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Brand Build Guide by DixonTheGuideMaker

Support đŸ”„Brand guide by Dixon [SUPP\MID]📜 12.14 ✅

Support đŸ”„Brand guide by Dixon [SUPP\MID]📜 12.14 ✅

Updated on August 8, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker Build Guide By DixonTheGuideMaker 1,806 Views 0 Comments
1,806 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker Brand Build Guide By DixonTheGuideMaker Updated on August 8, 2022
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Runes: Dark Harvest

1 2
Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Flash + Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

đŸ”„Brand guide by Dixon [SUPP\MID]📜 12.14 ✅

By DixonTheGuideMaker
Hello everyone and welcome to one of my guides! This guide contains useful information and general knowledge based on my own game experience + open source info from Internet about the champ 💡📚📈🔍

My name is Max, but you can call me Dixon as well. I'm from Ukraine so English is not my native language and I can do some mistakes (I'm sorry for that). However, you can also write me comments and I'm able to answer you in English, German, Russian and Ukrainian languages since I understand all of them, but in different levels of knowledge. 😄

I started to play League of Legends in 2016. My highest ELO at the moment is Platinum 2 (soloQ) and 💎Diamond 4 (flexQ) on EU-West server (top 5% best players at the server).

I would like to invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'm going to make a lot of League of Legends content in English:
You will also find my streams on Twitch by following this link:

I'm not a hardcore high elo player, but I enjoy this game and share this passion with all the people who find my content as interesting or useful.

I hope this guide will help you to improve your champion's understanding so it would be more fun to play!

Let me know in the comments section if you find any mistakes or outdated information so I could fix it! Thanks in advance!

Have a nice reading! đŸ“–đŸ€“
1. Brand has lots of poke with his Pillar of Flame with the added benefit of it being long-ranged too. This allows him to poke the enemy down from afar and get them low.

2. His Ultimate Pyroclasm is really good in team fights- especially if the enemy are grouped together. He can make his Ultimate Pyroclasm bounce between enemies and deal a lot of damage.

3. Brand is able to complete his warding quest incredibly quickly as he can constantly harass the enemy from afar.

1. Brand is an incredibly immobile champion. This makes him more of a target for ganks and CC. Brand is also one of the champions who dies the most in the game!

2. As Brand is a poke mage, he relies heavily on mana and can run low pretty quickly and he’ll be unable to use his Pillar of Flame aggressive if he’s out of mana. You need to always keep an eye on your mana pool at all times.

3. In addition to being pretty immobile, Brand is also quite squishy. It’s really important that you do not let the enemy poke you down or land poke as you’ll have to play passively. You will also need to play much safer when your Flash is down.

A great passive that has several features at once. Firstly, the passive skill adds to your skills additional damage, which is very relevant at all stages of the game. Secondly, the set on fire receives additional effects from the main skills: stun, additional damage, and so on. Thirdly, if the target receives 3 ignite effects at once, then a kind of timer appears under the enemy and after 2 seconds there is a powerful explosion that deals AOE damage depending on the maximum health of the target. Thanks to this passive, Brand is a good killer of enemies with a large supply of health. Also, arson is a great tool for additional harassment of the enemy in the lane.

The skill deals good magic damage, but most importantly, it can stun the target if it was set on fire before. It is very good to use this skill after Conflagration, as it will be much easier to stun the enemy in this case.

This is one of Brand's best skills that deals massive area damage. The only disadvantage is that there is a slight delay before the fire pillar appears, but with proper training, you can get used to this and constantly hit. It is very convenient to use the skill in order to deal damage and hang a burning effect on everyone. If successful, it is convenient to use Conflagration immediately after that, which will deal damage to several opponents.

The skill is good to use as an initial one, in order to accurately hit the target and hang the burning effect and then use something else: Sear or Pillar of Flame. When fully leveled up, it also deals good damage, especially if the target is set on fire and there are more enemies nearby.

If you use the ult on a group of enemies, then in total the skill will cause a lot of damage. It is especially important to use the ult when the skirmish takes place on a narrow jungle path and it is difficult for the enemies to scatter to the sides. The fire ball flies quite quickly, so if there is a group of enemies in front of you, then it’s safe to say that the ball will do 5 rebounds for sure. If the targets were set on fire, they will additionally be slowed down for a short time. The clot of fire bounces not quite at random. He prioritizes enemy champions over minions. In the second turn, the ball of fire selects the target on which the least fire effects hang. Thus, the ult, as it were, tries to activate the explosion effect on the maximum number of enemies.
+ +
To do some short range damage W your target and instantly E Q.

+ +
To perform your bread and butter combo instantly E Q your target then W after or as the stun lands.

+ + + +
To deal a bunch of AoE damage E W then instantly R Q and AA.

+ + + +
To surprise stun a target Q and quickly E before the Q hits. Then W R as quickly as you can and AA.

+ + + +
For a mid range stun combo W then Q E. Instantly use R right after and AA.

+ + + + +
For your basic post 6 combo E Q instantly then W R instantly and step forward so your R bounces to you then AA

+ + + +
To get off a stun your target won't see coming use R Q instantly one after another then E before the Q lands. Use W while your target is stunned.
is one of core items for ability power based champions. The item is good against tanks, heavy bruisers and all champions who buy or stack a lot of Health Points during a game.

makes a good couple with Liandry's Torment. This is a perfect item for champions with AOE abilities and works also well against champions who buy ot stack a lot of HP during a game.

buy this item to get nice amount of additional HP that will help you survive enemy's ability combo + you will be able to apply slow effects by your damaging abilities.

is a great item for most AP champions with burst type of damage, especially if the enemy team has a lot of champions with shields.

is made to help magical champions to destroy their targets really quickly by ignoring almost half of enemy's magic resistance. This item works well against both tanks and squishy targets.

is most effectively used against abilities that have a downtime before they can affect full damage to the target like Chum the Waters, Unleashed Power, Death Mark, Life Form Disintegration Ray, Death Lotus etc.

is a powerful item for pure ability power casters, and is also very effective on burst assassins and hybrid champions that take advantage of Lich Bane for additional burst. This item provides tons of pure ability power, but it shouldn't be bought early on since its passive gives you more profit when you already have some ability power.

buy this item if you want to cut enemy's healings, life steal and vampirism. Together wiith Liandry's Torment the Grievous Wounds time can be extended for an additional 4 seconds.

is one of the best items in the game for mages who need to stack as much mana as possible.

is a strong item against magic damage but is most valued for its ability to prevent crowd control or counter poke damage. As such it is highly recommended to build Banshee's Veil when you are being focused by crowd control effects, or when the enemy has initiation or pulling abilities like Enchanted Crystal Arrow and Rocket Grab. Combined with Zhonya's Hourglass, Banshee's Veil will make you very resilient to both magic and physical damage.

That rune is very good since it gives you a great boost on your burst damage that can makes the difference between a running 50hp opponent and a sweet boost of 300 gold in your pocket.

The rune gives your champion some sustain which is especially useful during the early game and the rune scales also with AD and AP items so it can become a reason in the late game why your champion survived a fight with 1-3% HP.

This rune gives you some amount of AD or AP whenever you score a takedown (but this amount of AD\AP gain is limited).

The rune gives you extra gold for each unique takedown. This rune can help your champion to buy your core items faster and to snow ball and heavily dominate over your opponents in the early and mid game if you are able to score those takedowns fast enough.

This rune allows both to deal some damage to enemy champions and to give shields to your allies. And it also gives access to other runes in Sorcery rune tree which are very useful for this champion.

The rune allows your champion to not run out of mana very fast. You have to remember that this rune needs to be stacked 10 times firstly to give you +250 mana and mana regeneration. And there is a small cooldown between the moment when the rune can be stacked once, so in most cases it's better to not spam abilities when the rune is on the cooldown or you will run out of mana quite fast. The rune is helpful for those players who love to spam their abilities and feel strong lack of mana.

The rune gives some amount of ability haste which is overall better for this champion than alternatives Celerity and Absolute Focus.

The rune is a good option if you want to poke your enemy out of the lane and deal extra damage early on.

The rune helps you to live through the early game and permanently increases a little bit your mana pool which is also helpful since you will not be in need so fast to do Recall just to restore mana.

Cosmic Insight is one of the most popular runes to take when taking the Inspiration Tree. Cosmic Insight grants the user 18 Summoner Spell haste and 10 Item Haste. If the Champion relies on items a lot, it may also be a good idea to take this mastery because it will lower the Cooldown of those items.

Flash is the most frequent choice of all players in League of Legends. Such popularity of the spell is caused by the fact that Flash is able to instantly teleport you on a short distance. This distance is enough to dodge some hostile abilities or to jump back and avoid an unexpected gank. With the help of Flash, you can overcome various obstacles like walls, pillars and other different obstacles. Flash is equally good to use for both attack and defense. This gives the spell some versatility. The summoner spell cannot be used if you have been silenced (you cannot use skills for some time). Also, Flash cannot be used under the effect of hard control abilities such as stun or fear.

Exhaust is an extremely powerful tool for disabling champions who mainly autoattack, as well as any champion that can deal a high amount of damage. When your team is chasing an enemy and he is getting away, using Exhaust on him will help your team gain the upper hand. Using it against enemies when escaping can help you as their movement speed will be greatly decreased.

Ignite provides players an offensive utility and damage spell that scales with level. A well-placed healing reduction debuff from Ignite can severely limit the effectiveness of enemy healing items, as well as healing abilities from champions like Soraka, Aatrox, Vladimir, Volibear and Warwick. It is considered a direct counter to Dr. Mundo, Soraka, Aatrox and Swain because they are reliant on their healing-based abilities. The healing reduction debuff also applies to life steal, omnivamp, etc.
EARLY GAME (strong):
Brand’s first power spike is once he hits level 3. While he will have poke up until that stage, it isn’t enough to fully proc his Passive. Brand’s second power spike is once he unlocks his Ultimate Pyroclasm. It will offer him a lot of additional damage and he should be able to blow up the enemy Mid laner if he has been able to land some poke down beforehand. Once Brand has completed his Mythic item, he can constantly keep the enemy Mid laner pushed into their tower. His damage will also heavily increase once he has picked this item up.

Use your early game strength to poke and harass the enemy with your Pillar of Flame as often as you can. Post level 3, you’ll be able to use your basic combo to chunk the enemy down. When trading keep an eye on your mana bar though as you’ll be vulnerable when you’re out of mana. At level 6 your kill pressure increases dramatically. Try to play aggressive and look for kills. Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so it deals more damage.

MID GAME (average):
At level 11, Brand will put a second point in his Ultimate Pyroclasm. Regardless of how ahead or behind he is, his damage output will be substantial in team fights. At level 9, Brand would’ve maxed his Pillar of Flame ability. This helps him in many ways, including helping him keep the enemy pushed into their tower and as a poking tool to harass the enemy laner. During the mid-game, Brand would’ve completed multiple items. He will also have a lot of additional ability haste or cooldown reduction, allowing him to use his abilities more frequently to harass.

Delay a team fight for as long as possible while you poke and harass the enemy with your Pillar of Flame. Once the enemy is low, you can commit to the fight. When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It’s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not just stay mid if you can’t get anything done. Avoid overextending or dying alone. When you’re dead, the enemy may be able to siege an objective, start a fight or secure the Baron or Dragon.

LATE GAME (average):
In the late game, Brand will be near full build. This is a significant power spike for Brand as his damage output should be incredibly high. However, he needs to make sure he doesn’t get caught out in the late game or else he will not dish out any damage. At level 16, Brand can put the third and final point in his Ultimate Pyroclasm. He will be able to dish out a lot of damage on grouped enemies in late game team fights. Take note that while you will have a lot of damage, the enemy team should have started building defensive items to counter your abilities. Try to blow up targets that are squishy or who lack defensive stats.

Use your Ultimate on as many enemies as possible. Brand’s late-game damage is insane and as long as you’re able to use it on multiple champions at it bounces you will deal lots of damage. Continue trying to harass the enemy as much as you can before committing to the fight. Get them low and then use your Pyroclasm and call for the engage. Stay with your team in the late game. Avoid running too far away with them as the enemy may force a fight and win the game if you’re nowhere nearby.
EARLY GAME (strong):
When Brand has hit level 3, he will be able to activate his Passive for maximum damage as he will have access to all 3 of his basic abilities. Brand’s second power spike is once he unlocks his Ultimate Pyroclasm. It will offer him a lot of additional damage and will help him blow up any squishy Support or ADC. Once Brand has picked up the first component item to his Mythic, his damage output will increase heavily. You will see a significant increase in damage with more items and more points in your Pillar of Flame.

Use your early game strength to poke and harass the enemy with your Pillar of Flame as often as you can. Post level 3, you’ll be able to use your basic combo to chunk the enemy down. When trading keep an eye on your mana bar though as you’ll be vulnerable when you’re out of mana. At level 6 your kill pressure increases dramatically. Try to play aggressive and look for kills. Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so it deals more damage.

MID GAME (average):
At level 9, Brand will put the final point in his Pillar of Flame ability. This will allow him to constantly harass the enemy laner and get them low enough to where either they or their ADC can look for a kill. At this stage of the game, Brand would’ve picked up multiple items. His damage output and kill pressure will be incredibly high. Also, as teams start grouping in the mid-game, he will deal a lot of AOE damage. At level 11, Brand will put a second point in his Ultimate Pyroclasm. This is a good power spike for Brand as he will be able to deal a considerable amount of burst damage and allow him to snowball further. Delay a team fight for as long as possible while you poke and harass the enemy with your Pillar of Flame. Once the enemy is low, you can commit to the fight. Place vision around the mid lane and wherever you and your ADC are currently playing. This will increase your chances of surviving an all-in. Stick with your ADC throughout the mid-game. If you’re alone, you’ll be an easy target for the enemy. Similarly, if your ADC is alone, they might try to collapse on them and kill them.

LATE GAME (average):
In the late game, Brand will be near full build. This is a significant power spike for Brand as his damage output should be incredibly high. However, he needs to make sure he doesn’t get caught out in the late game or else he will not dish out any damage. At level 16, Brand can put the third and final point in his Ultimate Pyroclasm. He will be able to dish out a lot of damage on grouped enemies in late game team fights. Take note that while you will have a lot of damage, the enemy team should have started building defensive items to counter your abilities. Try to blow up targets that are squishy or who lack defensive stats.

As you’re a Support, avoid warding alone in the late game. If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight. Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks. Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory. Use your Ultimate Pyroclasm on as many enemies as possible. Brand’s late-game damage is insane and as long as you’re able to use it on multiple champions at it bounces- you will deal lots of damage.

Try and stay behind the minion wave but not in it. This will force Brand to choose between harassing you with his Pillar of Flame or pushing the wave. This is also a good place to stand as the minions will block his Sear. Don’t let Brand harass you for free. Try and stand back and out of range of him so he’s unable to attack and harass you with his Pillar of Flame. Ensure that you remain healthy otherwise you’ll never be able to fight him. A good time to fight Brand is when he’s out of mana or has an ability on cooldown. This will make trading much better for you as he will not be able to dish out a lot of damage (or possibly stun you if his Sear is on cooldown) as he’ll have 1 less ability to use.

Avoid fighting in tight quarters such as inside the jungle or around an objective. This will make his Ultimate Pyroclasm a lot less potent. With that said, when grouping try not to group too close together so he cannot bounce his Ultimate Pyroclasm between multiple champions either. In the later stages of the game, Brand will go and ward objectives alone. Use this to your advantage by setting up an ambush and taking him down before an objective spawns. Brand will try to deal a lot of damage and delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking you down. To prevent him from destroying your health bar, you need to fight him as soon as you see him.

Brand is really strong at level 2 and 3 when he gets access to more abilities. Be prepared to back off slightly when he gets the level up so you don’t risk losing your health bar. The longer the game goes, the stronger Brand gets thanks to the items he’ll get. Try to set him behind in the early game to reduce his gold income and prevent a snowball. Once Brand hits level 6, his damage output and ability to kill you will be much higher thanks to his Ultimate Pyroclasm. If you are low, make sure you recall as he can easily burst you down and kill you.

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The son of a Freljordian healer, Kegan Rodhe was born an outsider. The little magic and herbcraft his mother possessed allowed them both to survive on the fringes of a small coastal community named Rygann’s Reach. Friends were few and far between. Even as a young boy, he knew his father was an enemy reaver, and that he—and Kegan by extension—was the reason his mother was shunned. The villagers called him “the reaver-bastard”. Kegan allowed his loneliness and resentment to smolder, often turning violent.

After enduring years of seemingly endless winter, his mother’s frail body finally gave in. As Kegan spread her funeral ashes, he thought of the people she had spent her life healing. None had come to pay their respects. He knew they wished him to disappear into the cold air as well.

He would oblige them, but not before he took his revenge. He burned down the village and fled into the night, leaving himself with scars that would never heal.

Kegan wandered the frozen tundra of the Freljord. He told himself that he was searching for his father, but he knew deep down he was looking for a friend... or, at the very least, a kind face. Finding neither, he holed himself up in a cave, and waited to die.

It was not death that came to him, but another outsider.

The mysterious mage named Ryze saw potential in this half-frozen young man, and took him on as an apprentice. Teacher and student struggled as Kegan’s nascent, wild magic frustrated them both, and Ryze’s requests for patience and humility often fell on deaf ears.

Unfortunately, instructing Kegan would always come second to Ryze’s original mission. He had long sought to collect and hide away a power that could be Runeterra’s unmaking—the legendary World Runes. After tracking down one such fragment, Kegan faced the same desperate temptation that had driven so many before him to madness. The Runes were the source of all magic in the world and, against his master’s warnings, he chose to seize that power for himself.

Ryze was forced to watch in failure as his apprentice was burned away by the raw magic, Kegan’s soul utterly consumed. The creature that was born in that moment was no longer the bitter young man Ryze had rescued from the snows, nor the Freljordian mage he had come to know as his friend.

Rather, this vengeful being of fire and fury that now walked the mortal realm would eventually become known as Brand.

Cursing his former master, and every other living thing that would ever come between him and the Runes, Brand lashed out with magical flames, and Ryze barely escaped with his life.

Over the centuries since that day, Brand has lived an anarchic, wildfire existence, taking and never giving anything back to the world. At times, he blazes across the heavens like a comet. At others, he sinks into the cold earth and slumbers, waiting for the unmistakable scent of magic that will lead him to another World Rune
 and should he find one, there are precious few in Runeterra with the power to stop him.
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