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Jinx Build Guide by Jdoublewoo

ADC In Depth Jinx Guide by Jdoublewoo

ADC In Depth Jinx Guide by Jdoublewoo

Updated on October 5, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jdoublewoo Build Guide By Jdoublewoo 7 0 44,723 Views 4 Comments
7 0 44,723 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jdoublewoo Jinx Build Guide By Jdoublewoo Updated on October 5, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Jinx
    Jinx Build
  • LoL Champion: Jinx
    Experimental Build


Fleet Footwork
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Gathering Storm


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hey there, thanks for visiting my Jinx Guide.

So a little about me. I play on the NA server under the username Jdoublewoo, and I'm currently hitting mid Plat right now.
Just recently started streaming on twitch : Usually play around 11am - 2pm if you guys want to drop by.

I'm an ADC Main, or what people now a days call 'Bot Main', but I specialize in marksmen overall. I've been playing Jinx since I started in Season 5, and has been a pretty staple pick for me ever since. I base most of my builds off of ProBuild, and have tested them out before having written this guide.

I'm writing this guide, because I've noticed that alot of the other Jinx guides that are currently out are sort of outdated. Most of them being from before the most recent marksmen item update. This is my my first time writing a guide, so it's going to be pretty quick and dirty. If you have anything you want to criticize, or things I should fix shoot me a message.

Once again thanks for visiting, and I hope you learn alot from my guide.
So now let's get right to it.
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So why Jinx?

Jinx is the textbook definition of a late game hypercarry, having one of the best damage for a 5v5 team fight. She is incredibly rewarding for anyone willing to learn her, and can win just about any team fight with the proper team coordination.

Jinx is a psychotic loose cannon, and Riot did a really nice job building her kit to reflects it. Getting any take down or tower kill allows for Jinx to go completely ballistic and completely take over a team fight. Showering the enemy team in a hail of rockets and bullets.

It is one of the most satisfying things to have your passive kick in during a losing fight, and being able to just melt the enemy team.

Aside for game play reasons, she has one of the most consistent line of skins in terms of quality. Each having their own theme and set of special effects that make them worth using. Like seriously what's not to love about shooting a giant firecracker at the enemy.
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+ Long ranged poke
+ AS/AD Steroids from Switcheroo!
+ AS/MS Steroids from Get Excited!
+ Long Range
+ Splash Damage
+ Ultimate is an execute

Jinx is a great hyper carry for solo queue. That have several steroids in her kit, one of which allows for her to go over the attack speed cap. Combined with her splash damage and she can be dealing large amounts of damage to the entire enemy team with each auto.

- Poor early game
- Lacks mobility spell
- Lacks reliable self peel
- Lot of bad match ups
- Easily gankable

Jinx lacks any form of mobility in her kit, which means that she is heavily punished any time that she is mispositioned. Combine that with a lack of reliable self peel and you have a champion that is incredibly vulnerable to ganks and all ins. In addition she doesn't have that much damage early game, which means that more often then not she has to secede lane control to champions that spike early game.
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FLASH: Flash is the staple spell of almost every champion in the game. It is great for both offense and defense. Getting you out of sticky situations and allowing you to chase down fleeing enemies. Due to the fact that jinx has no mobility nor self peel in her kit this is a required spell for her regardless of matchup.

HEAL: Heal functions quite similarly to flash in the sense that it too allows for you to play both defensively and offensively. Allowing for you to both escape and pursue with the heal heal and small movement speed boost that it gives. The reason that this summoner is taken over barrier is due to the nature of botlane, being composed of the carry and support, and heal affecting allies.

The most recent patch has buffed heal by reducing the cooldown by a full 30 seconds, giving it a 4 minute cooldown. This has edged it out a bit over teleport in my personal opinion.

A small notes about heal: You can target who you heal with it, but it auto casts to be used on the lowest health ally if you don't decide to target it. Also try not to use it when you have Grievous Wounds applied as the heal is mitigated by it.
BARRIER: A bit more of a niche summoner to use in bot lane due to heal. It can be taken when you have an Ardent Censer support who takes the summoner spell Heal. This is due to the fact that their heal will be buffed by the passive of Ardent Censer, and heals that are applied in quick secession of each other are reduced in effectiveness by 50%. I personally prefer only doing this when I'm duoed with the support.

TELEPORT: So Riot has slowly started to buff back early game stats for adcs while nerfing TP timers, tacking on an extra minute onto tp. Take this as your secondary whenever you have a hard matchup or you're against lane bullies.
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Regardless of what secondary runes you take, you should always be taking the precision tree as your primary set of runes as none of the other trees synergizes as well as the precision tree does.

Precision Tree
Fleet Footwork
Fleet Footwork is the most reliable of the three primary runes. It's a rune that you can take regardless of matchup. The heal gives you a decent amount of sustain for lane and the burst of movement speed is good for avoiding skill shots.

Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo is a great rune to take when you have a winning matchup and don't need that much sustain in lane. The bonus attack speed really amps up the amount of damage you can do. In addition it works alot better than Hail of Blades with Jinx due to the fact that Hail of Blades only works for the first three autos.

Press the Attack
This keystone, in my opinion, has the least synergy of the three with Jinx. Previously the other two were nerfed to ground, leaving it as the only possible rune to take. But with the nerfs to Press the Attack and buffs to the other two the three are about the same in terms of usability. However unlike other champions that utilize it Jinx neither has a passive that would benefit require continuous trades in lane, such as Kai'Sa or Vayne, nor the means of reseting autos, such as Lucian. It's usable, but not the best one to take.

Is incredibly useful in close fights, or when you have a DOT applied on you. The 25g isn't that bad either. Overheal used to be taken when the Relic Shield start was in meta, however now a days it isn't as effective due to how short the shield lasts for.

Used to be taken when the Relic Shield start was in meta, however now a days it isn't as effective due to how short the shield lasts for. If you do decide to take it, you probably want to take Legend: Bloodline and FleetFootwork with it as the runes synergize with each other very well.

Legend: Alacrity
Almost all ADCs, aside for a select few such as Jhin, take this rune due to how well it synergizes with them; increasing their AS and in turn their damage output. At full stacks it gives sizeable amount of bonus attack speed, 10%. Basically the same as having another dagger.

Legend: Bloodline
Isn't a bad alternative to Legend: Alacrity due to the nature of Jinx's standard build. Since she usually has to build 4 items for her power spike, and possibly a 5th if the enemy has a tanky frontline, this leaves her with very little lifesteal throughout the game. Some players take Bloodline to compensate for this vulnerability and to increase her overall survivability.

Coup de Grace
Hands down the best rune to take of the three. It is the least difficult condition to meet, making it the most reliable.

Sorcery Tree
Gives a decent amount of move speed, which lets you dodge certain skill shots that you normally would be unable to. In addition, the bonus attack damage you get adds up between your items and your passive.

Gathering Storm
Due to Jinx's nature as a late game ADC, Gathering Storm synergizes with Jinx incredibly well. It gives an incredible amount of bonus AD when late game kicks in. The longer the game the more AD you get.

Inspiration Tree
Take the Inspiration Tree as your secondary if there is a lot of burst on the enemy team, and you need the extra survivability.

Perfect Timing
Effectively gives you a 600G item for free, and allows for you to survive an early game burst, or to play more aggressively then you normally would. Eventually builds into Guardian Angel which is nice to have when the enemy has a lot of burst, or if you're the only real AD threat on your team.

Cosmic Insight
Reduces all of your ability cooldowns by 5%, including summoners, and raise the max CDR cap to 45%. Is really nice to have your summoners up a tiny bit faster, giving you a slight edge if you and your lane opponent blew summoners at similar times.
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Starting Items

Doran's Blade is the standard start in most matchups. The lack of AD it has, compared to a Long Sword, is made up for by it's other stats. It gives you extra hp which allows for you to survive in situations you otherwise wouldn't. And the sustain that you get from it's life steal from autoing minions become substantial over time.

Take this instead of Doran's Blade when you're in a lane with an oppressive amount of poke. When the lane opponent is able to push you out of lane you won't be able to sustain yourself in lane with Doran's Blade by autoing minions. The health regen that it gives is much more reliable and allows for you to stay in lane through the poke.

You got blasted out of lane by your opponent in the first 5 minutes of the game, and you don't have any gold for any of the component items of your build. This is when you build Cull. It isn't that good of a starting item due to the lack of hp that it gives in comparison to the Doran items. However it actually gives a decent amount of sustain and allows for you to scale a bit harder into the late game, if you're able to fulfill it's mission. Buy this if you're in the first 10 minutes of the game, and either can't afford anything else, or you just have an extra 450g laying around.
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Standard Build Core

Rush this item first, and prioritize the B. F. Sword and Pickaxe components over the Dagger. Early game AD is much more reliable for short trades then extra AS is. There is no point in having attack speed if all your attacks just tickle the enemy. The finished item has nice early game stats in terms of AD and AS, and it's passive deals a good chunk of damage for trades. The move speed, although the least impactful part of the item, is nice regardless for either chasing down the enemy or doing quick hit and runs. Late game it sort of becomes a stat stick and should be the item to be sold off if you need to buy something after having six items.

The only pair of boots I ever really buy on Jinx. The bonus AS and MS are great in the early game. They're an insanely cost effective attack speed item, being able to match most of the finished Zeal items for only 1100 gold. Pick them up early if the enemy laners have a lot of skill shots that are hard to dodge. Otherwise pick them up somewhere between StormRazer and Runaan's.

This is the item that makes Jinx a team fighting monster. Each of the bolts will be a Fishbone Rocket, each of which will do 100% splash damage to all enemies hit. This means that if three enemies are clustered together the person in the middle will be hit with the Fishbone auto on top of the splash damage from the two additional rockets. Increasing Jinx's output an absurd amount and increasing her overall ability to wave clear. In addition, Runaan's will increase how much you life steal due to how Runaan's interacts with life steal; allowing for Jinx to life stealing off of each of the Runaan bolts.

The changes to Infinity Edge has made it a terrible first item, and is why StormRazer is the go to first item on most adcs. Infinity Edge is now composed of two B. F. Sword, making it hard to get in the early game if you have a hard lane. In addition you're not getting the full benefits of the item until you have crit in your build. However, getting it as a third item allows for you to immensely increase your damage output. Once completed it'll grant you a whopping 80 AD, on top of doubling the crit rate from your Runaan's Hurricane, and turns 15% of the damage from critical strikes into true damage. Allowing for you to bypass the base armor of squishies and the additional armor of tanks.
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Experimental Build Core

So I've seen this build pop up quite a bit on ProBuild as of late. I have yet to test it out, but I'm writing it in to both acknowledge the fact that it exists and to let all of you know of it.

The general gist of the build, from what I can tell, is that it gives up raw AD and penetration in exchange for additional range, attack speed, move speed and crit rate. This build probably is more orientated for the early game, and oriented more for single target damage. I'll be updating this section after I test it out a bit, but for now this is just my speculation.
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Additional Items

The standard armor penetration item that you want to build. Build it when the enemy team starts to build armor items. Usually want to build this item 5th, however in certain situations you may have to build it 4th or even 3rd. If the enemy team doesn't have a tank you can usually delay building this item or flat out skipping it in place of other items.

Build this item instead of Lord Dominiks' Regard if the enemy team has a lot of lifesteal and sustain on their team. This means when the enemy has people like Vladimir, Dr. Mundo, or Soraka. You can sit on the component Executioner's Calling and finish this item last, if the enemy team has a lot of lot of lifesteal but aren't that tanky.

Gives you the most life steal and raw AD of the possible lifesteal items, and allows for you to a degree ignore grevious wounds. Although the over heal it gives is a bit situational, it can allow for you to survive burst combos.

Take this item if you want a mix of AS and life steal in your build. It is also a very good buy if the enemy team is building alot of health, but not too much armor as it does percentage health damage. The active component is useful when chasing down or kiting out an enemy.

A quick note there are people who still build double crit items and Infinity Edge on Jinx, however I don't believe that it is all that cost effective as you're paying for extra stats that are going to waste. If you require additional attack speed, there are a few alternatives that you can build instead.

If the enemy team has a lot of people diving you, this is probably the best one of the three Zeal items to do. Phantom Dancer reduces the damage of the champion that you're autoing. It gives the most MS and AS of the three Zeal items, however the passives of the other two are much better if you do not need to survive a dive, as this item is traditionally built for adcs that want to be dueling. Something that Jinx isn't that good at.

Of the three Zeal items, this is the one that synergizes with Jinx's kit the best. It increases Jinx's already high attack range on top of empowering her auto.

Weakest of the three Zeal items on Jinx. It is designed more for wave clearing with the empowered auto attack, however Runaan's alone provides Jinx with sufficient wave clear. And the range from Rapid Firecannon's empowered auto is significantly more useful in fights.
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Defensive Options

Take this item when you need a bit of MR and the enemy team has a large amount of crowd control. The burst of movement speed upon using it is really good for repositioning, and not that bad for when you need some extra move speed to chase. A little note is that you can use it during knock backs and knock ups in conjunction with flash to cancel it. If you can't dodge the initial spell with flash this is a good way to get yourself out. Just remember that Mercurial Scimitar by itself won't get you out of the knockup/back.

Here's a good video explaining how to use it.

Build this when the enemy team has a lot of burst, or if you're getting killed early on during fights. There's no point in having alot of damage if you don't last long enough to use it.

If the enemy team has a lot of AP damage, but not too much crowd control, take this item instead of Mercurial. It's pretty well rounded giving decent MR and damage, on top of CDR. When the passive kicks in you get a 350 shield for ap, and an additional 20 AD and lifesteal.
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Get Excited!(Passive) (Q)

RANGE: 150
COST: 0 mana
Whenever an enemy champion, turret or inhibitor dies within 3 seconds of being damaged by Jinx, she gains 175% bonus movement speed which decays over 6 seconds.

Additionally, she gains 15% total attack speed and removes the attack speed cap for the same duration.
  • Auto whenever you can during team fights to get a takedown to proc the passive.
  • The bonus move speed allows for easy repositioning in a fight, but the bonus attack speed makes it a bit difficult to orb walk until you get used to it.
  • You can tower dive the enemy and use the passive to get out.
  • Take advantage of the bonus move speed to knock down towers. You can afford to stick around when enemies start collapsing and use the bonus move speed to escape.

Switcheroo! (Q)

RANGE: 150
COST: 20 mana
Toggle - Switcheroo! Fishbones: Jinx loses 25% of all of her bonus attack speed and her basic attacks cost mana but they gain bonus range, deal 10% AD bonus physical damage, and hit all enemies around the main target. The bonus damage from Fishbones can critically strike.

Toggle - Pow-Pow Pow-Pow: Jinx's basic attacks grant Rev'd up for 2.5 seconds, granting bonus attack speed, stacking up to 3 times.

The first up Rev'd up stack is twice as potent as the others, and stacks decay one at a time when she stops attacking. Switching to Fishbones will not clear any active stacks, but they will not grant bonus attack speed after her first basic attack.
  • The usage of each form is what differentiate good Jinx players from the trash.
  • Early game FishBone can eat up alot of mana so be careful about using it.
  • Try and hit any minion that the enemy laner is standing near to poke them without aggroing the minions.
  • Use FishBones for wave clear, team fighting and chasing down enemies.
  • Take advantage of the additional range that Fishbone provides to poke and stay at a safe distance during team fights.
  • Use Pow Pow for single target damage and to knock down towers.
  • The first auto after switching to Fishbone retains the AS bonus, so make good use of it.

Zap! (W)

RANGE: 1450
COST: 50/60/70/80/90 mana
COOLDOWN: 8/7/6/5/4
After a short delay, Jinx fires a shock blast that deals physical damage to the first enemy it hits, Sight icon revealing and Slow icon slowing them for 2 seconds.
  • Use it early game in between autos. Spends the time not autoing, to cast an ability.
  • Use it mainly to chase down enemies or to run away using the slow.
  • Use it to check bushes.
  • Use before ulting to slow the enemy, and increase the chance of the ult hitting.
  • Is a decent poke ability when the range from FishBones is not enough.

Flame Chompers! (E)

RANGE: 900
70 mana
COOLDOWN: 24/20.5/17/13.5/10
Active: Jinx tosses out 3 Chompers that arm after 0.7 seconds, and explode automatically after 5 seconds. Once armed the Chompers will explode on contact with enemy champions.
Exploding Chompers deal magic damage over 1.5 seconds in 3 instances to all enemies within a small area, and champions that set them off are Knockdown icon knocked down and Root icon rooted for the same duration.

A single champion can only set off a single Chompers and can only be damaged by one, even if they remain in range when they explode.
  • When using it for escapes throw it either slightly ahead of you, or on where you currently are, due to the arm time.
  • When in lane. If your support manages to hit cc on the enemy layers, throw you your chompers to layer the cc.
  • During the laning phase, if you manage to win the race to level 2, often you can win an all in by taking chompers second and all inning the enemy laners.
  • It is useful for chasing, as even if it doesn't hit, it forces the enemy to run around it.
  • If you know where an enemy is going to land, such as with Zed or Diana, throw it there before they land. They'll immediately be snared.
  • It can be used to interrupt dashes.
  • Throw it on incoming teleports, they'll be snared the minute the channel is complete.

Super Mega Death Rocket! (R)

RANGE: Global
COST: 100 mana
COOLDOWN: 90/75/60
Jinx fires a Super Mega Death Rocket! Minimap rocket that travels in a line, exploding in an area upon hitting an enemy champion. Secondary targets take 80% damage.

The explosion deals 10% - 100% (based on distance traveled) of the rocket's physical damage, though the missing health component is unaffected.
  • The distance for the rocket to do max damage is approximately the same as the range for Zap!, so use that to approximate the distance from where to shoot.
  • Counter intuitively this ability is pretty good to be used on low tanks. The secondary splash damage is based off of missing health, so tanks make a pretty good target.
  • Sometimes it is good to shoot it off when enemies are all clustered even when they're not in kill range.
  • Can be used to steal objectives with the splash damage if it hits nearby champions.
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Always take Switcheroo! on level one, as it allows for Jinx to contest for the level two advantage. Whereas the other two aren't as useful early.

Use the AS bonus from Pow Pow to push the wave. However, if the enemy starts to get the push advantage switch over to Fish Bones to push. If it seems like you'll be first in getting the second wave melee minions start to position more aggressively. Alot of times you can catch people off guard by throwing out your Flame Chompers! behind them at level two. Either you catch them, or they are forced to run around, which sets up an easy cc for your support. You might be able to get a kill early, but if not you can gain a lane advantage, which will make your path into the mid game alot smoother. In addition, with certain kill lanes, getting pushed under your tower is a death sentence since it sets the enemy team up for a dive.

However on the off chance that you start too lose the level two push, this happens most frequently against bot lane mages, start to pull off. Since you don't want to be on the losing end of a trade. At this point take Zap! instead and use it to poke when you can.

Regardless of who wins the initial level two, once both laners are level two, you want to be constantly pushing into the enemy tower with FishBone rockets and the AS boost from Pow Pow. Most ranged champions are best at harassing when the enemy laner is under tower, as the enemy is forced to eat free poke or give up CS. In addition, this will allow for you to whittle away at the enemy tower, secure deep vision of the enemy team, and to help collapse if your jungler engages in a duel.

If you manage to get a substantial lead in lane you have two options to freeze wave, or to push for first tower gold. There are benefits to both so pick which one you want depending on the game.

When freezing you ideally wants to freeze the wave to her side of the river. This puts you a position that makes it harder for the enemy jungler to gank, while making it easier for your jungler to gank, and to be able to control when you want to trade with the enemy. When you have the lead, you should win trades, meaning that it is in the enemy laner's best interest to not trade with you. Whenever one of your minions is low health position yourself to trade with the enemy as this forces them in a position to either back off and miss cs, or to fight you and take damage for it. This is one of the best ways to blow open an advantage and make the enemy adc useless, as you're cutting off their source of income.

Alternatively you can push down first tower and then start to rotate around the map, giving your team the advantage due to global gold and map pressure. This is usually the better of the two due to the state of the current early game oriented meta, however freezing is great for when you want to extend the laning phase.
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Mid-Late Game

Ight so you made it out of laning phase so we have one of two scenarios.

Yay you survived laning phase and you pushed down the tower in your lane. Now what? As previously mentioned rotate to a different lane and start pushing to their tower. Either the enemy team will rotate with you and laning phase starts yet again, but this time in another lane, or they don't and you can either kill the new enemy laner or just push them out for a free tower. Repeat doing this until all three outer turrets are down.
Once all three towers are down, you're starting to enter the late game. If it's pre-20 mins you really want to take Rift Herald to be able to balloon your lead even further. Otherwise have your team group around you and try to push for towers and set up vision for neutral objectives. Help your support set up an area of vision around objectives that you want to take. This allows for you to know when the enemy team will want to initiate on you, and for you and your team to be ready for it. In addition, your team might be able to engage and punish isolated targets when they make risky pathing choices. Always look for objectives that you can take. If you're not gaining advantages, you're losing tempo and allowing time for the enemy team to get back in the game. Doing this properly should allow for you to blow up the enemy nexus. Much easier said then done though.

Now here's the other way laning phase went.
You were dumpstered and barely scraping by. Your enemy laner melts down everyone while you have a pea shooter. Your team is flaming you and your lane opponent is spamming their mastery. What a mess, where to begin.

At this point what you want to do is slow down the enemy team's momentum.This is done by stopping them from pushing further into your base.

First set up a defensive vision line with your team. Anyone of you getting caught by the enemy will spell disaster. Do not let the enemy run around without your knowledge.
Next look for isolated targets. Try and make picks with your team to stall out the game.
It doesn't matter how fed a champion is, they can't survive the burst of an entire team at once.Wave clear, wave clear, and wave clear again. They want to push down turrets and inhibs to crack open your nexus. They can't do that if you're stopping the waves from hitting the tower.Try and trade objectives. If they're going to get an objective, never give it for free.
You're behind you need all the gold you can get. You can't afford to give things up for free.
Continue to stall out the game until everyone on your team has hit a point where they can afford the fight the enemy team. After that it's up to how good the team is on both a macro and micro sense.
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Team Fighting

There are a few basic rules that all ADCS should follow when team fighting:
  • Assess the kill pressure that each of the champions have on you.
  • Assess what CC is up on the enemy team.
  • Who is the highest priority target on the enemy team.
  • Which of those targets are in your range that you can safely auto.
I believe that this Team Fight Breakdown is the best at explaining this concept and can do it a hell of a lot better then I can, so give it a watch when you can.

Aside for this, there is a few things you should know about team fighting as Jinx:
  • Jinx is a front to back type adc, stay behind your front lines and auto attack the highest priority threat that you can safely hit from that position.
  • MiniGun is deals a larger amount of damage in a team fight at full stacks. Unless several members of the enemy team are clumped up, which at this point you should switch to FishBones for the AOE splash damage.
  • If you ever feel like you won't be safe using the minigun in the team fight, change to FishBones and auto from max range.
  • Do not overestimate how much damage you can deal when your passive is up. I've seen numerous times players getting cocky because their passive came up and get punished for it.
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Hope you guys enjoyed my guide on Jinx. Take everything you learned from here and dumpster people on the rift.
If you learned alot from my guide, I'd really appreciate it if you guys could share and upvote the guide so that more people could find and learn from the guide. If this gets good reception, I might start to write up guides on other marksmen that I play. And if you guys have any questions or spot any mistakes feel free to shoot me a message.

Shameless plugin here: I'd really appreciate it if you guys could drop by and give my twitch stream a watch if you have the time:
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