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Choose Champion Build:
- Heimerdinger
- Senna
- Bard
- Rell
- Lulu
- Rakan
Recommended Items
Runes: Optimal Rune Page
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Flash Ignite
Ability Order Max W
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About me
Hi, I'm JC and I'm a masters support main. This guide is just a way I am documenting my journey from Gold to Masters. Thanks.
Main IGN: KingJC200000 - Masters 1
Smurf IGN: FRÉÈFLØW - Masters 1 (Perma'd for botting)
Smurf IGN: Gigglygreg - Emerald 2 (Dia 1 MMR)
Main IGN: KingJC200000 - Masters 1
Smurf IGN: FRÉÈFLØW - Masters 1 (Perma'd for botting)
Smurf IGN: Gigglygreg - Emerald 2 (Dia 1 MMR)
Level 1, walk up, place turret and auto them then walk back to bush. When hit level 2, walk up as close as you can, (e travel time lower the closer you are) and press e and put turret.
Tips: Aim W in front of enemy which guarantees that it will hit.
Q, then E which hides the E animation and sound.
Blue side (Leash) - 1 turret in middle bot lane bush, 1 turret in tri bush. 2 turrets on red buff, 2 autos and leave.
Blue side (No-Leash) - 1 turret in middle bot lane bush. 1 turret in bottom corner of enemy lane bush. 1 turret in alcove.
Red side (Leash) - 1 turret in middle bot lane bush. 1 turret in tri bush. 2 turrets on blue buff, 2 autos and leave. Walk over to activate tri bush turret.
Red side (No-Leash) - 1 turret in middle bot lane bush. 1 turret in tri bush. 1 turret in alcove.
Tips: Aim W in front of enemy which guarantees that it will hit.
Q, then E which hides the E animation and sound.
Blue side (Leash) - 1 turret in middle bot lane bush, 1 turret in tri bush. 2 turrets on red buff, 2 autos and leave.
Blue side (No-Leash) - 1 turret in middle bot lane bush. 1 turret in bottom corner of enemy lane bush. 1 turret in alcove.
Red side (Leash) - 1 turret in middle bot lane bush. 1 turret in tri bush. 2 turrets on blue buff, 2 autos and leave. Walk over to activate tri bush turret.
Red side (No-Leash) - 1 turret in middle bot lane bush. 1 turret in tri bush. 1 turret in alcove.
Hide on bush, walk out of bush, auto, hide on bush. Deaggros minions and makes you instantly out of vision.
Tips: Auto Q
Q through wave
Q ADC to heal them
Tips: Auto Q
Q through wave
Q ADC to heal them
Look for early game plays since you are ranged and running fleet. I like to run down mid so that my chimes spawn there and then I can look to invade top side before going back to lane. You hit lvl 2 faster so walk up and trade since you can heal up with fleet. I pick this champ only when I play with Ezreal, Ziggs, or a really weak adc I will never win lane with. Roam only when your adc has a safe wave state. You can also go when your adc is not safe, but they will have to give up some wave xp so you better get a kill, lane prio, or an objective from the roam.
Tips: Fish for Q's by hitting lane minions with Q
Auto Q to trade
Pay attention to chimes spawn locations since they give you lots of mana in the early game
Tips: Fish for Q's by hitting lane minions with Q
Auto Q to trade
Pay attention to chimes spawn locations since they give you lots of mana in the early game
It is viable to go into lane unmounted since you get a shield that you can use to hit the wave with and you get higher attack speed which helps you push out the wave faster.
Tips: Press Q in lane just to trade.
Q is a shield breaker. It will destroy any shield, including morgana black shield.
E will proc off Q so E Q.
Tips: Press Q in lane just to trade.
Q is a shield breaker. It will destroy any shield, including morgana black shield.
E will proc off Q so E Q.
Start Q in lane to trade, poke, and contest level 2 prio. Remember, the support item on range procs at 33% hp. Know how fare you can walk up against enemy support and watch closely to how the enemy ad and sup act since you can often feel something wrong with their movement when a gank is coming.
Tips: Polymorph prio targets which slows them and prevents them from doing damge.
Position in a safe positions at all times so that if the enemy does engage you, they will be overextending.
Tips: Polymorph prio targets which slows them and prevents them from doing damge.
Position in a safe positions at all times so that if the enemy does engage you, they will be overextending.
Don't level an ability in lane. If enemy is walking up and isolated, you can start W to get a favorable trade. If not, you can start Q to contest the wave and get a favorable health trade.
Tips: Play aggro on Rakan, but don't take damage when you don't need to.
You can W in aggresively and disengage with E.
You can also take a hook and disengage with E.
You can also buffer the W animation. Then very moment that your desired location, you will do a knockup no matter what, even you get CC'ed.
The closer you are to your targer location, the faster the W will go off.
R slightly before the fight so that you aren't locked out of your flash and W during the fight when you want to R.
Tips: Play aggro on Rakan, but don't take damage when you don't need to.
You can W in aggresively and disengage with E.
You can also take a hook and disengage with E.
You can also buffer the W animation. Then very moment that your desired location, you will do a knockup no matter what, even you get CC'ed.
The closer you are to your targer location, the faster the W will go off.
R slightly before the fight so that you aren't locked out of your flash and W during the fight when you want to R.
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