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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
This is my first attempt at a guide, and an in-depth one at that. Any feedback is appreciated :)
Ideal Spells
Garrison's ability is twofold. It can grant your turret massive regeneration, which on activation also cancels anyone attempting to capture it, and increases it's attack speed for 8 seconds. If used on an enemy turret, Garrison lowers it's damage by 80% for 8 seconds. This makes it a must for capturing a turret the enemy team is holding on to, or saving an allied turret that is being capped. This spell is especially good on Eve because of her high mobility. With the mastery Summoner's Wrath (which i will go into detail later) when Garrison is activated on an allied turret that turret gains 50% splash damage as well as the regeneration and attack speed.
Revive instantly brings the player back to life, with a massive speed boost of 125% and a bonus to their maximum health of 220-560. Great for getting back into a fight or rushing to defend a turret, the health bonus is a huge plus, since Eve is naturally squishy. With the mastery Summoner's Insight Revive will give even more bonus health for the next 2 minutes.
Alternative Spells
Take Ignite to pick off champions who can get away quickly, or shut down those who can heal. With the Summoner's Wrath mastery you also get a bonus 5 ap and 5 ad while Ignite is on cooldown.
Since the nerf of the slow amount on Exhaust, it's more useful for the damage reduction now, but can shut down AD carries very well. With Summoner's Wrath Exhaust also lowers their armor and magic resist by 10.
Grab Cleanse if you find yourself against a lot of hard stun or suppression, its removal of all disables and summoner spell debuffs (including Exhaust and the damage from Ignite) can mean the difference between life and death if caught out of position.
Not Recommended
Flash is not as useful in dominion as it is in summoner's rift, solely because any wall you can flash over is short and easy to go around for the enemy team.
Ghost gives a speed boost of 27% for 10 seconds that, if used with Revive and Dark Frenzy, can give you a massive boost to anywhere on the map in seconds. The mastery Summoner's Wrath increases this boost to 35%. Other than that, Eve already has a movement speed boost, and doesn't really need Ghost.
Heal can be used to save yourself or a teammate by healing you, but otherwise there are better spells for her.
Like Heal, Barrier can be used to save yourself by giving you a shield that absorbs 95+20 per level damage for 2 seconds. Unlike Heal, Barrier cannot be used to save your teammate, and after the 2 seconds the shield is gone, while the health given to you from Heal would have stayed.
You will not need Clairvoyance to find the enemy team, as long as you have map awareness you should be able to determine where the enemy is.
Mana from Clarity is not needed, Evelynn's passive Shadow Walk (explained later) and dominion's mana regen aura is all you will need.
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration / Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration
With the reduction in magic penetration in s3 and the removal of magic penetration from the dominion aura, Eve lost a lot of her viability vs tanks/bruisers early/mid game. Magic penetration marks and quintessences help for dealing with any tanks/bruisers while you're rushing your Deathfire Grasp.
Greater Seal of Scaling Ability Power / Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power
Both simply chosen because with the fast-pace leveling of dominion, you will reach level 6 withing the first 5 minutes of play, at which scaling runes surpass their flat AP counterparts.
With the reduction in magic penetration in s3 and the removal of magic penetration from the dominion aura, Eve lost a lot of her viability vs tanks/bruisers early/mid game. Magic penetration marks and quintessences help for dealing with any tanks/bruisers while you're rushing your Deathfire Grasp.
Greater Seal of Scaling Ability Power / Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power
Both simply chosen because with the fast-pace leveling of dominion, you will reach level 6 withing the first 5 minutes of play, at which scaling runes surpass their flat AP counterparts.
Offensive Masteries
- An amazing mastery for only 1 point, Summoner's Wrath increases the effectiveness of the 4 summoner spells Exhaust, Ignite, Ghost, and Garrison. Useful for 3 of the most common spells for Eve, this choice was a no-brainer.
- The 4% cooldown reduction for 4 points from Sorcery is significant from early to late game.
- The Blast mastery, with 4 points in it, gives 1 ability power per level, which means at level 18 it gives you +18 ability power. This works nicely with our already scaling ability power runes.
- Arcane knowledge gives 8% magic penetration for 1 point. As discussed in the Runes section, with the lowering of magic penetration on runes and the removal of it from the dominion aura, 8% bonus from start to finish is definitely worth it.
- Havoc gives a 0.66% increase to all damage dealt, and with the max of 3 points in it will ad 2% to all the damage you do. This is a must for Eve, since she is a burst assassin and focuses mostly on 1 shot large damage skills.
- Mental Force gives 2 ability power per point spent, and with the max of 3 spent it will give you 6 flat ability power to start with, which is necessary for early game since our scaling runes/mastery won't really show their worth until level 6+.
- Archmage gives a bonus of 1.25% of your ability power per point. With 4 points invested, your ability power is increased by 5%. This is a nice bonus for when we're already stacking high ability power items such as Deathfire Grasp and Wooglet's Witchcap.
- Executioner, the piece de resistance of offensive masteries. For a single point, it increases damage done to champions above 50% of their health by 5%. Another nice touch to our nuke-tacular build, making massive damage even bigger the healthier they are.
Support Masteries
- I chose Summoner's Insight solely for the bonus health it adds on to Revive, since Eve herself is squishy and this build doesn't require health items outside of Blackfire Torch (though you may build them if you like, explained in Item Build section).
- with 3 points invested, Wanderer gives a bonus movement speed of 2%, useful for roaming around the map or getting back in a fight.
- Mastermind lowers the cooldown on summoner spells by 4 for 1 point, 7 for 2, and 10 for 3. I put 2 points here so you have your summoner spells when you need them, not a second too late.
- Artificer lowers the cooldown on activated ability items such as Deathfire Grasp and Wooglet's Witchcap by 7.5% per point spent. Fantastic for continuous use of Deathfire Grasp which, at level 18, will have almost the same cooldown as Agony's Embrace, I put the maximum of 2 points in this one.
- Runic Affinity makes shrines, relics, and quests last 20% longer for 1 point spent. This means speed shrines last longer, making ganks/escapes easier, as well as extending the duration of the buff you will receive should you complete a quest.
- Shadow Walk - Evelynn's passive, when not in combat for 6 seconds Evelynn becomes stealthed, becoming invisible to enemy champions except those within 700 range or those with true sight. While stealthed, Evelynn regenerates 1% of her maximum mana every second.
This passive is half of what makes Eve such a useful assassin. With the sight range visibility circle around her, anyone with a yellow eye above their head is almost within range to see you, while anyone with a red eye above their head can see you. This is important to note, because you can keep enemies within your range of sight without them seeing you if you keep ar the right distance, keeping tabs on locations and movements for your team.
- Hate Spike - Instantly sends out a line of spikes to the closest enemy unit or the unit last attacked, hitting for 40/60/80/100/120 (+45% Ability Power)(+0.4 Bonus Attack Damage) as magic damage and damaging any secondary enemies hit for 50% of the initial damage.
I max this first because with its low cooldown, low mana cost, and ability to be cast while moving, it is extremely useful for keeping up continuous damage while running/chasing/juking enemy champs, and makes pushing lanes a breeze. Constantly use it whenever near an enemy.
- Dark Frenzy - Passive: Evelynn's spell hits on enemy champions grant her 4/8/12/16/20 bonus movement speed for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 4 times.
Active: Evelynn removes all slows affecting her, gains 30%/40%/50%/60%/70% bonus movement speed for 3 seconds and ignores unit collision. Champion kills and assists refresh Dark Frenzy's cooldown.
Max this last, since it refreshes on champion kills and assists, 1 point early on is all you'll need. The speed boost at level one is enough to close the distance between your previously stealthed self and the enemy you're engaging with less than a second of time for them to react. The fact that hitting enemy champions with a spell adds movement speed that stacks is the reason Eve doesn't really need boots until after you've built your Blackfire Torch. Coupled with the low cooldown of Hate Spike, this skill makes Eve both very hard to catch and very hard to get away from.
- Ravage - Evelynn slashes a target twice, dealing 35/60/85/110/135(+50% Ability Power)(+0.4 Bonus Attack Damage) with each strike as magic damage. Evelynn then gains 60/75/90/105/120% bonus attack speed for 3 seconds.
Maxed second for it's decent damage for both harass and burst, use whenever possible.
- Aony's Embrace - Evelynn impales all enemy units in the targeted area, dealing 15%/20%/25%(+1% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health and slowing their movement speed by 30%/50%/70% for 2 seconds. Evelynn gains a shield based on the number of champions hit that lasts up to 6 seconds.
Evelynn's bread and butter, the other half of why she's a great assassin. When used in conjunction with Deathfire Grasp, she can burst +50% of a target's hp in .5 seconds. Can also be used as a last resort for the shield, a quick turnaround if you're both equally low, to catch someone who is too farm for your Hate Spike after you're Dark Frenzy runs out, or to initiate team fights.
Beginning Items - Top
You're going to be squishy early game, and you won't be doing much damage, even with these items. Always go for the mid tower for the advantage of stealth when you head up to the top turret. Do not engage alone, move in when the enemy team is focused on your teammates. As soon as possible, build your Haunting Guise first, and rush Blackfire Torch.
Beginning Items - Bottom
kage's lucky pick
Although I don't recommend it for those who aren't experienced with Eve, for those of you who are forced bottom, focus on farming minions and juking the enemy champion. If it is anyone with a hard stun/suppress I recommend switching out with another teammate. Thought difficult, the gold advantage you gain by farming minions will help speed up your build tremendously. Same as top, buy Haunting Guise on first return, and rush Blackfire Torch.
Early Game
As soon as you get your Blackfire Torch, you can really start doing some poke damage with your Hate Spike, since it has a low cooldown and will proc Blackfire Torch. Pick up some Boots for the extra mobility, then either Amplifying Tome next or a Needlessly Large Rod to build into your Deathfire Grasp.
Mid Game
At this point you have your core build, and can start doing massive damage. As soon as you get your Deathfire Grasp try and link it's cooldown up with your Agony's Embrace so both of them can be used at the same time. Remember to activate Deathfire Grasp before anything else, as it amplifies all magic damage done to the target by 20% for 4 seconds. If you were sent bottom in the beginning and haven't switched out yet, now is the time. Eve is much more useful at roaming the map than she is concentrating bottom lane.
Late Game
If you've gotten to this point and the game isn't over then it's down to the wire and you've got your work cut out for you. You should be able to kill almost anyone within 2 seconds at this point, so use it to your advantage and destroy anyone who is alone, then push their turret to distract the enemy team. Keen map awareness is a must and don't forget to activate your Wooglet's Witchcap in a pinch.
Situational Items
Build Abyssal Scepter following your Deathfire Grasp if the enemy team is AP heavy or a majority of them have magic resistance items. The area of effect reduction of their magic resistance by 20 will be much more useful in team fights.
Build Wooglet's Witchcap if you're having trouble with AD carries focusing you. The armor it gives and the active effect of making you invulnerable for 2.5 seconds can help you stall for time for your cooldowns to come up, for your team to join you, or to hold a turret after you've popped Garrison.
With how often Eve can use her skills Lich Bane can be brutal late game. It's only downside on Eve is she has to auto attack to do the bonus 50 + 75% of her ability power in damage, which means it is only good for the initial burst, and not for prolonged fights.
If you find you're just too squishy or you cant seem to get away from an enemy's slow, build Rylai's Crystal Scepter for it's on-spell-hit slow effect and nice amount of health.
If you want to try hybrid, I suggest Hextech Gunblade, since both her Hate Spike and Ravage scale off of attack damage as well as ability power. It's passive spellvamp and lifesteal should keep you alive, and it's activated effect will damage and slow the enemy. The Artificer mastery also affects this item.
Hard stun/suppression is your greatest enemy, so try not to initiate on champions like Pantheon Malzahar Shen etc. unless you know theirs is on cooldown.
For enemy teams with a troublesome tank, when initiating a team fight use your Deathfire Grasp on the tank. This makes him more susceptible to magic attacks from everyone on your team in addition to the damage dealt and can make taking him down go a lot smoother.
When not engaging an enemy or a turret, always farm minions. The faster you can get your Deathfire Grasp the faster you can burst people down. Remember to keep an eye on your map for possible ganks.
Don't be afraid to spend some time in the jungle. Mid game you can either take down a lone wolf or do a decent amount of damage to them before they can reach their turret. If they aren't alone, you still know their location and can inform your team.
Use Dark Frenzy often, especially when you're moving around the map or ganking someone you know will die, as it refreshes on champion kill/assist. If the enemy doesn't die quickly make sure you run around and away from them, especially if they're a skill shot champion such as Lux or Ezreal. This makes it difficult to target you and can make them waste skills. The only time you should use it sparingly is when the enemy had a slow, because once Dark Frenzy activates it removes all slows, including Exhaust.
For enemy teams with a troublesome tank, when initiating a team fight use your Deathfire Grasp on the tank. This makes him more susceptible to magic attacks from everyone on your team in addition to the damage dealt and can make taking him down go a lot smoother.
When not engaging an enemy or a turret, always farm minions. The faster you can get your Deathfire Grasp the faster you can burst people down. Remember to keep an eye on your map for possible ganks.
Don't be afraid to spend some time in the jungle. Mid game you can either take down a lone wolf or do a decent amount of damage to them before they can reach their turret. If they aren't alone, you still know their location and can inform your team.
Use Dark Frenzy often, especially when you're moving around the map or ganking someone you know will die, as it refreshes on champion kill/assist. If the enemy doesn't die quickly make sure you run around and away from them, especially if they're a skill shot champion such as Lux or Ezreal. This makes it difficult to target you and can make them waste skills. The only time you should use it sparingly is when the enemy had a slow, because once Dark Frenzy activates it removes all slows, including Exhaust.
That's all for my in-depth Evelynn guide. HUGE thank you to jhoijhoi for making a killer guide making guide which you can find here. Any criticism or feedback is welcome!
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