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Varus Build Guide by Azzra

ADC [25.S1.3] Best Builds🔥

ADC [25.S1.3] Best Builds🔥

Updated on February 5, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Azzra Build Guide By Azzra 8 0 12,178 Views 1 Comments
8 0 12,178 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Azzra Varus Build Guide By Azzra Updated on February 5, 2025
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Runes: 1v1 Machine

1 2 3 4
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Taste of Blood
Treasure Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Hey, i am Azzra from EUW. THIS IS NOT A GUIDE. Has to be said.

I will NOT tell You how to play or advice You to play this in ranked. This is just for fun and for pure inspiration.

IMO is one of, maybe even THE most fun to play ADC while being able to profit of almoust every item category. He can be built so diverse and can adopt many to diffrent games, champions and playstyles.

I am NOT high rank or very good at the game. I just want to share my thoughts based on my 2 brain cells. I think these builds MIGHT work and create some funny games and bring back a fresh new breeze to the ADC role for You. And that is the reason why we play games after all. To entertain our selfs. So feel free to coment or share Your thoughts on these builds. I do not want to see hate speech only cause this is not meta or THE best.

PS: Voting helps others to find this page. So if You like them pls like C:
Crit by Doublelift
Build for ADC/Mid. This build is based on a Video from the Contentcreater called "Doublelift".

In my Opinion the most fun build. Hard slapping damage, alot so deals alot damage as well. Auto Attacks hit like a Truck. The ultimative Glass Cannon build and you can even throw defense intems in the build like .

+cheaper then on-hit (if You go into ) -> faster
+funny to play
+High based on Items like
+Alot damage with and
+Auto Attacks hit hard

-Low (so no gliding)
-CC very frustrating
-Most likely no Heal/Sustain in laning phase
Off-Meta Ai-Build
Build for any role (especially Top). So as the title says, this is what AI recommended, considering all good performing Items focusing on ALL items not only Marksman items. I can only say, it is insane. We all know it is tank meta. With this you combine shredding damage of adc with tankiness of tank items. It is extreme fun to play but obvious kinda troll. This build feels insane fun against Assassins cause You can stack but you will loose 1vs1 against a normal ADC like or .

+Abusing all items
+Funny cause You die less and Grow Big
+Still hard hitting casue season 15 Tank = Damage
+Infinite scaling with and

-No damage if You fall behind
-Early game might be rough
Normal Build (On-Hit)
Build for ADC. Normal adc stuff. Do adc. Go right click enemy. On-Hit (obvious) got more so You can "glide" like . Play in backline. Wait for team to entry. You know how to play adc i guess. Nothing diffrent with this build.

+Easy to play as ADC-Player
+Enorme Damage
+Tank shredder
+Good Sustain
+Can carry most teamfights
+Performs good in ranked

-Boring, feels like every other based ADC after few games
-You Auto Attack so much and so little happens
-Feels weak in 1vs1
Build for ADC/Mid. runes for best results. Poke and finish enemies with s. You have high with . Play more like You would play or , like an Assassin.

+Funny cuase enemies health bar disappear after
+Hard hitting
+Good in laning Phase
+Endless Poke in Teamfights
+Stack from not as much important

-Scales the worst out of these builds
-Enemies can stack
-Low Attack Speed (no glide)
-No/few life steam/Sustain options
-No crowd control
-No weave clear
-Bad in 1vs1
Build for Mid/ADC. Got nerfed HARD. The AD-Build is almost allways better. With You play around Your Stacks, which You then detonate with for max. damage. chain of curruption deals alot damage as well.

+Oneshot potential
+Good farm cause of passive on-hit and low minion
+Enemies underestimate Your damage

-Harder to play out then an build
-Squishy (if go full )
-Have to go in Auto Atack Range for most value
-Varus scaling got nerfed alot
Thanks for reading all this. Check out my Twitch if You want ( Would mean a lot for me. Have a nice day and stay safe in these times.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Azzra
Azzra Varus Guide
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[25.S1.3] Best Builds🔥

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