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Tryndamere Build Guide by tastypotatox



Updated on July 23, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tastypotatox Build Guide By tastypotatox 19,493 Views 0 Comments
19,493 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author tastypotatox Tryndamere Build Guide By tastypotatox Updated on July 23, 2015
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  • LoL Champion: Tryndamere
    Tryndamere vs Non Tank
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    Tryndamere vs a Tank


So why should you play Tryndamere? I made a video that shows some of the cool things you can do with him and I encourage you to watch. I hope this video will inspire you to read on and begin your journey to right clicking

Tryndamere is a very powerful champion when played properly. Many people think he is just a right click champion that requires no skill. This is entirely untrue. Tryndamere is easy to learn but he is a REALLY hard champion to master.
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Summoner Spells

Explanation of summoner spells:

Ignite is a high risk high reward spell. The risk is you fall behind if you do not win lane and ignite is not as good late game. The potential high reward is if you win, you can continue destroying your lane and snowball hard. Also take this against champion that heal a lot. Good examples: Irelia Vladimir Mundo Singed Zac

Low risk medium reward spell. Much easier to come back into the game than ignite if you fall behind at the cost of less kill potential. Also gives you the ability to start a jungle camp level 1 and make TP plays bot lane early in the game. Finally, it is better than ignite late game as you can TP in for fights or TP into the base and backdoor. Take TP vs hard matchups like Teemo and Pantheon. I also take teleport for easy matchups I can win without ignite like Kassadin, Karthus, Kayle, Ect. Also you will find using teleport you can still win most lanes without ignite.

Why take flash over ghost? Flash lets you position better in teamfights. It also helps you secure those kills in lane where they flash away with 1 auto attacks worth of HP left. It is good for escaping over walls and putting more distance between you and your attacker. Finally, flash is great for spinning into your opponent, and mid spin, flashing, which gives your opponent no time to react. This often results in a kill which you cannot do with ghost.
WHY NO GHOST? This is season 5. The tier 3 turret reduces your damage and movement speed so you can't split to win anymore. Flash is much better for teamfights as it is an instant reposition. But it is also personal preference. If ghost works for you and you gain elo with it keep using it!
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This is an important part of Tryndamere. Tryndamere can easily be bullied and fall behind early. Therefore, we use runes to cover his weak early with lots of defense. I have 5 runepages for Tryndamere but you only need 3 and each will be explained here: Here are the 3 main categories for runepages for Tryndamere. You can make your own variants and I have 5-6 runepages for him. But you really only need 3.



Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

Tryndamere vs Hybrid Champions Examples: Jax Nidalee When to use: vs hybrid champions that you know can't kill you pre 6. At level 6 scaling runes even out with flat and become better.
Marks: x9 AD
Seals: x9 Scaling Armor
Glyphs: x9 Scaling Magic Resist
Quints: x1 Flat Physical Damage x2 Attack Speed


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

Tryndamere vs heavy AD Examples: Renekton Quinn Irelia Darius Pantheon Gnar When to use: when vs mostly or full AD Champions that are going to destroy you early. We take lots of armor versus them and sustain and play passive until they screw up or we outscale. I prefer attack speed glyphs vs people with shorter cooldowns than me such as wukong and riven. I prefer scaling cdr glyphs vs tanks such as gnar to help reposition with E lategame. Armor glyphs vs super hard matchups like renekton.

Marks: x9 Flat AD
Seals: x9 flat armor or scaling armor totally preference
Glyphs: x9 Cooldown Reduction / level or x9 Attack speed or x9 Armor
Quints: x2 Armor x1 Flat Physical Damage


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush
Tryndamere vs heavy AP Examples: Lissandra Vladimir Teemo When to use: When you are versus a lane bully that has a lot of AP damage. We take scaling runes because usually you can sustain enough early and the mages will run out of mana.
Marks: x9 AD
Seals: x9 Scaling HP
Glyphs: x9 Scaling Magic Resist or Flat MR
Quints: X1 flat Physical Damage x2 Attack Speed

A: Attack speed is nice if the person you are fighting is sitting still. Many times you only get one or two auto attacks off in a trade. Flat AD is better for that. Plus your E scales 120% bonus AD which is nice for trading.
Q: When to take Scaling runes and when to take flat?
A: Take flat whenever you are going to have a really hard time pre 6. If you thin kyou can survive till 6 take scaling.
Q: Why no AP Tryndamere?
A: Talk to Scoti he is a Diamond I Tryndamere main who plays AP occasionally.
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Skill Explanation

Picture of spell order

Battle Fury (Passive)
This is what defines Tryndamere. King if Crits. Without this passive tryndamere would be an awful laner. People who don't play tryndamere often will complain that you only win because of that lucky crit. Well, without crits, Tryndamere will lose most trades since he only has basic attacks and his spin. Therefore, you should keep your fury up when looking to trade. Not wasting it on healing when you don't need this. Long story short, fight when full fury, play more defensive when you have little fury. Also last hitting well will lead to more fury and more heals!


Bloodlust (Q)
Tryndamere's primary sustain in lane. This is probably Tryndamere's hardest skill to learn when to property use. It is also hard to explain in words when to use it. Like I said in the passive portion you need to have lots of fury when you want to trade. You can't just sit in lane and spam this all game. Yo ucan spam it when shoved under tower and you are not going to be trading for a while. Always save this until the last second when trading because your opponents will not expect the large heal. Also always use this at the end of your ult to get away and survive.
We max this first.

Mocking Shout (W)
This is Tryndamere's debuff spell. It is the only other skill in the game besides trundle which lowers AD. This skill has a variety of uses but must not be wasted because it has a long cool down. Max this 3rd or max it 2nd if you are having trouble vs a full AD opponent Example: Renekton
Situations and when to use your W:
When the enmy laner is going to combo you such as Renekton Es in to you looking to trade. You use your W and his W, Q, and autoattacks do less damage.
When you want to chase someone down. Good times to use your W are after someone goes to last hit a minion, peoples instinct after killing a minion is to walk back behind their minion wave so try using your W after they last hit. For ranged ADCs use your W after the atack you while yo uare walking at them as they usually try to kite backwards.

Spinning Slash (E)
This is Tryndamere's escape and gap closer. It is an amazing spell because it does not need a target to use. Use this after you slow someone with your W in lane to get on top of them and start attacking. You can use this to escape over walls and escape ganks in lane. Remember that scoring a crit on a minion reduces the cooldown by 1 and a crit on champions reduces the cooldown by 2 seconds. Max this 2nd usually.

Undying Rage (R)
This is Tryndamere's ultimate. This makes or breaks good Tryndameres. Ulting at the perfect time is very hard to do and often you will see Tryndamere players die with their ult and not use it. The skill has a .5 second delay which makes timing a good ult tricky. It is very important to note that it restores your health to 3% of your max once the ult runs out. so remember to Q AFTER the 5 seconds so you can gain 3% of your max HP + the health from your Q. MAX THIS LAST DON'T LEVEL IT AT 11 OR 16
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Build Order

Check this picture as it is easier to see rather than read everything in text format:

When to go Hydra and when to go BOTRK

When to go BOTRK: 80% of the time now after 5.12 because you can potentially dive people under the tier 3 turret. Also get this when you need chase. Examples: Gnar, Singed, Mundo, Kalista, Kayle, Lulu, GangPlank, Vladimir, Olaf.

When to go Hydra: Against tanks build Hydra. You can push the enemy into the tower, proxy, and take their jungle very easily with this item. You also force them to use mana to farm because tanks don't do much damage without skills. Many of you will go: BUT POTATO YOU HAVE NO CHASE WITH HYDRA HOW CAN YOU KILL ANYONE?

Well you kill them with burst. and you learn to hit your Ws correctly. Also you can just farm so much better with hydra because 2 autos and a spin is enough to clear a whole wave. Then you can do a jungle camp before the next wave hits. Getting more farm is the same as getting a kill and you can just farm everything with hydra.
Why Phantom Dancer over Shiv?


Well, Shiv got nerfed. Also Hao played Tryndamere 2 seasons ago when Tryndamere was in his prime. Phantom dancer scales much better into the game because you get more attack speed and more crits. You get way more DPS. There is a reason most ADCs get Phantom Dancer now.
When to get what boots?
I like to go swiftness when I am against people that are hard to chase like Gnar, Jayce, Lulu, Kalista, Kayle, and if the other team has very few stuns but a lot of slows.
I go mercury treads when against heavy CC like Nautilus, Morgana, Lissandra, Malphite, Nasus.

Again, Hao played 3 seasons ago. This is season 5 Where we can't just split to win. These boots will help us teamfight.
What to get for 6th Item?
if you are against someone who bought a thornmail many times you cannot fight them becuase of the damage it returns to you. To compensate we buy a double lifesteal item. If they are a tank or you need more chase get blade of the ruined king. If you already have blade of the ruined king or don't need the chase get a Bloodthirster.
If you don't need chase or more lifesteal but need a way to fight a burst mage like fizz or Leblanc buy a Maw of malmortius. The passive works really well with Tryndamere's kit since Tryndamere excels at fighting with lop HP and the MR and shield is nice for their burst.
If you just want more damage look to get ghostblade or shiv for more crit and attack speed.
If you are getting CCed too much get a QSS into Mercurial Scimitar last item.
A: No
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This matchup is very easy for Tryndamere. You can build BOTRK or Hydra against him but I recommend Hydra for the waveclear and the burst. He will win early but once you back and but your first item its over for him. Anytime he looks to fight use your W and try to trade. Try to dodge his Qs because they hurt quite a bit. Careful of his passive, don't get baited under your tower or his tower. If for some reason he starts to win Max W second instead of E.

Start: Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed or Scaling CDR
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD



This matchup is easier if you go hydra because you can use the active to hurt her while she is in her shroud. You can beat her and zone her easily early but once she gets her ult careful of her burst. as soon as you hit level 9 upgrade your red trinket so you can see her in her shroud and just kill her over and over again.

Start: Longsword + Pots
Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / Level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
Yes I have played versus annie top multiple times. Against Annie she beats you early pretty bad. She will push hard and auto you to death. Take Tp in this matchup and go for hydra. Her autos and Q are both single target spells so going dorans shield works very well. Keep track of her passive stacks and go in when she can't stun you. You outscale her hard because she has no tankyness.

Start Dorans shield + 5 pots

Marks AD
Seals Health / level
Glyphs Flat Magic Resist
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
This Matchup is quite annoying she beats you pretty bad early and can kite well. I recommend hydra rush for the waveclear, sustain, and the potential to farm jungle. If she misses a Q jump on her so she cant kite as well because she wont get the movespeed from Q. When you are done trading use the bushes so she loses vision and cant attack you as you go back to your minions. It is possible, although hard, to flash her ult (flash behind her) and kill her.

Start: teleport and Dorans shield 5 potions after doing wratihs / wolves level 1

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Flat Magic resist
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
This matchup is easy if you can dodge his Q. hard if you can't. Try to force him to use mana to farm by pushing hard. Cho has huge mana costs. Hydra works best for this matchup. Also swiftness work very well for dodging his Q which makes him a breeze to kill.

Start Longsword pots


Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / Level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
This is a hard matchup for Tryndamere. His Q hurts, his W slows your attack speed, his passive is magic damage, and he has really good base stats. Darius is like renekton, he is made to win lane. Take teleport this matchup and build hydra for the sustain and jungle clear. You eventually outscale darius so just play passive and ask for jungler help since he is super easy to gank.

Start Teleport and Dorans shield 5 pots after starting a jungle camp.

Marks: AD
Seals: Flat Armor
Glyphs: Flat Armor or attack speed
Quints x2 Armor x1 Flat AD
This matchup is easy if you can dodge his Q. Ignite and Blade of the ruined king are a must because he stacks health and will heal a lot with his ult. Just fill rage bar and fight him whenever your E is up. Rmember to ignite when he ults when you want to kill him! You also outscale him so no need to go overaggressive.

Start Longsword pots


Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / Level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
Another easy yet annoying matchup for tryndamere. Dodge his Qs, because if he hits you 2 times he will E and get a third stack and run away really fast. I recommend hydra rush for the burst. He cant fight you once you get your tiamat.

Start Long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
She is a melee ADC just like you. She is better than you early as well thanks to her high damage abilities. Make sure to use your W then she tries to hit you with her combo. A good way to make her waste her W is to spin on her as she will instinctively use her W to block the auto. Just wait until it wears off and then beat her up. At level 6 and onward you beat her. You can go hydra or Blade of the ruined king.

If you want to go hydra take TP because you can win without ignite Start Dorans blade + 5 pots
If you want to take ignite go Blade of the ruined king. Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Armor / Level
Glyphs Armor or attack speed
Quints x2 Armor x1 Flat AD

Hard matchup for tryndamere if you don't win early. Tryndamere just struggles versus burst mages because they can make him ult after 1 combo and they have a lot of mobility. Hexdrinker works well for this matchup. Go hydra for the waveclear. Dont try to spin on to him while he has his E up ( his pole).

Start long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals: Scaling Hp
Glyphs: Scaling MR
Quints: x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD

Gangplank is a very easy matchup for Tryndamere. You beat hi mat all points of the game besides level 1. At level 1 his auto Q auto combo destroys almost everyone. it slows you and does a lot of damage. I also recommend taking Blade of the ruined king because he can cleanse your W slow and without the extra chase from BOTRK it is hard to kill him.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed or Scaling CDR
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD
Don't let this guy bully you. When his spin is almost done turn on him because he can't do anything but auto attack you and you win at those. Build hydra against him. You heavily outscale him so don't worry about needing to win early. He has no CC and your ult Counters his so you should be able to survive early and come out on top by level 9.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed or Scaling CDR
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD

AIDS champion. He can slow you and speed himself up. On top of that he has a jump. You need to build Blade of the Ruined king for this matchup for a good chance at killing him. I like to go swiftness boots as well to still keep up against his slows. If he gets 2 rings on you just back off and give up farm because if he gets 3 rings it hurts a lot and sleeps him up so he can harass you even more. If he buys frozen mallet its pretty good to buy it against him as well.

Start Dorans shield 5 pots and take Teleport and start a camp level 1

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs I like scaling CDR versus gnar so my E is up more lategame.
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD
Hecarim is a lot easier after his nerfs. However, he still beats you up pretty easily early, and if he gets a kill on you, you will most likely not be able to come back if he knows what he is doing. Try to build rage and fight him early as he wil most likely not take flash. Watch out if he has ignite. When he uses his W back off until it goes away. If he starts to charge at you with his E remeber to use your W so it makes the damage lower. I mark this matchup as hard because even if you beat him in lane he still can easily destroy your whole team with ganks. I recommend botrk + ghostblade against this guy.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed or Scaling CDR
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD
Heimer is difficult for Trynd because Heimer excels at kiting around turrets while Tryndamere's greatest weakness is being kited. I recommend going hydra in this matchup. My best advice is to kill his turrets as soon as they come up. Once he places them spin and auto it to death. ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO RUN TO LANE ASAP AT LEVEL 1 TO MAKE SURE HE IS NOT SETTING UP HIS TURRETS. If you come to lane and he has 3 turrets its gonna be really hard.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Health / level
Glyphs Flat Magic Resist
Quints x2 Attack speed x1 Flat AD
Irelia is a very annoying champion to deal with. She has sustain, easy farming under tower with Q, her stun is an easy disengage and she has true damage. To make matters worse most irelias start flask 3 potions which makes it hard to out sustain her. If you make 1 mistake in this matchup or if you die once it could cost you the lane and the game because she will snowball out of control and destroy your team.I recommend going blade of the ruined king against Irelia because late game if you do not have extra chase she will stun you and run away until your ult runs out then kill you. With the extra chase from blade you can kill her. I also recommend taking ignite to ensure that you will win lane.

Some good tips against Irelia:
1: never fight when she has her W active
2. If she stuns you then backs off while you have E up go ham on her because she cant win trades without E.
3. Stay near the bushes she cant dash at you without vision so if she starts to engage on you spin into the bush
4. You need to ingite before she ults in fights because her ult heals so much.
5. If you lose versus irelia it is hard to come back. Try to keep her top lane but stay just out of reach that you dont die. Its better to keep the fed irelia top lane and off your team.

Start Long + pots and ignite RECOMMENDED
Dorans blade 5 pots if you take TP

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD

Jarvan is difficult early because his passive is strong and he has his annoying Q poke and will bu flask 3 potions. Go hydra this matchup. Just try to survive early and farm because if he kills you once you are gonna have a hard game so be sure not to die. You win after you get Tiamat. Tryo to dodge his EQ combo. If he misses it go ham on him. Lategame he is no match for you.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed or Scaling CDR
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD

Jax, a common pick versus Tryndamere. Whoever gets the first kill will win this matchup. You can go either blade of the ruined king or hydra against him. Hydra has more burst and the active goes through his counterattack. Blade of the Ruined king lets you chase him down when he tried to jump away. Either way, take ignite to ensure you win lane. A good tip is to always spin into the push when he starts his counterattack because he wont be able to jump after you. His counterattack is a longer cooldown than your spin so when it comes up again go ham on him. Don't get bursted down by his W ult Q combo without ulting, so remember to ult early if you are dueling to the death.

Start Long + Pots or Dorans 5 Pots if you take ignite.

Marks AD
Seals Flat Armor
Glyphs flat Magic Resist
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Karthus is a joke. Super easy. Go hydra and kick his *** and farm whole enemy jungle while you proxy the lane.

Start Long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
This is one of the easiest lanes for Tryndamere. Once you get any amount of lifesteal he can't kill you anymore. Shove him under tower with hydra because he is horrible at pushing. Proxy his wave if you can't kill him. Take his whole jungle too. His passive and Q shield are useless against you. This is a free lane for you. Don't worry if you can't kill him just keep outfarming him and shoving him into the tower. When you get strong enough just take down the tower while ignoring his negative damage he deals to you.

Start Long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
Annoying champion early because she can slow you and speed herself up. Towerdiving is a bit tricky because of her ult. The best build I found to be a ble to catch and kill Kayle is Blade of the ruined king + Ghostblade + Swiftness boots. Makes it a breeze to stick to her and beat her up. Just farm the best you can early and dont get harassed too bad. Try to spin on to her as her E is about to run out. Just click on her and pay attention to the E buff she has.

Start Long + pots

You can win this matchup without ignite so I like to take TP since its better lategame.

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
Very Hard Matchup for Tryndamere. Very difficult to kill kennen since He just can E away while stunning you and autoing you all the way back to your creepwave. If he is good the best you can do in lane is go even. If he sucks you can win. Dodge his Qs and don't get hit by too many autos. When he has his empowered auto attack up back off until he uses it on a minion. I like to take TP in this matchup and go hydra. If you can get behind his tower you can proxy him and take his whole jungle. That way you can avoid his stupid lane harass. Remember to buy wards or upgrade yellow trinket if you go the proxy route.

Start: Dorans shield 5 pots after doing camp level 1

Marks AD
Seals Flat Armor (he usually starts dorans blade)
Glyphs Flat Magic Resist
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Difficult early as lee sin has a lot of tools at his disposal. Easier after your first back. I recommend taking Blade of the Ruined king to deal with all of his escapes he has. Dodge his Qs and play passive early because you outscale him really fast. If you die early its super hard to come back. Remember to W if he lands a Q to make the rest of his combo not hurt as much. Once you get good at Trynd you can take TP against him and still win.

Start Long + pots or Dorans 5 potions if you take Teleport.

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD
Annoying early but easy after first back. Get Hydra against her for the clear since she clears fast as well. her snare is on a longer cooldown than your E so fight everytime you have your E up. Dodge her Qs. Don't get autoed too much so use bushes to your advantage. You can win this without ignite.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Health / lvl
Glyphs Flat Magic Resist
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Easy but annoying matchup for Tryndamere. She will run out of mana before she can ever kill you. Dodge her Qs, and don't get auto attacked too much. If she misses Q go ham on her. Watch out when towerdiving her because her ult not only gives her HP but it SLOWS in AOE around her. If you can't kill her just shove her into tower and force her to use mana. Hydra works pretty well against her since she clears well. You can win this matchup without ignite.

Start Teleport and Long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals Health / Level
Glyphs Magic Resist / Level or CDR / level
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Easy Early Hard Late. You can kill him early since he has no armor and he has no hard CC. Try to kill him before the first back. You have to go hydra against this guy since you will never be able to duel him later. The best way to deal with him if you can't kill him is so use your tiamat and perma push him into tower to force him to use mana to farm. Then proxy and take his jungle. Keep him in lane at all times and make sure if he leaves to take towers. He can't do much farm to you in lane. Remember merc treads are a must here.

Start TP and Long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
Hard Matchup for Tryndamere. He is tanky, his mana costs are low. He has a lot of hard CC. It is easy for him to score kills with his jungler on you. To top it off he has innate sustain with his passive. You have to go Hydra for the clear to force him to use mana to farm. Try to dodge his Qs. Ward your lane well since it is very easy for maokai to score kills off of ganks. Try to kill him early while he is still squishy. If not its going to be a farm lane for most of the game. If you don't win early just proxy and farm jungle so you can hit your late game items faster. Ignite helps for winning lane.

Start Ignite long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Health / lvl
Glyphs Magic Resist / level
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Super easy matchup for Tryndamere since master Yi is squishy and your W makes his damage negative. Early game he will beat you pretty bad. Just play passive AND DON't GET BAITED BY HIS W. After your first back you beat him. Remember to use your W when he uses his Q and try not to fight him head on when his E is on early. At level 6 you win for the rest of the game. Both Hydra and BOTRK work against him either way it doesn't matter because you can't slow him while he is ulting.

You can win this matchup without Ignite.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed or Scaling CDR
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD
Morde is a not too bad in top. It gets hard to calculate your damage to him because of his shield. He is super weak early so fight every time your E is up. Get Hydra against this guy. My bes tadvice versus morde is to try to zone him from minions so he cant get shield and to not fight him in minion waves because he will get shield easily. You also outscale him hard and will easily kill him late game. Its pretty hard in my experience to calculate your towerdives versus him because of the shield his ult gives and his Q and W and E. He has no CC so he should never kill you. Just outfarm him and tell, your jungle to come tower dive with you because morde has no escapes.

You can win this matchup without ignite.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Health / Level
Glyphs Magic Resist / Level
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Easy Early Hard Late. You can kill him early since he has no armor and he has no hard CC. Try to kill him before the first back. You have to go hydra against this guy since you will never be able to duel him later. The best way to deal with him if you can't kill him is so use your tiamat and perma push him into tower to force him to use mana to farm. Then proxy and take his jungle. Keep him in lane at all times and make sure if he leaves to take towers. He can't do much farm to you in lane. Remember merc treads are a must here.

I recommend ignite so you can win early.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Armor / Level
Glyphs Scaling CDR
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Cancer champion but thankfully she is easy to play against in top lane. Go blade of the ruined king against her since she is cancer and has a lot of mobility. You can take teleport in this matchup because you do not need ignite to win. Dodge spears and when her spear is down E into her and go ham. You outscale her super hard so don't die early.

Start Long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
Nunu is freelo boys just like shen and rammus. Take TP in this matchup because you can win without ignite. Go hydra. Nunu is garbage at pushing since he is all single target damage. When you get tiamat just push him to turret. Walk past turret and proxy and take his whole jungle. There is nothing he can do to stop you. He has no damage and no waveclear. Just outfarm him and force him to stay top. Dive him when you can. If he leaves lane get free towers.

Start Long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
very volatile matchup. if he gets a kill on you you will lose the matchup for the next 15 minutes. Careful of his early damge damage. He will max Q against you and if you don't dodge his Axe he will chase you back to your tower with them. You have to go BOTRK against this matchup because his passive and W gives him a lot of attackspeed. Survive until you get cutlass and play passive unless he misses an Axe. If he misses an axe you can fight him. Once you get cutlass you can beat him and you outscale him hard. I recommend taking Ignite since he heals a lot with his W.

Start long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Armor / Level
Glyphs Attack speed
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Common "counter to tryndamere" He actually isnt that bad if you know the matchup. If you start Doran's shield 5 potions and take Tp and start a camp at level 1 he will run out of mana before he can ever kill you. Even if he starts flask and a mana potion he will still run out of mana. Just use your W and bait his Q everytime your W comes up and use your Q when you can. When he gets low on mana build Fury and kill him. Rinse and Repeat. You outscale him as well so no need to play overly aggressive early. You only need to go even with him. He is also super easy to gank since he has no escapes so ask for jungler help.

Start Teleport and Dorans shield 5 potions

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed
Quints: x3 Armor
Easy matchup. But she is suprisingly strong early levels since her W gives armor and damage and her passive reduces her damage by 50%. Take ignite because true damage ignores her passive. Also get Hydra because she is terrible at pushing and you can perma push to tower and harass under tower or even proxy and take their whole jungle. Careful for her ult burst and don't get baited under tower because remember her passive reduces the damage you deal by a lot.

Start long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Armor / Level
Glyphs Magic Resist / level
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
This matchup is really hard if she plays correctly but it isn't as hard as vayne. Tryndamere just doesnt have the tools to win lane against her since her whole kit is built to win 1v1s. Best you can do is get TP and get dorans shield 5 pots. Go blade of the ruined king or you will have 0 chance to win. Ask for jungler help. If she uses her blind without you engaging or uses her E to harass go ham on her. Back off when the harrier passive is on you or it will do a lot of damage to you. Later in the game it will be possible to 1v1 her. Especially if you buy a Quick Silver Sash for the blind.

Start Dorans shield 5 pots

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed or Scaling CDR
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD
Rammus is just like shen only easier. Rammus is freelo boys. Take TP in this matchup because you can win without ignite. Go hydra. Rammus is garbage at pushing since he is all single target damage besides his ult. When you get tiamat just push him to turret. Walk past turret and proxy and take his whole jungle. There is nothing he can do to stop you. He has no damage and no waveclear. Just outfarm him and force him to stay top. If he leaves get free towers.

Start Long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
Cancer champion like nidalee. Her knockup makes it hard to engage on her. Need to go hydra to match her waveclear and sustain. If she builds full armor its a really annoying matchup. Just dodge her burrowed Q early and try to keep her from gaining fury off minions by zoning. You can kill hr early just full rage bar and go ham. Remember to use your W whenever she tries to use her combo on you. Also another good tip is to check the top lane bushes to make sure she does not have any hiding in there because if she burrows from one bush to the other its invisible from outside the bush.

Start Long + pots TAKE IGNITE

Marks AD
Seals Armor / Level
Glyphs Attack speed
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
hard Machup for Tryndamere. His kit is made for him to win lane and Tryndamere is weak early. You have to go Hydra in this matchup and take Teleport because it is very hard to kill him in lane early. You outscale him but surviving can be hard. Play passive and sustain and wait till you get your items. Use your W whenever he is going to combo you as it will drasticly reduce his damage. Also I max W second in this matchup because then he deals negative damage. Once you get tiamat you can try to fight him.

Start Dorans shield 5 pots and take TP.

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Armor
Quints: x3 Armor
Rengar is super hard before your first back and he usually takes exhaust. You need to not get level 2 cheesed early or you will have a hard time. If you can survive till 6 you win for the rest of the game. Once you start beating him he will look to roam so Hydra is best against him for fast pushing and easy towers. Hydra forces him to stay in lane and not get kills all over the map. Get a pink ward for when you try to kill him because he will ult away when you all in him. In lane just ward the bush he is sitting in so you can see what he is going to do and back off when he has 5 stacks.

I recommend taking TP and starting Dorans blade 5 potions so you don't get cheesed early

Marks AD
Seals Armor / lvl
Glyphs Attack Speed or CDR / level
Quints x2 Armor x1 Flat AD
Riven is probably the most fun matchup for me as it is completely a skill based matchup. Tryndamere does have a slight advantage though. Rules to live by when facing Riven:
1. Never get hit by the 3rd Q as it knocks you up and she gets free damage
2. When she first hits level 6 NEVER trade unless you have your spin up so when she ults you can spin away to safety.
3. When riven's shield wears off is the time to go in and go ham. When she dashes away use W to slow and go in.
4. Hydra rush ensures you wont lose trades.
5. Max W second if you are having trouble and if not then max E second.
6. Always use W if she is going to combo you as she scales totally on AD so you reduce her damage a lot.

Enjoy your new Riven counter :)

Start long + pots
This matchup is not too hard. I recommend going hydra against him for the waveclear since rumble is pretty bad at farming in general so you can make him miss a lot of cs by just pushing. you want to look to spin on to him just as his flamesplitter is 75% done. Because once you spin on him he will turn around to run while his flamespitter is still on so the last 25% of it will not hurt you. Then his spell will be on cooldown for a few seconds while you beat him up. then run away before flamespitter is back up. Rinse and repeat until he is dead. NEVER TRADE WHEN HE IS OVERHEATED. His autoattacks will destroy you while he is overheated. SO make sure to pay attention to where his heat bar is at. You outscale him super hard. Rumble is a good early and mid game champion but he is awful late game because his damage is all over time. So if you can shut him down early the game will be a breeze.

You can win this matchup without ingite so take TP

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Health / level
Glyphs Magic Resist / level
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Sorry guys no info on this matchup since his rework since he is always banned. ADC Green told me just fight after his passive ends or if he has 0 stacks. Thats all the info I have for you.

Start Teleport and Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Health / Lvl
Glyphs Flat Magic Resist
Quints x2 Attack Speed X1 Flat AD
Shen is freelo boys. Take TP in this matchup because you can win without ignite. Go hydra. Shen is garbage at pushing since he is all single target damage. When you get tiamat just push him to turret. Walk past turret and proxy and take his whole jungle. There is nothing he can do to stop you. He has no damage and no waveclear. Just outfarm him and force him to stay top. If he leaves get free towers.

Start Long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
Not a hard matchup as long as she doesn't take TP smite.You should be able to zone her pretty early. Just don't fight when her W is up and dodge her E. You can win this matchup without ignite so I recommend going Hydra first item. Careful Diving under tower at 6 because of her ult.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Armor / Level
Glyphs Magic Resist / Level
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Annoying matchup. He will proxy you level 1-3 and sit between your turrets. Don't even bother going to hit him. Just let him do his thing and try not to miss CS under tower. You beat him when he is actually in lane so he will proxy a lot. You need Blade of the Ruined King to be able to kill him because it gives you more chase and you need to take ignite so his ult heals less. Don't chase in the poison for too long. ALWAYS GET MERC TREADS VS SINGED.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Health / Level
Glyphs Magic Resist / Level
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
He is pretty tanky and is a good lane bully. However, he is immobile and all his skills are dodgable. Whenever he tries to use his Q on you spin behind him and unleash hell on him for trying to hit you. His W shield is easy to break for you. The best part is he will build full tank which means at some point in the game he won't be able to ever kill you. Build Hydra because you don't need Ignite to win this. Also take TP

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Armor / Level
Glyphs Magic Resist / Level
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Difficult matchup early. Swain is a good lane bully and he excels at killing 1 person because of his Q. Back off when his Q is on you because it amplifies all damage EVEN HIS AUTO ATTACKS. Spin way when he uses his slowing bird on you. You need Blade of the Ruined king and ignite for this matchup because swain heals a lot. Ask for jungler help since he has no escapes.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Health / Level
Glyphs Flat Magic Resist
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Cancer champion. The only way you will be able to win this matchup is to kill him early. Take ignite and go for blade of the ruined king. Try to level 2 cheese him or kill him soon after. If you manage to kill him then you should be able to snowball it in your favor. Remember to upgrade red trinket at level 9 so you can DSABLE HIS TRAPS Yes disable means you can walk over them and they will not slow or hurt you. It helps a lot when 1v1ing him. If he uses his Q to blind you without you engaging spin on him and punish him for blinding you early.

All in all teemos should win this sorry guys.

Start Dorans shield 5 Potions take TP and start a camp level 1.

Marks AD
Seals Flat Armor
Glyphs Flat Magic Resist
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Not too hard of a matchup. Don't fight him level 1 because he can steal your AD with his Q and he out damages you. Take ignite and Blade of the Ruined king because you need the chase with blade and ignite stops his healing. After you get cutlass you should win. Just black off when he uses his W because his skills cost a lot of mana.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed or Scaling CDR
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD
Difficult at first but not so bad once you get cutlass. Urgot is tanky and he is a good lane bully. Play passive early and do your best to survive. You outscale him hard. Remember to use your W when he lands his E so his auto hit Qs do less damage. You need Blade of the ruined king for the chase but I recommend TP so you can do a camp level 1 and come to lane with dorans shield 5 pots.

Start Dorans shield + 5 pots

Marks Ad
Seals Armor / Level
Glyphs Armor or Scaling CDR
Quints x2 Armor x1 Flat AD
This matchup is almost impossible to win if he plays correctly. Tryndamere just doesnt have the tools to win lane against her since her whole kit is built to win 1v1s. Best you can do is get TP and get dorans shield 5 pots. Go blade of the ruined king or you will have 0 chance to win. Ask for jungler help.

Start Dorans shield 5 pots

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed or Scaling CDR
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD
Not hard early but if he kills you or goes even with you he becomes a problem. He scales just as well as tryndamere and does better in teamfights. Also his pool + zhonyas is the same duration of your ult so makes it very hard to kill him. Go ignite + blade of the ruined king. Fight whenever your E is up because he will pool as sooon as you E on him. But his cooldown of his W is twice as long as your E cooldown so you will be able to damage him the second time.

Start Long + pots

Marks AD
Seals Health / Level
Glyphs Flat Magic Resist
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Wukong is a bit tricky. His cooldowns are much lower than yours and his W makes it hard to trade against him. Fight him early since he will have no W. Make sure that if he dashes on you you that you use your W so he does less damage. Buy a pink when you can and destroy him once you buy cutlass. You should win for the rest of the game after cutlass.

Start Long + pots if you take ignite
Start Dorans blade + 5 pots if you go TP

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD
Annoying champion. Hard to hit him since he is constantly dashing. He beats you up pre 6 but once you get your tiamat he is no match for your damage. Just survive early and farm the best you can. Make sure to back off when he has 3 Q stacks so you don't get hit by the tornado. You can also sidestep his normal Q if you get good at it. Once you get tiamat just W slow him and beat him up for free wins in solo Q.

Start Long + pots if you take ignite
Start Dorans blade + 5 pots if you take TP (Recommended)

Marks AD
Seals armor / level
Glyphs Attack Speed or Scaling CDR
Quints: x2 Armor x1 AD
Yorik is rarely played anymore but he still is pretty strong in lane. Survive until you get tiamat and don't try to fight him too much. Remember that the bushes break his ghoul aggro so use that to your advantage. When you get tiamat just clear the waves as fast as you can and force him to use mana to farm and he will quickly run out. You should be able to kill him if you play it correctly as well.

I recommend taking Tp

Start Long + pots after starting a camp level 1.

Marks AD
Seals Armor / Level
Glyphs Magic Resist / Level
Quints x2 Attack Speed x1 Flat AD
Hard lane if you go blade of the ruined king since he can farm while dealing damage to you. Easy if you go hydra so you can clear fast while killing him. Take ignite if you want but you can win with teleport. Easy to fight early but he will just stay back with low HP and heal off his blobs. Hard to kill early just outfarm him. Once you get tiamat its pretty easy. If you can't kill him just proxy and take his whole jungle.

Start long + pots

Marks: AD
Seals: Health / Level
Glyphs: Magic resist / level
Quints: x2 Attack speed X1 AD
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Early Game


If you took ignite: Start longsword 3 potions. You can also wait on the tip of the shop area for a 4th potion but you will miss the gold from the first minion that hits lane. You will not miss the exp but you will miss being able to set up the lane for level 2 cheese. As soon as the minions hit eat other rush to kill the first 2 minions then freeze if you can to ensure you hit level 2 first. Remember that in order to hit level 2, 7 minions must die. So the whole first wave and the first minion of the second wave will make you level 2. To go for the cheese, when the first minion of the second wave is about to die spin through it onto your enemy, level up your Q and go Ham and hopefully get a flash so you can kill them later. This will give you a huge lane advantage.

If you are going hydra start the wolf camp KIL THE SMALL MINIONS FIRST FOR MORE FURY. Buy a longsword 4 pots and a rejuv bead If you are going blade of the ruined king buy longsword 5 pots and a ward if you wish. Start either wolves or wraiths buy kill small minions first. If you are versus a hard early lane like rengar or riven you can go dorans blade 5 potions. If you are versus a hard ranged champion like Quinn Cassiopeia or pantheon get dorans shield 5 pots.

Every lane matchup is different and is hard to explain in words how to play them. But remember try to only fight when you have a lot of fury and they do not have a lot of minions because without crits you will lose most trades. Don't get into the habit of hoping or expecting for a crit to win. This is a bad habit. If you have full fury only calculate that you will crit 1 time during an all in to be safe.
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Mid Game

Mid game usually is defined when the first tower fall and everyone starts to not be in lane as much. For you however, this does not apply unless you have teleport. Now is a good time to explain when to take the enemy tower.

Q: When do I take the enmy tower?

A: When you are losing always take tower. Also against tanks like Maokai take tower ASAP if you are going even in lane since it is super easy to gank for tanks and they are hard to towerdive.

Q: When should I not take tower then?

A: You should not take tower when winning lane. It is best to if possible, zone your opponent from lane, and allow the enemy tower to kill the minions. The tower killing your minions makes it impossible for your enemy laner to get gold and experience causing them to be further and further behind (they also feel like quitting the game.)

After you take tower you should continue to always be pushing a lane. Upgrade your trinket and try to take the whole enemy jungle. Push down tier 2 turret when you get the chance. Pretty soon the enemy jungler and mid will come to try to ruin your day. This is why you have upgraded yellow trinket so you can see it coming. Tell your team to go to baron / dragon / push down mid when 2 or more people come for you. If you have teleport look to teleport in when 2 people come for you to help take a tower or baron.

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Late Game

Continue to push down lanes. Tell your team to set up at baron and when 2 people come for you to take baron or push down a tier 3 turret. IT IS IMPORTANT YOU DO NOT DIE AT THIS POINT OF THE GAME. Your job is to apply pressure at their tier 3 turrets and be super annoying so they BabyRage.

If you manage to get a tier 3 turret the game is usually over because that is the hardest part for tryndamere. Take the inhib when you can while ignoring your enemy laner if they are a tank. If they are a squishy kill them or force them to back and take the inhib.

Once you get your first inhib down rotate to another inhib and repeat what you did before. The enemy team will have to send people to defend their base while you or your team get the second inhib. Repeat until all 3 inhibs are down and you win.

Remember to keep warding with your upgraded yellow trinket when it is up and keep telling your team to group and not come to your lane. If they start fighting and you can make it in time, try to cleanup the fight since at this point you can 2 shot people.
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When teamfighting as Tryndamere, unless you are really fed, you should never be going in first in a 5v5. You should always be cleanup crew. The reason for this is you are a squishy champion and your weakness is being kited and hard CC. Therefore, it is better to try to flank the other team after the fight has already broken out so the other team has already used some of their CC. Alternatively, you can teleport into a fight and clean up the fight which is what I prefer.

You always want to go for the most fed person on their team. Play like an assassin. always check who you need to focus down first in the fight. THIS MEANS DON'T GO FOR THEIR ADC IF THEIR ADC IS FEEDING AND NOT A THREAT.

Once you ult and have to spin out you may want to stick around your adc and use your W to help peel / reduce the other teams damage a bit just don't die trying!

If the other team has a lot of CC EX: Morgana, nautilus dont even bother teamfighting as you will just get CCed to death. Play the map and splitpush and try not to teamfight.
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My Tryndamere Playstyle

My playstyle of Tryndamere is very similar to how Koreans play Tryndamere. Whether I take Hydra or Blade of the Ruined king I have the same mentality. If I can't kill my enemy laner, I try to follow this pattern:

Farm wave -> Farm Krugs/gromp on my side -> Farm wave -> Farm enemy gromp/krugs -> Farm wave.

If you have tiamat you can proxy the enmy laner by going behind there tower and following this pattern

-> farm wave -> farm krugs/gromp -> farm wave -> farm wolves/Raptors -> farm wave

Get the enemy buff when you can and it is a good idea to upgrade yellow trinket as soon as possible. League of Legends is not all about kills. 17 CS is = to 1 kill of gold. If you can just outfarm your opponent you will be much stronger than them. But by all means if you can kill your opponent please do so :)

If you have teleport also be sure to let your bot lane know when you have teleport up and tell them to deep ward so you can teleport in for a play. It is very important when taking teleport to be conscious of the map especially lategame. Late game you do not need to watch yourself farm a minion wave. Instead use the attack move command and use it far down the lane. This way your champion will keep attacking anything in your path until you reach the destination. That way you can watch the rest of the map for the perfect TP play!
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Tryndamere in Other Roles

Can tryndamere be played in other roles besides top? **** yes he can. Tryndamere is the best champion in the game. As such, he can be played in any role. Here are some videos of me playing ranked and winning with Tryndamere in other roles. All videos are diamond + except for the ADC Trynd game which was platinum I Elo.

ADC Tryndamere:

Support Tryndamere:

Jungle Tryndamere:

Mid Tryndamere: WIP
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Tips and Tricks

Teleport does not interrupt your ultimate. You can ult and then Tp away to safety if you are going to die. MAKE SURE THEY USED ALL THEIR HARD CC FIRST: Video example:

You can flash mid spin on to your opponent which will instantly do the spin damage and gives your opponent less time to react than flashing and then spinning. This is a very important skill to master Video example: COMING SOON

You can scout bushes and check for invisible opponents around you by watching your W on your skills bar.
Video Example:
It only lights up if there is a champion in range but does not light up if no one is around you. You do not need vision to be able to use this skill so you never have to facecheck a bush as tryndamere :)

The best way to harass opponents under tower is to autoattack them and spin away. But make sure the spin hits them or else it is not as effective. This way you can get free damage without the turret hitting you.
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How I improved at League of Legends

The best way to improve is to watch high level streams of people who main the champion you want to play. The reasoning is because you can learn every matchup and learn build paths against certain matchups that may not be obvious. I watched Boxerpete and played 100s of games of Tryndamere before I could play him at a diamond level. I am by no means the best but I am in the top 20 Tryndamere's in NA. I have an interactive stream and am always reading the chat. I love what you guys bring and what idea you all have. Come watch some Tryndamere Domination!

My streams link is:

Elo Graph of me getting to Diamond II 97 LP:

My three accounts are Jáýce TastyPotatox Multisurgeon

Thank you for reading
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