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Just dodge. Singed does not have very many defensive stats at level 1 so you will just get outpoked. If you decide to build tank to mitigate the poke, you lost all your agency and it won't matter as Teemo's usually rush Magic Pen. Also really hard to engage on Teemo as he is pretty speedy with W.
Camille can block most of your duels as she gets a built in shield. She can engage on you whenever she wants, and never has to take a bad trade. Don't prioritize tank items against her as she also gets true damage in her kit.
Dr. Mundo
Do not try to proxy against Dr Mundo level 1. He will slow you with his cleavers and first blood you. He has MR built into his kit and you will never be able to cut his healing in a relevant way.
Just dodge or swap to mid lane. You will never be able to engage against a good Ryze, they will run Phase Rush and just Slow/Root you. He also scales better than you.
Skill matchup. He is pretty hard to deal with , but can be dealt with. Make sure to use sustain runes (Fleet Footwork + POM) and you should be fine. Do not overstay in lane. If you somehow get out traded, DO NOT stay in lane. If you stay in lane with less than 40% of health you are just inting.
Takes a lot of practice to handle this matchup. Take phase rush and resolve runes. Build boots and Bamis ASAP. You need to take Flash + Ghost in this matchup, or you will be at a disadvantage (since Darius will probably have both). Treat Darius like you do Fiora, do not E him until he E's you. If you are in range of Q, then get closer to him (don't get hit by the rim). With Bamis and Phase Rush, you should be able to Q + E pass him and straight into minions to get free farm and not get punished.
Don't fight Nasus past level 3. You will most likely win this lane, and the only way to win if your team doesn't end fast is to build towards utility. Take the same runes that you would against Darius (Phase Rush + Unflinching). You need Swifties and Bamis in this matchup. The only way you win late game is to keep him off your team. Rylais and Chemtank are recommended in order to slow him. DO NOT flip Nasus into your team, rather flip him away from your team.
Take conqueror + ignite. All in at level 3 and you win the lane.
Do not fight Riven before level 3. Take W second in order to prevent her from chunking you. Singed W grounds champs, so she will be unable to dash with Q or E.
Do not fight Cho'Gath. He is too tanky late game and he can kill you early with his E slow. Take your free farm and use your gold to help your team.
Skill matchup. Treat Morde as you would Garen. Just sustain yourself through lane and do not give him a chance to kill you with his Ult. Do not push Morde into tower, or you will get trapped in his Ult, taking tower shots.
Shen does a lot of damage, but he is pretty easy to deal with. Do not engage on him under his tower unless you ground him with W or you will int. Keep vision on him always, and remember you can cancel his R with your W or E. If he backs off the wave follow him and cancel his Ult, your team will appreciate it.
Take Fleet Footwork, Second Wind, and Dorans Ring start to negate his early poke. If you play safe, then you can survive lane and hopefully outmacro him. Your team will need you in this matchup, as Malphite ULT can turn a teamfight, but a optimal W can shut down his opportunities.
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