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Close to literally unbeatable. Your only chance to survive and play this lane is heavy jungle assistance and sacrificing all your early damage for a Tabi+Bramble rush. Otherwise you're gonna have a terrible time.
Vastly superior earlygame, and your chance of winning against her in a melee battle is extremely low. You can scale in the Mid game against her, but her sheer early power is extremely hard to deal with.
Low skillfloor, insane armor stacking and enables any jungler to successfully camp you as long as his ultimate is Up. You NEED both Cleaver and Serylda to even breathe against him post Laning phase.
Generally destroys all melee champions with her Miasma, and her E spam.
Extremely hard to deal with, however with proper lane positioning you can answer her barrage of nonesense and might go even or favorable.
Hardcore skill matchup. Requires extremely on-point reactions to deal with her, but you can outplay her Shroud with your AOE Qs if aimed and timed correctly.
You have superior range, however Darius has way higher melee kill range. Make sure to kite properly with your EQ combos, with that way he will way less of an issue.
Extremely annoying in laning phase, however you can exploit his build in delays and natural slow nature by being a tank. Highly recommend Serylda and Cleaver if you want to deal damage to him Late, his scaling is really strong.
It's all about the mindgame and who can provoke the other's cooldowns out. Make sure to position backwards any time he's about to engage you with E+Cyclone combo
Extremely easy at early laning, becomes more difficult after he gets access to Seeker, Tabi and Bramble. Also scales rather well into Mid game, make sure to not commit fights that aren't guaranteed win.
Hard matchup if played poorly, even to easy if you properly kite and position well with your EQ combos and respect his Q resets and melee damage
His CC chain is incredibly strong, so keeping distance and constant poking is your play
Unlike Darius, he has no easy access crowd control to bring you to his kill range, so that makes him an easy target to your bullying. Same thing applies to him that applies to Mordekaiser, he can scale well so don't get cocky and take poor trades and fights.
His immobile nature makes him yet another easy target for your bullying. However his CC chain is incredibly strong, be sure to dodge his Q properly
Really easy to beat in laning phase, and isn't as apparent of a problem with tank items like Malphite and Ornn is. Still hardly advice getting at least Cleaver, but more so both Cleaver and Serylda.
One of the most overrated matchups. You can easily trash her with proper EQ management
Arguably the easiest matchup you have. Vlad's range and earlygame damage simply isnt enough for him to do anything other than constantly back out with his Pool or beg for Jungle assistance
Basically applies Jesus mode whenever she attaches to you. Extremely valuable movement speed and heal bursts along with a sizeable damage bonus thanks to her W
Great teamfight support with his ultimate to provide you an easy setup for Qs
Not as extreme as Yuumi, but does her job as an enchanter fine.
Almost as consistent and insanely valueable as Yuumi. Incredibly high sustain provided, a general great pick for him
Good teamfight enabler just like Amumu
Insanely valuable ganker and provides a disgusting CC chain with your combos.
Basically applies Jesus mode whenever she attaches to you. Extremely valuable movement speed and heal bursts along with a sizeable damage bonus thanks to her W
Great teamfight support with his ultimate to provide you an easy setup for Qs
Not as extreme as Yuumi, but does her job as an enchanter fine.
Almost as consistent and insanely valueable as Yuumi. Incredibly high sustain provided, a general great pick for him
Good teamfight enabler just like Amumu
Insanely valuable ganker and provides a disgusting CC chain with your combos.
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