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Nidalee Build Guide by XGCMcTittes

Other Comprehensive Nidalee

Other Comprehensive Nidalee

Updated on December 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XGCMcTittes Build Guide By XGCMcTittes 2,275 Views 0 Comments
2,275 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author XGCMcTittes Nidalee Build Guide By XGCMcTittes Updated on December 21, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Nidalee
    AP Top/Midalee
  • LoL Champion: Nidalee
    AD Top/ADC Nid
  • LoL Champion: Nidalee
  • LoL Champion: Nidalee
    AP Bruiser Nid
  • LoL Champion: Nidalee
    AD Bruiser Nid


This build is currently a Work in Progress, I'm only posting the Cheat sheet and the Pros/cons atm.
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Pros / Cons

Great poke and Heal
Good for support, top or mid
Can pick up kills while they are escaping

Good AD scaling on Cougar form's Q
Becomes a good Assassin
More sustained damage

Not very easy to play
Need to learn to skillshot to be useful
Magic Resist kills your damage
Very Squishy

Will be labeled as a troll over half the time
Much smaller heals
A little bit harder to get used to
Must get into the middle of a fight to deal damage
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Skill Sequence

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Ranked Play

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Creeping / Jungling

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League of Legends Build Guide Author XGCMcTittes
XGCMcTittes Nidalee Guide
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Comprehensive Nidalee

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