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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Harrier (PASSIVE)
Quinn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Sort of annoying, but really only a good rengar will carry hard. You CAN KILL HIM. you have to time your abilities right, though. This can be tough. If he isn't fed going into mid game, he is an easy kill, but don't underestimate. If he has no ferocity stacks, go ahead if he isn't hella fed.
This is my first guide, and I will change it when I see fit. Please upvote if it helped you and comment any constructive criticism. Thanks!
My top champions:

High Mobility
Insane Burst
Very good at ganking
Good Duelist
Good at Split Pushing
Powerspikes early (At purchase of Warrior)
Lethality is OP right now!
Squishy; Weak against other bursty champions.
CC is a problem.
Not very good in teamfights.
Late game drop-off.

These are standard runes for

Although, I take scaling MR runes instead of flat MR.

Blue Side Start:

Bloodrazor isn't great on Quinn as you want to build straight damage, so

Your first two items after your jungle item is finished are

After those two, you have a bit more choices. My go-to's are

Your last item is based on preference. If they have a ton of healing, get

Valor periodically marks a nearby visible unit as

Quinn's next basic attack against a

Basically, your passive will mark a random enemy at a random time, and then your next basic attack does a **** ton of damage. A mark is put on enemies recently targeted by

Q - Blinding Assault

Physical Damage: 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+ 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120% AD) (+ 50% AP)
This is Quinn's signature ability. You basically blind the enemy so they can only see in a small area around them. This is much like

W - Heightened Senses
PASSIVE: Attacking a

BONUS SPEED: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
ACTIVE: Quinn orders Valor to reveal the area around her for 2 seconds.
Good for checking for a counterjungler or if someone is trying to smite steal. The attack speed and movement speed is amazing, really key part about Quinn and does more than you'd think.
E - Vault

Physical Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 20% bonus AD)
Key part of

R - Behind Enemy Lines

Skystrike -

You go fast, you drop arrows in an area for 100% of your AD when you re-activate or enter combat. Useful for counterganking, ganking, counterjungling, objective control, map pressure, etc. Probably one of the most useful ults if a good player is on the champion.
Look below to see my contact info if you need additional help.
"Hey, Mag, why isn't Quinn played in the LCS?"
Because there are better junglers (and shes better top lane ATM), and after her nerfs due to top Quinn dominating, there are much safer picks. Plus, her teamfighting is pretty bad. She scales pretty 'meh'. Also, her e is very risky against good players. Easily able to get caught just by using it.
Side note. Don't play Quinn ADC, unless you really enjoy here there. She is NOT an ADC. She is a Jungle/Top and that is where she excels! If you prefer her ADC, then go ahead, but that is nowhere close to her best role.
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