will try and shield your bubble but you can preemptively bubble him if you guess where he's coming from.
You need zhonya's. Don't play near bushes.
Frustrating ult can catch you out. Consider cleanse.
Consider liandries.
Ghost poro on his camps. This is the game winner.
Will gank you level 2. Respect the hell out of his ganks before you hit 6 by sitting completely under tower and always asking, "Does he want to gank me in this position?" If yes, back up.
(This means aggressive lanes become passive lanes when you don't know exactly where he is).
Brutal ult to cut off your lane. Run back the moment you see it. Watch for her knockup, that's how she kills you.
Consider crown.
Watch for early ganks with her q-flash. You can destroy her if she ganks poorly, but her ult is a life-ender. Play near enough to your team or back enough that she'll be punished/not rewarded.
Will ult or q you to stop his sleep. Can follow through your flash.
Antiheal. Consider liandries.
Ghost poro on his gank spots. This is the game winner.
Will e you from a mile away, don't push up in lane without a ward. Keep an eye on his map side, grab a deep ward early.
Antiheal. Consider liandries.
Who actually uses this as a synergy guide? I'll be using this for mapping enemy junglers and how to play against them. --- Enjoy the jungler guide. Left-Right is safe to dangerous. ---
Cool synergies: Jhin Kai'sa Lux Sejuani Xerath Yuumi Zed. ---
Why: They follow up on bubble to catch out and deal a lot of damage.
Will q you from a mile away. Might be worth cleanse depending on the game.
Aurelion Sol
Ward his jungle to death so your jg and team can invade and kill him / make his life hell.
He outscales. You can R his weaker ult.
If she misses her dash you're probably fine. If she has E you can't kill her in a close-range skirmish and she will kill you.
Be patient with your skillshots.
Ward and help herald. You can kill her in jg / stop her from scaling by making early plays.
R his hook and you're fine. Watch for weird hook angles you can't see coming.
Low gank power and weak early jungles. Invade target. Just watch for his q. Has strong teamfight later.
She can leap onto you and destroy you from a mile away. Brutal jungle pick. Don't push up without vision on her, play for team so they can peel you. Zhonya's is a friend, but ultimately you need a team strong enough to defend you.
Wants to run you down but has to ghost straight at you. Consider everfrost or crown. Zhonya's can also be good. Watch for bush-pulls.
You can kill her if she's stupid pre-6. (You're higher level in lane and can kill with bubble combo into ign).
Try and bubble her dash. You can R out of her ult.
She has really long range engage and it's hard to escape once she's on you.
Nimbus cloak? Low flash timer is also great.
Dr. Mundo
Counters you pretty much. Just try and get your team ahead early. Don't let him eat E.
You can burst past his ult if you're fast + he's low. Ward well and just play back. He will delete you if you're below 30% even under tower.
Brutal early game. Consider nullifying orb. Falls off hard. Her stun has insane range.
Ghost poro on her camps. This is the game winner.
Nullifying Orb if AP laner. Respect the hell out of her ganks by sitting completely under tower and always asking, "Does she want to gank me in this position?" If yes, back up.
(This means aggressive lanes become passive lanes when you don't know exactly where she is).
Banshee's is your stop-Eve card.
Will ult you from raptor put while you're pushed up. Brutal fear and slow. Otherwise you punish him hard.
Don't let him flash-Q you and you should be fine. Otherwise you die.
Can w your E to wake sooner, or reduce Q damage. Surprisingly tanky.
Annoying. Play back, it's a bubble/lich bane game. He wants to flash dash or flash R you. If he succeeds you're dead, if you dodge those you win.
He's both tankier and has more damage than you think.
Consider crown.
Annoying gank with blind. Hide behind minions and get ready to dodge R under tower if you're low.
He wants to skirmish early. You can skirmish smarter if you ward well and be patient with his dash. You delete him if you play back and help team early.
Ward deep, he ganks FAST.
You can R his e if you time it right. You could probably do the same for his R if you needed to.
R his turret dive.
Shields are annoying. Can catch you out with Q and the shield slow/daisy. Easy bubbles. Shadowflame <3
Jarvan IV
Consider ghost poro. If you can dodge his flash or flash his ult (or force him to ult under turret), you win.
Wants to jump and stun.
Can R his stun, E his engage, but if he stacks auto's he will kill you. (His R gives MR).
Buy Zhonya's for ult. Don't get caught by his wall, and watch for his q's after he dies. Easy to invade-kill or gank-punish if you're smart.
Scales hard. Invade target.
Can delete you if fed, frustrating jump range. You want an armguards/zhonya's.
Has more range and 3rd hit burst than you think. Can R your combo. (But you can force her to burn/waste it).
Lee Sin
Watch for brutal burst dives.
You can dump his q off elsewhere with R.
Don't get hit by her sleep, and you're fine.
Consider liandries/banshee's.
Master Yi
Can Q to dodge your E. Will burst you down. You can R drop him off under turret. Zhonya's is good.
Can R you mid-ult. Can flash pull or ult you.
Time well against shield and don't get whacked by Q. (9-4) seconds.
Ban. Blocks all your skillshots. Can catch you through R.
He will absolutely ult you level 6 or the moment you engage/enemy laner has ult. You can ult back to break his fear-chains. He will try and shield your bubble but you can preemptively bubble him if you guess where he's coming from.
You need zhonya's. Don't play near bushes.
Frustrating ult can catch you out. Consider cleanse.
Consider liandries.
Ghost poro on his camps. This is the game winner.
Will gank you level 2. Respect the hell out of his ganks before you hit 6 by sitting completely under tower and always asking, "Does he want to gank me in this position?" If yes, back up.
(This means aggressive lanes become passive lanes when you don't know exactly where he is).
Brutal ult to cut off your lane. Run back the moment you see it. Watch for her knockup, that's how she kills you.
Consider crown.
Watch for early ganks with her q-flash. You can destroy her if she ganks poorly, but her ult is a life-ender. Play near enough to your team or back enough that she'll be punished/not rewarded.
Will ult or q you to stop his sleep. Can follow through your flash.
Antiheal. Consider liandries.
Ghost poro on his gank spots. This is the game winner.
Will e you from a mile away, don't push up in lane without a ward. Keep an eye on his map side, grab a deep ward early.
Antiheal. Consider liandries.
Who actually uses this as a synergy guide? I'll be using this for mapping enemy junglers and how to play against them. --- Enjoy the jungler guide. Left-Right is safe to dangerous. ---
Cool synergies: Jhin Kai'sa Lux Sejuani Xerath Yuumi Zed. ---
Why: They follow up on bubble to catch out and deal a lot of damage.
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