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Xerath General Guide by himikalka16

Laser em' to death! Xerath S5 Mid lane guide.

Laser em' to death! Xerath S5 Mid lane guide.

Updated on September 25, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author himikalka16 Build Guide By himikalka16 4,528 Views 0 Comments
4,528 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author himikalka16 Xerath Build Guide By himikalka16 Updated on September 25, 2015
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1. Introduction
Who am I?Who's this champion?
2. Pros&Cons
What are his strengths and weaknesses?
3. Runes
What are the runes?Are there any secondary builds?
4. Masteries
What masteries should i use?
5. Skill explanation & order
What do xerath's skills do?How should i use them?What summoners should i use?
6. Item List
What items should i buy?What should i avoid?
7. Match-ups
What does this champion fare against?How can i deal with counterpicks?
8.The End?
Thanks for reading!

Hello everyone,My name is Himikalka16.I am an EUNE player bronze III (for now :D) and this is my guide.I joined LoL at mid season IV and i still have much to learn.I started playing xerath at the first time he was free(when i was somewhere at levels 16-20)and i couldn't get enough of him!For me,he is a really fun and rewarding champion that has the range to take almost any foe!Thanks to his ability: Arcanopulse you can poke almost any champion out of lane and you can siege hard in late game.

+ Great Mana sustain.
+ Strong poke and great wave clear spells.
+ Strong in all times of the game.
+ Long range ult.
Xerath is a really strong champion who can deal tremendous damage early game thanks to his Arcanopulse that has the range for him to do so.His passive, Mana Surge gives him great sustain in lane for him to dish out as much damage as possible while staying behind his minions and farm.His kit provides him with Eye of Destruction which gives him one of the most powerful wave clear spells and his stun: Shocking Orb gives him a good cc spell in his kit.His ultimate Rite of the Arcane has a large radius and really decent AP Damage.
- No escape skill.
- Most of his skills charge overtime.
- Kit is made of skillshots.
- Difficult to Master
Xerath has his downsides,all of his skills are made of skillshots which means that it could be hard to hit them on a moving target.He has no escape mechanism so you have to rely on Flash or his Shocking Orb to get away from sticky situations.His Arcanopulse charges overtime,gradually slowing him and making him quite vulnerable in that position.All in all Xerath isn't an easy champion.He needs a bit time to learn but yet he is very rewarding and fun!



Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Mastery Explanations

Tier 1: 1 point in Double-Edged Sword is really helpful in both early and late game since it gives more damage while you stay behind and its downside won't be used as much.3 points in Sorcery because of the CDR and one point in Butcher that deals more damage to minions,which is helpful.

Tier 2:3 in Mental Force gives more ability power per level.1 in Feast -It gives 3 health and 1 mana back,combined with Doran's Ring passive it gives a total of 5 mana per minion kill,which could be EXTREMELY helpful early game.

Tier 3:1 in Arcane Mastery - 6 ability power for 1 point gives us more damage on our spells.3 in Executioner so we could deal more damage to lower HP enemies.

Tier 4:3 in Archmage - 5% Ap might not seem much but later it will make a difference.

Tier 5:3 points in Devastating Strikes ,they give you more penetration,it synergises well with Mark of Magic Penetration.1 in Arcane Blade which deals more magic damage in his Auto attack,That renders his AAs even more helpful during laning phase/early game.

Tier 6:1 point in Havoc : Its pretty good because of the same reason as Archmage ,3% more damage might not look much but it still helps early game and it makes a great difference late game.

Tier 1:3 points in Fleet of Foot - that gives slight movement speed bonus that could be helpful in dodging enemy skillshots if they get close enough.It can be changed with Expanded Mind for more Mana early game.1 point in Scout helps us cast trinkets farther (and pretty much safer)

Tier 2:3 points in Summoner's Insight that give us more CDR on our summoner spells and one point in Alchemist - it gives us more duration on the potions,not really much,but it is still helpful.

Tier 3:1 point in Culinary Master ,i take that because it's tasty..Nuff said.

Skill Explanation And orderSkill Explanation And order

Skill Explanation

Mana Surge
Xerath's basic attacks periodically restore Mana.
This is Xerath's Early game sustain.It regenerates more mana when a champion is hit.It Synergises well with Mana regeneration Seals

Fires a long-range beam, dealing magic damage to all targets hit.This is Xerath's bread and butter.It has a very long range and a relatively low cooldown.The First Activation charges his spell to the farthest distance,gradually slowing him.The second activation will fire it in the direction of the circle,after a brief delay.During that delay the enemies can see where will Arcanopulse fire,and may be able to dodge it..

Eye of Destruction
Calls down a barrage, slowing and dealing magic damage to all enemies in an area.This spells does great damage and has a nice slow.The spell is a big AOE circle.Keep in mind that if the spell hits someone in the center it will deal more damage and hit with a greater slow.

Shocking Orb
Deals magic damage to an enemy and stuns them.This is a "first hit" skillshot (it hits the first character in the,champion).Also the ability stuns in a longer duration the longer it travels,so try to land it at max range.

Rite Of the Arcane
Xerath immobilizes himself and gains three shots of a long-range attack.This ability scales in range tremendously. When activated, you become rooted in place and have three charges to cast. Your cursor becomes an AOE Circle, and when you reactivate the ability one of the charges shoots where you cursor is located. The missile travels Very fast, so you don't have to lead very much. If you activate this ability and can't find your opponent, DO NOT fire any charges and HALF of the cooldown will be refunded.

Skill Order

> > >

We want to level Arcanopulse and Eye of Destruction evenly because of the damage they deal.We level Shocking Orb at level 3 and max it out after our Arcanopulse and Eye of Destruction.Note that sometimes you can face more "jumpy enemies",so we could take Shocking Orb at level 2 instead of Eye of Destruction.

Summoner Spells

Flash is a must have.It saved my life countless of times.You can "jump" trough walls,Secure kills,evade enemy shots and ect.Do not switch this spell for anything UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.As i said,it can save your life.Use it!
Ignite is a great early game finisher if you get in range to use it.It deals true damage,so it ignores that pesky armor or Magic resist.Sadly it can fall off at late game since you won't be in range to use it at teamfights mostly.
Barrier is a more situational summoner spell.It can mostly shield you from damage such as Zed's Death Mark or if you think you will get focused much in teamfights.It is suggested pick if you fight vs champions such as Zed, Fizz or Diana
Heal is an "ok" spell.You restore some health to yourself and to an ally near you and you get a small movement speed boost.It can be helpful in teamfights but it's not really worth using in laning phase unless you think that you will get poked a lot(Which will be hardly the case).
Just buy a Scrying Orb.This summoner spell is not worth using up a slot.
Item List


This an essential start for almost any mage. Doran's RingShould be helpful in early game because of its passive.

1st back

This item will suit our mana regeneration needs.Combined with his Mana Surge and our Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration will give us a lot more time to stay in lane and farm or poke.

More ability power = more damage for our skills.If you have the money - build it into Fiendish Codex(still try to buy your boots before that.).

Since xerath is NOT mobile he will need even the slightest movement speed possible.Get it ASAP...

Core Items

More ability power, more CDR, more mana Regen, A good passive dealing with pesky assasins.Great for Xerath!

The item is pretty good.Combined with Arcane Mastery You get LOADS of AP which means more damage.

We take these boots because we can deal extreme damage to our opponents.The Enchantment: HomeguardHelps us get back to our lane or get to the teamfight as fast as possible.

I put this item in my "Core list" because its really good.More AP and more Magic penetration = more damage.

Viable items (take two)

I have tried this item out on Xerath.It's pretty good for most mages including him.More AP, movement speed and a great unique passive that gives his spells a even stronger waveclear/Aoe poke.

Just one more HP to go..This item is pretty good for shredding tanks and killing immobilized enemies.Sometimes it can work as a good finisher.It gives More AP,Magic penetration and health which helps Xerath in a pretty good way.

Good Item versus bur-sty or high nuke champions such as Zed.The item gives more armor,Ability Power and a really good passive for evading high damage skills such as Zed's Death Mark or Ziggs Mega Inferno Bomb and many more.

Situational item.Although, It's pretty good if you play vs a heavy AP team.You get some AP and magic resist.If they get too close to you their Magic resist will get lowered.

This item works well on Xerath.Gives a good Chunk of health,A lot of Ability power and good unique passive that sadly uses it's lower end since all of Xerath's spells are skillshots.I still recommend to combine it with Liandry's Torment.

I have put this item here because it has good stats.and a really good Active power.You can find and slow down targets who can be potential victims to your Rite of the Arcane.Sometimes you can predict if the enemy is going to take an objective thanks to this item.

This item is almost like Morellonomicon, the few problems that bug me with this item are that it doesn't regenerate as much as mana and give that much magic resist as it had before.It still gives Magic resist which can be helpful vs some match-ups.

Excuse This chapter.It is not finished and some of the info may not be correct.I plan to finish it soon and correct its errors. =)



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Is this red?

Thank you for reading my guide =).I plan to put up at lest 1 more chapter and fixing up the match-ups chapter.It took a lot of time to make most of this , it was a fun ride and i'll do frequent updates on the match-ups(when they are done though.)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author himikalka16
himikalka16 Xerath Guide
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