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Ability Order
New Destiny (PASSIVE)
Graves Passive Ability
I am Currently at Diamond V And i Main Jungle because i think junglers can impact the game
a lot with their ganks in the early game with their smites on important objectives.
I like Graves and i play it everytime in my smurf account because of the damage you can bring to the table while being somewhat tanky he is a bruiser can be played as an ad carry even a top laner.
Lets start with the Resolve tree.
unyieding gives that bonus armor and magic resist which helps me not to get killed in the fights.
Explorer for the movement speed i get to get to the lanes faster
Runic Armor it increases my hp regen and the most important is the lifesteal which i will need a lot in synergy with deaths dance
Insight for faster cd time on smite and flash to use red smite more often and burn the enemys much more frequent
Swiftness for the tenacity which reduces their cc and slow reduction for me to chase them quickly
Strength of the Ages for me is the go to mastery because of the fact that is gives you flat 300 hp when you complete to stack the its passive and when its maxed it gives you hp when you kill a large monster and a cannon minion for me it helps a lot like when your being killed you smite the cannon minion for the Strength of the Ages heal then win the fight that feels good hahaha. Now i do consider Thunderlord's Decree for the burst damage that Graves can give but most of my games we lack a beefy frontline thats why i get the strength of the ages for the hp and Warlord's Bloodlust helps too i think for the lifesteal + deaths dance which makes you unkillable but like i said most of the time in my games maybe in your games too you need the hp to not get killed and do the damage needed for the fight
Sorcery for the End of the Line damage and the Collateral Damage this mastery gives more damage to these two important skills to burst the enemy
Expose Weakness in short when you damage an enemy your teammates deal more damage it helps when your targeting someone when you hit that guy your teammates deal more damage to that guy resulting to a kill
Vampirism for the lifesteal which is very important and the spellvamp for those who dont know what spellvamp is its when you damage an enemy with your skills the damage you deal heals you
Oppressor to secure the kill for the team for example a garen got stunned by an ashe Enchanted Crystal Arrow it stuns them and your team deals more damage to garen because he is stunned so you guys can secure the kill much faster
Skirmisher's Sabre - Warrior Helps with the damage reduction active plus the burn. It helps dueling and finishing of an oponent. Graves need the damage reduction for him to 1v1 an oponent plus the extra damage from the burn securing to win graves the fight in my opinion this is the best smite unlike Stalker's Blade it only has an active that slows and damages an enemy it doesnt have that much damage to an enemy and the slow is decent while the Tracker's Knife i will consider this because of the pro players almost all of them buy it because we need vision to counter jungle to see where the enemy is but im not the type to ward i leave it to my support and i get the vision ward and the blue ward i think thats enough to ward the map
Mercury's Treads I buy this because of the tenacity. Tenacity helps a lot because it lowers the duration of the enemy's cc for example someone stuns me well tenacity reduces the time im being stunned.
Death's Dance Is a must get item for Graves because of the lifesteal you get is so powerful like your q heals a lot with the ultimate plus the autoattack damage you have it also reduces the damage the enemy deals to you and turns it to bleed.
Phantom Dancer Another must get item for Graves because of the attack speed for faster reload time and per hit time plus the crit chance which helps with the burst but the most important part is the last enemy you hit reduces the damage that enemy deals to you lets say your dueling a jax when you hit jax with the phantom dancer jax damage is reduces plus you have attack speed and crit which helps you duel an enemy
Sterak's Gage I get this because of the hp i get i feel like im so squishy always thats why i go health per level runes because graves needs to survive to deal damage to the fight with the added small amount ad to help. And the shield you get the shield is important to survive the fight and it adds more damage too the active has a nice cooldown so it can be used a lot and can save your life
Maw of Malmortius is an item most pro players get i dont understand why this is a priority than phantom dancer of deaths dance but it is a nice item with the added armor pen plus attack damage and magic resistance it helps to survive with the added shield that blocks only magic damage
End of the Line Is the first you must max because this is the main burst damage youll need to kill the enemy
note = you need to hit the wall any wall you just have to stick it to a wall for it to do more damage
Smoke Screen The last i max because it doesnt help much if you max it. It has an ap ratio not an ad ratio but it does help a lot when your ganking it blinds the enemy like quinn it shortens the vision of the enemy for you to gank almost undetectable it does have a long range so it is nice to gank with
note = when you gank you use this first to blind the enemy and it slows them too for you to advance and hit them
Quickdraw is a nice skill for mobility to kite with it helps too for the stats it gives when you use it often it stacks 4 times when you hit it lowers the cooldown of quickdraw so you can you see often when you hit a lot
note = hit as much as you can so the cooldown lowers
note = you use it as much as you can for more armor and magic resistance to stack up
note = when using it be sure to hit and enemy first then use it so theres 2 bullets. You hit and enemy then whats left is 1 bullet when you use Quickdraw it gives an additional bullet so the 1 bullet refills to 2 bullets like before so the total hits you can do is 3 bullets but when you use it after you hit 2 times while reloading it just gives an additional bullet but it reloads again in short you need to use it in between
HIT - QUICKDRAW - HIT = 3 bullets then always remember this because this is IMPORTANT
Collateral Damage Is the SNIPER skill it has a very damn long range for you to snipe the enemy it really helps to burst and enemy down with the q r combo you do immense damage
note = using r knocks you back it can be used through short walls like nidalee's jump
note = use this as a finisher for me i use it to secure an enemy that got away with low hp
I ussually for the full clear always because of the money i get and exp with graves sustain i can do it just fine just remember to keep using quickdraw or E.
Blue start : Gromp/Frog - Blue buff - Wolves - Wraiths - Red buff - Golems - Top / Mid Gank.
Red start : Golems - Red buff - Wraiths - Wolves - Blue buff - Gromp - Bot / Mid Gank.
Note = I usually smite the Gromp and Golems almost always for the returned damage and the stun on the monsters to clear the jungle faster.
Blue start : Gromp/Frog - Blue buff - Wolves - Wraiths - Red buff - Golems - Top / Mid Gank.
Red start : Golems - Red buff - Wraiths - Wolves - Blue buff - Gromp - Bot / Mid Gank.
Note = I usually smite the Gromp and Golems almost always for the returned damage and the stun on the monsters to clear the jungle faster.
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