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Diana Build Guide by MythrillGamer

AP Offtank Hybrid Diana top!? (tell me what you think)

AP Offtank Hybrid Diana top!? (tell me what you think)

Updated on November 15, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MythrillGamer Build Guide By MythrillGamer 15,614 Views 1 Comments
15,614 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MythrillGamer Diana Build Guide By MythrillGamer Updated on November 15, 2015
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Diana
    Hybrid diana top-it works i sw
  • LoL Champion: Diana
    Ap Tankier bruiser top


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Hello there

I'm an unimportant silver three... You've no real reason to listen to me, but i do play a large amount of off-meta/weird build paths and champions. As such, i tend to often find myself stretching champions strengths to the limit...and i'd just like to say: full ad diana stretches her...hybrid fits her kit very fluidly.
Good luck with it :D
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Why go hybrid Diana over full ap mid or jungle?(or just Diana top in genera

Hybrid diana:
-Tanky mid/late
-Gunblade active provides a bit of extra chase/disengage
-Splitpushes/sieges/pushes like crazy(your passive damages turret)
-Not as much cc as most tops
-Item reliant
-weak until six in most matchups.
AP diana mid:
-health bar? nah its gone.
-great roams bot post six
-no escape
-weakish in teamfights
-countered by cc
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Dianas combos

So, your general combo if a melee champ comes to aa trade with you is: q-aa-w-aa(until they back off)-e-aa(untill your passive procs or you fear minions)
Your all-in/post six combo is: hit q-r-aa-w-aa(till they back off)-e-aa-q-r-repeat
Remember that Diana's e is technically a knock-up, and combine that with her hybrid top, she works wonderfully with yasuo.
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Try to last hit multiple minions with your passive, and be wary of it if you dont want to push.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MythrillGamer
MythrillGamer Diana Guide
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Hybrid Diana top!? (tell me what you think)

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