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Gwen Build Guide by Jackiewawa

Jungle [25.S1.1] Gwen Jungle In-Depth Guide - Everything you need to know to 1v9 as Gwungle

Jungle [25.S1.1] Gwen Jungle In-Depth Guide - Everything you need to know to 1v9 as Gwungle

Updated on January 9, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jackiewawa Build Guide By Jackiewawa 28 0 57,885 Views 2 Comments
28 0 57,885 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jackiewawa Gwen Build Guide By Jackiewawa Updated on January 9, 2025
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Runes: Standard

Legend: Haste
Cut Down

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

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Champion Build Guide

[25.S1.1] Gwen Jungle In-Depth Guide - Everything you need to know to 1v9 as Gwungle

By Jackiewawa
Table of Contents
Season 15 Early Thoughts
I'll need to play more games still but overall I think the game has become more early game oriented
Initials thoughts is that Gwen will need to run stronger runes like Conqueror and Hail of Blades in order to be more impactful early on.
Axiom Arcanist looks good on paper but actually sucks on Gwen since her ult is AoE so the effect is reduced. I also don't like Sorcery tree for jungle as it's more focused on scaling and as jungle, games will just be easier if you have early impact if possible.
Bloodletter's Curse seems pretty underwhelming unless you're against multiple tanks and you build Riftmaker as well. Void Staff will be better in the majority of games.
I've been testing Hail of Blades and Exhaust with Approach Velocity and Red pet and it's been pretty strong early on and enables things like invades and early ganks. I do think Conqueror is better into tankier teams and Ghost is better into range-heavy teams to run them down.
Why Gwen Jungle?
In Season 15, the game has become more early-game oriented and snowbally, I will update the guide after playing more games and trying a more early-game oriented build.

Gwen scales and can snowball hard and Gwen is Immune makes it so you can take a lot of fights that other champions can't if you play it right. Gwen is not as easy as most traditional junglers but if you're looking for an AP carry jungler that can 1v9 games, even the hard ones, Gwen is the champion for you!
+ Very Fun: Gwen has a very strong and fun kit for those who like auto attacking, dealing insane damage, and #GwenIsImmume
+ Immense 1v9 Potential: Gwen scales HARD with her items and can 1v9 games, even the doomed ones, after 3 items.
+ Gwen is Immune: Insanely busted ability if used correctly. Run people down, negate backlines, get big resistances, immune everything outside. Can absolutely 1v9 fights.
+ Strong Teamfighter: Gwen can zone people and shred through frontlines during Hallowed Mist, run down people for free, and do insane AoE dmg with her Snip Snip! and Needlework.
+ Great Objective/Tower shredder: Gwen is solid at taking objectives and can look to get a lot of gold on sidelane with how quick she shreds towers.
+ Cute Scissor Girl: Solid skins, S-tier dance, design, fanart. Just Ws all around.

- Low gank potential pre-6: Gwen has no CC for ganks pre-6 and can pretty much only flank people with Ghost
- Vulnerable outside of W: Not having W makes it a lot harder to walk up in teamfights and it takes a lot of Gwen experience/discipline to know how to use/space W properly.
- Weak early/prone to invades: Gwen is pretty weak before her first items and needs to priortize farming to level 6 and can have less impact compared to stronger early game junglers. She's also prone to invades and it's very bad to have camps stolen.
- Reliant on Ult for teamfights: Having ult for the AoE damage and slow is so important and its hard to take fights if you're missing ult and they have theirs.
- Very resource-reliant: If your team is getting stomped and you lose map control, being unable to farm makes the game significantly harder as Gwen.
- Countered by Dive assassins: People who can dive on top of you and one shot you are hard to counterplay unless you have a lot of AP for Hallowed Mist resistances.

Who am I?
My name is Jackiewawa and I'm a long time gamer who comes back to League when the mood strikes. Currently I am focusing on streaming Gwen Jungle gameplay and becoming better at League! I will play Gwen unless she's banned!
I started league back when I was in school/college, played S8-S10, and only reached Diamond. After coming back after 4 years, I just hit Masters for the first time in split 2 of Season 14 and am looking to climb higher while also being educational and chill!
My Twitch, I stream weekdays after work, and at night on the weekends!
My Discord, join for notifications, content, etc
Playstyle Overview
Gwen is not as conventional as traditional junglers as she has no ganking tools pre-6 besides Ghost and is prone to invades, it is essential that you have a clean early game in order to scale as Gwen. She is also very resource-hungry so you need to be farming well, taking good fights, and avoid dying unneccessarily in order to maximize your gold income. If you can master this, Gwen will scale like a monster and can hard carry games.

I need to stress that it is very important that you are farming your camps and getting to lvl 6 ASAP instead of trying to do non-guaranteed ganks or listening to your teammates begging for ganks as it will mess with being back in time for your respawning camps, especially if you started raptors, if you waste time on a gank that doesn't result in a kill. Even worse, good junglers will look to take your camps to deny you gold and XP which is Gwen's worst nightmare. Gwen has no CC pre-6 and can only really gank early if laners are really low/overextended and/or your laners have guaranteed setup (ex. engage support with flash). If you're the kind of person who is easily influenced by others or feels bad about not ganking early, I highly recommend /muteall.

Once you hit 6, you can start looking for ganks as you become much stronger with your Ult and can start running people down easier as your Ult slows and is decently long range + Ghost if you need to. While your ult is down, look to path and farm efficiently towards winning lanes/free objectives as it is much harder to win fights if you are missing your ult while the enemy still has theirs in most cases. Keep farming well, don't die pointlessly, and take winning fights/objectives and you should be able to close out games easily as Gwen. You power spike hard once you get Nashor's Tooth and 2nd item, especially Rabadon's Deathcap.

Tips/Good Habits to Follow:
  • Try to get a good ward in the jungle before the game starts, depending where it is placed, it can tell you where the enemy jungle started and predict where they are pathing. I will show them in my clear video below.
  • Try to save Needlework and Ghost unless you're fully guaranteed a kill/committed to a good fight, it makes or breaks teamfights.
  • Properly using Gwen's W is something that takes a lot of games to master, sometimes it is good to use it early so that you can run down people for free, sometimes its good to hold it to hold off their backline while you Snip Snip! their frontline.
  • Play with your winning laners (gank for them/hover around them while they are pushing to protect them from ganks, unless it's 2v5 xd) Ganking for them before objectives usually means a free objective.
  • Once you get to the mid-game (after first-item usually), it is ideal if you can clear your camps before taking fights/objectives but if a fight/gank is happening and you can win it, I'd definitely skip camps to hover as kills later in the game can translate to towers/objectives. Losing map control as Gwen sucks as that means you lose access to farming camps = less gold income.
There are 3 clears that I do consistently which all have different pros and cons to them. Formulating a game plan at champ select and deciding what clear to do is essential to do.

Raptors Start Full Clear
Raptors -> Krugs -> Red Smite -> Wolves -> Gromp -> Blue -> Crab ( Smite if needed) -> Raptors -> Krugs -> Back = ~1250g Blasting Wand Dark Seal
+ Quickest way to lvl 6.
+ Best if lanes have no setup or volatility (they won't fight enough to get low) and you won't be invaded. Best handshake clear.

- Need to be back at raptors when they respawn or they might get stolen. Leaves little time for ganks.
- A bit unhealthy and no Dark Seal for early fights. Prone to invades.

DSeal 3 Camp Back
Raptors -> Red -> Krugs Smite, back for DSeal + Sweeper -> Wolves -> Gromp -> Blue -> Crab ( Smite if needed) -> Raptors -> Krugs -> Back = ~1250g Blasting Wand Dark Seal
+ Great for dealing with invades/fighting at crab.
+ Able to contest blue quadrant/crab with full HP and Dark Seal

- Less optimal than normal full clear since 2nd spawn krugs will be delayed
- Need to be back at raptors when they respawn or they might get stolen. Leaves little time for ganks.
- Still hard to fight some champs (ex. Bel'veth, Kha'zix, Rengar)

Blue Buff Blue Side
Blue ( Smite) -> Gromp -> Wolves -> Raptors -> Krugs -> Red -> Crab ( Smite if needed) -> Back = ~850g Blasting Wand
+ Great for pathing towards bot lane (blue side only).
+ Recommended if botlane is only lane with engage, good in lower elos where bot lane and dragons are good to play for.

- Not the fastest way to hit lvl 6.

- Prone to invade on red quadrant, look to drop a ward while clearing raptors.
What to do against invades?
I talked about it in my video for jungle clears but you want to be dropping the proper wards before the game starts to see if you get invaded/cheesed. Ideally, your team will watch your jungle entrances so you don't get cheesed lvl 1. I highly recommend doing the 3 Camp Dark Seal back clear if you ever think you are going to get invaded, it's quick enough to avoid lvl 3 invades and you can easily back off to tier 2 tower if they try to fight at krugs. If you see the enemy jungler in your 2nd quadrant, ping your laners for help as early as possible and save your abilities, Gwen can E over a lot of walls to escape if needed.

If you get cheesed lvl 1, just leave and retain as much HP as possible, dying/being forced to recall is the worst case scenario. Look to trade quadrants if the enemy jg is staying in your quadrant(ex. if you get cheesed at raptors, look for their red quadrant or just clear your other quadrant if that is too unsafe (enemy laners roaming).

Grubs or Dragons?
This depends a lot on how your lanes are looking before each objective but in the early game, you want to get whatever objective is safe to get and your team won't die over it. This is my general priority:

Steal enemy camps if they're spending a lot of time on dragon/gank > dragon if bot lane can help > grubs > dragon if uncontested.

Lane priority/state is very important when it comes to doing objectives as it determines if your laners/their laners can help ocntest an objective.
  • Is your laner's wave pushed? Are they healthy/have mana to help? Do they need to recall?
  • Are the enemy laners dead? Will they arrive in time to help contest the objective?

What if my laner gets level 3 ganked?
Most of the time, you will be unable to countergank as you will usually be pathing towards your next quadrant unless you get vision on them early. Being able to full clear freely is pretty good, at most I'd say its quick to steal their raptors/blue if your own camps aren't at risk of being stolen. They will be down tempo on their clear so hopefully you should be able to hit lvl 6 quicker and look to punish the power difference. If they try to invade after ganking, you should have a Dark Seal hopefully to fight them off if you did the 3 Camp back clear.

How to carry 3 losing lanes?
  • Play to get yourself ahead and take every kill if possible.
  • Focus on not dying and maximizing your gold income.
  • Don't force fights/objectives if you don't win them. Look to do something on the other side of the map if you can't contest.
  • Look to fight with man advantage. This can be created by pushing waves to force an enemy to cover, getting a pick before an objective, or playing opposite side of fed enemy team members.
  • Punish the enemy team when they make mistakes/overextend/ego (which they will do a lot)
  • Don't trade kills as you won't be building an advantage (don't go 1-1, etc) unless it's for a big shutdown.
  • Cover tower dives, protect your laners so they can base (even if its a bad base).

This is a pretty cringe video I made when starting Gwen but it shows how you can win when your team is behind early on.
When is split pushing good as Gwungle?
Splitpushing as Gwungle is less ideal compared to top for several reasons:
  • No TP to join fights
  • You will give up map control/can't cover teammates/objectives on the other side of the map
  • You'll be taking resources from your laners which might be bad unless they're griefers.
  • I'd only recommend split pushing if a side laner is gankable and you can't contest an objective on the other side of the map. You can get a lot of towers and tier 2 is a ton of gold.

What to do if getting flamed? How can I improve/untilt?
1. Play for improvement, not for LP
Stop thinking about your LP. Set your mind on getting better, and LP will follow. Dodge games that look unplayable in champ select, and don't get mad at losing some LP. First dodge of the day is pretty worth, only lose 5 LP and 6 minutes of waiting.
2. NEVER blame anyone else but yourself for losing games
One of the greatest mistakes most players make. Yes, there are unwinnable games. But your focus should never be on your teammates, as they are outside of your control. If you ever catch yourself thinking about your teammates, focus up and stop it. You make mistakes every game. Find them, fix them.
3. Analyse replays
Go into your replays. Look to find obvious mistakes. Explore different options of what to do, note the good and the bad. If you got cheesed, look to see how they got into your jungle or if they had vision on you. Think on how to prevent this from happening in the future.
4. Disable Chat and Mute spam pingers
Unless you are Master+ and you are confident that communication can help your games, disable your chat. The chat provides little benefit and only serves as a platform for toxicity. Especially as Gwen who is farm heavy, you will get pinged a lot by stupid laners so just mute them and play your game.
5. Know when to stop
Tilted? Mad? Tired? Stop playing. Forcing 10 games a day won't make you better if you can't focus on your games and lose streaks will only tank your rank. I personally usually only play 3-5 games per day and don't play at late hours as I'll be more tired + tend to get more low quality games.
I'm not saying you can't gank pre-6 as Gwen.
It's actually very good to get kills on a scaling champ as it just makes their scaling faster, good jungling is about adapting to the map and making the best, high-chance successful play.
Farming is just a consistent and guaranteed way to get gold and XP and getting to lvl 6 as Gwen makes you a lot stronger and can take more 1v1s/ganks.
Ganks are hard to force as Gwen as you have no CC and are pretty much just walking up to people with Ghost.

Conditions for good ganks:
  • Kill is at least 90% guaranteed, we don't want to play for summoner spells (only high end players can use that advantage usually)
  • Wave state is good, enemy laner is pushed up/frozen on.
  • Enemy laner low enough / Your laner has good setup/kill potential if you come.
  • Note summoner spells, harder to kill if they have all summoners and can get away.

Ganking tips:
  • Get behind them as much as possible to cut off escape.
  • E over walls to create good flanks (baron pit, dragon pit, etc).
  • Use E to cover distance/dodge CC.
  • Use W to block CC/focus fire so you can run people down.
  • Don't ping your teammates till you're in position for them to go in.
  • Don't pop Ghost/ult till it's certain you can get a kill. Using ult in early game is always worth if you can get a kill.
  • If you're able to auto someone and they're trying to juke your R, just hold your R and force them into a bad position where it's easy to hit them. You have like 10 seconds to recast each part of R.

Gwen Ganking Paths:
I like to think of Gwen as a melee hypercarry ADC in how you want to play teamfights.

Teamfighting tips:
  • Use W to block CC/focus fire while you hit their frontline or badly positioned carry. Back off towards your team when it’s down unless you can kill the rest of the other team easily.
  • If the enemy team will start with unavoidable CC on you (Vi ult, Qiyana ult, etc), use your W before the hard CC goes off so you will be protected from backline threats for the duration of the CC.
  • Having Ult is very important for teamfights, don’t waste it before objectives unless your team commits to a good fight or picks off someone. Ghost is good as well for moving around in fights/chasing people down.
  • Hit the person you can easily hit/who your good teammates are targeting.
  • Red pet helps a lot with slowing the first target you hit so you can stick on them easily.
Core Items

Nashor's Tooth


Rabadon's Deathcap
Nashor's Tooth is a staple in Gwen's build and most Gwens build it first always. It synergizes so well with Gwen's auto attack playstyle and is great for taking objectives/towers. You can duel/invade easier when you get this.
Riftmaker is really good into tankier team comps or comps that will engage on you where you can get the passive to ramp up (5 seconds, 4 seconds in 14.19). If you can get the passive to proc, Riftmaker has solid damage and sustain and there are fights where I would I have died if I didn't have Riftmaker. Teamfights will generally last longer the higher elo you go and learning to play with Riftmaker is important. It's probably Gwen's best item for frontlining too.
Rabadon's Deathcap is Gwen's best damage item. Once you get this, you will do so much more damage and can 1v9 fights easily. This can be bought 2nd if you're really fed.



Sorcerer's shoes > DAMAGE
Best damage option against squisher teams/people not building MR.
Mercury's Treads > TENACITY
Undodgeable or heavy CC/heavy AP comps. (ex. Leona, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks)
Plated Steelcaps > AD Comps
Fed assassins/heavy AD comps. (ex. Rengar, Zed, Talon)
Ionian boots of lucidity > Tankier teams/bruiser Gwen
You will do less damage against squishies than with Sorc Shoes but these are good into tankier teams as the ability haste will let you cast more Qs to shred through tanks. Magic Pen is not great if people are building lots of MR. The summoner spell haste is nice as well for more Ghosts.

Other Boots
Good for split pushing I guess but seem unneccessary otherwise.

Banshee's Veil

Zhonya's Hourglass

Void Staff


Mejai's Soulstealer

Cosmic Drive

Hextech Rocketbelt

Oblivion Orb
Banshee's Veil is a great defensive item for AP assassins or for blocking hard CC that's hard to Hallowed Mist.
Zhonya's Hourglass gives a lot of AP and armor for fed assassins, also Stopwatch is insanely broken.
Void Staff highest damage AP pen option. Look to build this 3th instead of DCap if they are stacking MR early. This didn't get nerfed at all in 14.19 so it's insanely good compared to Cryptbloom.
Cryptbloom Just buy Void Staff, they nerfed this to be more expensive with less AP so no one buys it anymore.
Mejai's Soulstealer You can buy this whenever you have 10 stacks on Dark Seal and are confident in not dying. Insane snowball item but very punishing if you die.
Cosmic Drive This only procs off of Gwen's Q and R so it's a bit underwhelming but you can still glide on ranged heavy comps if needed.
Hextech Rocketbelt Not great for damage but good if your team really needs engage/chase down on a ranged carry.
Oblivion Orb I don't like getting heal cut vs raw AP on Gwen but you can buy this if your team really needs it. New Morellonomicon looks trash now that it's a lot more expensive.
Riftmaker vs Shadowflame 2nd



Zhonya's Hourglass
Riftmaker Ever since Gwen's damage nerf in 14.21, I think you need to go Shadowflame 2nd most games sadly otherwise your damage will feel pretty underwhelming against non-tanks. This is still strong into bruiser/tanks matchups that will jump on you and you'll need the extra HP to live.
Shadowflame You will be able to burst people a lot easier with this compared to Riftmaker which will make punishing squishes a lot easier. Being able to make picks/kill easier can make a lot of games instantly easier. Running Legend: Haste will make up the missing haste for not going Riftmaker.
Zhonya's Hourglass I'd only rush this against fed assassins where the stopwatch will be big. Or just comps in general where you will get dove on and will need the stopwatch to live. (ex. Zed, Rengar)

Tank Items on Gwen?

Kaenic Rookern

Abyssal Mask

Jak'Sho, The Protean
I think tank items are a bait on Gwen and you want to just stack AP as your W will give you a ton of resistances while you're in it the more AP you have. Tank items will maybe help you live for a few seconds longer but provide no damage, look to fight inside your W instead.
Lichbane Potentially Good for 14.19? (TESTED, IT'S ONLY GOOD FOR ASSASSIN GWEN)

Lich bane

Nashor's Tooth
It's terrible if you're going for the standard fighter Gwen build, it has no sustained damage in fights after 1 Q and slows your clear. It has good burst if you can kill people in 1 Q but otherwise it falls off in prolonged fights. Or the build could stay the exact same despite the nerfs.

Conqueror just synergizes too well with Gwen, you can stack it up quickly if you weave autos and abilties properly, gives you more power in early ganks/duels where you won't be one shotting people yet.
Press the Attack just isn't as strong as Conqueror for extended fights, you want the extra AP from Conqueror,
Lethal Tempo Not sure if the new version will be good.
Fleet Footwork is good for healthier clear/a bit more MS but I think conqueror is just superior for fighting.
Triumph is very nice for the heal during teamfights + the extra gold doesn't hurt.
Absorb Life Useless for jungle, laner rune.
Presence of Mind Useless for jungle as you get infinite mana while in the jungle, laner rune.
Legend: Alacrity Helps a lot with Gwen's auto attacking playstyle + faster clear.
Legend: Haste Better for assassin Gwen where you don't need much AS.
Legend: Bloodline Lifesteal only procs on physical portion of autos (useless) + on hit items, not worth.
Cut Down is easy to get value after rework.
Coup de Grace harder to proc/not needed as Gwen already one shots and doesn't really execute.
Last Stand is good as well for riftmaker build but I think cut down is easier to proc as Gwen jungle since you won't be low HP at the start of ganks.
If going assassin Gwen, use double AP shards. Use scaling health instead of base health.
Secondary Runes
The good:
Magical Footwear is way too good imo since they made them more expensive, want to be rushing first two items ASAP.
Triple Tonic it's what I used when I heard about E max Gwen first. Lvl 6 potion gives 20 AP for ganks/duels, lvl 9 potion is an extra level up.
Cosmic Insight is the go to rune for more ghosts/smites/trinkets if you don't want to use Triple Tonic.
The decent:
Cash Back is also decent but it's only better than boots after 3 items, I prefer more early game power.
Approach Velocity might be good with red pet/ult, haven't tried it though, you shouldn't need it if you have Ghost.
Jack of all Trades is really niche and most games you should be building AP as gwen, hard to proc till a lot of items.
The bad:
Hextech flash is not needed on Gwen, you have E to go over walls. Biscuits and Timewarp are useless, only use for laning.
Other Decent Choices
The good:
Treasure Hunter More gold for snowballing.
Sudden Impact Extra damage after using your E.
Ultimate Hunter Nice for getting ult back quicker in the early game for more fighting.
The decent:
Deep Ward is good for longer vision in enemy jungle. Grisly Mementos for more sweeper scans. Sixth Sense for invading.
Sudden Impact Extra damage after using your E.
The bad:
Cheap shot only proc with Ult/red slow. Taste of blood useless for JG. Zombie ward pro play/support rune. Ghost Poro pro play/support rune. Relentless Hunter not as strong as other options.
The good:
Gathering Storm Great late game scaling for low elo.
Absolute Focus More AP for assassin Gwen while high HP, which you should be if you use your W early.
The decent:
Transcendence is nice if you need Haste in your build.
Nimbus Cloak Nice for some speed after smiting someone but Ghost is fine enough.
Waterwalking Nice for river fights/objectives/MS but a bit niche.
The bad:
Nullifying Orb, Scorch, and Manaflow Band are laning runes. Celerity isn't that strong on Gwen as you have no natural MS increases from your abilities. Axiom Arcanist is too weak on Gwen since it's classified as AoE.
Opinion on other keystones?

Early game ganking rune, think it's a bit stronger than Conqueror early on but falls off. Also, domination tree is pretty decent too.
I don't think this will be viable anymore in Season 15 with the game being more early-game focused and Eyeball Collection gone. Too weak to be impactful early. It's a lot weaker than Conqueror for any dueling and you're more reliant on your ult than normal for killing people. You MUST go Shadowflame 2nd and Sorc Shoes in order to burst people.
I think it's pretty underwhelming for jungle and weak early, only good for assassin Gwen (which is not how I think you should play Gwungle). Conqueror is just better for sustained fights + early game dueling. I think First Strike is good for getting a pick later in the game but it becomes useless 3 seconds into a fight whereas Conqueror lasts for the whole fight and gives AP which just makes Gwen's whole kit better. It doesn't help that First Strike got nerfed to give less gold and less damage now.
Use CTRL+F to find the champ you want if you don't want to look through the threat chart.

My permaban up until now. Faster clears than Gwen and is hard to lock down due to her speed and ability to kite you. Her R will sleep you if you don't W her cast before it goes off.

Master Yi
Dark Seal back. He can invade you pretty easily as you have no hard CC for his W. Yi can just stat check you when he gets BoTRK, he can easily dodge your abilities with a good Q, try to force out his Q before you use your Q or R3. I haven't played against Yi in a while but he was still almost able to kill me even when I was an item up.

Extremely hard matchup who will look to invade you early if they're good. You will still lose even if you do the Dark Seal back, ping your laners for help. Look to fight her later in the game after you get items. Use your E to dodge her knockup if she dashes towards you, burst her early with your Q and R to force out her E when you duel her. Try to prevent her from getting 2nd grubs and Herald as she will gain her form from that + her grubbies.

Dark Seal back. Kha’zix can invade you at level 3 and can easily kill you due to Q isolation. Avoid fighting him alone early. Save your W for when he leaps on you and uses his Q.

Dark Seal back. Nidalee can bully/invade you pretty hard if she has stronger laners or has a good early game. You can beat her later by dodging her Q + sticking on her but avoid fighting her early, you hard outscale.

Ivern is very annoying as he gank your laners while his camps are growing or easily invade you and insta-killing a camp with smite. Hitting him while he's channeling a camp will stop him from taking them. He doesn't need resources and has annoying peel with his root + Daisy. You can easily kill him if you get past them though.

Nocturne is a pretty strong duelist early on with his fear + Q, avoid fighting him 1v1 early unless he wastes his spells. Dodge his Q and W before his fear goes off. You can use your F keys to see which teammate he ults on based on the puddles he leaves.

Rek'sai is a strong duelist so avoid fighting her early, her clear speed is abysmal so the only way she gets ahead is with a lot of ganks. Get vision on her camps and warn your laners with pings. You can get to 6 faster and look to fight her then. Use W for when she burrows on to you and knocks up.

Dark seal back. Rengar can look to invade level 3, get a ward at your buff or river bush and do your outer camps first. You can fight him once you get Nashor's, save W for when he jumps on you with R. Go Zhonyas 2nd if he's extremely fed to use on his R. Try to track him and countergank if viable.

Dark Seal back. Try to get your team to invade and kill Shaco's boxes if your team is better level 1 so it makes his clear slower. He can level 2/level 3 invade or gank so getting deep vision is important. If he gets fed, he can one shot you with Q + backstabs.

Dark Seal back. He can look to invade as he's stronger than Gwen early. He can shred you with Liandries if he gets ahead. Don't waste your ult until he commits to a fight/is locked down as he can easily run away from you.

Viego has a quick clear and is a team fight menace if he can get resets, he can stat check you if he gets ahead. Try to maintain distance so dodging his stun is easier with W/E and be careful about his ult burst.

This matchup is only hard if he gets ahead and gets a lot of lethality to one shot you and your team. Kayns like to cheese by stealing your raptors/blue side so placing wards and having your team watch jungle entrances will be good (he can Q over baron pit). He can look to do his/your raptors -> your blue + gromp and cheese gank bot/mid so warding blue is important. Use E/W to dodge his W.

if he gets himself/his lanes ahead through ganks, he put you behind by taking your camps and CCing you with his R for teamfights. Try spacing his Q with your Ghost/E, use your R to slow him and save your W for when he commits on you with E. You outscale him, just don't fall super behind on power.

Diana usually full clears but she's a pretty strong duelist as well, use your W to block her Q to stop her from getting attack speed. You outscale but she can auto you to death if she's fed.

I don't see Ekko much anymore but he's only hard if he snowballs and can one shot you with his AP burst. You outscale him, you can space your W to avoid getting stunned by his and use E to dodge his Q.

She fullclears like you but can look to cheese gank if a laner is low, try to get vision on her camps to see where she is. She's only hard if she gets fed and can one shot you late game. Use your W to block her Q to avoid getting charmed and try to burst her before she walks in and charms with her E.

Dark Seal back. She can invade level 3 or look to cheese gank/tower dive. Use your W to dodge her stun. You outscale hard, just try to be there for her dives and plays if you can, if you can’t then play opposite side of the map for resources.

Full clears but can be extremely deadly in fights with his ult if you don't get vision on him beforehand. Keep him outside of your W so he can't fear you with point and click Q fear and his E silence. Get wards over walls where he can ult for objectives. You can easily run him down after 1st item.

Karthus full clears extremely fast and can look to gank before scuttle spawns. Very annoying if he gets ahead and ganks from anywhere with his R. He can burst you with his Qs but you can also dodge with your E/Ghost/W and run him down.

Lee Sin
Dark Seal back. Lee can invade level 3 and is hard to fight early. Use your W/E to dodge his Q. Try to use your W before he insecs you for teamfights. He can also be annoying and peel for his team by kicking you away. You hard outscale.

Dark Seal back. Poppy can invade you and can kill if you're low enough by stunning you into a wall. Her W will stop your E from dashing. You outscale hard, try to space your W to prevent her R from knocking you away in teamfights.

Dark Seal back. He can invade you but if you dodge his W with W/E, it's hard for him to kill you. He can one shot you if he gets fed but otherwise you can run him down easily.

Xin Zhao
Dark Seal back. He can look to invade/early gank so getting wards will be important. Save your W for when he dashes on you and you can duel him pretty easily.

Dark seal back. Very rare pick but he can look to invade level 3. Pretty hard to duel as he can stat check you if he's ahead but you can kill him if you're ahead. Save your E to dash away from his stun if he jumps on you. Your Q will go RIGHT THROUGH THE COUNTERSTRIKE so you can outplay with E + Q combo. Counterstrike will block your autos but you will still get Q stacks.

Dark Seal back. Briar can invade your so I would hold my level 3 skill for W in case she invades. W will make it so she can't fixate you with her W if she's outside of the circle but otherwise W for when she jumps on you with her stun. You can also buffer your Q before she stuns you. You will outscale her hard as long as you survive early.

Jarvan IV
Dark Seal back. He can invade but you kind of counter his kit as you just dodge his flag and drag with E. You can also jump out of his ult with E.

Dark Seal back. He can invade but you can block his autos + Q with your W if you wait to skill it level 3. You can run him down for the rest of the game easily and follow him through walls with your E. He's only scary if he gets fed and lots of lethality.

Pretty easy matchup. He's only scary in teamfights if he can stun lock you before you can W but otherwise you can dodge his Q with your E, keep him outside your W so he can't ult you. You can kill him easily and look for counterganks as he is a potato after he jumps on to someone.

Dark Seal back. She can invade but you can space W so she can't hit you. If she doesn't snowball, you can just pop her easily. Keep your Q stacked to burst her at the end of her R.

Very rare pick, only really seen in pro play now. Standard tank matchup, you shred him and clear faster. He can look to cheese and steal your raptors but as long as you start it and have people watch entrances, you can avoid it.

Don't really see him anymore since they nerfed him but standard tank matchup. He can 1v1 you early if he stuns you into a wall. Try to dodge his ult with your W/E, it is a pretty quick cast so it's easier to space your W.

Nunu & Willump
Standard tank matchup, don't really see him anymore since tanks suck in this meta but he can only really win if he cheeses you at one of your camps level 1 or cheese ganks a ton. Get deep vision and ping your laners to be careful when he's on their side of the map. You can easily kill him and run him down. You can dodge his snowball with E or W if you're at the very edge of it before he comes in. Can also use W to block his R damage.

Standard tank matchup. Use W or E to avoid her R stun. Can use E to dodge her Q headbutt.

She fullclears like you and you can outdamage and run her down for the most part as long as she doesn't get fed. Be careful of her E poke and her speed when W is active, she can outrun even with Ghost.

Easy ranged matchup. Full clears like you and you can W pretty much all of her abilities. Be careful as her ground rocks will stun you but you will still dash.

Rare pick. He can run you down and stat check you if he's fed but otherwise you can duel him easy after Nashor's.

Dark Seal back. She can look to invade but you can dodge her Q with your E. You clear quick and outscale hard. Save your W for when she ults you in fights so her backline can't do anything.

Rare pick. Don't fight him early until you get items. E away from his E a few seconds after he uses it so you don't get fared. Look to hover laners/countergank if they're low.

Rare pick. Wants to farm early but is pretty slow. Kite him out with E + ghost when he jumps on your and W when he all ins with ult.

Standard tank matchup. Wants to full clear but can also look to cheese gank, ward around walls he can leap over. Be careful of his damage if he builds AP as he can burst you but otherwise you can just shred him.

Very easy ranged matchup. He fullclears like you so you can farm freely. You can run him down at any point of the game by spacing your W and he can't do anything. Can also use E to dodge his E + Q combo.

Similar to Brand, dodge her Q with your E, space W so she can't do anything and just run her down.

Standard tank matchup but he only really builds armor so you just shred him. Use W before he taunts you in teamfights so you're safe.

Meme pick. Just dodge his E with your W/E and it's hard for him to kill you unless he's fed and cheese ganks successfully. Abysmal clear so you can outtempo and level him easily.

Meme pick. Dodge his Qs with your E. Save W to dodge W + Q combo or all ins. Can buy Zhonyas if he's really fed to immune R.
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