Hes going to win every 1v1, and 2v2's are going to be impossible just stay away from him at all times.
He'll try to 1v1 you early so just save smite for taking scuttle and your fine
Her Scaling reins Supreme and here 1v1's are crazy just stay away from 1v1's and try to group earlier
He's going to out farm you like a hecarim and his assassin build will one shot you and your team. number 1 ban for me rn.
A good Rek'sai Will just make your life miserable.
Her ult is very hard to play around so just try to counter invade early and steal her passive
Nunu & Willump
Nunu is so good right now and he just has to press r to one shot you and your whole team, exploit his pre 6 and you should be pretty good.
Shaco is easy af just look at him the whole time and your good
Sylas's Scaling is so good. he'll just try to gank as many times as possible so just try to deny kills. try to end as soon as possible before sylas out scales you
Rammus Is Scary.
Master Yi
Just save your ability's for after he q's and your good
Vi is just easy af.
Don't Underestimate Evelynn's Damage. Abuse her Pre-6 and try to deny her camps.
His Hard CC is just hard to play against.
He'll try to out farm you so just invade as much as you can and counter gank his lanes.
Ekko's Burst Damage Has One Shotting Capability's. He's Just pretty scary and so mobile so getting kills on him are going to be diffucult. Just try to let him use his e and you'll be able to get him.
Rhast Kayn Is Really hard to play against. Just abuse his early game and play for objectives.
Blue Kayn isnt much of a problem except catching him will be a problem.
Lee Sin
Most Lee Sin Players Are Really Dumb and don't know how to play the champion. Its a real problem when the lee sin know's what he's doing.
Lilia isnt much of a threat most of the time. limit her snowballing potential and you should be alright.
Really depends on the skill of the pantheon but a good pantheon is going to spiral out of control and absolutely carry the game. Most of the time Pantheon jungle isnt much of a problem.
Zed's not really that bad since his 1v1ing is quite good but if you group a bit more early zed shouldn't be a problem.
I've never seen a good nidalee so idk really how to play against a good one.
Amumu's cc and tankyness is just a pain to deal with
Poppy. Should i say less?
Jarvan IV
Jarvan is pretty even with viego when it comes to 1v1ing and group fighting. really at the end of the line it depends on the skill of the j4.
Paired With Good CC its going to be a recipe for disaster ;-; but moredekaiser isnt much of a problem most games
I've seen one elise in my entirity of playing viego and she absolutely destroyed me.
Fiddle's teamfighting can be quite a pain so try to force 1v1's on him.
A good graves player will leave you in shambles, but most of the time you won't meet a good graves player.
Ivern doesnt provide much except from teamfights so force 1v1's on him and invade his camps.
Really depends on the skill of the player but nocturne is one of the few champions that you can actually 1v1.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo does so much damage and so much healing with his ultimate. be wary when fighting mundo.
if you dont invade into this champion our inting. ward your topside jgl since most sejuani's will try to counter invade your jg
wait this is a champion??
she's pretty even when fighting her.
Its a her right?
be wary when ganking her after her lvl 6 powerspike since her ult can just one shot you. try to bait it out before allining.
he's a scaling monster and will try to force 1v1's on you try to force teamfights and you're going to win every battle
dont try to 1v1 this guy at any cost his w will turn fights around and a good rengar will make your life a pain.
Diana isnt that bad and her q is really easy to dodge. kite her out and you're going to win most fights. Dont underestimate her damage in team fight though
Go anti tank since his cc imuninty is hard to play against
He's not that bad most games and you'll win most teamfights with him.
He's annoying later in the game and in group fights but aside from that you'll win every 1v1 and every teamfight
I've versed her as jgl once and she wasnt that bad. I could 1v1 her early game but late game she scaled a ton
Yes, He's a jungler now. His mushrooms are annoying and early game he will just press q and iniciate 1v2s so be wary of that.
Hes so sneaky so try to make him waste walls so he cnat run away from you
pretty even most of the time but a good qiyana can combo you and one shot you.
She doesnt do much except change not allow me to chase 2 hp champions...
Yes, its a jungler and a very annoying one too his clones jut make disengage really annoying and his cc from his ult can change the direction of team fights in an instant.
Xin Zhao
He's like lee sin it really depends on the skill of the person behind xin zhao. but most of the time xin zhao isnt a problem since most people dont know how to play him.
His passive is annoying and paired with high cc he can hit his q on you doing tons of damage. Its better to go for more lifesteal/omnivamp in you build instead of raw burst damage.
He Scales well. most times you can 1v1 him early but late game your going to want a frontline or something tanky.
be wary of her ult since it can change battles around. it doesnt do much but it can.
She's pretty good with viego but engage's are preferable
Vel'koz does nothing when synergising with viego
To be Honest Braum is one of my favourite supports to play with. Underated pick and people should play this more.
She doesnt provide much for me except from her black shield and her cc.
His tankyness allows him to be a frontline at the same time have engage and a huge amount of cc
He doesnt Bring Much To the table
Nasus top is just a lovely synergy and it gives viego a front line that he can play behind
Nautilis Is just one of the better supports out there for viego. His engage is quick good and his ability to frontline damage just makes you day much easier.
He's not bad but he's not good.
Nami is a pretty good support overall for viego. since her cc allows viego to gank their lane a ton.
Zilean's ability's are just so broken and he is one of the most underated picks for viego. his revive is so good and it gives viego the ability to come back in team fights.
Akshan just makes any hypercarry's life really easy with his revive passive.
She has good cc and allows viego to gank but apart from that she doesnt bring much to the table.
Senna's hyper carry potential is so good and the ability to just cc enemy's and allow's viego for disengage is really good.
Lulu's Ability's just make viego's life so much more easier. Matter of a fact it makes any hypercarry so much more easier.
Leona's front lining capability's and her engage just makes viego's life really easy. a more picked champion compared to champs like braum.
Karma is just a pretty good support overall and it allows me to chase nicely. Good second pick if zilean isnt picked.
Bard isnt that good and it pains me to say it but the synergy with viego is just not there. still got his portals and his zhonya's... that work for enemys...
She brings some things to the table but not much overall. her ult is good but her cc is an easily missed skill shot so ganking lanes with seraphine in it aren't that good.
To all pyke users, Stop stealing my kills. jkjkjk
the cc is ok but not much potential.
if he misses his hook i cant gank him.
he's an ok support for viego and i dont mind having a blitz support.
Urgot top is my one of my favourite top laners to play with.
Ornn is my number 1 favourite top laners to play with. his upgrading abilities and his cc is just so good for team fighting. <3 ornn
Her heal turns every 1v1 around.
In my opinion i dont like ashe supports but her kit is ok for viego with her cc. Just dont bring her into a olaf ;-;
Forgot this champion exists...
her ult is good at teamfighting, her q is good at teamfighting, her w is good at chasing and her e is good at skrimishes. pretty good support that makes viego's life really easy
provides a ton of value from her e's healing, her w's movement speed and her q's attack buff. her r is also really good at teamfighting.
His CC is cracked beyond me and his buffs are the best thing that happened to him
A solid Support since he can set up good ganks and decent picks for Viego
A really underrated pick in my opinion, she can set up picks with her cc and is such a good team fighter with her r turning around team fights.
His e is usually missed so most times i cant gank him, but in team fights later in the game heimer is my go to pick.
His Tankyness allows him to be a frontliner with his r and his hook is good for setting up picks and ganks.
His teamfighting is so good and once he presses r he can change a fight in the matter of seconds.
A really good top laner and guarantees ganks always result in a even trade or a winning trade.
his hook is pretty good and his lantern can allow for disengages
While she can set up good ganks for viego her teamfighting capability's lack in comparison to other champs.
Her teamfighting capabities are somewhat ideal but alot of illaoi's are really dumb and just focus on the soul of the enemy.
Her Teamfighting Is Ideal, with her r being able to change the direction of fights in an instant, her ganking opportunities are limitless and she's a very strong pick when paired with viego.
She can set up ganks quite well and her teamfighting is exceptional.
(why is her art so saturated)
Tahm Kench
I love tahm kench when because he can save viego with his r and tank so much damage with his shield. he can set up ganks really well and disengage from team fights aswell.
Renata Glasc
She can set up ganks with her q and w and her e is really good at sustain. Her w can turn fights around when there is a champion with high damage like master yi. My go to support pick against master yi, bel'veth and trundle.
Stop Splitpushing and come down to help out already.
Quinn is ok you can either have the quinn that 1v9's or the quinn that is 0/15
Best Adc for Viego just actual lovely to have on the team
She's pretty good with viego but engage's are preferable
Vel'koz does nothing when synergising with viego
To be Honest Braum is one of my favourite supports to play with. Underated pick and people should play this more.
She doesnt provide much for me except from her black shield and her cc.
His tankyness allows him to be a frontline at the same time have engage and a huge amount of cc
He doesnt Bring Much To the table
Nasus top is just a lovely synergy and it gives viego a front line that he can play behind
Nautilis Is just one of the better supports out there for viego. His engage is quick good and his ability to frontline damage just makes you day much easier.
He's not bad but he's not good.
Nami is a pretty good support overall for viego. since her cc allows viego to gank their lane a ton.
Zilean's ability's are just so broken and he is one of the most underated picks for viego. his revive is so good and it gives viego the ability to come back in team fights.
Akshan just makes any hypercarry's life really easy with his revive passive.
She has good cc and allows viego to gank but apart from that she doesnt bring much to the table.
Senna's hyper carry potential is so good and the ability to just cc enemy's and allow's viego for disengage is really good.
Lulu's Ability's just make viego's life so much more easier. Matter of a fact it makes any hypercarry so much more easier.
Leona's front lining capability's and her engage just makes viego's life really easy. a more picked champion compared to champs like braum.
Karma is just a pretty good support overall and it allows me to chase nicely. Good second pick if zilean isnt picked.
Bard isnt that good and it pains me to say it but the synergy with viego is just not there. still got his portals and his zhonya's... that work for enemys...
She brings some things to the table but not much overall. her ult is good but her cc is an easily missed skill shot so ganking lanes with seraphine in it aren't that good.
To all pyke users, Stop stealing my kills. jkjkjk
the cc is ok but not much potential.
if he misses his hook i cant gank him.
he's an ok support for viego and i dont mind having a blitz support.
Urgot top is my one of my favourite top laners to play with.
Ornn is my number 1 favourite top laners to play with. his upgrading abilities and his cc is just so good for team fighting. <3 ornn
Her heal turns every 1v1 around.
In my opinion i dont like ashe supports but her kit is ok for viego with her cc. Just dont bring her into a olaf ;-;
Forgot this champion exists...
her ult is good at teamfighting, her q is good at teamfighting, her w is good at chasing and her e is good at skrimishes. pretty good support that makes viego's life really easy
provides a ton of value from her e's healing, her w's movement speed and her q's attack buff. her r is also really good at teamfighting.
His CC is cracked beyond me and his buffs are the best thing that happened to him
A solid Support since he can set up good ganks and decent picks for Viego
A really underrated pick in my opinion, she can set up picks with her cc and is such a good team fighter with her r turning around team fights.
His e is usually missed so most times i cant gank him, but in team fights later in the game heimer is my go to pick.
His Tankyness allows him to be a frontliner with his r and his hook is good for setting up picks and ganks.
His teamfighting is so good and once he presses r he can change a fight in the matter of seconds.
A really good top laner and guarantees ganks always result in a even trade or a winning trade.
his hook is pretty good and his lantern can allow for disengages
While she can set up good ganks for viego her teamfighting capability's lack in comparison to other champs.
Her teamfighting capabities are somewhat ideal but alot of illaoi's are really dumb and just focus on the soul of the enemy.
Her Teamfighting Is Ideal, with her r being able to change the direction of fights in an instant, her ganking opportunities are limitless and she's a very strong pick when paired with viego.
She can set up ganks quite well and her teamfighting is exceptional.
(why is her art so saturated)
Tahm Kench
I love tahm kench when because he can save viego with his r and tank so much damage with his shield. he can set up ganks really well and disengage from team fights aswell.
Renata Glasc
She can set up ganks with her q and w and her e is really good at sustain. Her w can turn fights around when there is a champion with high damage like master yi. My go to support pick against master yi, bel'veth and trundle.
Stop Splitpushing and come down to help out already.
Quinn is ok you can either have the quinn that 1v9's or the quinn that is 0/15
Best Adc for Viego just actual lovely to have on the team
Hi, Im a m7 Viego Main with about 160,000 points on him, i've been playing viego since season 12 and he was my second main (just after akshan) I'm currently iron 2 (was bronze 2 in season 12) because i dont like playing ranked much. My lol name is Squ1dM0n. My primary goal for this guide was to help people playing viego and show that its not a really easy champion and in my opinion one of the hardest champions in the game. I have a couple mains and my primary champions i play are Viego, Akshan, Udyr and i have been getting into play some Hecarim and Jhin. Hopefully this guide answers all your questions and if there are any more dm me on Discord:
Kek #1720
Pros and Cons
Really Fun (cant get bored of playing him)
Really high Skill Ceiling
Some of the Strongest Resets in the game
Really good Mid - Late Game Scaling
Thrives in a Teamfight
1 shot potential (to all the jhin players out there)
Weak Early Game
High Skill Ceiling Champion
Struggles vs High Burst/CC
Ganks Pre 6 are weak
1v1ing potential isnt very good
Requires Basic Knowledge of every champion
How to use Viego's Passive?
Viego's Passive has two parts
1) His On-Hit Passive:
His on Hit passive is a passive that when ever using your damaging abilities (q, w, r) this will put a mark on your enemy/minion/jgl monster, if you auto attack the enemy that has a mark on it, this will heal you slightly.
2) His Possesions
Viego's Possesions is a passive that when you kill an enemy you will be able to use that champion for 10 seconds. When possesing an enemy you will become untargettable and be able to use the possesed champion. you will also heal for a base stat of 2% the enemy's base hp and gain a movement speed buff of 10% when facing enemy champions, he will also gain a free use of your r.
Important Information!!!!!:
When possessing Champions you will not be untargetable to Towers Keep this in mind when tower diving.
When using possesion you want to be able to do one full combo into your r.
You dont want to possess a champion that is very squishy in a huge team fight scenario. (ehehe i wish i learnt that before ;-;)
If you possess someone pre 6 you cannot return to normal viego until the 10 seconds are done Keep this in mind when running away and possesing an champion that has no mobility (e.g Jinx)
You can charge your w... (shhh let's not talk about that)
When possessing Champions you will not be untargetable to Towers (uh....)
Your Damaging Abilities Heal You (uhm)
You Heal More With extra AD/AP/Bonus Attack Speed (+2.5% per 100 AD, +2.0% per 100 AP, +5.0% per 100% bonus Attack Speed)
You run faster in possesions when facing enemy champions.
Why Viego?
In my opinion viego is a champion that you can never get bored of, his kit is very versatile. In my opinion viego is the hardest champion to master compared to every otehr champion. Now i say master and not to play because viego's main kit isnt ver technical and can be picked up in the matter of a couple games, it's just his passive that you're going to have to learn.
Map Clear
So usually i'll grab a ward and go top side where i will place it in the bush next the my blue buff. After this i will back and go Bot side to do my standard clear, while also looking at both my mid and top lane for potential ganks and denying their enemy laner the first blood.
Early Game for Viego
So usually i'll start by warding top side jungle and backing to grab my oracle lens.
After this i will start bottom and path my way up to top jungle
My clear should end at 3:15 and i'll save my smite for scuttle crab.
Afterwards i'll gank top/mid, if there isnt any ganking opportunities ill head bot lane and grab bot lane scuttle. Afterwards ill gank bot/mid and back
Ill grab my first items and a control ward where ill place in the dragon's pit.
I'll start ganking more prominently and try to get my lvl 6 power spike as fast as possible.
Afterwards ill go through my camps for a second clear while ganking lanes as necessary.
At lvl 6 i'll grab drake and at evolved primal smite i'll get herald. Viego can solo these epic monsters but a leash is nice to have. Ill usually let mid lane to stay lane although. Ill invade into the enemy jungle at my first item and look for ganks.
Viego's Powerspikes
Viego has 3 power spikes to keep in mind:
His first power spike being at lvl 6 when he gets his ultimate,
His Second Power spike being when he obtains his first item
His Third When he obtains his 3rd item
His Kit will be slightly weaker at lvl 18 compared to other champions e.g. bel'veth
so dont try to initiate fights as much unless with teams.
Viego Combo's
Now there are not many combos to learn for viego but here are some of the norms.
When Ganking.
E - W - AA - AA- Q - AA - R - AA
If you think its possible to save your w for chasing you can:
E - AA - Q - AA - W - AA - AA - R
A slightly harder concept is to hold your w and then press e so then you will be hidden for the majority of the gank and is much harder to dodge.
If your playing assassin viego then you can go
E - AA - PC - AA - AA - W - AA - AA - R
Why Resolve/ Domination Over Inspiration?
I usually will choose Resolve over The normal Inspiration rune set because with resolve you get some much needed tenacity and sustain where as inspiration your getting a faster powerspike and some extra mobility. In my opinion i think resolve is much more useful on a hypercarry like viego. However with domination over inspiration viego gets more burst damage and extra gold which for a bruiser/assassin is much needed.
Thanks, For Looking at my guide and hopefully you'll use the guide :)
If you got any other question's about viego or just jungling in general (im not a professional i make mistakes) dm me on discord @ Kek#1720
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