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Recommended Items
Runes: Conqueror
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Leveling order
Mark of the Kindred (PASSIVE)
Kindred Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lee Sin
Lee Sin can kick you out of your ultimate. Also he is a very strong early duelist. Although early on it's a skill match up, once he hits 6 avoid him when his R is up.
Janna's ultimate can knock everyone out of your ultimate.
Janna's ultimate can knock everyone out of your ultimate.
Champion Build Guide

Hello summoners,
My name is Liibron and I am a Kindred main on the EUW server. I hope this 1v9 Kindred guide helps you improve at my favorite champion.
On my Youtube channel I make video guides where I break down some of my matches, if you want to learn more about the champion you can click the link:

The mid game is very dependent of your early game. If you are snowballed, try to stay ahead by picking good fights and asking your team (ideally your support or someone with good mobility) to walk with you to your marks. Marks are the most important part about

If you need magic resist I will always recommend going for

0 marks: The very first mark of every game will always be one of the two

1-3 marks: These marks will always be on:

4-7 marks: These marks will always be on:

8+ marks: After the 8th mark the only monsters that can get marked are:

Here is what marks do exactly for

How to play around Wolf's marks:
The first

How to play around Lamb's marks:
You always want to start out by marking the enemy jungler at the start of the game. You have the highest chance of finding the enemy jungler as your first opponent. After that you want to mark enemies u are planning to gank or kill. In fights its best to mark the enemy frontline, chances are that they will dive on you so you wont have any other choice other then killing them.
Time between marks:
Wolf's marks will last up to 3 minutes and will reappear on other camps after 40 seconds of the currents mark death. When a marked camp is killed, the mark will disappear after 10 seconds.
Lamb's marks can be chosen by yourself. After you kill or assist in killing a marked target you will not be able to mark the same player in the next 4 minutes. If you are not successful in your hunt, you will be able to select a different target after 1:30 minutes of the failed hunt. After you mark a target it will take 8 seconds to apply the mark.

At the start of the game I like to ask my team to walk with me to the enemy

After placing this ward you want to instantly reset and buy your

I like to start on

After this look to gank the 2 nearby lanes. If the opportunity doesn't present itself you can always move into the enemy jungle. From here you can either kill the enemy jungler, get vision for you and your team or simply take away enemy camps.
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