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Choose Champion Build:
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Happy Hour (PASSIVE)
Gragas Passive Ability
Hes Back!
Gragas needs a few things. AP, Mana, CDR, Armor, Health and MR. It is hard to build for gragas early but typically go Glacial shroud then if you are fed go for sheen then AP. If you are not. Well go for tankiness.
Runic echoes
Stalkers- my go to. Slows and easy ganks also the ablity to smite helps for those FU kills to make ppl rage quit.
Trackers- Wards anyone?
Skirmishers- um i guess but not recommended
First back/Early game
Try to get mana and CDR with your jungle upgrade. Sheen or Glacial shroud are the best imo.
Iceborn- Great Item wish it had a little AP but solid choice helps survivablity and mana sustain with damage.
Frozen heart- Tankness, CDR, auto slow and MANA. good second-third item.
Spirit Visage- Helps with healing good CDR and health
Locket- CDR and team MR. Look to get this as second or third item if sup does not get one.
Liandrys- %health dmg AP, and health solid round out to build. Gives you damage without losing tankyness.
Ryalis- Kite those scrubs that you drink under the table while dishing out dmg and surviving engages.
Lich Bane- Man this thing hurts. But only go if fed helps with spamming Qs too.
Dead mans- about 200 extra damage plus your W and AOE. Essential to late game. This thing is tanky and wrecks squisies. Just charge W before you E auto.
Abby- go if your mid is fed and you also want to do dmg.
Righteous Glory/ Rod of Ages- RG if behind, ROA if ahead. ROA really only if you are laning. But RG helps with mana, health and chasing. both solid just not easily built on gragas.
Too be continued...
Stalkers- my go to. Slows and easy ganks also the ablity to smite helps for those FU kills to make ppl rage quit.
Trackers- Wards anyone?
Skirmishers- um i guess but not recommended
First back/Early game
Try to get mana and CDR with your jungle upgrade. Sheen or Glacial shroud are the best imo.
Iceborn- Great Item wish it had a little AP but solid choice helps survivablity and mana sustain with damage.
Frozen heart- Tankness, CDR, auto slow and MANA. good second-third item.
Spirit Visage- Helps with healing good CDR and health
Locket- CDR and team MR. Look to get this as second or third item if sup does not get one.
Liandrys- %health dmg AP, and health solid round out to build. Gives you damage without losing tankyness.
Ryalis- Kite those scrubs that you drink under the table while dishing out dmg and surviving engages.
Lich Bane- Man this thing hurts. But only go if fed helps with spamming Qs too.
Dead mans- about 200 extra damage plus your W and AOE. Essential to late game. This thing is tanky and wrecks squisies. Just charge W before you E auto.
Abby- go if your mid is fed and you also want to do dmg.
Righteous Glory/ Rod of Ages- RG if behind, ROA if ahead. ROA really only if you are laning. But RG helps with mana, health and chasing. both solid just not easily built on gragas.
Too be continued...
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