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Blitzcrank Build Guide by rokabiliJr

Jungle Blitzcrank - The way it's meant to be played

Jungle Blitzcrank - The way it's meant to be played

Updated on January 10, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rokabiliJr Build Guide By rokabiliJr 4,588 Views 0 Comments
4,588 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author rokabiliJr Blitzcrank Build Guide By rokabiliJr Updated on January 10, 2018
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Welcome, dear noobs!

Today I shall guide you to the Land of the Freelo.
All you need is a Blitzcrank, Smite and Solo Queue.

I'm going to go through the items briefly in the notes above, I also already talked about the runes and masteries earlier in the guide above. There will be some notes for the gameplay and how this pick works in solo queue.

Here are some plays that I've made using this build in hik elo!


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The idea behind this is pretty simple, you want to carry? You pick Blitzcrank. In the jungle. You farm up to lvl 3 and you start ganking, your kit is perfect for it, you can catch enemies with your W, knock them up with your E and if they try to run or flash you just use Q to pull them back. Simple, easy, efficient. Blitzcrank is a strong duelist if when you get fed and your ganks are scary efficient. That's all you need to get you and your team fed, and that is how you win in Solo Queue
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Pros / Cons

-Efficient and easy ganks
-Easy to clear and fight, you can focus more on what's going on around you and less on the mechanicss
-Great duelist early and especially when you hit the TriFo power spike
-Win 100% of the team fights when you start by hooking Vayne!

-Takes time to practice landing hooks
-Difficult to carry if your noob team is stupid enough to feed
-Yasuo is op and you can't ever win against yasuo, if your or the enemy team picks Yasuo, dodge.
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Team Work

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League of Legends Build Guide Author rokabiliJr
rokabiliJr Blitzcrank Guide
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Blitzcrank - The way it's meant to be played

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