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Choose Champion Build:
- Burn Them Flame God
- Solo TiGod
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Bridge Between (PASSIVE)
Udyr Passive Ability
So in 6.9 devourer got deleted which I used in my jungle guide and some new items came, Abbysal is now better for tanky builds + it gives CDR. There is an item that gives a dash, even though it isnt much you also throws rockets in front of you which do non-neglecable damage and also slow the enemy while item giving CDR and health so I recommend that one too. I tried this build in a couple of games, its just a little bit more squishy so you gotta be a lil bit more carefull but you seem to have more impact in the game, have fun.
So i havent tried him top lane yet, but what i believe is that with the guinsoo changes top lane phoenix could actually work. I wont put a build yet since i havent tried it but abbysal protobelt guinsoos merctreads iceborn and banshees? (basicly switch ludens echo with guinsoos) seems good to me while not being sure about it :D tiger still works with the same build but may struggle since we will be seeing some ap tops this patch.
First of all I only gave you 2 build which are for you to see and apply instantly, they are not perect by far but they are the most balanced and suitable for most situations so they will have to do. If you go solo Top I HIGHLY recommend you go Tiger since it is really strong and with patch 6.9 phoenix top is just weak BUT if you want to try the new guinsoos top lane phoenix it may work, i havent tried it yet, Look at the enemy team and chance with the viable items i listed. I may have forgotten some viable items too, on udyr you can build most stuff, just make sure you are tanky enough. Make sure to use your W whenever you can and only bear if you are running away, chasing or going to stun someone. Thats all, he is a fun champ to play and learn.
**** whatever I typed below. We ditched the devourer and we are goign with the ap item. Just jungle the typical way
Start at the side where your bot lane starts. Lets say you are the BLUE side. Go do your krugs with your bot lane, use smite. Skip your red go to the raptors. After raptors go to wolves, go the BLUE after wolves and do it. After doing blue go to your gromp and smite it. If you start RED side. Go do your gromp with your bot lane and smite it. Skip your blue and go do your wolves, after that go do the raptors and do the red. Go do the krugs and smite them. If you see yourself struggling with red you can smite it no problem. After doing this in whatever side, go back, get the stalkers knife. Go back to the krugs or gromp depending on which one you started and do a full clear and get the buff you left out. go back or start ganking its up to you.
**** whatever I typed below. We ditched the devourer and we are goign with the ap item. Just jungle the typical way
Start at the side where your bot lane starts. Lets say you are the BLUE side. Go do your krugs with your bot lane, use smite. Skip your red go to the raptors. After raptors go to wolves, go the BLUE after wolves and do it. After doing blue go to your gromp and smite it. If you start RED side. Go do your gromp with your bot lane and smite it. Skip your blue and go do your wolves, after that go do the raptors and do the red. Go do the krugs and smite them. If you see yourself struggling with red you can smite it no problem. After doing this in whatever side, go back, get the stalkers knife. Go back to the krugs or gromp depending on which one you started and do a full clear and get the buff you left out. go back or start ganking its up to you.
You need to know your strengths and weaknesses well. If you are matched aganist a melee The thing you should try to do in your lane is farm in your bear form, when the other guy comes to farm just stun him, throw it into tiger, apply the dot, hit him again and then just bail. you will do insane damage without getting hit at all while having 6 fervor stacks instantly, so if you wantto turn just fake running away after doing this like 2 times and turn on him with another bear. You will have 8 fervor stacks and probably kill him. You should be carefull to not fall too much in lane or you will be really useless.
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