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Choose Champion Build:
- Cinderman
- Support Brand
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Brand Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
A lot of damage, poke, pushing power, and kill potential. He's not particularly mobile and doesn't have hard cc until 6, so ask for jungler ganks, especially if he doesn't have flash.
Welcome to my guide for Brand, The Burning Vengence. I hope you enjoy reading through this guide, and learn to master the champion while you're at it! Now, on to the champion himself. Brand is a high DPS glass cannon mage that excels at burning your enemies to crisp with his continuous percent health damage and large AOE abilities. On the flip side, Brand is practically the antonym of mobile. This means positioning is key and the slightest mistake can easily result in your death. You must always place care in where and when you engage. Brand's kit has great combo potential, meaning that properly chaining abilities together is crucial for full mastery of Brand. You must master these mechanics if you wish to be successful. In this guide, I'll try cover as much about Brand as I can, so sit back, and don't forget to comment and vote! I greatly appreciate any feedback and will try to respond to all comments! | |
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Pros and Cons | ||||||
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←Ability Details→
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Summoner Spells
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←Combos→ | ||||||
Standard Combos These are the staple spell combinations you should always be able to reliably pull off. Mastering these combos are core in achieving kills and winning lane.
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Advanced Combos
These spell combinations can be difficult to pull off and you may occasionally fail to execute them properly. No worries, practice makes perfect!
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Brand support is surprisingly strong and has been previously endorsed by the Rito lords themselves. You can find their little article on Brand Support Here But I'll also cover most of the information this guide. Blaze and Spellthief Synergy The best thing about Brand support is that even a single hit on any of your spells will proc Blaze, consuming ALL of 's gold stacks and burn the enemy for decent damage. Always Max Sear Unlike midlane Brand we max Sear because the mana cost doesn't increase with level and the cooldown decreases with level. If we max Sear we can spam it in lane all day long and you only have to hit it once to consume full gold stacks on . Pyroclasm Efficiency Brand's Pyroclasm is really out of place in midlane unless the enemy jungler comes to gank. To rectify this, we move botlane, where we get an extra person to keep Pyroclasm bouncing. Dark Horses has kindly provided an video example. Core Items Gold generation item and Sightstone are core items on every single support, with Brand being no exception. Following up on these two are Ionian Boots of Lucidity and Mikael's Blessing. If you've followed the rune setup, you should get a solid 40% cdr and enough mana regen to keep spamming all your abilities for years to come. Secondary Items With your secondary items you're free to choose whether to pick more offensive or defensive items to suit your needs. I would usually recommend Liandry's Torment and Rylai's Crystal Scepter to maximize damage output and utility. You are free to interchange these items should the need arise. ↓ ↓ |
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Closing Statement
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