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Yasuo is a bit of a weird one now. Originally he was no threat at all to Kayle. Most of Kayle's new ranged attacks are projectiles now which makes Yasuo more of a threat. I need to test against him more though to say better or worse.
Pantheon used to be extremely strong vs Kayle, now I am not so sure. Pantheon can stunt Kayle early, but when Kayle gets range and starts to build up, Pantheon should fall off and be more of an even to minor threat.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan starts off pretty good at hunting early game Kayle, but falls off about mid game. At about that mid game, Kayle tends to melt poor old Jarvan.
Nasus can stack fairly easily against an early game Kayle, leading to some Susan Snow Balls.
Like Katarina, not a good choice to fight against mid lane.
Kai'Sa is a huge threat both as ADC and Jungler. Just be sure you don't let her get fed.
Katarina, along with many other assassins, is very dangerous for Kayle. Never fight a Katarina mid lane as Kayle, it will not end well.
Another strong assassin that counters Kayle, especially early game. Later, Kayle starts to snowball against assassins.
Early game, Darius is extremely dangerous at top lane. Kayle starts off pretty fragile, therefore you should stick to poking and playing passive until you start getting more range under your belt.
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao is good at closing distance and CCing you to death. For Kayle top lane? Worst cast scenario when in the early game.
Ashe provides CC that synergizes with my Kayle support builds very well.
Varus has an ideal amount of range to allow a closer range Kayle some breathing room. Varus' snare and slow abilities also pair very well.
Ezreal is a somewhat in your face ADC, pairing with Kayle somewhat well for early fights.
Draven's burst damage and early snowball capability is only accented by Kayle. Kayle's ultimate gives Draven some breathing room if he overextends in a fight. The slows and resistance debuffs from Kayle also give Draven a hefty hand in a fight.
Nasus as a high damage tank that tends to draw aggro really easily is a great pair with Kayle. Not only can Kayle keep Nasus alive, but Kayle is allowed to do her damage while an enemy team worries about a 700 stack Nasus.
Ashe provides CC that synergizes with my Kayle support builds very well.
Varus has an ideal amount of range to allow a closer range Kayle some breathing room. Varus' snare and slow abilities also pair very well.
Ezreal is a somewhat in your face ADC, pairing with Kayle somewhat well for early fights.
Draven's burst damage and early snowball capability is only accented by Kayle. Kayle's ultimate gives Draven some breathing room if he overextends in a fight. The slows and resistance debuffs from Kayle also give Draven a hefty hand in a fight.
Nasus as a high damage tank that tends to draw aggro really easily is a great pair with Kayle. Not only can Kayle keep Nasus alive, but Kayle is allowed to do her damage while an enemy team worries about a 700 stack Nasus.
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