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Thresh Build Guide by Ghionova

Support [Season 4] Thresh Support

Support [Season 4] Thresh Support

Updated on March 13, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ghionova Build Guide By Ghionova 0 10 47,620 Views 3 Comments
0 10 47,620 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ghionova Thresh Build Guide By Ghionova Updated on March 13, 2014
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  • LoL Champion: Thresh
  • LoL Champion: Thresh
    Thresh in the forest
  • LoL Champion: Thresh
  • LoL Champion: Thresh

Welcome to my Thresh guide. Thresh the chain warden.

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Ward the map.

Is a good item to help your team to chase the enemies or to escape.

This item helps one in your team to escape a stun.

Is like a mini barrier, it can help to block an ignite.

Is an important item, you get cooldown reduction and agility.

Ignore collision, its perfekt to chase or if you try to escape and you stuck in a minion wave and you cant escape.

Good item for push.

Good item for towerdive or backdoor.
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Thresh's passive: Damnation, Thresh can harvest the souls of enemies that die near him, permanently granting him armor and ability power.

Thresh's Q skill: Death Sentence,

Thresh binds an enemy in chains and pulls them toward him. Activating this ability a second time pulls Thresh to the enemy.

Grab an enemy, then pull them to you or leap to them. Throws out his scythe, dealing 80/120/160/200/240 (+50% Ability Power) magic damage to the first unit hit and pulling them toward him for 1.5 seconds.Death Sentence's cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds if it strikes an enemy.Reactivate this ability to pull Thresh to the bound enemy.

Thresh's W skill: Dark Passage,

Thresh throws out a lantern that shields nearby allied Champions from damage. Allies can click the lantern to dash to Thresh.

Create a shielding lantern that an ally can use to dash to you. Throw the Lantern to a point. If an ally near the Lantern clicks it, they pick it up and Thresh pulls both back to him.Additionally, allies who come near it gain a shield lasting 4 seconds that absorbs up to 60/95/130/165/200 (+40% Ability Power) damage. Allies can only receive the shield once per cast.

Thresh's E skill: Flay,

Thresh's attacks wind up, dealing more damage the longer he waits between attacks. When activated, Thresh sweeps his chain, knocking all enemies hit in the direction of the blow.

Passive: Deal 0-0 magic damage on each hit that builds up when not attacking.This value is equal to total souls collected plus up to 80/110/140/170/200% of Attack Damage, based on the amount of time since his last attack.
Active: Knock nearby enemies in the direction of your choice. Deals 65/95/125/155/185 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage in a line beginning behind him. Enemies hit are pushed in the direction of the swing, then slowed by 20/25/30/35/40% for 1.5 seconds.Cast forward to push; cast backward to pull.

Thresh's R skill (Ulti): The Box,

A prison of walls that slow and deal damage if broken.

Trap enemies inside walls that slow and deal damage if broken. Creates a prison of spectral walls around himself. Enemy Champions who walk through a wall suffer 250/400/550 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage and are slowed by 99% for 2 seconds, but break that wall. Once one wall is broken, remaining walls deal half damage and apply half slow duration. An enemy cannot be affected by multiple walls simultaneously.
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Exhaust: Like a normal Support.

Flash: Important for escape.

Ghost: Good for chase an enemy.
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-It's important to hook in the right time.
-Try to harass the enemy adc.
-Collect the souls.

Here a: How and where to ward.
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Pros / Cons


+ Good Support
+ Great escape (Lantern)
+ Farm the souls


- Low Armor & Magic Resist
- High Cooldown
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Is Good With...

It's MY recommendation.





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This was my guide, i hope you will have fun with this guide. :)

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