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Quinn Build Guide by Magnesic

Jungle Quinn; Fly Swiftly, Kill Swiftly [Updated For 7.5]

Jungle Quinn; Fly Swiftly, Kill Swiftly [Updated For 7.5]

Updated on March 9, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Magnesic Build Guide By Magnesic 5 3 309,862 Views 10 Comments
5 3 309,862 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Magnesic Quinn Build Guide By Magnesic Updated on March 9, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Hi there! I am Magnesic/Revergy. I wouldn't say I'm a Quinn main, but I do play her often. I primarily play her in the Jungle! Currently, I am working on my new main account, as I had to make a new one. Quinn is a very mobile champion with insane burst, and I hope you will enjoy playing her as I have!

This is my first guide, and I will change it when I see fit. Please upvote if it helped you and comment any constructive criticism. Thanks!

My top champions:
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Pros / Cons

High Mobility
Insane Burst
Very good at ganking
Good Duelist
Good at Split Pushing
Powerspikes early (At purchase of Warrior)
Lethality is OP right now!

Squishy; Weak against other bursty champions.
CC is a problem.
Not very good in teamfights.
Late game drop-off.
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Summoner Spells

Smite is the obvious choice here, no matter what. You're jungling. If playing top/adc/mid, then don't go smite. Duh.

The other primary spell, another obvious choice.

Recently nerfed, and flash is still better because of Quinn's ult.
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These are standard runes for Quinn. Lethality marks aren't that good to start with on Junglers.

Although, I take scaling MR runes instead of flat MR.
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Preferred Masteries:
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Red Side Start: Hunter's Machete and 3 Health Potion's will be your normal start.

Blue Side Start: Hunter's Machete and a Refillable Potion will be your blue side start.

Bloodrazor isn't great on Quinn as you want to build straight damage, so Skirmisher's Sabre with Enchantment: Warrior will be what you want most of the time. If you want the slow on blue smite, then go Stalker's Blade with Enchantment: Warrior.

Mobility Boots are great on Quinn. Your only other consideration is Berserker's Greaves.

Your first two items after your jungle item is finished are Youmuu's Ghostblade and Edge of Night. They are just way too strong right now.

After those two, you have a bit more choices. My go-to's are Duskblade of Draktharr, Death's Dance, or Mercurial Scimitar.

Your last item is based on preference. If they have a ton of healing, get Mortal Reminder. Armor? Lord Dominik's Revenge. Need more survivability? Guardian's Angel or Frozen Mallet(also Sterak's Gauge). Tons of Damage? Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, or Zeal item/ Essence Reaver
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Skill Sequence

Take w 3rd if it's a counterjungle-dependent jungler like Nunu & Willump
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In-Depth Skills

Passive - Harrier
Valor periodically marks a nearby visible unit as Harrier, revealing them for 4 seconds. This also activates on units hit directly by Blinding Assault and Vault.

Quinn's next basic attack against a Harrier target deals 15 - 100 (based on level) (+ 16% - 50% (based on level) AD) bonus physical damage.

Harrier is disabled while Behind Enemy Lines is active and for a few seconds after a target's mark ends. The cooldown of Harrier is reduced by critical chance with diminishing return.
Basically, your passive will mark a random enemy at a random time, and then your next basic attack does a **** ton of damage. A mark is put on enemies recently targeted by Blinding Assault or Vault


Q - Blinding Assault
Quinn commands Valor to fly forwards in a line, stopping when he collides with a unit and dealing physical damage and applying nearsight for 1.5 ****ING seconds. Non-champion targets are disarmed instead for the same duration.

Physical Damage: 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+ 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% AD) (+ 50% AP)
This is Quinn's signature ability. You basically blind the enemy so they can only see in a small area around them. This is much like Paranoia, Nocturne's ultimate, not Teemo's blind. Max this first, always. It also marks the enemy with Harrier so you can get a lot of damage off this one ability.


W - Heightened Senses
PASSIVE: Attacking a Harrier target grants Quinn bonus attack speed and movement speed for 2 seconds.
BONUS SPEED: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%

ACTIVE: Quinn orders Valor to reveal the area around her for 2 seconds.
Good for checking for a counterjungler or if someone is trying to smite steal. The attack speed and movement speed is amazing, really key part about Quinn and does more than you'd think.


E - Vault
Quinn dashes to the target unit, knocking them back a short distance, dealing physical damage and slowing them by 50%, which decays over 1.5 seconds, before leaping back and landing away from them.

Physical Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 20% bonus AD)
Key part of Quinn's combo. Marks Harrier onto the champion or monster it is used on, giving you that insane damage that Quinn players are accustomed to (considering you play her often :P ).


R - Behind Enemy Lines
Quinn channels for 2 seconds. Upon completing it successfully, Valor picks her up and they unite, increasing her total movement speed and gaining the ability to use Skystrike.


Skystrike - Quinn detaches from Valor, ending Behind Enemy Lines effects, and deals 100% AD physical damage to all units around her.
You go fast, you drop arrows in an area for 100% of your AD when you re-activate or enter combat. Useful for counterganking, ganking, counterjungling, objective control, map pressure, etc. Probably one of the most useful ults if a good player is on the champion.
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I find Quinn to be the strongest in the jungle, and you should definitely consider playing her! She's a very fun and strong champion despite being underrated.

Look below to see my contact info if you need additional help.

"Hey, Mag, why isn't Quinn played in the LCS?"

Because there are better junglers (and shes better top lane ATM), and after her nerfs due to top Quinn dominating, there are much safer picks. Plus, her teamfighting is pretty bad. She scales pretty 'meh'. Also, her e is very risky against good players. Easily able to get caught just by using it.

Side note. Don't play Quinn ADC, unless you really enjoy here there. She is NOT an ADC. She is a Jungle/Top and that is where she excels! If you prefer her ADC, then go ahead, but that is nowhere close to her best role.
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Need Help? Contact Me!

Current Summoner Name : Pleblanc (NA), TIP Mags (NA)

Curse : Magnesic

Skype: Magnesic

Commenting on here is also fine and I will reply whenever I am on.
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Change Log

6/25/16 - Guide Created
7/4/15 - Edited some match ups with better descriptions. (Telling people to dodge cuz of a pantheon is something I shouldn't have done!)
2/16/2017 - Been awhile. Finally decided to re-visit before I create my next guide. New build, Masteries, Itemization, etc.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Magnesic
Magnesic Quinn Guide
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Quinn; Fly Swiftly, Kill Swiftly [Updated For 7.5]

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