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Choose Champion Build:
Burst Jax Mid
Hyper carry Jax top
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Relentless Assault (PASSIVE)
Jax Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Introduction (Who is this crazy jax mid player???)
Hey Guys,
So this is the build I use for Jax mid lane because THIS is soo broken.
When your playing jax you can be like uhghhsjk I have to build tanky or my team will flame but really??? This build will allow you to go from behind and one shot any squishes and since jax e blocks aa it will allow you to survive all while stunning them to let your team destroy them.
The duskblade + youmuus will give you a massive advantage if you happen to get really fed early and if not it will still scale into mid and late game quite well, but if you happen to feed early it is OK to build something like a warmogs, frozen mallet or randuins.
After that you have your infinity edge for that edge of crit in a 1 versus 1 match up of if you get lucky at like level 14-16 you can basically two shot any adc on the other team. If you continue to kill the adc throughout the game they might as well become afk :) So for final items you want to have the stattik shiv for the burst and the Blade of Ruined King for that extra life steal when you feel like your going to die in a team fight .
For the top build its like a basic af
p.s this is my first build xD
So this is the build I use for Jax mid lane because THIS is soo broken.
When your playing jax you can be like uhghhsjk I have to build tanky or my team will flame but really??? This build will allow you to go from behind and one shot any squishes and since jax e blocks aa it will allow you to survive all while stunning them to let your team destroy them.
The duskblade + youmuus will give you a massive advantage if you happen to get really fed early and if not it will still scale into mid and late game quite well, but if you happen to feed early it is OK to build something like a warmogs, frozen mallet or randuins.
After that you have your infinity edge for that edge of crit in a 1 versus 1 match up of if you get lucky at like level 14-16 you can basically two shot any adc on the other team. If you continue to kill the adc throughout the game they might as well become afk :) So for final items you want to have the stattik shiv for the burst and the Blade of Ruined King for that extra life steal when you feel like your going to die in a team fight .
For the top build its like a basic af
p.s this is my first build xD
You can max e or q second it really depend on your match up, if the aa a lot, e, if they can escape easily, q. I honestly think q is better for the surprise engage onto the enemy adc. You always, ALWAYS, max w first because your going jax mid and the w will make your aa super strong while popping the enemy squishy.
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