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Runes: Mid (In And Out Page)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Do I even need to explain? Tenacity and lifeline items will help you live a little longer so you can watch as this chicken freezes your pitiful body solid.
His ult synergizes with yours greatly. He can give you chances to reposition yourself, as well as hack on the harder-to-get enemies that just keep slipping through your fingers.
His ult synergizes with yours greatly. He can give you chances to reposition yourself, as well as hack on the harder-to-get enemies that just keep slipping through your fingers.
Champion Build Guide
This build is focused on getting specific items that will most likely one-shot most squishies you can get your grubby little hands on. It does not work if you fall behind and can be very difficult to use if your own team is behind. A fine balance of knowing when to be aggressive and when to fall back is important to understand when using this build. Backing as often as possible so you can get more items is recommended, just don't neglect your tower and let it get taken 8 minutes into the game. Have fun, and for the love of Nagakabouros, don't think this is viable.
-FerretInADurag, meh Pyke main
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