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Hello Everyone, It's hotsaw here, and thank you for reading this guide! This is my first guide on mobafire so if you see anything that can improve, please feel free to tell me! Please don't downvote this guide if you have not tried it or have yet to prove why it is bad. And if you can prove that this guide is bad, please tell me so then i can improve it. The reason why I'am making this guide is because i recently have a friend joined LOL and so i want to help her get better so i made this guide! My background is that I've been playing top lane/jungle for a while now, but i usually go assassins top. But what I've notice is that assassins are easy to kill, and it is fairly hard for them to kill a tank. So i changed my play style, to playing tanks, so i can be more useful late game. Out of all of the tank champions i have, i liked Shen the most, so I made this guide to share with my friends and people of this community! |
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Pros+Great sustain with Vorpal Blade. + Feint will block alot damage in lane. +Global pressur with Stand United +Great late game champion. +Uses energy. +A Flipin' ninja that can take hits! |
Cons-"O.K" damage output. -Won't deals much damage in team fight. -Miss Shadow Dash will make you lose a lot of energy. -Build is costly. - Stand United is on high cd at rank 1. |
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Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration- Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration Is recommended because shen deals alot of damage by basic attack, but also from his passive, Ki Strike and his Vorpal Blade which both deals magic damage. So Hybrid runes are the best idea to go!
- You can replace Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration with Greater Mark of Armor Penetration For some armor penetrate so your basic attacks deals some more damage.
- Greater Mark of Magic Penetration If you want to use your Vorpal Blade and Ki Strike more.
- If you have trouble cs'ing as shen, try Greater Mark of Attack Damage. But i reccomend using Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration since they works fairly well with shen's laning kit.
- The normal seal that i usually use for most top laners is Greater Seal of Armor. Since it gives good ammount of armor to block some damage early game from other AD top laner.
- You can try switching Greater Seal of Armor for Greater Seal of Scaling Armor if you know that you will lane up with AP caster like Vladimir for more armor later on into the game.
- Greater Glyph of Magic Resist is normally good in most cases. Since if you are able to go roam at some point or using your ult( Stand United ) to an AP lane, this will be useful!
- You can try to swap out Greater Glyph of Magic Resist with Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction if the enemy team does is an AD comp. team so you can spam more Feint, Shadow Dash and Vorpal Blade during laning phase.
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