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Annie Build Guide by megamorf

AP Carry Annie APC---Tasty stuns. How to make enemy bot ragequit.

AP Carry Annie APC---Tasty stuns. How to make enemy bot ragequit.

Updated on August 19, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author megamorf Build Guide By megamorf 7,951 Views 0 Comments
7,951 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author megamorf Annie Build Guide By megamorf Updated on August 19, 2013
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Hello there. This is my Annie AP carry guide.

I wanted to show how good Annie in role of AP carry at bot. Cause she's AWESOME.

And remember main part of Annie plays is burst and stuns.
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Let's start with runes.

These are just awesome when you want to BURN your enemies.
It gives you a lot of burst, so you want to have these really hard.

Since you are at bot, your opponent will be ADC. And he will deal AD DMG. So you want to be protected from this and you take Greater Seal of Armor with you.

You need to be really tanky in mid, late game. So these will provide you a lot of MR at 18.

Also you would like to have some insta AP to have more burst on enemy adc.


I pick those cause I don't like to buy boots on Annie cause even with boots she can't escape bad situations.

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With these masteries we get pretty good damage from spells and some mana regen.
Here it's pretty simple AP dmg masteries.

Expanded Mind is very usefull cause it gives you mana which stacks with Arch staff.

You want those cause you will bring Ignite with yourself and it'll give you some extra AP and AD.

You would like to use as more Flash as possible with your stuns. Cause of surprise element it gives when you land your stun after it.

If your cooldowns are lower, you can get more stuns and more burst. Some CDR will help.
Since you want to have a lot of burst and oftenly your target will be low health it'll provide you some burst on enemies.
This one provides EXTREMELY a lot of AP. Very usefull.
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Pros / Cons

  • Pros
  • Burst
  • Stuns
  • Element of surprise if play right
  • Rare pick
  • Mostly enemy bot not used to play against APC
  • Tanky late game
  • Easy to learn
  • Cons
  • Squishy early game
  • Hard to play against tanky HP champs
  • Get hard focused everytime
  • Can get countered easily
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League of Legends Build Guide Author megamorf
megamorf Annie Guide
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Annie APC---Tasty stuns. How to make enemy bot ragequit.

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