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Runes: Vs Most Top Laners
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
This is one of the toughest lane oppenents you can come up against. You have a small window to kill Trynd pre 6 however try not to fight when he has a full bar of rage. When fighting post 6, try not to use your Ultimate as soon as he uses his R (Undying Rage) as this will not execute him...however it will bring him closer to you thus enabling him to crit you to death. Try not to get too close to tryndamere, the only way to win the trades are by kiting him long enough to the point where he has used his R and you are free to use your ultimate in order to execute him. In terms of items rushing a brambles vest doesnt seem to counter his early game damage. I would recommend Plated Steel Caps>Bramble then continue your standard build
Champion Build Guide
+ Ranged top laner + High damage + Tanky + Item build diversity + Can set up kills + Scales well late game Urgot is an easy top laner to pick up & doesn’t take too long to master which means you can spend more time concentrating on your league macro whilst being able to play a strong champion that can pretty much outtrade anyone post level 9. Pre level 9 Urgot's Passive Echoing Flames can ensure Urgot can trade to a decent level & threaten kills during the laning phase. The great thing about Urgot is even when games seem lost, a Fear Beyond Death Fear on the right carries can easily turn a game around in your favor. |
- Immobile - High mana cost - Predictable abilities - Hard to freeze waves - Minimal escapes - Large hitbox Due to Urgot basic kit, at higher elo’s it can be quite difficult to out smart your opponent. When falling behind as Urgot it can be a struggle getting back into the game. You will always be a somewhat relevant champ if you choose to build tank after falling behind. Also if you miss your E Disdain then you could find yourself getting caught out by the enemy and possibly dying from it as that’s Urgot’s main escape. |
Precision |
+ Press The Attack I would suggest taking Press the Attack in 80% of your matchups as it gives Urgot a very strong laning phase & makes taking down enemy carries a whole lot easier as Press the Attack increases all damage the enemy takes by 8-12% meaning your teammates can capitalize on getting off the extra damage. The only time I would suggest taking Conqueror is if you are against a tank for example: Maokai Ornn Nasus Malphite |
+ Triumph Triumph is next on the list as it gives you 12% of your missing hp upon getting a takedown. This rune will allow you to pull off Fear Beyond Death executes & still have enough hp to continue battling in teamfights. This is also a solid rune in season 11 as most of the items you build will give you additional hp stats for example Divine Sunderer , Titanic Hydra , Chempunk Chainsword to name a few. |
+ Legend: Tenacity Legend: Tenacity Urgot is quite an immobile champ and needs to be able to stick to enemies in order to secure his kills therefore having that extra bit of tenacity to prevent crowd control from destroying your dreams is a must. This rune alongside buying Mercury's Treads will be extremely useful when reducing the amount of CC you get hit with. |
+ Last Stand As Urgot you will be trading quite aggressively throughout the game plus in order for your Fear Beyond Death to be recast you need to get the enemy low enough to be able to execute therefore Last Stand gives you that extra damage you need in order to secure your kills. |
Resolve |
+ Demolish This is one of my favourite runes to use especially if your against a champ that roams often such Shen. Demolish combined with Urgot Purge turret trick where you auto inbetween every 3-4 Purge shots will melt turrets. Giving you a substantial gold lead during the mid game. If you feel like your going to be pushed to your turret often and will be trading often during the laning phase in order to survive then you can take Shield Bash instead. |
+ Bone Plating Bone Plating is a great secondary option on Urgot as it reduces incoming damage whenever you get into somewhat long trades. This is a strong rune vs champs like Jax Fiora. I would change this rune depending on the matchup for example if your in a difficult lane and need some sustain vs champs such as Teemo Vladimir Quinn then you can pick Revitalize as you will have a stronger E Disdain & items such as Corrupting Potion & Spirit Visage will be stronger. |
After you have at least 30-60 normal games played with Urgot I would suggest quick casting all of his abilities once you are comfortable with the range of his abilities and select Replace quick cast with Quick cast indicator as it makes executing his combos a lot easier and gives the enemy less time to react.
Auto Attack Range
One of the most important settings for Urgot is key binding the Menus>show advanced player stats. I set mine to space bar so it's easy to hold down at any point in time. It shows a circle around your AA range meaning you're less likely to overstep for farm. Vs Melee matchups it also means you can keep a safe distance away from enemy abilities. Your space bar is most likely set to lock/unlock cam so you'll need to find a new key to bind it too.
Side Mouse Buttons (optional)
This last setting is optional but will help if you want to climb and depends on the mouse you use…I have two mouse buttons which I use, One button I use for item slot 1 actives for example popping a Corrupting Potion or items such as Goredrinker enable this feature by going to Hotkeys>Quickcast with Indicator + Self Cast>Item #.
The second button I use is to stop my champion from walking or autoing you can find this setting in the Hotkeys>Player Movement>Player Stop PositionThis is extremely helpful during the laning phase as you can time your auto attacks a lot better, therefore, increasing the chances of you getting CS (I still suck at farming).
Urgot Vs Melee Champs
If you are up against a Melee champ for example Garen Jax Darius, you will most likely use this combo:
Urgot Vs Melee Champs v2
Sometimes you may want to get your autoattack damage off first in order to ensure you are dealing the maximum amount of damage possible, you will most likely use this combo:
Urgot Vs Ranged Champs
If you are up against a Ranged champ for example Kayle Teemo Vayne, you will most likely use this combo:
Urgot R Engage Combo
There will be times where the enemy champs arent within your basic ability range therefore you need to use Fear Beyond Death to slow them & close the distance, you will most likely use this combo:
Starter Items
+ Corrupting Potion I personally like to pick Corrupting Potion as my first item as it doesn’t only give you health regeneration but it also gives you a burn on your auto attacks. This item combined with your passive Purge allows you to pressure kills. The Corrupting Potion helps if you know that you'll be resetting often as the pots replenish by giving you 3 pots every time you leave the fountain. This item is a must if you want to survive the laning phase vs hard poke champs such as Akali Jayce or any ranged matchup such as Teemo. |
+ Doran's Blade If you’re against champions that have a weak early such as Yorick Jax Nasus or your feeling confident then you can go for a Doran's Blade. This is the perfect item if you enjoy trading and playing aggressive. If you happen to get an early kill with Doran's Blade and have around 900 gold or more then I would suggest going for a triple Doran's Blade Doran's Blade Doran's Blade as you will out damage and out sustain the enemy laner for the rest of the laning phase. |
+ Doran's Shield There are just some lane matchups that are rough no matter how well you play for example Camille, Shen, Darius. If you know you’re going to have a hard time, then you should start Doran's Shield and just play for your level 9 power spike. If you happen to have 150g spare on one of your resets then you can pick up a Refillable Potion.Once you get 1 or two items then Urgot is rarely countered by any champ in the top lane. |
Mythic Items
+ Divine Sunderer Divine Sunderer is one of my favorite items this season. I would say that its now a core first item rush over Black Cleaver. You should consider picking up this item if you’re against a tank such as Ornn Malphite etc. For experienced Urgot players, you should try using your W Purge toggle in order to ensure you are getting the most out of Sheen. You also get some healing from this item so would work well with a Spirit Visage. |
+ Goredrinker Very strong item on Urgot however its crucial that you only build this item if you’re up against a heavy melee comp 3+ champs otherwise you will never be in range to make the most of the healing active that procs depending on how many enemies hit. another great item to combine with a Spirit Visage. |
+ Eclipse This is my goto item if im up against a ranged champion for example Kayle Teemo etc. I would suggest buying Vampiric Scepter first during the laning phase so that you don’t have to keep resetting back to fountain every second. Now if the other team have a few tanks in other lanes (Jungle: Nunu & Willump Zac Rammus and support: Leona Nautilus Thresh etc.) The you could go for a Blade of the Ruined King second item as you steal movement speed from the enemy after hitting them with 3 attacks. Be sure to build tank after this as you will be very squishy…why not throw in a Spirit Visage for the extra healing! |
+ Stridebreaker This is a strong item on Urgot & could be a good pick over Eclipse if you want damage while getting that little bit of HP at the same time. This item allows you to lunge a short distance & also has a 60% slow over two seconds. Therefore, would be a great pick vs a ranged comp Kayle Teemo or ive found it to be useful vs top laners with alot of mobiliy Riven Shen. You also get 300hp from this item therefore will make your Disdain shield stronger. |
Legendary Items
+ Titanic Hydra This is now an important item on Urgot & I would suggest building this second, after you have built your mythic item. If you are winning your lane and want to snowball the game, then perhaps buy a Ravenous Hydra instead. This item gives you great wave clear too therefore allowing you to pressure minion waves a lot better during the late game. |
+ Chempunk Chainsword I don’t really know why but riotgames love releasing champs that have insane healing, I usually get forced to build this item pretty much every game due in order to reduce the healing the enemy is able to do. This is an OP item vs champs that heal for example Sylas Yuumi Soraka Zac. I tend to build Executioner's Calling during the laning phase if im up against Akali Irelia Vladimir Olaf Fiora. |
+ Black Cleaver Strong item vs tanks, as getting stacks with this item will reduce the enemy’s armor this means your teammates can capitalize on this too and deal additional damage. This item also deals damage over time. Great option for team fights that last a while. |
+ Death's Dance I would suggest buying this item second or third if you are up against a heavy AD team as it mitigates the damage received from attacks & deals it as a burn over time. |
+ Blade of the Ruined King This is a decent item on Urgot if you’re up against Tanks that have some form of mobility Jax or Make it difficult for you to keep up with them for example Shen Dr. Mundo Zac. I like to use this items movement speed passive in some ranged matchups. |
+ Guardian Angel Only buy this item if you are against a heavy AD team & you are one of the most important players on your team. i.e. you have a 200g+ bounty or your team will not win the game if you die. |
+ Frozen Heart Great Item vs AD champs that rely on attack speed in order to deal damage Tryndamere Jax, personally, I would choose this item over Thornmail for the simple fact that not only does it reduce incoming damage, but it reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies by 15%. This pretty much gives you a huge advantage in terms of DPS with your W Purge. |
+ Thornmail This item is a lifesaver vs AD champs that just won’t stop auto attacking you for example Tristana Tryndamere Fiora Jax basically any champ that autoattacks often. This item also inflicts grievous wounds therefore reducing the amount of healing they’re able to do. Makes winning trades with Urgot a whole lot easier. |
+ Spirit Visage This item is great vs AP champs however I would only buy it if I have some form of healing in my team for example Yuumi Soraka, Or I have built items that synergize with healing Ravenous Hydra, Or my team have Ocean Drake soul. |
+ Force of Nature Strong item vs AP champs have a lot of mobility. I would pick this up if I come up against Ahri Teemo Katarina as it gives you bonus movement speed when taking AP damage. |
+ Gargoyle Stoneplate Great item vs a mixed damage team (both AP & AD) damage as it gives you a 60 Armor & 60 Magic Resist. Make sure to use the active during teamfights at it only last 2.5s and has 90 second cooldown. |
+ Boots You should always buy boots on Urgot as he is very immobile & can be kited very easily. When deciding which boots to go for you need to check whether or not the enemy team is heavy AD (3+ Champs) if so I would go for Plated Steelcaps. If the enemy team is heavy AP (3+ Champs) then you should go for Mercury's Treads. |
1. How many mastery points do I have on Urgot?
(A) Around 700k points
2. When did I start playing league of Legends?
(A) During season 4
Drop a comment on Youtube/Mobafire if you have any questions.
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