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Recommended Items
Runes: High elo
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Usual Max Order
A Harmless Scarecrow (PASSIVE)
Fiddlesticks Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Permaban this champion. If you do manage to play vs him: The way you play this matchup is by going W max into q as usual. The way u play vs him is completely different since you have to perma cancel your drain and space correctly. After 6 you can kill him with your combo ( E silence into R into Q into W )
strong 2v2
strong 2v2
Inventor of Topplesticks and a challenger peak fiddle otp |
Before we dive into this I wanna explain some phrases,in case you dont know the meaning of them, which I'll be using throughout the Guide:
The best rune tree for topplesticks is Sorcery, where you take Arcane Comet or Summon Aery from. First Strike is also an option vs some matchups such as Sion.
Sorcery primary |
As of making this guide, the best keystones for fiddle top, under sorcery tree, are: Arcane Comet and Summon Aery. Your rune choice is heavily dependent on matchups. The major difference between the runes is whether you can AA or not.
Summon Aery: Damaging basic attacks, abilities, item effects, and summoner spells against an enemy champion will apply Summon Aery. This is really effective in matchups that you can melee (melee matchups only). Applying it consistently over and over again grants you a lot of early pressure.
Arcane Comet: Damaging an enemy champion with an ability hurls a comet at their location, or if Arcane Comet is on cooldown, reduces its remaining cooldown. This rune is really effective VS champions you can't AA and wanna poke them from far away. Really good choice VS ranged champions.
Manaflow Band: Since fiddlesticks is a really mana hungry chapion, then Manaflow Band is a must have from the Sorcery tree. Compared to Nullifying Orb and Nimbus Cloak, this is the best one to take.
Transcendence: This rune fits perfectly for lane fiddle because you need quite a lot of ability haste. Upon reaching lvl 11, your CDs are also refreshed 20% after a takedown, which helps a lot in teamfights - you can use multiple fears. Best choice out of the three
Scorch: Combining this rune with Summon Aery or Arcane Comet makes you a really strong lane bully. Constantly applying it with your keystones makes this rune really strong. Best choice out of the 3
Resolve Secondary |
Second Wind: You heal based on missing HP back after taking damage from a champion. Incredibly effective vs ranged champions.
Bone Plating: You block some of the damage you take from an enemy champion. Helps you a lot in the early skirmishes vs melee champs. Short trades become even better for you.
Revitalize: This is one of the perfect runes for fiddle as it increases your healing and will single handedly carry you in duels. Must have it when playing topplesticks.
Offense: 8 Ability Haste |
Flex: 9 Adaptive Force |
Defense: 10-180 hp |
Inspiration primary |
First Strike is the only viable rune for Topplesticks under the Inspiration tree. It's heavily dependent on matchups. You usually take it only VS tanks where you have full control over the lane for example VS Sion. Getting a full drain off with First Strike still does some decen't amounts of damage. Taking it VS ranged tops is also somewhat fine, but I prefer going for Sorcery
Cash Back: For now, take this rune as it gives you some cash back after buying items. Not even close to Future's market, but it is what it is. Might swap it to Magical Footwear in the future.
Triple Tonic: This rune is actually quite decent not gonna lie. The only bad potion from it is the first which gives you 5 extra true damage vs minions since it doesn't work with abilities. The second elixir giving you more ap which is clutch in close fights as you heal and deal more damage. 3rd elixir is a banger as you get a skill elixir so at level 9 you have 3 points in Terrify and Bountiful Harvest maxed.
Cosmic Insight: This rune is really great for Topplesticks as most of the times you play Teleport. It grants you summoner spell haste allowing you to do more flash combos and roam more often by having tp up.
Resolve Secondary |
Second Wind: You heal based on missing HP back after taking damage from a champion. Incredibly effective vs ranged champions.
Bone Plating: You block some of the damage you take from an enemy champion. Helps you a lot in the early skirmishes vs melee champs. Short trades become even better for you.
Revitalize: This is one of the perfect runes for fiddle as it increases your healing and will single handedly carry you in duels. Must have it when playing topplesticks.
Offense: 9 Adaptive Force |
Flex: 9 Adaptive Force |
Defense: 15-140 hp |
Flash This is the overall best summoner to take on Topplesticks. Flash enable you to survive situations and is overall the most broken spell in the game. It also allows you to do a flash fear combo which grants AOE fear. |
Teleport This is the 2nd best summoner to take on Topplesticks. It allows you to get some decent early game recalls into freezes. Not only that, it allows you to roam to drake and bot lane, get something done there and tp back top lane to not lose xp and give platings. It also allows you to counter gank and help teammates past 10th minute. You can combine Teleport with your W for AOE fear. |
Ignite Ignite is really situational pick. You mostly wanna take it VS olaf and irelia to reduce their healing. This makes the lane playable. You can even win and kill irelia with ignite. |
Some matchups you wanna start Q and then max W. Some games require you to put 3 points W or just straight up 3 points q and then W max, but in 90% of the games you wanna max W - Q - E. It all just depends who youre laning VS.
[video] |
A Harmless Scarecrow |
A Harmless Scarecrow
INNATE - Scarecrow Effigy: Fiddlesticks begins the game with an exclusive Scarecrow Effigy, which permanently occupies the Stealth Ward slot. Fiddlesticks can pretend to be an Effigy by standing still and not acting nor being acted upon for 2 seconds, during which it adjusts its body into a scarecrow and extends its arm out to expose its lantern. INNATE - A Harmless Scarecrow: From level 6 onward, placing an Totem Ward icon Effigy also summons an Oracle Lens icon Sweeper Drone at the location for 6 seconds. |
[video] |
Terrify |
PASSIVE: While Fiddlesticks has been out of combat for at least 2.5 seconds and is not sight visible to the enemy team, or is pretending to be an Effigy, its next damaging ability will additionally fear targets hit for a duration. ACTIVE: Fiddlesticks launches a crow at the target enemy that deals magic damage and fears them for a duration. Terrify has a minimum damage threshold and is capped at 400 against monsters. Targets feared by Fiddlesticks by any means cannot be affected by it again for a duration equal to Terrify's cooldown. Against these targets, Terrify's damage and minimum threshold are doubled. Terrify slows affected targets by 90%. |
[video] |
Bountiful Harvest |
Bountiful Harvest
ACTIVE: Fiddlesticks forms a tether between itself and each nearby enemy over the cast time, then channels for up to 2 seconds to harvest their souls, revealing them in the process. While Fiddlesticks is channeling, the tethered enemies are dealt magic damage every 0.25 seconds, with the final tick at the end of the channel dealing additional magic damage. Bountiful Harvest deals 135% damage against monsters and 50% damage against minions. Fiddlesticks Heal power icon heals itself for a percentage of the pre-mitigation damage dealt, modified to 45% against monsters and 15% against minions. Bountiful Harvest ends if all targets have died or broken their tethers. If the channel was not interrupted, 60% of the current cooldown is refunded. A nearby enemy is required to cast this ability. The target does not have to be S visible to be tethered by this ability. |
[video] |
Reap |
ACTIVE: Fiddlesticks slashes the target location with its scythe, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area and Slow icon slowing them for 1.25 seconds. Enemies hit in the center of the area are also Silence icon silenced for 1.25 seconds. |
[video] |
Crowstorm |
ACTIVE: Fiddlesticks Channeling icon channels for 1.5 seconds, then Flash blinks to the target location upon completion with a murder of crows flying wildly around it for 5 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0.25 seconds to nearby enemies. |
Starting items |
Doran's Ring You always wanna start your game with Doran's Ring and 2 Health Potions as it gives you mana regen, HP and AP - all which are really strong at the beginning of the game. Doran's items are incredibly broken right now so it's not even worth going anything else. |
Core Items |
As of right now, the best build is AP DPS. You can OS squishies and deal relatively well with tanks as well. I will add an AP tank build as well in the future as it's definitely more viable now. |
Your classic build VS squishies and tanks is a bit different, but still a bit same. As for your first item VS squishies you wanna go for Malignance and vs tanks/bruisers you pick up Liandry's Torment. As your next item you wanna buy % pen. Usually for Malignance build you go for Void Staff and for Liandry's Torment you go for Cryptbloom as you need Ability Haste. For both setups you go for Zhonya's Hourglass 3rd, as 4th/5th item: Horizon Focus, Banshee's Veil or Shadowflame. Keep in mind there are games where you need Banshee's Veil. You don't have to complete the item right away as the Verdant Barrier gives you the effect. The items mentioned earlier are your usual go to items, but remember that every game is different and you wanna build according to your team and the enemy team. Some games you need Zhonya's Hourglass as you second item. |
Tank |
In both of the builds you always wanna get the first 1-2 items and then press tab and think ahead. Some games Cryptbloom is better as your third item compared to something else. The situational items listed are the ones you get 95% of the games, but in different order. You only go Verdant Barrier only vs noc/tf as it blocks their ult. |
Boots |
Sorcerer's Shoes These are gonna be your go to boots most of the games. Getting that early magic pen helps you a lot with bursting. Works especially well with Full AP build as you kill your opponents even faster. |
Plated Steelcaps The armor and the passive is insanely valuable vs full ad teams. It makes a huge differene even in lane. You definitely have to go this against Tryndamere as it makes the matchup so much easier. All he does is autoattacks and Plated Steelcaps blocks 12% of the damage. |
Mercury's Treads Anti mage boots are really good VS full AP teams. Feel free to go for these even if they have 3 ap champs as most of the items give deal AP dmg |
Ionian Boots of Lucidity These are your go to boots whenever you play a DPS build. They're good even vs squishies. I'd even recommend getting them before you get an item (unless its a good spike item) as it makes bunch of matchups so much easier. |
Early game is the most important part of the game. It can go in 4 major ways which is mostly matchup dependent: 1st: Matchups where you have full control over the lane ( Malphite/ Sion. You can either freeze and force your opponent to walk up or perma shove to look for roams [FULL CONTROL] 2nd type of matchups are skilled and its a combination of easy and medium. These are the type of opponents who might zone you out lvl 1 but win from lvl 2 / 3. Most of the matchups are here because the laning phase goes exactly the same way. The difference is how big of a threat they are to you. Usually how the lane goes is the enemy slow pushes into you to crash the 2nd/3rd wave (Example 1). By then you are at least lvl 2 and have Terrify and Bountiful Harvest or Reap, which helps with poke. Now the enemy can’t really do anything because he cant get close to you (your Terrify + Reap + Bountiful Harvest) and he can’t chase u down because the tower is right there behind u. If they do manage to crash the 3rd wave, you’re gonna be stacking up the 4th-5th wave and having a level on your opponent despite them having an item lead from the reset. If they didn’t reset then it’s even easier due to your wave stacking. [SKILLED] Example 13rd: Matchups that are winnable only by playing hyper agro ( Renekton/Irelia. In these type of lanes you usually go W start in order to play for lvl 2 and have a 3rd wave bounce back. This works 90% of the cases. Depending on how they play lvl 1, you can even look for a towerdive and trade a kill (Trading a kill is ok if they lose 3 waves from it). You dont wanna leash when playing vs such champions. In these type of matchups you need to have good matchup knowledge and xp tracking [CHEESY] 4th way your early game can go is you needing to play really safe. In those type of mathups You’re just looking to survive lane and roam. [SAFE] |
Tips for early game |
At 2:30, junglers are USUALLY at the middle of 2 towers in mid as shown on the pic below At 6:00 - 6:15 jungle fruit spawns so you can look to trade and then get HP back for a lead. Look at timers 4:15 and 6:50. These are the timers junglers usually are at the side they started at. Keep in mind they can varey if they have ganked or not. If enemy top is somebody who can cheese (like Olaf/ Jax/ Darius) , then put it in the first lane bush If you are stomping your lane and you’ve gotten the tower, then ask to swap with mid (if the mid laner can side) so you could use your lead to get bot/mid ahead as well. Use bushes, perma walk into bushes especially after 6. That way u can zone out your enemy without having the intention to Crowstorm. You can also look for short trades such as you Reap from the bush which grants fear into double dmg from Terrify. Whenever there are minions nearby, enter a bush after AAing an enemy to drop minion agro. If enemy is freezing, you can break it alone with your ultimate or roam mid. Most of the roam timers are when enemy freezes top or you have a stacked up wave and u cant towerdive. Feel free to cancel your Bountiful Harvest to dodge or deny an important spell with Terrify for example Rumble's passive. Your trade patterns are quite simple, every ability rotation can be used. It just depends what you can/cannot use, for example Terrify AA Reap and back off, Terrify AA Bountiful Harvest back off, Terrify Reap Bountiful Harvest and back off. You really just have to know how much tenacity enemy has in order to know if you should apply AAs inbetween or not. |
Mid/Late game is really about playing hide and seek or being a tank in front of your teammates, looking to fist fight whenever you have your Crowstorm up. Your goal is to get as many objectives as possible. You legit have to write it in chat (I do it pretty much every game) “Play (objective’s name like drake or baron) I have R” and then u spam ping it. If there is an upcoming objective: -like 1 min 30 seconds before, write it in chat -spam ping it -take control of the objective -camp bushes and wait If there are no upcoming objectives: -push in side lane -shadow mid -repeat until objective Feel free to leave top tower to get an important early drake if u have a Teleport up ( For example you walk to drake from base, once it’s secured, you Teleport back top) Even if you lost your early game, your gamestyle is still the same. Be careful of getting caught in the late game as respawn timers are so high. NB! Don't use your Crowstorm before an important objective UNLESS you will have it back up again/they'll still be dead during the objective |
Here I'm gonna discuss how to position with Fiddlesticks, when and where to move and how to use your ult as I see bunch of Fiddlesticks players wasting it when your entire champion is based on your ultimate. Your goal is to deal as much DPS as possible in teamfights, but how to do it ? Remember to be patient as patience is key with fiddle ! |
PositioningPositioning is the most important part as Fiddlesticks as one bad Crowstorm can legit cost you the game. Look at your surroundings, think of the most common ward spots and be patient. Look what objectives are up and move according to it (I have ult spots as well in the guide). Don't just sit on 1 place, but look where you teammates are and where could your opponents come from. Your goal is to land your Crowstorm on as many people as possible (Prefebly on the back line). When you have to move, then try to avoid being seen. You pretty much play hide and seek Target priority"But cabex, fiddle has AOE spells so I dont have to focus anyone☝️🤓" Fiddlesticks's Terrify is a really broken ability, even when getting the double damage off so you must know who to use it on. To find out, press tab and check out enemies items, who is fed. That ability helps you to oneshot especially when you're playing FULL AP. Choosing who to Crowstorm is important as well as mentioned before. Just be patient and wait. Don't tunnel vision on somebody, but be aware of your surroundings: click on me |
The following ult spots can be used from both of the sides. What I mean by that is you can be red side, but still ult from the blue side's raptors if its an angle. There's also a video (First 10 mins) of the ultimate spots: TopBaron(blue and red side)MidDragonBot |
Your Scarecrow Effigy can clear the entire mid entrance bush if placed in the middle. The drain grants true sight and reveals invisible enemies for example Akali's shroud. If you Teleport and spam your Bountiful Harvest you AOE fear once you arrive (given the Terrify's passive conditions are met) Example: click on me You can extend your fear range with Bountiful Harvest or Reap Melee minions take 2 towershots + AA Ranged minions: You AA the minion, wait for towershot to go through and then kill it with W, finishing the drain the moment the minions dead. The next ranged minions die from towershot and AA. At the beginning of the game, you can kill melee minions with full W if they are around 100 hp |
I’m gonna have a list of most of my used combos here Laning: Q → E → W AA → Q → AA → E → AA AA → Q → AA → E → W Q → E → W Ultimate combos: Q → R → E → W (From out of fog) E (hit silence) → R → Q → W (From out of fog) R → Q → E → W (From fog) R → E → Q → W (Extending fear range with E) R → W (Extending fear range with W) For visual explanations check the combo section of this video: |
I'm not gonna go deep into matchups because I've already explained everything in my matchups doc which you can find here (for newcomers I recommend banning aatrox): Fiddlesticks Matchups Docs File |
That's the end of the guide ! Thank you for reading it. I hope you learned something new ! I wanna so KeepItTaco as I took inspiration from his guide. Good luck on the rift and make sure to drain some LPs. |
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