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Recommended Items
Runes: Resolve (tank/mixed)
+10% Attack Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
Tahm Kench
A bit of a problem since he can negate your ECA every time if he knows what he's doing.
Vayne is a prime example of ADC's that go well with Ashe support, since you both shine in the mid-late game and she is manouverable enough to keep herself alive somewhat since you can only give her "soft-peel" (hard-peel would be Janna/Nami/etc).
Vayne is a prime example of ADC's that go well with Ashe support, since you both shine in the mid-late game and she is manouverable enough to keep herself alive somewhat since you can only give her "soft-peel" (hard-peel would be Janna/Nami/etc).
Champion Build Guide
At time of writing (patch 11.6 release) the game is so horribly broken and unbalanced there is no point in writing (or reading) a guide, especially for an off-meta pick. Games are a coinflip right now (at least in silver/gold elo), skill does not matter as roughly 8 out of 10 games are decided by "who has the most broken champs". Of the remaining 2 games, at most 1 is decided by the best player in the match....and the other(s) are decided by the worst feeder. Maybe some sense will return to Rito and I'll get to update these sometime, untill then so long...

Welcome to the third installment of "quick and dirty off meta supports" (check out the rest of the series, including ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So what are we gonna talk about? We'll have a short discussion about the mindset behind this build and then we'll go through some Ashe specific gameplay. That's it, quick & dirty. GL;HF and see you on the Rift :) -DutchWolf PS. If you just want to know the build and start playing (or, you know, if you got auto-filled and panic picked), scroll back up. Got most of the items, abilities, etc. explained in the notes. Give that a read and you should be good to go. P.PS. Yes, all the chapter titles are based on Ashe's VO lines....sorry 'bout that. |

Before we go into anything about

Eventually I got bored with this and started to play weird off-meta stuff to see what I could get away with. Since I was an ADC main at the time this led to a few interesting (and very successful) games as

This is probably as good a place as any for a shout-out, the first guide I read for my first main was jhoijhoi's Ashes to Ashes, which was and still is quite excellent.

So, like I said, we're gonna skip all the where to ward, how to trade, etc. stuff and just focus on what makes

Most of the items on the cheat sheet should be familiar to you as they are the generic support / tank items, all of which have a specific application. There are some that may appear odd on

Let me repeat that for clarity's sake: SLOW. DO. NOT. STACK. This used to be the case, you could get

With that out of the way, let's quickly go through the core-ish items. There are a lot of options right now, and what you pick for your runes and mythic really affects your further build path. You'll want to have a general idea of which path you're gonna take in champ select so you can adjust runes accordingly. |
So, basically there's two routes to go with building our ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There's a third path however: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I could probably write a short book about this, but that wouldn't be quick (I'd probably make it dirty tho). So for this mini-guide we'll focus on three aspects of

All about dat Arrow

1) Initiate a fight
2) Turn a fight
3) Disengage a fight

Always take the high ground
Understanding when you are strong and where you should be is vital to playing Ashe support. At level one we start of decently, thanks to our

Reveal what is hidden.
Vision wins games. As a support main you should be well aware of that fact, but I recon it bears repeating anyway. When played as an ADC, Ashe's

If you are reading this: thanks for going all the way through, please leave a like if you liked or a comment if you have any suggestions. I hope it has been obvious that I'm being half-serious in this guide. Honestly, as much as I love playing it....

So don't let the meta stop you, it's time to head out to the Rift and have fun,
Thanks for reading,
PS. If you are looking for more off-meta stuff check out my other guides here.

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